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Calcium in Dairy Products

M I C H A E L H. T U N I C K
Eastern Regional Research Center
Agricultural Research Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Philadelphia, PA 19118
Increasing attention has been given to Between 1.5 and 2% of the weight of the
the nutritional role of calcium because human body is calcium, over 99% of which is
many Americans do not consume their located in the skeleton and teeth (15, 25, 36).
Recommended Dietary Allowance of this It is held in bone as a multiple apatite salt
nutrient and because calcium deficiency consisting of calcium phosphate and calcium
may lead to the development of osteo- carbonate in a crystal lattice (15). There is also
porosis or other disorders. Calcium is a large amount of noncrystalline calcium
absorbed in the intestines with the aid of phosphate, which may be predominant early in
a vitamin D metabolite and is used in the life (104). Bone is constantly being formed and
body for many essential functions. There resorbed, serving as the b o d y ' s calcium re-
are several ways to obtain calcium in the servoir. In a man weighing 70 kg, an estimated
diet, but the best sources are milk and 700 mg of calcium enter and leave the bones
other dairy products because of their low every day (130).
cost and high bioavailability of this Calcium not present in bone, about 10 to 12
mineral. Some manufacturers have re- g in an adult, plays a role in muscle contraction,
sponded to the concern over lack of normal function of nervous tissue, myocardial
calcium in the diet by increasing its levels function, and coagulation of blood and is
in milk. The amount of calcium in cheese necessary for many enzyme functions in all
and yogurt also can be elevated. biological systems (15, 25, 36). It accomplishes
its effects by specific interactions with target
INTRODUCTION proteins, such as the milk proteins casein and
a-lactalbumin (118). The concentration of
Dietary calcium has received much publicity
calcium in normal blood is 9 to 11 mg/dl,
recently because of its possible role in mini-
almost all of which is in serum. A b o u t 60% of
mizing or preventing certain diseases. Most of
serum calcium is in a soluble ionized form, and
the research on calcium in nutrition has been
the rest is bound with protein and not readily
performed on elemental calcium and relatively
diffusible (15, 25). Concentrations are precisely
little on calcium as supplied by dairy foods
regulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH)
(67). Dairy products are rich in calcium and are
and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH2)
responsible for about 76% of the calcium
D3], the metabolically active form of vitamin
available in the American diet (27, 72). Because
D. Reduced calcium causes an increase in PTH
it is preferable to obtain a nutrient through
the diet rather than by supplements (91, 123), secretion, which stimulates the liver and kidneys
the role of milk and milk products is important to convert vitamin D to 1,25-(OH)zD3 (89).
when dealing with calcium deficiency, which is 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 in the presence of
the most frequent mineral deficiency in nutri- PTH increases resorption of calcium from bone
tion (14, 47). This review will deal with the (26).
b o d y ' s need for calcium, how the body obtains In recent years, calcium deficiency and low
it, and the role of dairy products in supplying ratios of calcium to phosphorus have been
it. implicated in a number of diseases, including
osteoporosis (12, 30, 45, 46, 75, 88, 89, 94,
117), hypertension (59, 80, 102, 107), colo-
rectal cancer (66, 92, 97, 98), and amyotropic
Received March 23, 1987. lateral sclerosis (38). There has been a great
Accepted July 31, 1987. deal of controversy surrounding these findings

