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GPL 216

Determination of the Wavelength of Sodium Light by

Newton’s Rings

Group - 3- B

Name - W.Y.Madushani

Index - 13153

Partner - G.D.G.M.Senevirathne

Date - 2017/08/31

The main objective of this practical was to determine the wavelength of sodium yellow light by
using an interference fringe pattern by Newton’s rings method. The same experimental
arrangement is then used to determine the refractive index of water. In experiment 3, focal length
and the radius of curvature was found using basic optic knowledge to further calculations for
previous experiments. Two graphs were plotted relevant to experiment 1 & 2. Finally From the
graphs obtained, wavelength & refractive index were measured by using graph drawn. And the
values were compared with real values. The final results were as following the wavelength of
sodium light was (584.44 ± 1.55) nm and refractive index of water was 1.697 ± 0.013.

Graphical analysis confirms that the diameters of the rings are larger at higher orders, and larger
still for longer incident wavelength.

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 5
2 THEORY ...................................................................................................................... 6
3 APPARATUS AND ACCESSORIES ....................................................................... 10
4 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 1
5 EXPERIMENTAL DATA ........................................................................................... 3
6 DATA ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 4
7 ERROR ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 6
8 FINAL RESULTS ........................................................................................................ 9
9 DISCUSSION............................................................................................................. 10
10 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 12
11 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 13
12 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................ 14


Figure 1 : Constructive inference ........................................................................................................6

Figure 2 : Destructive inference ..........................................................................................................6
Figure 3 :Geometry of the experiment.................................................................................................7
Figure 4 : Geometry of determining focal length ................................................................................8
Figure 5 :Geometry of determining radius of curvature ......................................................................9
Figure 6 : Apparatus and accessories.................................................................................................10
Figure 7 : Schematic diagram of the experimentl arrangement ...........................................................1


Table 1 : Experimental data in experiment 1 .......................................................................................3

Table 2 : Experimental data in experiment 2 .......................................................................................3
Table 3 : Experimental data for determine the focal length of the convex lens .................................3
Table 4 : Experimental data for determine the radius of curvature of the lens (V) .............................3
Table 5 : Density of water at different temperature .............................................................................4
Table 6 : Surface tension of water with temperature ...........................................................................4
Table 7 : Final results ..........................................................................................................................9
Table 8 : Experimental values vs. theoretical values .........................................................................12

This practical was done in order to determine the wavelength of sodium yellow light & refractive
index of water by using Newton’s rings method.

By means of a sheet of glass, a parallel beam of monochromatic light is reflected towards the lens.
Consider a ray of monochromatic light that strikes the upper surface of the air film nearly along
normal. The ray is partly reflected and partly refracted. The ray refracted in the air film is also
reflected partly at the lower surface of the film. The two reflected rays, i.e. produced at the upper
and lower surface of the film, are coherent and interfere constructively or destructively. When the
light reflected upwards is observed through microscope which is focused on the glass plate, series
of dark and bright rings are seen with centre. These concentric rings are known as “Newton’s
Rings ".

Newton's rings is a phenomenon in which an interference pattern is created by the reflection of light
between two surfaces such as spherical surface and an adjacent touching flat surface. When viewed
with monochromatic light, Newton's rings appear as a series of concentric, alternating bright and
dark rings cantered at the point of contact between the two surfaces. When Newton was
experimenting with light and lenses he observed this. Newton analysed this as a wave phenomenon.
These rings were first discovered by Newton, that's why they are called as Newton Rings.

Newton’s rings are created due to interference between the light waves reflected from the top and
bottom surfaces of the air film formed between the lens and glass sheet. We observe an interference
fringe pattern which is called Newton Rings because of the constructive and destructive

Also the same practical was used to determine the refractive index of a liquid. The refractive index,
also known as the index of fraction, commonly denoted by n, is a measure of the refraction of light
when passing from one medium to another. It is related to the angles of incidence θ, by Snell’s law.
Refractive index of a liquid can be measured by using Newton rings by introducing few drops of
the liquid between the convex lens and the plane glass plate. Then the diameter of the rings will be
decreased because the diameters of the rings are inversely proportional to the refractive index.

