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Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing Skills


At the end lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Identify the unique feature of and requirements in composing texts that are useful in book
review or article critique (EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.1)


Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for Professions
Topic: Book or Article Review
GAD Core Values: Respect for social equality and individual differences.
Reference: Reading-Writing The Effective Connection for SHS, pages140-145
Instructional Materials:
-Word Strips


A. Engage
1. Instruct the students to read the objectives.
2. Let them study the pictures depicting the prejudice and social segregation. Let them write a
word/phrase that will describe the picture then explain the word that they have written.
B. Elicit
1. The students will read the lines taken from the text “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper
Lee, a review by Rodman Philbrick.
2. Then they will write their ideas about it.
C. Explore
1. Let the students read the text then let them critique the article through answering series
of questions.
A. How would you describe the setting of the book?
B. How would you compare the setting of the book and setting of the world you know?
C. What can you say about the main characters?
D. Does the author tell you to dislike them? Why?
E. How the plot or sequence of events evolve?
D. Explain
Students will identify the unique features and requirements that need to be considered in
writing a book review or critique and explain each by writing on a whole sheet of yellow

E. Elaborate
Students will answer the following questions on a clean yellow paper.
 What are the skills that we need to possess in an article review?
 In real life situation, do you think that our country is also suffering this kind of situation? How?
 Do you think that this conflict is happening inside our school? Cite situation/s.
 As a student, how can we solve this kind of issue or cope up with the situation if you have an
experience regarding this issue?
F. Evaluate

Respond to the text of “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee through writing an article review in 1-
50 words. Consider the features needed in doing the article critique.

Use the format in writing:

 How the setting is being portrayed?

 How the characters play their roles?
 How the plot evolves?
 How do you feel about the text? Explain.

Idea/Content: 5
Language Mechanics: 3
Organization: 2________

G. Extend
Look for the editorial page on a newspapers and write a review of the editorial article.

Article Review Rubric

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Comprehension Student lacked Student Student Student
and response to clear evidenced some evidenced evidenced clear
article understanding of understanding of considerable comprehension
the article and parts of the comprehension of the article and
(Thinking/ may or may not article or did not of the article and articulated a
Inquiry) have expressed a express a articulated a thoughtful
personal personal thoughtful response.
10 Marks response. response. response.
Summary for No summary is Some details Most of the main All main ideas
Article provided OR a from article are ideas and facts and facts from
verbatim of the missing. Summary from the article the article are
(Knowledge/ text is provided. is not objective are included. included.
Understanding) Author and OR minimal Summary is Summary is
source are not referencing to the presented in presented in
Summarize the named. article is objective view objective view
main ideas and provided. Author and referencing and referencing
facts in the OR source are not to the article is to the article is
article. named. provided. Author provided. Author
and source are and source are
10 Marks named. named.
Presentation Student gave a Student vague Student Student engaged
disorganized about main somewhat audience in
(Communication) presentation with points of article. engaged presentation and
main points of audience in highlighted main
10 Marks article lacking. presentation and points of article.
highlighted most
of the main
points of article.
Conclusions No personal Few personal Personal Personal
comments are comments. comments are comments are
(Application) provided. No Student clearly stated. clearly stated.
relationship demonstrates Student clearly Student clearly
Provide personal between article some working demonstrates a demonstrates a
comments and class material knowledge of working strong working
pertaining to the is provided. No class material knowledge of knowledge of
article and how it references are relative to the class material class material
relates to the given. article. Few relative to the relative to the
course material. references are article. Some article.
made to the references are References are
10 Marks course materials. made to the made to the
course materials. course materials.

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