1987 J Dairy Sci 70:2429-2438 2429


(7, 41, 52, 60, 61, 78), causing the general to ingested phosphorus. A ratio between 2:1
public to become more aware o f the role of and 1:2 appears to be best for absorbing and
calcium in diet and health. retaining calcium (36). However, there is
evidence that no recommended ratio is neces-
A B S O R P T I O N OF C A L C I U M sary (34). Furthermore, it appears that ortho-
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 3 is responsible for phosphates do not decrease calcium absorption,
most of the calcium absorption in the digestive whereas polyphosphates, which have a greater
tract; it induces synthesis of intestinal cal- affinity for calcium, do (135). More study is
cium-binding protein, which transports calcium needed in light of the fact that people are
to the plasma (95, 96, 128). The remainder ingesting increasing amounts of phosphates as
of absorbed calcium is transferred by passive food additives. Other factors affecting calcium
diffusion across intestinal mucosa (51). Ab- absorption include alcoholism (2), lack of
sorption of calcium takes place in the duo- physical activity (45), certain medicines (43),
denum and proximal jejunum within 4 h of stress, and illness.
ingestion (25). The amount of calcium in the
diet does not indicate exactly the amount
absorbed, since 70 to 80% is excreted in the The Recommended D i e t a r y Allowance
feces (2, 131). Kidneys excrete serum calcium (RDA) for calcium in the United States is
above 7 mg/dl (15), and an average of 15 mg/d established by the F o o d and Nutrition Board
is lost by sweating (36). The most significant (FNB) of the National Academy of Sciences.
influence on calcium absorption and bone The RDA is based on studies of calcium balance,
mineralization is vitamin D (39). It is syn- the difference between calcium consumed in
thesized in the skin upon exposure to ul- the diet and that excreted in sweat, urine, and
traviolet light and is also obtained from foods feces. A positive balance implies that some
such as eggs, fatty fish, liver, and especially calcium is being retained in the body. Calcium
milk, which in the US is fortified with 10 btg thought to be adequate for most healthy
vitamin D/.95 L ( l q t ) (36). In addition, lactose, adults and children is 800 mg/d, and the RDA
a major ingredient of milk, increases absorption for pregnant women and 10 to 18-yr-olds has
of calcium in persons who are not lactose- been established at 1200 mg/d (36).
intolerant (10, 20). Lactose, which is not Nutrient labeling on American food products
readily digestible, reaches the ileum intact (85) is based on RDA derived by the F D A from the
and apparently increases the permeability of FNB data. The figure for calcium is 1000 mg/d
intestinal mucosa (10). The effect of lactose on (99). A product containing 200 mg calcium per
calcium absorption in persons who are deficient serving will thus be labeled as having 20% of the
in the enzyme lactase (/3-galactosidase) is still Recommended Daily Allowance, although it
uncertain (20, 21, 58, 93, 101, 121). A recent has 25% of the Recommended Dietary Al-
study has shown that levels of calcium absorbed lowance for most people.
from milk are similar to calcium levels absorbed For over 30 yr, calcium has been one of the
from yogurt in both lactase-deficient and three nutrients most often ingested by Ameri-
lactase-sufficient individuals (114). cans in amounts below the RDA (125). The
However, there are many factors that average intake by women is particularly low -
decrease absorption. Oxalic acid, found in about 500 to 700 mg/d (18, 30). According to
cocoa, kale, rhubarb, soybeans, and spinach, a study conducted from 1976 to 1980, two-
forms calcium oxalate, which is insoluble and thirds of women aged 18 to 30 and three-
passes unabsorbed through the intestines (15). quarters of women over age 35 consumed less
Phytic acid (hexaphosphoinositol), which is than their RDA (18, 45). One-half to three-
found in the bran portion of cereals, forms quarters of men between ages 18 and 34 had a
insoluble salts with free calcium in the in- daily calcium intake at or above 800 mg/d, but
testines (12, 53). Calcium retention decreases 42% of the men above these ages consumed less
with l a n e increases in dietary caffeine (44), than 70% of the RDA (126). A study of public
protein (55,110), and sodium (44). Absorption school students showed that less than half
of ingested calcium is also affected by its ratio received their RDA (105).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 70, No. 11, 1987


