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Table of Contents:

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of Internship.................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Specific Objectives.....................................................................................................2
1.2.2 General Objectives......................................................................................................2
1.3 Methodology Applied....................................................................................................3
1.4 Limitations.....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II: INTRODUCTION OF BANKING INDUSTRY........................................4
2.1 The Context...................................................................................................................4
2.2 Present Situation............................................................................................................5
2.3 Challenges and Opportunities........................................................................................7
2.3.1 Challenges...................................................................................................................7
2.3.2 Opportunities..............................................................................................................8
3.1 The Context.................................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Vision and mission of Prabhu Bank Ltd...................................................................11
3.2 Present Situation..........................................................................................................12
3.2.1 Authorized Capital....................................................................................................12
3.2.2 Issued Capital............................................................................................................12
3.2.3 Paid-Up Capital........................................................................................................12
3.2.4 Ownership structure..................................................................................................13
3.2.5 Board of directors of PrBL.......................................................................................13
3.2.6 Management team of PrBL.......................................................................................14
3.2.8 Maharajgunj branch of Prabhu Bank........................................................................15
3.2.9 Departments in Maharajgunj Branch........................................................................16
3.3 Challenges and Opportunities......................................................................................18
3.3.1 Challenges.................................................................................................................18
3.3.2 Opportunities............................................................................................................18
CHAPTER IV: ACTIVITIES DONE AND PROBLEM SOLVED.................................19
4.1 Customer service department:.....................................................................................19
4.2 Role played as intern...................................................................................................20
4.3 Experiences and understanding of System, Processes and Rationale..........................29
4.4 Emergence of issues, Problems or Challenges and Steps taken to solve them............30
4.5 Observed Gaps.............................................................................................................32
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND LESSON LEARNT...............................................33
5.1 Inference drawn...........................................................................................................33
5.2 Overall Experience, Learning and Knowledge Gained...............................................34
List of Tables:

Table 1: Board of Directors...................................................................................14

Table 2: Management Team of KBL.....................................................................14

List of Figure:

Figure 1: Ownership strucrure of PrBL.................................................................13


1.1 Background

The Nepalese financial sector is composed of banking sector and non-banking sector.
Banking sector consist of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) and commercial banks. The non-
banking sector includes development banks, micro-credit development banks, finance
companies, co-operative financial institutions, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
performing limited banking activities. Other financial institutions comprise of insurance
companies, employee's provident fund, citizen investment trust, postal saving offices and
Nepal stock exchange.

For the fulfillment of the 4-year BBA program under Lincoln University, it is required to
undergo a comprehensive on the job internship project work. The internship study at
Texas College of Management & IT, affiliated to Lincoln University, is conducted during
the 8th semester. The main objective of the internship program is to provide exposure to
the students of the BBA program about the working environment of the banks and
financial institutions. The internship period provides the intern with an opportunity for
learning as well as developing managerial skill, to train and learn about managerial
functions. It also helps intern to interact with the professionals and develop their work
culture which helps intern to prepare for their future.

This internship project is mainly focused with the overall overview of the activities that
were performed by the intern in the financial institution. The activity of the internship
was limited from 15th Feb to 15th April , 2021.

1.2 Objectives of Internship

This report has been prepared with a specific objective of presenting intern's experience
of internship in Prabhu bank limited and share the knowledge that intern have gained
about the banking service offered by the bank to the general public. The internship
provides opportunity to gain practical experience on working in an organization and
utilize conceptual knowledge in specific area of the study. Since the report is based on
Customer Service Department, therefore the main objectives are:

1.2.1 Specific Objectives

 To develop skill on interacting with the customer.

 To know procedures of opening different types of accounts.
 To gain knowledge about organizational environment.

      To develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations.

 To determine my own strength and weakness.

1.2.2 General Objectives

 To know what the criteria for issuing the Debit Card, Credit, Cheque
Book, Internet Banking, and Mobile Banking.
 To know about various products of PrBL.
 To understand the general banking transaction and operations.
 To work in the various functional areas within the bank and learn how
each area contributes to the bank as a whole.

1.3 Methodology Applied

Both primary and secondary information have been gathered through a systematic
procedure for the preparation of report. Most of the information has been collected
through the brochures, websites of the bank, document and articles published in the
newspaper and through the interviews as well. The relevant data of the bank have been
obtained through the official site and credible source so the deviation might not occur.
However, the majority portion of facts included in the report has been obtained through
the personal experience of internee throughout the internship

1.4 Limitations

As it is known that many obstacles come during a journey which had restricted the intern
to perform the job that was assigned to the intern by the supervisor. Therefore the
limitations of the study are as follows:

 There were time constraints which prevented the intern to perform the job in a
smooth manner.

