Duolingo French Scope and Sequence

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French Course: Scope and Sequence

intended for native speakers of English

Unit Functions/Topics Grammar
Singular indefinite articles (un, une)
Present tense: Je suis and tu es, 1st group verbs with
1 Basics 1 Introducing yourself tu and il/elle conjugations
2 Greetings Saying hello and goodbye Interrogative comment
Describing people’s Subject-adjective gender agreement
3 Basics 2 nationalities Present tense: 1st group verbs (je, tu, il/elle)
Present tense: 1st group verbs (je, tu, il/elle)
Asking a question using intonation
Preposition à+city
4 People Describing people Preposition en+country
Definite articles
Asking where common Je and tu forms of aller, avoir, and prendre
places around a city are Preposition en+transportation
5 Travel located Interrogative où
Possession with de
Singular possessive pronouns mon/ma, ton/ta, son/sa
Talking about family The verb aller to express health
6 Family members Present tense: Il/elle veut
Present tense: -ons ending with nous
Talking about common Present tense: nous sommes
7 Activities activities Contraction of à+le
Present tense: 1st groups verbs with ils/elles
Present tense: ils/elles sont
Talking about common Definite article les
8 People 2 activities Plural of nouns adding -s
Possessive pronouns mes/tes/ses
9 Family 2 Describing people Noun-adjective agreement with être
Expression: je voudrais
10 Restaurant Ordering in a restaurant Present tense: tu prends, il/elle prend

Checkpoint 1 (Units 1-10)

Noun-adjective agreement with être
11 City Describing cities and places
Masculine country names
Talking about countries and Present tense: ils/elles vont
12 Travel 2 travel Aimer + infinitive
13 At home Describing a home and Noun-adjective agreement with être
Il y a
people Plural indefinite article des
Preposition à to express location
Contractions au and aux
Talking about professions Present tense: écrire (je, tu, il/elle, ils/elles forms)
14 At work and workplaces Vouloir+infinitive
Talking about food and Present tense: nous prenons, ils/elles prennent
15 Food cooking
Present tense: je lis, il/elle lit
16 Habits Talking about habits Present tense: je dors
Asking for information in a
17 Shopping store and describing objects Contractions du and des
Present tense: je viens, tu viens, il/elle vient, nous
venons, ils/elles viennent
Present tense: je peux
Negation with ne/n’
18 People 3 Describing people Inverted question with as-tu
Describing places in a city Group 1 infinitives
19 City 2 and giving directions Present tense: je dois
Asking about common Plural vous
20 Friends activities Present tense: -ez ending with vous
Inverted questions
Interrogatives pourquoi, quand, and qui
21 People 4 Asking personal details
Stress pronouns moi and toi
Preposition chez
Describing a home and Expressing quantity with beaucoup de, un peu de, and
22 At home 2 talking about routines trop de
Asking formal questions in a Formal vous
23 Travel 3 travel context Interrogative adjective quel
Talking about common
24 Activities 2 activities Present tense: 1st group verbs
Talking about food and
25 Breakfast describing quantities Partitive articles
Near future tense
Talking about vacation and Stress pronouns lui, elle, eux, elles, nous, vous
26 Vacation plans Demonstrative article cet
Talking about school
27 School activities Present tense: verbs like prendre
Structure: avoir besoin de + noun/verb
28 At work 2 Talking about the workplace Present tense: 2nd group verbs
Adjective placement before the noun
29 Hotel At the hotel Plural: nouns that end in -al
Describing everyday Present tense: faire (all forms except ils/elles)
30 Routine routines Present tense: pronominal verbs
31 Weather Describing the weather Preposition pour meaning “to”
32 People 5 Describing people Comparatives of superiority, inferiority, and equality

Checkpoint 2 (Units 11-32)

Expressing physical Expressions with avoir
33 Sensations sensations Imperative: 3rd group verbs in tu form
34 Groceries Talking about food Negation of partitive
Plural: nouns and adj. that end in -x
35 Shopping 2 Describing clothes Demonstrative pronouns
Asking and giving
36 City 3 Imperative: 1st group verbs in tu and vous forms
Interrogative qu'est-ce que
37 Routine 2 Describing everyday routine Negation and infinitive of pronominal verbs
Talking about leisure Negation with rien, plus, and jamais
38 Leisure activities Verb savoir (=knowing a skill)
39 Opinion Agreeing and disagreeing Verb connaître (=knowing people or things)
Direct object pronouns me, te, nous, vous
On meaning nous
Imperative: verb venir
40 Friends 2 Talking with friends. Verb savoir with relative clauses
Talking about nature and
41 Nature animals Superlative
42 Family 3 Describing people Hyphenated numbers
Talking about school
43 School 2 Direct object pronouns le, la, l’, les
Structure: être en train de
Prepositions au, à la, à l' to express flavour
44 Food 2 Talking about food Negation of il y a
Talking about common Interrogation: adverbs + est-ce que
45 Routine 3 activities
Talking about travel and
46 Travel 4 tourism Preposition dans to express future
Il faut and il ne faut pas
Imperative: reflexive verbs
47 Health Talking about health Structure: avoir mal à
Past tense: 1st group verbs in the passé composé
Talking about housing and with avoir
48 Housing the past
Talking about activities at
49 At work 3 work Recent past with venir de
50 Memories Talking about the past Past tense: imparfait
Talking about activities in Past tense: passé composé with être, including past-
51 Leisure 2 the past participle-subject agreement; il y avait
Describing the house and Using French present tense to make a request or
52 At home 3 talking about chores offer help (translated as English future)
Talking about travel and
53 Travel 5 tourism Negation of passé composé with avoir

