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Los Banos, Laguna

Modern Art
Quarter I

Since the outburst of COVID cases in February, the Department of

Education has been in continuous search for means by which Filipinos learners
can access quality education without compromising their physical health safety
and security. In June of this year, it released an order adopting the basic
education continuity plan for school year 2020 – 2021 in the light of the
COVID-19 public health emergency or the DepEd Order 12 series 2020. It is
serious in protecting the health, safety, and well-being of learners, teachers and
personnel, and prevent the further transmission of COVID-19. Thus, it ensures
learning continuity through K-12 curriculum adjustments, alignment of learning
materials, deployment of multiple learning delivery modalities, provision of
corresponding training for teachers and school leaders, and proper orientation of
parents or guardians of learners.

Following DepEd’s learning continuity plan, San Francisco Integrated

National High School crafted its local plan for learning delivery. Such plan is a
result of consultations with various internal and external stakeholders. Surveys
were administered to seek the pulse of the parents and learners. Results of
surveys were validate through an online meeting with parents and community
leaders. After determining the preferences, modular learning delivery was
identifies as the modality preferred by 100% of the parents, guardians, and even
the consulted community leaders.

Consequently, the school proceeded with the designing of the modular

delivery plan and advised all teachers to start the crafting of materials which the
learners will use at home. This material is a product of the teachers’ concerted
efforts to deliver quality instructions to the learners of San Francisco Integrated
National High School.

Quarter 1


The learner demonstrates understanding of…
1. Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills
2. The arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief,
historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/ occurrences and
other external phenomenon.

The learners…
1. Perform/ participate competently in a presentation of a creative
impression (verbal/nonverbal) from the various art movements
2. Recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the various
art movements (techniques, process, elements, and principles of arts.


1. Analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following
a specific art style from the various art movements.
2. Identifies distinct characteristics of arts from the various art movements.
3. Identifies representative artists and Filipino counterparts from the various
art movements.
4. Reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks.

5. Explains the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization
and combination of art element and principles.
6. Uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the various art
7. Compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the various art
8. Creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the various art
9. Discusses the influence of iconic artists belonging to the various art
10.Applies different media techniques and processes to communicate ideas,
experiences and stories showing the characteristics of the various art
11.Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using
criteria from the various art movements.
12. Shows the influences of Modern Art movements on Philippine art forms.



I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Identify most prominent artists in the impressionism movement.
2. Illustrate the distinct characteristics of impressionism.
3. Recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the
various art movements.

Let us start your journey in learning more about 20th Century Music.
It’s now to think and move!

Activity 1: Picture Analysis

Analyze the picture and answer the following questions.

Guided Questions for Analysis:

1. What do you think are the differences of the pictures?

2. What is your first impression from the picture?

Activity 2: Concept Mapping

Give words that are related words about Modern Art.

n Art

Guide Questions:
1. Give some qualities or characteristics that make you consider an artwork

2. How is modern art different from earlier styles of art that you know?

3. Have you heard the art movement known as impressionism?

4. If yes, can you name one famous impressionist
artist that you know of?

5. Can you name or recognize one well-known
artwork in the impressionist style?


Modern Arts
Modern Art Movement features different Art Styles introduced by the
Foreign and Local Modernists. Each Art Style has its own distinct
characteristics as the Elements of Arts and Principles of Design is being applied.
Effects on the World of Art
The art movements of the late 19th
century to the 20th century captured and
expressed all these and more. Specifically,
these were the movements known as
impressionism and expressionism. While
earlier periods of art had a quite set
conventions as to the style, technique and
treatment of their subjects, impressionists and
expressionist conveyed their ideas and
feelings in bold, innovative ways. These were
the exciting precursors of the modern art of
the 21st century. La Promenade By Claude Monet

Impressionism was an art movement that planted the seeds for what we
now know as modern art. The movement began in Europe in the mid-1800s and
introduced exciting new approaches and techniques for applying the elements of

art (particularly color and texture) in ways that gave impressionist paintings a
sense of energy, freshness, and intensity.
Impressionism was more concerned
with capturing a sense or feel of the subject
(in other words, an “impression”), rather than
a realistic rendering. Thus, this movement
shifted away from posed scenes created
inside studios to everyday, sometimes
mundane, subjects painted outdoors in natural
Among the most famous impressionist
artists were Edouard Manet, Claude Monet,
Auguste Renoir, and Paul Cezanne from
France; and Vincent Van Gogh from The

Activity 3: Picture Analysis

1. Analyze the picture and answer the following activity below.

Claude Monet: “Impression Sunrise”

2. Briefly describe/explain the following distinct characteristics of this
movement; (For example, if the painting’s style appears realistic or not;
what the subject is; are the forms distinct, what the colours are like, etc.)
a. Colour & Light
b. Ordinary Subjects
c. Painting Outdoors
d. Open Composition
e. The Influence of Photography

Activity 4: Great Impressionist Masters
Direction: Identify the respective artworks of each
impressionist artist.

Edouard Manet Paul Cezanne Claude Monet

Vincent Van Gogh Auguste Renoir






Activity 5: On the Works of the Impressionist Masters
Make a reaction about the characteristics of the impressionists’ artworks,
analyse and specify their art style. They will be given guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. Name three of the most prominent artists of the
impressionist movement.
2. Cite one outstanding characteristic of each of these
3. Identify 2 to 3 specific artworks where impressionism
styles are prominently seen.

Activity 6: Impasto
Create your own Impressionist Artwork. Be careful in doing this activity at
¼ illustration board or chipboard
Tubes of acrylic paints
Wooden Popsicle Sticks
Rags for Clean up
1. Decide on a simple design for your artwork. Keep in mind what colors of
paints are available to you.
2. Using a pencil, sketch in the general design on the illustration board or

3. Apply the paints to your design with the brush, then more thickly with the
Popsicle sticks and, in certain spot s, squeeze the paint directly from the
4. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before handling or displaying the
finished artwork.

You will be graded based on the given rubrics below.

Activity 7: Reflection Paper

Make a reflection about any Filipino artists who also used or use impressionist
style. Explain how they applied this style in their works.

Activity 8: Modern Art Album
Store some famous impressionist artworks in an album. All the artworks will be
labeled with a brief discussion about the title of the artworks, artists and
techniques used. This will be graded based on the creativity (50%) and content

Activity 9: Summative Test

Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. How did the term impressionism
2. What did it mean?
3. Who were some of the key figures
in this movement?
4. How was the impressionist style
influenced by the early stages of
5. Name at least 3 impressionist
artwork give a brief description on

Activity 10: Elements & Principles of Art in Impressionism
1. For the element of art which is Line, cite one sample wo
rk by an impressionist or post-impressionist painter and
briefly describe how this element was applied in a new
way. You may use the following sample format:

Element: Line
Name of Artist:
Title of Work:
How the element was applied:
2. For the principle of art which is
Rhythm/Movement, cite one sample work by an
impressionist or post-impressionist painter and
briefly describe how this principle was applied in
a new way. You may use the following format:

Principle: Rhythm/Movement
Name of Artist:
Title of Work:
How the principle was applied:

1. Modern Arts started in 20th century which do get away with the
Traditional styles, instead developed an expressive and innovative
art styles.
2. Impressionism is an art style that uses short brush strokes and the
subjects are in everyday scenes.
3. Famous impressionist artists were Eduoard manet, Claude Monet,
Auguste Renoir and Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh.

Reflective Learning Sheet

Let’s Think and Act

Reflect on your learning by writing in your notebook, journal or portfolio on
your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

At first, I thought that

But now, I have learned that


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