 The marketing activities that were performed were not systematical i.e. the areas
where the marketing activities were to be conducted were not fixed.

 The interns were not allowed to use the software i.e. FINACLE which slowed up
the work process.


2.1 The Context

The word bank was derived from the Latin word “bancus”, Italian word “banco” or
“banca” and French word “banque” meaning “bench” on which the bankers would keep
money and its records. Bank in general is meant an institution established by law, which
deals with money and credit. Bank is an institution which deals with money, receiving it
on deposits from customers, honoring customers drawing against such deposits on
demand, collecting cheques for customers and lending or investing surplus deposit until
they are required for repayment. A bank simply carries out the work of exchanging
money, providing means of payment, electronic banking and other services such as
issuing travelers’ cheque and money orders.

In general, a bank is institution with the following features:

 It deals with money; it accepts deposits and advances loans.

 It also deals with credit; it has the ability to create credit.

 It is a commercial institution; it aims at earning profit.

“The banker’s business is to take the debts of other people, to offer his own in exchange
and thereby create money”.


“Establishment authorized by a government to accept deposits, pay interest, clear checks,

make loans, act as an intermediary in financial transactions, and provide other financial
services to its customers.”

Business dictionary,

, “Institution for keeping, lending and exchanging of money”.

Chamber’s Twentieth Century Dictionary

“Bank is an establishment, which wakes to individual such as advance of money as may

be required and safely made to and to which individual entrust money when and required
by them for use."


Due to the globalization and demanding advance services the financial customer in Nepal
are more aware at present. The existing banks are equally conscious with the growing
need of financial services in the country. The expansion of bank’s services is much
affected by the policy of the central bank, size of the economy and demand for the
services, the capacity of customers to absorb the risk associated with the services.
Increase knowledge of globalization and liberalization can satisfy the customers

2.2 Present Situation

As regards to Nepal, we carry a different history of banks as compares to the history of

the world. Ranoddip Singh, prime minister of Nepal established the government’s
financial institution in the year 1993 BS (1876 AD) and named it “Tejarath Adda”. It was
fully subscribed by the government in Kathmandu. Tejarath provided credit loans to the
general public at 5% interest rate on securities i.e. gold, silver and other ornaments. Its
objective was to provide credit or loans to the general public but if failed to accept
deposits from them. Loans were not only provided to the common people but also to
government employees who repaid the loan with money from their salary. At the time of
Juddha Samsher, as per commercial Act 2031 “A commercial Bank means which deals in
exchanging currency, accepting deposits, giving loans and doing commercial

transactions.” The commercial banking started in Nepal from 1937 AD with the
establishment of Nepal Bank Ltd. It was established with 51% ownership of Nepal
government and 49% of equity participation from private sector. Nepal Bank Ltd has
played a significant role in attracting people towards banking sector from predominant
Sahumahajan’s transaction and of introducing other banking services as well.

Because of the fast-changing political situation in Nepal, people felt the need for modern
banking facilities. Nepal Bank Ltd. Could not cope with the rapid development in the
economic environment and could not maintain the financial position. In order to
overcome such type of difficulties, government established a Central Bank, namely Nepal
Rastra Bank in 2012 B.S.(1955 AD).

The objectives of central bank can be expressed in two ways:

o To maintain internal stability

o To maintain external stability

As the monetary transaction increased further and become more complicated government
initiated to establish another commercial bank. As a result of which, Rastriya Banijya
Bank was established in 1996. Besides that, establishment of Nepal industrial
development corporation in 1959 and Agriculture Bank in 1967 as well as other
cooperative societies also started contributing to the economy and banking tradition in
Nepal Grind lays Bank Ltd. Established in 1986, Nepal Indosuez Bank Ltd, established in
1993, Himalayan Bank Ltd. established in 1993, Nepal Bangladesh Bank established in
1994, Everest Bank Ltd. In 1994, Nepal SBI Bank Ltd, Nepal Bank of Ceylon Ltd.
Kumari Bank, Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd , Bank of Katmandu and Laxmi Bank Ltd etc.

A Commercial bank in Nepal should be registered under Company Act or Commercial

Bank Act under section 12 (a) to (w). According to the Nepal Commercial Bank Act of
2031 B.S (1974 A.D) “Commercial banks are banks that deal with money exchange,
accepting deposits, advancing loans and other commercial transactions except some

special functions done by specified cooperative, agriculture and industrial banks”. At
present there are 27 commercial banks operating in Nepal.

