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“Education Should Be Free”

Education should be free because all human has a right

to learn free, it is one of the ways to success,
and we all human beings deserves to be successful,
It should be free because it helps us to realize the reality,
It helps us to be more mature so we can face every day's life
and it helps us to change the mistakes we’ve done.

We all know that life is hard.

Our lives are different, you may be Rich, Poor, or Balance.
some of us may not afford the tuition fees because
of our financials.
Like our needs like foods, bills, and some other things.
But if we have a free education, we could change the poverty.
we could help the kids that don’t eat three times a day.

We need Education in our life.

We need to learn without payment.
We need to learn to change our mistakes.
We need to learn to realize what life is.
We Education for the future of our world.

Education should be free to support our daily living.

Education is the start of learning.
We should have a free education.
We should continue learning.
We should have intelligence.
We could do better with free education.

Some of us grew up without a free education or someone that will pay your tuition.
If we have free education, it can help us to build or to gather money and help our family.
We can change the world just by making the education free.
It’s a big help for someone who can’t afford for an education that we need.
It could lead to a super big change in the world.
No one will suffer of hungriness.

No one will have to bargain for a money just to buy their food.
No kids will be outside working hard to sell their items.
The Crimes will decrease.
The Homeless people will decrease.
No one will eat again on a dirty floor outside and all of us will go to school and learn some
stuffs that we need to learn and our lives will be successful if that happens.

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