In other countries, the RDA is set lower. In calcium source (91). Sales of calcium sup-
the United Kingdom, for instance, 500 mg/d is plements increased by 50% in 1985 due to
considered adequate (45), and the F o o d and publicity about osteoporosis, but relying on
Agriculture Organization/World Health Orga- them instead of a balanced diet could lead to
nization suggests a daily intake of 400 to 500 improper absorption of minerals such as iron,
mg (37). The FNB is of the opinion that such magnesium, and zinc (123).
low intakes produce no advantages to the Therefore, the most desirable sources of
human and are therefore not recommended calcium, both economically and nutritionally,
(36). Part of the discrepancy may be due to are dairy products. The cost of obtaining the
inaccuracies in calcium balance studies, which RDA of calcium by drinking milk is less than
are quite difficult to perform (53, 61). Because 40¢/d (73) and the cheeses listed in Table 1 can
of some of the findings concerning osteoporo- be purchased for less than 35¢/28 g (1 oz). Milk
sis, a consensus panel of the National Institutes has a natural balance of nutrients and the
of Health has suggested raising the RDA to highest biological availability of calcium of any
1000 to 1500 mg/d (117). food (57). Calcium in colloidal form is ab-
Consumption of large amounts of calcium is sorbed more efficiently than in ionic form
not harmful in normal persons, since the excess (132), and about two-thirds of the calcium in
is excreted and absorption can decrease at high milk is in colloidal suspension (50, 127) with
intake levels. Ingestion of up to 2000 mg casein, phosphorus, and citrate (54, 64).
calcium/d does not result in a significant Commercially available milk has the additional
increase in urinary calcium (90). Calcium does advantage, not shared by other dairy products,
not appear to be an important risk factor for of being fortified with vitamin D.
kidney stone disease according to epidemiologic
studies (90). Milk
Calcium content of milk varies with the
breed of cow. Milk from Jersey and Guernsey
Dairy foods are by far the leading sources of cows usually has over 130 mg calcium/100 g
calcium in the diet (36). A quantity of .237 L milk while Holsteins and Ayrshires generally
(1 c) of milk or 227 g (1 c) yogurt supplies have 120 mg/100 g or less (11). Seasonal
over 290 mg of calcium, and 28 g (1 oz) of variations in the calcium content of milk are
m a n y cheeses contain over 180 mg (Table 1). rather small. Calcium concentrations in milk are
Consumption of .473 L (2 e) of milk along with at their lowest in July, August, and September,
28 g (1 oz) of a high calcium cheese will fulfill but the concentrations in those months are
the RDA of 800 mg calcium/d. Other foods, only about 10 mg/100 g lower than those in
such as broccoli, kale, high calcium tofu, some other months (54). Alteration of feed does
seafood, and collard, mustard, and turnip change milk calcium (54, 64).
greens, also contain significant amounts of Ultra-high temperature processing of milk
calcium, although these foods are not eaten as for greatly extending shelf life dates since the
frequently as dairy foods (122). Dietary sup- 1940's. Usually, the milk is heated to 130 to
plements such as bone meal (which contains 150°C for 2 to 8 s and then aseptically pack-
31% calcium), calcium carbonate (40%), aged (81). Experiments with laboratory rats
calcium gluconate (9%), calcium lactate (13%), have shown that the absorption of calcium
and dolomite (22%) are also available ( 9 1 , 1 2 2 ) . from UHT milk is the same as from raw or
However, bone meal contains lead, and dolo- pasteurized milk (48, 129). Calcium retention
mite, which is calcium carbonate and mag- in newborn infants may be higher with UHT
nesium carbonate, may also contain lead (8). milk (81).
These two supplements are therefore not In 1986, dairy processors began to market
favored by physicians. Dicalcium and tricalcium high calcium milk in response to the increased
phosphates, which are soluble in digestive publicity over this mineral (5). When milk is
juices, increase calcium balance in elderly fortified with tricalcium phosphate and stabi-
patients (82). Antacids, which contain calcium lized with gum, most or all of the RDA of
carbonate as the active component, are being calcium can be obtained by drinking only one
taken by some individuals as an inexpensive glass (.237 L; 8 oz). At present, calcium ob-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 70, No. 11, I987


TABLE 1. Levels of calcium in dairy products (103).

Serving Calcium, % RDA

Product size mg/serving of calcium

Whole milk .237 L (1 c) 291 36

Skim milk .237 L (1 c) 302 38
Buttermilk .237 L (1 c) 285 36
Chocolate milk .237 L (1 e) 280 35
Yogurt, lowfat 227 g (1 c) 314-415 39-52
Ice cream or ice milk, vanilla 112 g (4 oz) 88 11
American, pasteurized process 28 g (1 oz) 174 22
Brick 28 g (1 oz) 191 24
Camembert 28 g (1 oz) 110 14
Cheddar 28 g (1 oz) 204 26
Cottage, creamed 112 g (4 oz) 68 9
Cream 28 g (1 oz) 23 3
Edam 28 g (1 oz) 207 26
Gouda 28 g (1 oz) 198 25
Limburger 28 g (1 oz) 141 18
Mozzarella, part skim 28 g (1 oz) 183 23
Neufchatel 28 g (1 oz) 21 3
Parmesan 28 g (1 oz) 336 42
Port du Salut 28 g (1 oz) 184 23
Provolone 28 g (1 oz) 214 27
Ricotta, part skim 112 g (4 oz) 337 42
Romano 28 g (1 oz) 302 38
Roquefort 28 g (1 oz) 188 24
Swiss 28 g (1 oz) 272 34

t a i n e d in this m a n n e r does n o t a p p e a r t o have a held in t h e curd, t o t h e ionic state, causing at