Scientist didn’t know about how to use Newton’s rings when they discovered it back then. But
nowadays Newton’s rings can be used for various applications. Optical interferometry is one of the
applications which is widely used in coordinate measuring machines and calibrating of slip gauges.
Newton’s rings can be used for astronomical purposes as astronomical interferometry. And other
applications are acoustic interferometry and for interference filters in optical instruments

Inference of light

When two light waves from different coherent sources meet together, then the distribution of
energy due to one wave is disturbed by the other. This modification in the distribution of light
energy due to super-position of two light waves is called as "Interference of light". Wave
interference can be constructive or destructive in nature.

Constructive interference

In areas where the path length difference between the two rays is equal to an even multiple of half
a wavelength (λ/2) of the light waves, the reflected waves will be in phase, so the troughs and peaks
of the waves coincide. Therefore, the resulting reflected light intensity will be greater. As a result, a
bright area will be observed there.

Figure 1 : Constructive inference

Destructive interference

At other locations, where the path length difference is equal to an odd multiple of a half-
wavelength, the reflected waves will be 180° out of phase, so a trough of one wave coincides with a
peak of the other wave. Therefore, the waves will cancelled and the resulting light intensity will be
weaker or zero. As a result, a dark area will be observed there.

Figure 2 : Destructive inference

Newton’s rings forms due to the presence of thin air film between a convex lens and a thin glass
plate. These were observed by using a travelling microscope. They are formed as a result of
interference between light waves reflected from the upper and lower surfaces of the air film
developed between the convex surface of the lens and the plane glass plate. These fringes occur
centred around the point of contact of the lens and the glass plate.
Figure 3 :Geometry of the experiment

According to the above figure the point of contact is given as C. And two equations can be
formulated for bright and dark fringes separately as below.

( )

For a bright fringe, t is the thickness of the air film at the bright ring and is the wavelength of
the light used.

Let R be the radius of curvature of the convex surface and be the radius of the bright ring.

From the triangle ABE,

From the triangle BEC,

By equating the above two expressions of , we get

Since is very small, can be neglected.

Let be the diameter of the bright ring, then we get

Substituting from equation , we have

( )

Therefore if we plot a graph of vs. , we should get a straight line with gradient . If is
known, can be calculated.

Theory for calculating the refractive index of a liquid using Newton’s rings is as follows.

When a small quantity of a liquid whose refractive index is to be determined is placed between
the lens and the plate, the optical path difference in Eq has to be modified as . Then,
equation should take the form,

Therefore if we plot a graph of vs. for this case, we can get a straight line with gradient . If
and are known, the refractive index can be calculated.

Determining the Focal length

Figure 4 : Geometry of determining focal length

When the object and image coincide with each other light ray behind the convex lens must be
parallel. Therefore the object should be in the focal point and the distance between lens and object
be the focal length of the convex lens.

Determining radius of curvature

Figure 5 :Geometry of determining radius of curvature

When the object and image with each other, light ray must be perpendicular for second surface of
the convex lens. Therefore the ray should go via the centre of the curvature. Then the object should
be in the radius of curvature. But the image of the surface will be the object of the 2nd surface. In
that case, if the length of the 1st surface can be found, then the radius of curvature can be

Lens formula can be used to obtain the radius of curvature of the convex lens. The lens formula
takes the form of,

In here v is equal to the radius of curvature.

 Sodium lamp
 A travelling microscope
 Two convex lenses
 Glass plates
 Optical flat
 A mirror
 Other necessary instruments

Figure 6 : Apparatus and accessories

Experiment 1

Figure 7 : Schematic diagram of the experimentl arrangement

 The apparatus was setup as shown in the above figure. The entire above convex lens and
piece of glass was cleaned using a tissue paper since there were dust and fingerprints on
 Sodium lamp was placed on the focus of the convex lens. Then another convex lens was
placed in front of the monochromic light source by using an adjustable stand.
 Then a glass plate which was inclined degrees was placed to direct horizontal light
came from the sodium lamp vertically on the lens.
 Then the travelling microscope was focused on the thin air film in between convex
surface and the glass plate. That was done by focusing on the dark paper first and then
slightly adjusting the microscope.
 Then alternative dark and bright fringes were observed by using the travelling
 Microscope was adjusted till the circular rings came in focus. The microscope crosswire
was focused on the central dark spot and is moved slowly at one side. As the cross wire
moved in the field of view dark rings are counted. The movement was stopped when it
reached at the 30th ring. Thus starting from 30th microscope position was noted down for
25th, 20th, 15th,… 5th ring.
 The microscope was quickly moved to the left side of the ring pattern and the position
of microscope was again noted down for 5th, 10th, 15th… 30th ring. The diameter of the
nth order ring was calculated by subtracting the left and right side position of the
Experiment 2
 Same experimental procedure in the above experiment was used for the second
 Small amount of water was added in between the convex surface and the glass plate
using a water dropper.
 Then low contrast circular fringe patterns were observed. Step of the experiment
th th rd
01 was repeated for 15 , 12 …3 brightest rings.
Experiment 3