The list of commercial banks is shown in (Annex1)

2.3 Challenges and Opportunities

2.3.1 Challenges

 Increasing Competition

The financial industry is facing threats that target the most crucial areas of the service.
These threats have forced many financial organizations to go after partnerships as a stop-
gap precaution. To sustain a competitive edge, credit unions and traditional banks need to
devise substantial measures that will counter threats to their service.

 Increasing Expectations

Today’s clients are savvier, smarter, and more informed. They expect a high degree of
convenience and personalization out of their financial service experience. Altering client
demographics plays a vital role in these heightened expectations. Each new generation of
financial service clients is having a better understanding of technology. As a result, there
is an elevated expectation of digitalized prospects.

Millennials have been on the front line charging for digitalization. About six or seven
millennials prefer to have interactions with various financial brands through social media.
Additionally, millennials make up the most significant percentage of mobile banking

Based on these statistics, financial systems should expect the coming generations to be
even more invested in digital banking and more attached to technology. They prefer to

visit branch locations physically. Again, this presents the banking industry with a unique
challenge. They have to figure out techniques to satisfy younger and older generations of
banking clients at the same time. Satisfied clients are critical to a business. Banks will
have to keep all clients happy, therefore maintaining and attracting more investors.

 Altering Business Model

The cost that is linked with compliance management is among the numerous financial
service challenges forcing banking institutions to alter the manner they conduct business.
The elevated cost of capital integrated with unrelenting low-interest rates, decreased
proprietary trading, and decreasing return Oon equity are all pressurizing traditional
source’s financial profitability. But, the shareholder prospects remain unwavering.

These factors have forced several institutions to establish new service offerings, seek
long-lasting progress in operational efficiencies, and rationalize business lines to
maintain profits. The failure to keep up with the shifting demands is not an option. This
means that banking institutions have to structure and be equipped to pivot when

2.3.2 Opportunities

 Teller

Tellers are the bank employees who have the most contact with customers. They accept
deposits, cash checks and handle uncomplicated customer service issues. Generally,
teller roles are entry-level positions.

You can transition from a teller job into a head teller or supervisory role. As a
supervisor, you must coach your team to follow industry rules as well as your

employer's operating procedures. You also play a role in risk management by ensuring
that holds are placed on large dollar transactions or suspicious checks.

 Auditors

Banking centers are regularly visited by in-house auditors who are tasked with
detecting fraud, clerical errors and reducing the bank's operational losses. Banks
employ low-level auditors who have no accounting experience but have previously
worked as tellers. These individuals focus on monitoring branch operations. High-level
auditors are certified public accountants who audit whole banking divisions.

 Loan Officers

Banks generate money by issuing loans, which means loan officers have a key role to
play in a bank's success. Junior loan officers can write automobile loans and originate
applications for unsecured products such as credit cards.

Banks employ salaried loan officers who are also responsible for opening transactional
accounts such as checking and savings accounts. Some loan officers focus solely on
business loans. Additionally, most major banking corporations employ mortgage
lenders. These individuals receive all of their pay in the form of commission. A bank
manager normally has some experience of both teller operations and loan origination.


3.1 The Context

The Bank has gone through the various phases of its growth trajectory over a short period
of its existence. Growth of Prabhu Bank was phenomenal, especially after merger of
Grand Bank Nepal Limited, Kist Bank Ltd, Prabhu Bikash Bank Ltd, Gaurishankar
Development Bank Ltd and Zenith Finance Ltd in, 2016, attaining the status of “A” class
financial institution licensed and regulated by the central bank of Nepal, Nepal Rastra

The Bank has completed years of journey since the inception and has accommodated
Seven different financial institutions in its making.  The bank has a network of 137
branches and 126 ATMs across the country, making it premier private bank in terms of
geographical reach and clientele segments with customer base of 850,000 among the
private sector commercial banks in Nepal.
As the leading banking and financial services group in Nepal, the Bank will be there
where growth is, connecting customers to the opportunities, enabling business to thrive
and economies to prosper and ultimately helping people to fulfill their hopes and realize
their ambitions. The Bank offers the full range of banking and investment services for
personal and corporate customers, backed by the team of highly motivated, young and
dynamic professionals.