Checkpoint 3 (Units 33-53)

Unit Functions/Topics Grammar
54 City 4 Describing actions Present tense: 3rd group verbs like attendre
Past tense: 1st group verbs in the passé
55 Weekend Talking about the past composé with avoir
C’est and ce sont vs. il/elle est and ils/elles
56 At work 4 Describing people sont to describe people
Present tense: 3rd group verbs like
57 School 3 Talking about activities at school Expressing obligation with il faut

58 Family 4 Describing family Present tense: 3rd group verbs like venir
Describing a city; asking and
59 Paris giving directions Nous voudrions
Past tense: past participle of 2nd group verbs
Adjective of color that do not agree in gender
60 Shopping 3 Expressing personal preferences or number
Past tense: passé composé with être
61 At home 4 Talking about everyday life (movement verbs)
Pronoun en in affirmative and negative
62 Food 3 Talking about food
Pronouns and adverb placement with passé
63 Leisure 3 Talking about leisure activities composé
64 At work 5 Talking about activities at work Indirect object pronouns lui and leur
Booking a room and describing a
65 Hotel 2 hotel Present tense: 3rd group verbs like partir
Pronoun en + quantity
66 Shopping 4 Buying clothes
67 Family 5 Talking about family life Present tense: 3rd group verbs like couvrir
Pronoun y to describe place
68 Travel 6 Talking about travels
Talking about past and present Past tense: imparfait to express habits in the
69 Technology technology past
Structures: acheter quelque chose à quelqu’un
and prêter quelque chose à quelqu’un
70 Leisure 4 Describing leisure activities Double pronouns like le leur
Talking about sports and
70 Sports expressing physical sensations Expressions with avoir
71 Money Talking about money Expressing quantity with assez
Definite articles to express generality
72 Cooking Talking about food Double pronouns with y and en
Inviting friends and making
73 Going out suggestions Pronoun on meaning “let’s”
74 Life Talking about the past Past tense: passé composé with être
75 Transit Talking about transportation Past tense: past participles pris and couru
Imperative: pronominal verbs in affirmative
76 In town Giving orders and negative

Checkpoint 4 (Units 54-76)

Using de when the adjective precedes the noun
Imperative: object pronouns in affirmative and
77 Decorating Describing objects in the home Conditional 0 sentences with si
Talking about different forms of Relative pronoun qui
78 Arts art Verbs that take de or à before an infinitive
Past tense: passé composé and imparfait
Direct and indirect object pronouns in the
Describing actions and situations passé composé
79 Emergency in the past On to express passive voice
80 Dream Trip Talking about travel plans Future tense: 1st and 2nd group verbs
Talking about a medical
81 Doctor environment Future tense: 3rd group verbs
Future tense: irregular verbs être, avoir, aller,
Talking about the weather. faire
82 Weather 2 Making plans. Conditional 1 sentences
Relative pronoun que
Past tense: Irregular past participles reçu, mis,
83 Junk Describing objects offert, fait
Talking about education and Future tense: irregulars verbs devoir,
84 Education making plans pouvoir, savoir, vouloir, falloir
Past tense: passé composé of the pronominal
85 Bad Day Describing past actions verbs
Depuis meaning “since” and “for”
Talking about professional Pronoun y to replace a complement
86 Career careers introduced by the preposition à
Expression: depuis longtemps
Describing good and bad Singular interrogative/relative pronouns
87 Manners manners during meals lequel and laquelle
Plural interrogative/relative pronouns lesquels
and lesquelles
Possessive pronouns mien, tien, sien
88 On sale Buying things and making choices Demonstrative -ci and -là
Gerund to express simultaneity
89 Nightmare Telling stories in the past Past tenses: imparfait and passé composé
90 Grooming Giving advice and talking about Conditional of modal verbs devoir, pouvoir,
self-care vouloir
Conditional of modal verbs devoir, pouvoir,
91 Requests Making requests Possessive pronouns nôtre, vôtre, leur
Past tense: past participles pu, voulu, appris,
92 Protest Talking about labor rights compris, écrit
93 Dining Out Ordering in a restaurant Future tense: vouloir and boire
94 Sports 2 Talking about sports and athletes Structure: c’est...qui
Structure: être+ adjective +de
95 Classroom Interacting in the classroom Comparison with comme
Describing a road trip and talking Past tense: past participles of 1st group verbs
96 Road Trip about the past and conduit, plu, fait
Past tense: passé composé of pronominal verbs
with and without direct object complement
Describing accidents and talking Expression: se faire mal
97 Rescue about medical assistance
Future: 1st group verbs and irregular verb
98 Encounters Describing people revoir

Checkpoint 5(Units 77-98)

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