 A mirror and a needle were used to find the radius of curvature of the lens which was
placed on the microscope.
 First the lens was cleaned using a tissue paper.
 Then the lens was placed on a lens holder and the focal length was determined by
moving the needle forward and backward. Then the upside down image of the needle
and needle was coincided and the focal length was calculated.
 Then the mirror was removed and the object length was calculated. Image of the needle
and the needle was coincided in this case.
 After measuring these distances lens formula was applied and focal length was
determined and radius of curvature was calculated.

Experiment 1
Table 1 : Experimental data in experiment 1

Index of the bright Reading of the left Reading of the right

ring (n) side(L) side(R)

30 67.520 72.240
25 67.730 72.070
20 67.930 71.830
15 68.140 71.530
10 68.430 71.070
5 68.810 70.740

Experiment 2
Table 2 : Experimental data in experiment 2

n Reading of the left Reading of the right

side(L) side(R)

15 70.330 73.040
12 70.500 72.900
9 70.690 72.780
6 70.860 72.620
3 71.110 72.550

Experiment 3

Readings for determine the focal length of the convex lens

Table 3 : Experimental data for determine the focal length of the convex lens

Readings for determine the radius of curvature of the lens (V)

Table 4 : Experimental data for determine the radius of curvature of the lens (V)

Experiment 1
Table 5 : Density of water at different temperature

Index of the bright Diameter of the ring D2n Error of D2n

ring (n) D = R- L (mm) (mm)

30 4.720 22.278 0.066

25 4.340 18.836 0.061
20 3.900 15.210 0.055
15 3.390 11.492 0.047
10 2.640 6.970 0.037
5 1.930 3.725 0.027

A graph of against index of the ring was plotted and the gradient value was obtained.

Gravity point of the graph (17.5, 13.19)

Experiment 2
Table 6 : Surface tension of water with temperature

n Diameter of the ring D2n Error of D2n

D = R- L (mm)

15 2.710 7.340 0.103

12 2.400 5.760 0.081
9 2.090 4.370 0.061
6 1.760 3.100 0.043
3 1.440 2.070 0.029
A graph of against index of the ring was plotted and the gradient value was obtained.

Gravity point of the graph (9, 4.53)

Experiment 3
Focal length (f) of the convex lens = –


Calculation for the radius of curvature of the lens (R) using lens formula,

Using of graph 1, gradient is equal to .So,

= 4* *337.5

=5.8444 × 10-4 mm

584.44 ) nm

Using of graph 2, gradient is equal to .So,

1.697 )

Uncertainty of the diameter D,
( )2 )2+ )2 ; = =0.005
2 2
( ) ) ×2
( ) )
( ) )
7.071×10-3 mm
0.007 mm

Uncertainty of Dn2,
Y= Dn2
( )2 = ( )2
= )
For n=30,
2×4.720 × 0007mm
= 0.066 mm
Uncertainty of the gradient (graph 1),
= ∑

(∑ ) (∑ ) (∑ )

∑ = 3381.04

∑ = 716920.88

∑ = 41179.38

= 2423896976

= 1.181 × 10-3 mm2

Uncertainty of the gradient (graph 2),

= ∑

(∑ ) (∑ ) (∑ )

∑ =2237.26

∑ = 94921.37

∑ = 12427.92

= 212351162.8
-3 2
= 3.25 × 10 mm

Uncertainty of the focal length (f),

( )2 )2+ )2 ; = =0.5 mm
2 2
( ) ) ×2
( ) )
( ) )
7.07×10-1 mm
0.707 mm
Uncertainty of the radius of curvature(R) ,


( )2 = ( ) ( )2 +( ) ( )2

( )2 = ( )2 + ( )2
0.743 mm
Uncertainty of the wave length of sodium,

( ) =( ) ( )

( ) =( ) ( )

1.555 mm
1.555 nm
Uncertainty of the refractive index of water,

m’ =

( ) =( ) ( ) +( )

( ) =( ) ( ) +( )


Table 7 : Final results

Wavelength of sodium light (λ) (584.44 ± 1.55) nm

Refractive index of water (n) 1.697 ± 0.013

Radius of curvature (R)

The main purpose of this practical was to determine the wavelength of sodium yellow light by
using an interference fringe pattern, known as Newton’s rings. The same experimental
arrangement was then used to determine the refractive index of water. In this practical there
were mainly 3 experiments.