Personalized service, prompt transactions, wide networks, mobile Banking and real-time
account credit are few of the core strength of the bank. It has been undertaking activities

such as variety of deposit schemes, loans and advances, Foreign exchange facilities,
Trade financing, Inward/outward remittances, market maker for government securities,
Non-Fund based service like issuing guarantees, letter of credits etc.
While ensuring adequate finance is a vital part in the setting up and running of any
business, it alone does not guarantee success. Success depends on the other factors such
as quality consultation and counseling. So, the bank has given due priority in developing
human resources capable enough to understand the need of customer and meet their
requirements. The bank keeps its customer at the center of all it does. Prabhu Bank
believes that a bank is only successful when its customers are successful.

3.1.1 Vision and mission of Prabhu Bank Ltd

 Vision

To support individuals, families and businesses to attain financial independence and

improve their financial wellbeing.

 Mission

To become the leading commercial bank in Nepal by providing the finest quality
financial products and services to our customer; Enhance our shareholders’ value,
contribute to the economic prosperity of the country and to create continuous learning
and growth opportunities for our People.

3.2 Present Situation

The Authorized Capital of the Bank is Rupees 10.33 billion and the Issued & Paid-Up
Capital is Rupees 10.33 billion. 100 percent of the Paid-Up Capital is held by the
promoter and remaining 40% is held by the general public. The Bank is listed at Nepal
Stock Exchange Limited (NEPSE).

3.2.1 Authorized Capital

The authorized capital of the Bank is NRP 1033155056600.00 divided into 10331550566
equity shares of NRP 100.00 each. 

3.2.2 Issued Capital

The issued capital of the Bank is NRP 1033155056600.00 divided into 10331550566
equity share of NRP 100.00 each. 

3.2.3 Paid-Up Capital

The Paid-up capital of the Bank is NRP 1033155056600.00 divided into 10331550566
equity share of NRP 100.00 each. 

3.2.4 Ownership structure

Figure 1: Ownership strucrure of PrBL

3.2.5 Board of directors of PrBL

To run each and every organization it needs a well qualified and experience team of
professionals. Likewise, Prabhu Bank Limited also constitutes of board of directors of 6
members. The board of directors of PrBL is shown in the below chart

Mr. Rishiram Gautam Public Director
Mr. Ramesh Singh Khadka Director
Mrs. Anju Adhikari Public Director
Mr. Shanker Prasad Kalikota Director
Mr. Rameshwor Sapkota Director
Mr. Pramod Ghimire Public Director

Table 1: Board of Directors

3.2.6 Management team of PrBL

The management team of Prabhu Bank Limited consists of the following people in
different hierarchy.

Mr. Ashok Sherchan Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Mani Ram Pokhrel Chief Business Officer
Mr. Bamdev Dahal Chief Project Officer
Mr. Ashok Khadki Chief Marketing Officer
Mr. Dinesh Thakali Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Niraj Lamsal Chief Credit Officer

Table 2: Management Team of KBL

3.2.8 Maharajgunj branch of Prabhu Bank

This branch of Prabhu bank is situated at the main area of Maharajgunj, Kathmandu.
Currently, it constitutes of 14 staffs. Since it is located in main area, the branch has to
face a tough competition with the finance companies, cooperative societies. The main
competitor for this branch is Nepal Bangladesh branch which started its banking activities
about ten years before PrBL started its business. So it is very tough to divert minds of
local people towards the new bank and break the loyalty of the customers. To increase its
service quality for withstanding the pressure of competition, this very branch of PrBL has
a lot of scope to improve in the days to come.

Present organizational structure of PrBL, Maharajgunj is presented in the chart below:

Branch Manager
Sandesh shrestha

Operation in-charge

Credit Head Account Head Teller Head CSD

Junior teller

Fig1. Organizational structure of Prabhu bank, Maharajgunj branch

3.2.9 Departments in Maharajgunj Branch

In present days, Maharajgunj branch of PrBL is performing its task very effectively and
successfully at this area. PrBL, Maharajgunj has various departments for performing its
task. Operating Department, Cash Department, Marketing Department, Credit
Department and Customer Service Department.