d i f f e r e n t bioavailability t h a n calcium o b t a i n e d least t w o - t h i r d s o f it t o b e lost in t h e w h e y (62,
f r o m regular milk. A l t h o u g h high calcium m i l k 133). In a d d i t i o n , l o w e r c o a g u l a t i o n t e m -
c a n b e 50% m o r e e x p e n s i v e t h a n regular milk, p e r a t u r e s result in a c o n v e r s i o n o f colloidal
c o n s u m e r s will n o t have to d r i n k as m u c h t o c a l c i u m to t h e ionic f o r m a n d h i g h e r t e m -
r e a c h t h e desired calcium intake. Also, t h e U H T p e r a t u r e s a p p a r e n t l y cause c a l c i u m a n d p h o s -
processing e x t e n d s t h e shelf-life o f t h e p r o d u c t p h a t e ions to f o r m colloidal c a l c i u m p h o s p h a t e
to 7 w k (5), a n o t h e r desirable f e a t u r e . It h a s (56). V a r i o u s c a l c i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in cheeses
b e e n suggested t h a t t h e availability of calcium are due in p a r t t o t h e various t e m p e r a t u r e s o f
in c h o c o l a t e m i l k is d e c r e a s e d b e c a u s e o f t h e c o a g u l a t i o n (33, 79). Calcium c o n c e n t r a t i o n s
oxalic acid in cocoa, b u t studies h a v e s h o w n can b e slightly raised in h a r d cheeses b y de-
t h a t this is n o t t h e case w h e n n o r m a l a m o u n t s creasing t h e acidity of t h e c u r d w h e n t h e w h e y
are d r u n k ( 1 7 , 1 2 4 ) . is d r a i n e d (65). It has b e e n t h o u g h t t h a t it is
n o t feasible to m a k e h a r d cheeses f o r t i f i e d
w i t h e x t r a catcium since t h e p r e s e n c e o f t o o
Cheese m u c h of this m i n e r a l in cheese m a k i n g w o u l d
Aged cheese, w h i c h c o n t a i n s little or n o result in a h a r d inflexible c u r d ( 1 1 1 ) . However,
lactose, r e p r e s e n t s a g o o d source o f calcium, r e c e n t advances m a y e n a b l e cheese m a k e r s to
p a r t i c u l a r l y for l a c t a s e - d e f i c i e n t individuals. manufacture products with higher amounts of
Calcium levels are c o m p a r a t i v e l y low in soft calcium, w h i c h w o u l d allow c o n s u m e r s t o r e a c h
cheeses, b e c a u s e t h e s e p r o d u c t s are p r e p a r e d b y t h e i r R D A of calcium m o r e easily.
acid c o a g u l a t i o n , resulting in a c h a n g e in t h e A relatively n e w m e t h o d o f cheese m a k i n g
e q u i l i b r i u m b e t w e e n t h e colloidal a n d ionic involves t h e use of m e m b r a n e UF. In this
states o f calcium in t h e milk. T h e c a l c i u m a p p r o a c h , skim m i l k is u l t r a f i l t e r e d t h r o u g h a
c o n v e r t s f r o m t h e colloidal state, in w h i c h it is s e m i p e r m e a b l e m e m b r a n e , allowing o n l y t h e

