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Customer value proposition

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Customer value proposition

As an employee of a firm in the banking industry that seeks to provide financial services

to the customer value proposition is essential in influencing the consumption of the services

provided. The firm is PNC Financial Service Group and has been ranked as the highest in

regards to customer services which is based on the extensive use of customer value proposition

through the use of relevant, believable, flexible and emotional messaging aimed at positioning

the firm above the competitors in the market (, 2018b). The concepts of the customer

value proposition as well as relationship marketing have been implemented to enhance the

growth of market share as well as the increased use of services such as loans and deposits. For

instance, the customer value proposition is defined by its customer focus which is on offering

services, products, and experiences that fulfill the financial needs and goals of the customers in a

clear and transparent way in addition to delivering the commitment made to the customers

(, 2018b). This messaging has an emotional appeal, is believable, flexible as well as

relevant to the consumers. The phrase “Our customer is number one” is prominently displayed

within the working environment thus promoting the development of a unique relationship

between the customer and the company (, 2018a). The development of customer-

focused marketing campaigns that include the diverse group of employees to help interact better

with the customers is an effective approach to developing relationships with the customers. The

increased development of bilingual employee in the various branches has been effective in

creating a safe and accommodating financial services environment which strengths the

relationship marketing initiatives. These approaches could be including different languages that

align with the preferences of the consumers as well as developing call lines dedicated to

maintaining contact with the customers after sales efforts.


Personal brands links in the firm’s customer value proposition

Personal branding as noted by Rasul (2018) refers to the process of establishing and

promoting what one stands for. My personal brand can be summed up as “Energetic, driven and

a servant of the customer.” This statement defines my personal brand, and this can be linked to

the customer value proposition that seeks to provide for the financial needs of the customer. The

customer value proposition seeks to prioritize the needs of the customer, and this is aligned with

my personal brand that further seeks to serve the needs of the customers. Customer value

proposition as defined by my personal brand can be used in appealing to the executives to gain

professional development by differentiating myself from the rest of the employees when an

opportunity to become a manager arises. Additionally, relationship marketing can further be used

to position me within the firm by developing a personal link and communication channels with

the executives and management team within the organization. By interacting with the higher-ups

within the organization can help to better position myself for consideration when promotion

opportunities arise.


AMA. (2013). Marketing. Retrieved from


Baker, M. J. (2016). What is marketing? In The Marketing Book (pp. 25-42). Routledge.

Hartley, S.W. & Kerin, R.A. (2016). Marketing (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education

Lecours, M. (2017). Developing a Framework to Craft a Value Proposition. Journal of Financial

Planning, 30(3), 23-25. (2018a). Corporate Responsibility. Retrieved from

pnc/corporate-responsibility/diversity-and- inclusion/customer-relationships.html (2018b). Company Profile. Retrieved from


Rasul, T. (2018). Relationship Marketing's Importance in Modern Corporate Culture. Journal of

Developing Areas, 52(1), 261-268.

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