They are as described as follows:

a. Operating Department:

Operating department views over the basic operations of bank especially deposit
management and withdrawal management. This Department is handled by the Operation
In charge. In PrBL, Maharajgunj the operation in charge looks over the cash department,
account department, and in others as per the need.

b. Cash Department

Cash department is the counter of the bank. This department mainly deals with cash
transaction. The tellers run under the direction of Operation In charge who handles the
department. The department deals with the deposits and cheques payments. This
department also gets involve in INR purchase and sales. Bank charges commission for
the services of INR

c. Credit Department

The credit department of Maharajgunj branch deals with providing credit facilities to
individuals and business houses and makes necessary credit appraisal. The focus of this
department is in home loan Vehicle Loan, L/C A/C, Guarantee, Overdraft etc. It also
deals with Short Term Loan, Mid Term Loan and Personal Loan.

d. Account department

This department mainly deals with checking accounts and also manages the petty cash.
This department also performs the work of remittance. Remittance is the money sent
from one place or person to another. It is the accounting concept of a monetary payment
transferred by a customer to a business. Remittances are playing an increasingly large
role in the economies of many countries, contributing to economic growth and to the
livelihoods of needy people (though generally not the poorest of the poor). As remittance
receivers often have a higher propensity to own a bank account, remittances promote
access to financial services for the sender and recipient, an essential aspect of leveraging
remittances to promote economic development. It helps to get the exchange gain from the
transaction in the form of commission.

e. Customer Service Department

As the name suggests, the department basically deals with providing various information
related to the services offered by the bank. It also responds queries of the customers
giving appropriate solutions to their problems promptly. This is the department that links
all other department with each other. Customer service department performs the functions
starting from inquiry, a/c opening, transfer of a/c, a/c closing, receiving cheques request,
cheques printing, and cheques book issue along with providing statement, address and
signature change and many more. However, these jobs are to be finalized either by the
branch manager or the operation in charge. None of these jobs get formulated without the
signature of authorized person.

Though the departments are separated, the members of the bank have their intimacy in
their performance. All the members of the branch help each other in performing any of
the banking activities. The members are very much helping and co- operative and

3.3 Challenges and Opportunities

3.3.1 Challenges

 Weak corporate governance

 Lack of adequate and skilled manpower.

 Difficulty in rural access.

 Cyber threat.

 Lack of support from law enforcement agencies.

 Unhealthy competition.

 Political instability.

 Lack of regular maintenance of equipment's.

 Under development of international payment system.

3.3.2 Opportunities

 Increasing investment potential.

 Rural banking.

 Technology.

 Robust demand.


4.1 Customer service department:

Customer service is the front desk of any organization. This is a very important part of
any organization because this is the first department that gets direct interaction from the
customers. The image and the reputation of bank depend upon effective functioning of
this department. It is the very first place where the customers first get the service.

It is very important to know that a highly satisfied customer stays loyal longer, buys more
as the organization introduces new product, pays less attention to competing brands and
does not give priority to the price that is they are less price sensitive. Having a significant
number of this kind of customers is only possible through the efficient functioning of
customer service department of any organization. There are many important activities
that are to be done in this very department which helps to maintain a close link between
each other. The main activities that are performed in this department are as follows:

 Issuance of cheque books.

 Opening of accounts

 Closing of accounts

 Providing customers with the information that they seek about the
products and services of the company.

 Issuing debit cards.

 Maintaining records of each and every transaction.

 Attending phone calls and transferring them to their concerned

 Photocopy of citizenship, license, passport and other documents.

4.2 Role played as intern

Different activities that the intern had carried out during the placement in CSD are as

 Opening of accounts:

Opening of accounts in any company that maybe large and small is not easy. Each and
every person faces difficulty at some stage. It is the job of the staff working in the CSD to
instruct anyone who may have problems in filling up the forms. For that particular
purpose the intern helped the customers and prospects who came to the company seeking
for information. The intern instructed the customers as to what to write at what space and
what not to write. Some people were confused as to what were the criteria for opening
accounts, so the intern informed that for these 3 passport sized photos, photo copy of
citizenship/ Identity card/ birth certificate/license (according to the nature of accounts)
and the minimum balance that were required. And those people who had those necessary
materials the intern filled their forms, attached their photos and fill the deposit vouchers
for them. The intern also checked as to whether the forms filled by the customers were
accurate or not and corrected any errors such as signatures not done, account name,
attachment of photos of citizenships/birth certificate etc.

 Customer counseling:

This is the most important function of customer service department. The efficiency of the
customer service department or an organization is the outcome of the quality of the
customer counseling that it provides. As shown in the above chart that this department is

concerned with counseling the new as well as the existing clients regarding the products
and the services provided in this branch.

There are various kinds of products and services available in this organization. This
department is also responsible for providing detail information regarding these different
products and services.