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 70, No. 11, 1987


soluble material in the milk to pass. The re- clot in the absence of calcium ion; as increasing
tentate, which is a protein-enriched milk, is amounts of calcium chloride are added to milk,
collected when its protein and moisture con- coagulation time decreases to a minimum and
tents are close to those of the cheese to be increases again (33). In one study, cottage
prepared. Starter culture and rennet are then cheese was fortified with calcium by sub-
added as in conventional cheese making (76, stitution of calcium chloride for a portion of
119). The UF of milk on farms and subsequent the sodium chloride in the creaming mixture
cheese manufacture have been studied in (28). According to a taste panel, 100 mg
France since 1979, and American plants for calcium/112-g (4-oz) serving was still accep-
the production of various cheeses from re- table. In another cottage cheese study (133),
tentates are in operation or under construction addition of calcium chloride to the skim milk
(6, 63). Over 85% of milk calcium is recovered prior to pasteurization had no effect on calcium
in the retentate (35), compared with the 50 to content of the curd. Cutting the curd at pH 4.9
80% recovered in conventional hard cheese or 5.0 instead of pH 4.8 also produced no
manufacture (33), making UF a possible route difference. However, by draining the whey
for production of cheese with increased cal- completely and washing the curd only once,
cium. In several studies, calcium was measured calcium increased 46%. In addition, use of
in cheeses made by UF and traditional pro- 1.28-cm cheese knives instead of knives half
cedures. Mozzarella cheese samples, which had that size caused a 60% increase in calcium
610 mg calcium/100 g when prepared con- content, because the larger curd exposed less
ventionally, contained 1050 mg/100 g when surface area from which the calcium was
manufactured by UF (24). A conventional leached. No difference in calcium content has
cream cheese contained 60 mg/100 g, but the been found between cottage cheeses made from
UF variety had a concentration of 140 mg/100 direct acidification and conventional short set
g (22). Cottage cheese prepared by UF showed processes (74, 113).
a fourfold increase in calcium compared with
conventionally made cheese (23). The forma- Yogurt
tion of retentates with less than 40% moisture Yogurt is an excellent calcium source.
is not currently feasible, so commercial UF of Because calcium forms a complex with casein,
cheese milk has been confined to soft, high the principal milk protein, an effective way to
moisture cheeses (32). increase the amount of calcium in yogurt is to
Another membrane process that may in- increase protein in the product (Table 2). This
crease calcium in cheeses is RO, in which the may result in higher costs but would furnish the
membrane allows only water and other small consumer with additional protein as well.
molecules to pass (40, 70). All of the calcium is Membrane techniques can also be used for
held in the retentate (71). The concentrated yogurt, allowing for control of amount of total
milk, about half the original volume, can then solids without homogenization or addition of
be transported at lower cost, as with the
fractionated milk produced by UF (134).
Several successful attempts at manufacturing
Cheddar cheese have been made on both TABLE 2. Calcium levels in yogurt varieties (103).
laboratory and industrial scales (1, 13, 16, 77,
109, 134). The first calcium-enriched cottage Milk Protein, g/ Calcium,rag/
cheese product was introduced in mid-1986. Variety ~ used 227 g (1 c) 227 g (1 c)
Minerals are concentrated from the whey and
are added back to the curds, resulting in a Plain Whole 7.9 274
calcium concentration of 300 m g / l l 2 g (4 oz) Fruit Lowfat 9.0 314
Fruit Lowfat 9.9 345
Fruit Lowfat 11.0 383
Calcium in cheese can be increased by the Plain Lowfat 11.9 415
addition of calcium chloride, which is permitted Plain Skim 13.0 452
in the US as long as it does not exceed .02% of
the weight of the milk (100). During the cheese ~Nonfat milk solids added to nonfat and skim
making process, rennet-treated milk will not milk yogurts.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 70, No. 11, 1987


milk solids (108,120). Yogurt has been prepared ice cream to give a creamy or rich appearance
from milk concentrated by RO, resulting in a (9). Calcium sulfate is also added to improve
decrease in whey drainage (29) and presumably the dryness and stiffness of the product during
an increase in calcium content. Good quality manufacture (9). The UF retentates can theo-
yogurts have been manufactured from UF milk retically be used to produce high calcium ice
as well (19,106). cream as well as high calcium buttermilk (68).
New high calcium milk drinks with v a u i n g
Milk Protein Products concentrations of sodium, lactose, fat, cho-
lesterol, and calories are also possible with
The whey remaining from casein and cheese
membrane technology (68).
manufacture can serve as a calcium source for
Imitation cheeses, which are cheaper and
various products. Sweet whey is produced when
easier to handle than real cheeses, are gaining in
cheese or casein are made through the action of
popularity, especially in the frozen pizza
rennet, and contains around 500 mg calcium/L
industry (42). Casein and caseinate combina-
(69). Acid whey results from acid coagulation
tions are often used to impart textural prop-
of milk and contains three times as much
erties similar to those of cheese (84). Vegetable
calcium (69). Treatments such as UF and RO
oil and water are other ingredients (4, 112).
are often used to produce whey powders and
Some imitation cheeses contain pasteurized
protein concentrates, which are added to food
process cheese, while others are made with no
for their functional and nutritional attributes
(83). Cheeses such as ricotta are manufactured dairy products at all (4,112).
from whey and have very high amounts of
calcium. Whey can also be used in many be-
verages, although the price might not be com- Calcium, an essential nutrient, is often
petitive with more popular drinks (49). consumed below the recommended amounts,
When added to food, calcium caseinate is which could lead to various health problems.
used for such properties as emulsifying, whip- Dairy products provide the best dietary source
ping, foaming, viscosity, and texturization, and of this mineral since normal servings of milk,
provides the added benefit of additional dietary cheese, and yogurt contain substantial per-
calcium (84). It is produced by acid precipita- centages of the RDA of calcium. Alterations in
tion of casein curd from skim milk and neu- the manufacture of dairy products, such as use
tralization of the curd with calcium hydroxide of membrane procedures or addition of calcium
(83). Calcium content is typically 1.0 to 1,5% salts, can raise their calcium levels even further.
(86). Blends of whey protein and calcium Additional research on dairy food calcium and
caseinate are being developed for their nutri- its role in health is needed.
tional benefits (3, 83). REFERENCES
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