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CAN ability, permission in pres MUST BE logical conclusion

COULD ability, permission in past WOULD LIKE desire
SHOULD recommendation WOULD willingness
OUGHT TO stronger recommendation WOULDN’T refusal
HAD BETTER strongest recommendation MAY possibility, permission
MUST obligation MIGHT possibility
MUSTN’T prohibition


1- Sheila can whistle like a man, you can hear her from here. (ability)

2- Politicians must be honest while they work. (obligation)

3- Carol mustn´t smoke cigars in public places. (prohibition)

4- You should visit your uncle, because He has been sick.(recommendation)

5- It might rain in Querétaro today, because it´s cloudy. (possibility)

6- Children mustn't watch violent programs or they may get scared (prohibition)

7- He had better stop drinking or he’ll crash. (strongest recommendation)

8- I would like an apple pie, and a cappuccino coffee. (desire)

9- She should accept that job it’s not well paid. (recommendation)

10- He had better watch his diet carefully He is getting fat.(strongest rec)

11- They must be wet, because it’s raining outside. (logical conclusion)

12- A priest mustn't get married because he follows the church. (prohibition)

13- I could speak clearly when I was a baby. (ability-past)

14- Sandra wouldn't clean this mess, because she is very lazy. (refusal)

15- If you want I would help you to study this subject. (willingness)

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