The products that are provided in this department are as follows:

Deposits: Providing information regarding deposits is one of the ways of counseling the
customers. There are various kinds of deposit product provided by this branch. Various
kinds of deposit facility available at this branch are as follows:

1. Saving Account:

 Prabhu normal saving

 Prabhu khutruke saving

 Prabhu student saving

 Prabhu super saving

 Prabhu senior citizen saving

 Prabhu salary saving

 Prabhu tax free saving

 Prabhu paurakhi bachat khata

2. Prabhu Fixed Deposit

3. Prabhu Call Account

4. Prabhu Current Account

1. Saving account: Bank accepts the saving deposits from non-profit
organization and individuals. There are various types of saving account
available in this bank. Various savings and their features are listed below:

 Prabhu normal saving:

This is an individual account which is also introduced to encourage the saving habit of
people. The features of this account are described below:

 The minimum balance of NPR 100 to 1000.

 Offers interest rate of 6.25% on a daily basis.

 Offers various services for free. They are unlimited withdrawals, e-banking, SSB
debit card, ABBS , free cheque book, SMS banking.

 Prabhu student saving:

This is an individual account targeted towards college level students (under graduate and
above) by offering them a low minimum balance. This account can only be opened with a
valid student id, citizenship certificate and three passport size photos. The features of this
account are described below:

 The minimum balance of NPR 100.

 Offers 6.75% interest rate on daily basis

 Provides SSB debit card free

 Cheque book free.

 Free SMS banking.

 E - banking

 Offers ABBS for free.

 Prabhu khutruke saving:

This is the type of account that is targeted towards the children (under 16 years of age)
and the women. This main purpose of this is to make the habit of saving money in the
children. This account can only be opened with a valid birth certificate of child,
citizenship certificate of parents, and two passport size photos of both child and parents.
The features of this account are described below:

 The minimum balance of NPR 100.

 Offers 6.75% interest rate on daily basis

 Free Cheque book.

 Free SMS banking.

 E - banking

 Offers ABBS for free.

 Free piggy bank for children .

 Prabhu tax free saving:

The main target group for this account is those who want to save the tax. In this account
the bank itself pays the tax of 5% charged by the government in the interest on deposits.
The account holder does not have to pay the tax. The features of this account are
described below:

 The minimum balance of NPR 100.

 Offers 6.75% interest rate on daily basis

 Free SSB debit card.

 Free Cheque book.

 Free SMS banking.

 E – banking

 ABBS free.

 Prabhu senior citizen saving:

This account is mainly target to senior citizens of age above 58 years. Main reason for
providing this saving account is to secure the life of senior citizens after their retirement
from their job. The features of this account are described below:

 The minimum balance of NPR 100.

 interest rate of 6.75% on daily basis

 Offers SSB debit card free

 Free any branch banking services.

 Free cheque book, e-banking services.

 SMS banking.

 Prabhu super saving

This account is mainly to those customers who want more interest. This account provides
more interest than other accounts. The features of this account are as follows:

 The minimum balance of NPR 1000.

 interest rate of 7.00% on daily basis

 Offers SSB debit card free

 e-banking services.

 Free any branch banking services.

 Free cheque book

 Free SMS banking.

 Prabhu salary saving

This account is for the employees. The organization can open this account in the bank
and transfer the staff’s salary to the bank. The employees can collect their salary from the
bank through cheque or through ATM. The features of this account are as follows:

 The minimum balance of NPR 0.

 interest rate of 6.75% on daily basis

 Offers SSB debit card free

 E-banking services.

 Free any branch banking services.

 Free cheque book

 Free SMS banking.

 Prabhu paurakhi bachhat khata

This account has been introduced mainly for the blue-collar people like farmers, laborers,
rivers, etc. The purpose of bringing this account is to increase the banking habit of the
people. This account can only be opened with a citizenship certificate, letter from the
respective organization, land ownership documents and three passport size photos. The
features of this account are described below:

 The minimum balance of NPR 100.

 Offers 8.00% interest rate on daily basis

 Free SSB debit card.

 Free Cheque book, E – banking

 Free SMS banking.

 Any branch banking services free.

2. Prabhu fixed deposit

In this type of account customers hold their deposit for certain specified time period thus
only the interest income is paid on regular interval and the repayment of principal is done
on maturity. The bank offers fixed deposits for various maturity periods with different
interest rate. The types of deposit account differ only because of their maturity.

3. Prabhu Current account

This account is targeted to the business organization. It is also called the checking
account. This account provides no interest and is used for the transaction purpose. The
features of this account offered by this bank are as follows:

 Provides the check book for transaction purpose.

 Minimum balance of NRS.5000.

