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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Aklan
Ibajay West District

Maloco National High School

Maloco, Ibajay, Aklan


Week 1, Quarter 1, October 5 - 9, 2020

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 -4:00 Releasing of Self-Learning Modules and Kits to Parents

Tuesday - Friday
8:30 - 11:30 Scientific ways of acquiring Scientific ways of acquiring and solving
knowledge and solving problem. problem Personal submission by the parent to
Describe the components of Quarter 1, Module 1 the teacher in school
scientific investigation. o Answer What I Know (p1-3)
o Answer What Is It (p5)
o Do the Activity, What’s More (p8)
Science 7 o Answer What I Have Learned (p9)
o Answer Assessment (p11-13)
o Answer Additional Activities (14)

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Identify and explain the factors Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy Personal submission by the parent to
that affect potential and kinetic Quarter 1, Module 1 the teacher in school
7:30 – 11:30 energy o Answer What I know (p. 2-3)
o Answer What’s New (p. 6)
o Read What is It (p. 7-8)
Science 8 o Answer What’s More
-Activity 2 (p. 9-10)
-Activity 3 (p.11-12)

Explain how the respiratory and Respiratory and Circulatory System Personal submission by the parent to
circulatory systems work Quarter 1, Module 1 the teacher in school
9:30 - 11:30
together to transport nutrients,
gases, and other molecules to o Lesson 1.Activity 1: Name Me
and from the different parts of o Activity 2: What a Bunch of
the body Grapes.
o Lesson 2. Activity 3: Complete Me
o Lesson 3: Activity 4: Bottled
Science 9
o What’s More

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Describe and relate the Volcanoes, Earthquake, and Mountain

distribution of active volcanoes, Ranges  Personal submission by the parent to
7:30 - 11:30 earthquake epicenter, and major Quarter 1, Module 1  the teacher in school
mountain belts to plate Tectonic
Theory o Answer What I Know (pp.1-3)
Enumerate ways to ensure o Answer What’s In (pp.4-6)
disaster preparedness during o Read What’s New (pp.6-7)
earthquakes, tsunamis, and o Read What Is It (p11)
Science 10 volcanic eruptions  o Do the Activity 1, What’s More (pp.
o Answer  Assessment 1 (pp. 12-13)

Recognize the difference in the Earth: A Life Sustaining Planet Personal submission by the parent to
physical and chemical properties Quarter 1, Module 1 the teacher in school
between the Earth and its
neighboring planets. o Answer What I Know (p-2)
7:30 - 11:30
Identify factors that allow a o Answer What’s In (p3)
Earth Science planet to support life. o What’s More (p10)
Explaining that the Earth consist o Answer What I Have Learned (p11)
of four subsystems, across whose o Do the Activity, What Can I Do
boundaries matter and energy (p11-12)
flow o Answer Assessment (p12-13)
Make a concept map and use it
to explain how the geosphere,
hydrosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere are interconnected.

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
7:30 - 11:30 explain stellar nucleosynthesis; Formation of Heavier Elements Personal submission by the parent to the
describe the different stages of Quarter 1, Module 1 teacher in school
life cycle of stars;
cite the different heavy elements o What I Know (p. 2-3)
formed in each stages of star o What Is It (p. 8)
Physical Science cycle; o What’s More (p. 12)
describe how heavier elements o What I Have Learned (p. 13)
formed during stellar o What I Can Do (p. 13)
nucleosynthesis and evolution. o Assessment (p. 15-16)

Prepared by: Checked by:


       Teacher III, School Science Coordinator School Principal III

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