 Provides SSB debit card.

 E-banking facility available.

 Any branch banking facility available

4. Prabhu Call Account

This account incorporates the characteristics of both the current and the saving account. It
is also called the hybrid deposit. It is current in the sense that the deposits are available on

call and fixed in the sense that interest is available on the deposits. This type of account is
mostly preferred by the business houses and is provided to only to the regular customers.
The term to maturity is very short which ranges from seven to 90 days. The interest rate
in this kind of account is usually negotiable between the client and the bank.

The above mentioned were various kinds of product offered by this bank whose
information is given by the customer service department. PrBL, Maharajgunj also
provides various kinds of services. The information about services is also provided by the
customer service department only.

Various forms of services provided by this bank are as follows:

 SMS Banking Facility

 E-banking Facility

 Automated Teller Machine

 Any Branch Banking Service

1. SMS Banking Facility: This form of banking is still in its development

phase. PrBL, Maharajgunj has also adopted this facility in which clients can
know about their present account position through SMS.

2. E-Banking: This form of banking service is a kind of counter competitive tool

for the banking institution in the present time. PrBL, Maharajgunj also
provides e-banking facility to its clients. The website issued by PrBL provided
information about the organization and its product and services to general
people. PrBL, Maharajgunj provides a user account to every account holder
through which the clients can check the present position of their account and
even use other banking facilities.

3. Automated Teller Machine: These machines established in various center of
the country help the customer withdraw their money using their debit and the
credit card. A customer can also print his statement, request for check book
and enjoy various services as such through the use of ATMs in various
corners of the country.

4. Any Branch Banking Service (ABBS): This facility of PrBL enables a

customer to enjoy various activities like deposits and withdrawal from any
branch inside the country and do not take charge on the transaction.

c. Preparation of cheque books

To get the cheque book, customers have to fill a cheque requisition form. For a new
account holder only 10 leaves of cheque are issued. The account holder must come to
take the cheque book. If the account holder does not come, then the one who comes must
bring the photocopy of his/her citizenship. If the cheque is of a firm, then the one who
comes to collect the cheque must have the stamp of the firm on the requisition form.
Therefore, for that purpose the intern issued cheque books for the customers on the
instruction given by the staff of the CSD. The intern used the printed leafs for the cheque
containing the serial numbers normally of 10 leaves and stapled it with the front cover of
the company logo. After the distribution of the cheque book the customers have to sign
on the register so as to reduce the errors of duplication and double counting.

d. To check whether the documents required are missing or not

Another job the intern did was to check whether the documents that are required for
opening an account are present or not. For that purpose the intern checked all the files as
well as records and checked whether any accounts are missing documents such as photos,
citizenship etc. if they are missing in then in that case the intern would call those
customers requesting them to bring them the necessary documents so that it smoothens
the operation of the business.

e. To answer any queries rose by the customers as well as other people.

The intern had to answer questions raised by the customers regarding various areas such
as interest rates of various savings and deposit accounts and advise them in the same

f. To make calls to the customers.

The intern had to made calls to the customers to inform them about the arrival of their
debit card and to those customers who didn’t do further transactions after opening the
account in the bank.

4.3 Experiences and understanding of System, Processes and


The banking sector is one of the service sectors which is vital for the uplift of the
economy for the country and is dominant in the present context. The work in the bank is a
challenging one which was learnt during the internship at the Prabhu Bank Limited. I
would be able to know the banking system through my internship and get the practical
exposure, but I found it was quite different experience. Moreover, willingness to learn
and taking initiative is essential to gain comprehensive knowledge about the work. The
two months long internship at PBL did not only gave me an opportunity to learn about
the basic activities of the various departments but also helped to shape personality and
character to greater extend. Some of the experiences and lessons gathered during the
internship period are:

 Dealing with people with different personality mostly in Customer Service

 Learnt to work in team and individually to perform the assigned task.
 To build communication skills, analyze work place relationship, build greater
networking, and socialize with many people.

 Learnt about the importance of the time management and the need of the
communication skills in Customer Service Department.
 Learnt various qualities required for being crucial part of an office team such as
sincerity, punctuality, and confidentiality and working under pressure.
 Learnt using the banking software system for account opening, updating KYC,
balance enquiry, printing cheques and account statements, activating mobile banking etc.
 Learned about the behavioral skills while dealing with customers as well as staffs
of the organization.

4.4 Emergence of issues, Problems or Challenges and Steps

taken to solve them

 Issues

a) Political problems ongoing in the country.

b) Lack of stable government.
c) Rapid increase in the number of commercial banks.
d) Lack of attractive and profitable investments.
e) International economic recession.
f) Various rules and regulations imposed by the government/NRB.
g) Unfavorable socio-economic condition of the country.
h) Highly informed customers pose a challenge for the bank to provide better
i) More competitive products being brought by other banks.
j) Lack of effective manpower planning.

 Problems

While carrying out the task assigned by the supervisor, the intern faced different types of
problems. They are as follows:

a) Though the instruction and required documents are clearly explained in the
account opening form, even then customers ask those for time to time and reasons for
extra documents that are already stated in back side of the form. So, it is tough to give
them each guideline on filling different types of form as well.
b) The accountholder’s asked for the balance and cheque book without bringing the
letter of authority and citizenship with accountholder’s valid signature and account
c) Some the customer disagreed to accept the charges for account closing and make
argument on this matter for long time. So, it becomes difficult to convince them about the
bank’s charges.
d)   Customers argue for updating Know Your Customer (KYC) from especially to
show original citizenship.
e) After merger customers argued about not giving the information of the merger to
them where the information was given to them about a month ago through notice,
newspapers and media.
f) After merger it was also difficult to handle the customers and explain about the
changes in the account number, banks policy, etc.

 Step Taken to Solve Them

During the internship period intern faced problem because intern was new to the
organization. The following are the problem solved during the internship period:

a)   Whenever the customers come up with their problem in CSD, intern is unaware
about the right and accurate information on the subject matter. So intern has to consult
with their senior staff to give the information to customers.
b)    Sometimes intern may give wrong information to the client due to lack of
knowledge of that department in the beginning. At that time, staff immediately correct
our mistake and give the right information.

4.5 Observed Gaps

Whenever we learn something through the help of books we get a mental picture as to
what should be, but after the completion of the internship the intern found out that the
textbooks and the real world situation are two completely different matters because what
we learn in the textbooks are not updated from time to time whereas in the real world one
has to be updated in order to compete and get success.

For instance in the text books it is written that finance companies are non-depository
institutions and do not accept deposits but in the practical sense finance companies do
accept deposits from customers in the context of Nepal.


5.1 Inference drawn

A new phase of banking and financing activities has arrived in our doorsteps. We can see
that the new phase of banking has spurred up fierce competition among various financial
institutions for capturing the large part of market share. Due to the new phase and new
regulation brought forward by NRB which governs all the financial institutions such as
commercial banks, developments bank, finance companies etc.

During the internship period the intern got the chance to learn that Prabhu Bank Limited
is one of the growing commercial banks in Nepal due to its efficient staffs, well trained
professional and management team. It worships the customers as gods because for any
organization to flourish properly the customers have to be satisfied because they always
seek for the best and if the company cannot fulfill their wants and demands they will
move onto other better things.

Furthermore, through the research/ marketing the interns found out that Prabhu Bank
Limited is a reputed organization with a very good track record. So, linking up with
Prabhu Bank Limited is always fruitful. This will definitely help the intern in future when
he works in a financial institution because he will be able to cope up with the work
pressures that arise everyday and to effectively communicate and work with staffs in a
team and among groups. Besides these the intern concluded following things:

 The bank has positioned itself as a reliable bank in the market.

 The bank is managed and operated by a group of well trained employees and

 The bank has been collecting more deposits but it can still generate more revenue
if it diversifies its portfolio by bringing new schemes and products to attract the potential

 The bank is able to increase its profitability with the good management by self
motivated human resource of the organization

 The intern got the chance to learn and experience the general banking and finance

These activities done by the interns will definitely help the bank in the future.

5.2 Overall Experience, Learning and Knowledge Gained

During the period of internship, the intern got a lot to learn from the general overview of
the working environment. During the preparation of the report the intern has learnt the
following things:

 The intern got to perform even the most clerical works such as photocopying,
filing storage and handling of the documents that are incoming as well as outgoing.

 The customers are god to the company so always put the needs of the customers
first than others.

 The intern learnt to deal with customers that are regularly incoming in the
company by answering their queries and making polite conversation with them.

 The intern got to know how the work is performed and what is the work culture of
a bank.

 Any work that is performed in an organization should be a team effort rather than
a single one.

 The intern learnt as to how to persuade the prospects and create a positive vision
of the company through marketing activities and regular follow-up.

 Each and every employee, staffs and even the interns should be hardworking,
efficient and work diligently in the working environment.

 The intern got to understand the relationship that is present in the working


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