In these experiments the experimental values and the theoretical values are not exactly same
due to some experimental errors. The primary random error associated with this experiment was
the human error. When measuring the focal length, radius of curvature, and the diameter of the
nth bright ring human errors can be occurred.

Before starting the experiment, all necessary apparatus and accessories should be correctly set
up to obtain better experiment results. Also convex lens and piece of glass was cleaned using a
tissue paper since there were dust and fingerprints on them.
There are two types of interference fringes which Newton Rings fall into mainly constructive
interference and destructive interference. Because of the constructive interference we are able
to observe bright rings and because of the destructive interference we observed the dark rings.
Newton rings are combination of both of these. This is the reason for Newton’s rings take the
form of a series of concentric circles.

Experiment is done with a flat mirror and a spherical lens. Since the air film thickness is
constant in the shape of a circle, hence the newton rings formed are circular in shape. And not
in square or any other shape. So the intensity of the rings which are formed are depends on the
air film in between two surfaces. The glass plate had to be placed inclined horizontally.
This was done when the brightest spot appeared on the eyepiece.

In this experiment a thin, long focal length convex lens was used. Wavelength can be
drastically changed according to the lens used. If a thick, short focal length lens were used
diameter of the fringes will be smaller. Because the radius of nth ring is directly proportional to
square root of Radius of curvature (R) . So it will get difficult to get readings practically.

First the microscope was travelled to a one side and after that the readings of the opposite side
were taken to reduce the errors and to take more accurate and feasible readings. The accuracy of
the final results can be increased by taking more readings. But that is not a proper way since it
will cause for many humanly errors.

In the 2nd experiment, if the water drop touched upper surface of the convex lens the result will
be deviated due to the rays occurred by the refractions. So the water drops should be added in
between very carefully and moreover water bubbles should not be included. Also in this
experiment counting rings were not easy because the image observed was in less contrast and a
bit blurred. . But at this time rings had low contrast. Also the bright and dark rings were too
close to each other. Therefore it was quite difficult to calculate the number of rings. In previous
experiment the light rays were faced to glass-air interface. But at this time rays were faced
glass-water. Difference between the refractive indexes of glass and air is bigger than the
difference between the refractive indexes of glass and water. This differ was the reason for the
contrast change.
In the 3rd experiment, radius of curvature was very important for all the calculations throughout
the experiment. Also when the focal length of the convex lens is going to measure there may
occur some errors. It is difficult to identify the exact position that the object and the image
coincides with each other. When measuring the focal length there should not be a relative
motion between image and the objective pin to ensure the correct length of focal length. First
place a sheet behind the lens and get the perfect image and can be measured the rough distance
between lens and sheet. Accuracy of the results can be increased by determine the radius of
curvature, in another accurate method.

And also the when readings were taken; cross wires didn’t remain on the same path as always.
It always deviated from the central line. By reducing this error also the accuracy can be
increased. Finally can be considered good experiments as we getting a close values to real

These experiments were designed to determine the wavelength of sodium light by using an
inference pattern, Newton’s rings and to determine the refractive index of water. After doing
these experiments, we were able to conclude that results,

Table 8 : Experimental values vs. theoretical values

Experimental values Theoretical values

Wavelength of sodium light (584.44 ± 1.55) nm 589.3 nm
Refractive index of water (1.697 ± 0.013) 1.33

According to above results, wavelength of sodium light & refractive index of water values
measured in these experiments were closed to typical values. Therefore, the experiments were
carried out successfully and expected results were achieved. However, theoretical and
experimental values are not exact due to factors mentioned in the discussion which could have
affected the accuracy of the experimental data.


 Engineering Physics Viva. (2017). Engineering Physics Viva. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Sep. 2017].
 MEFANET, C. (2017). Refraction index - WikiLectures. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 6 Sep.
 (2017). Newton's Rings-Formation of Newton's Rings-Thin film-
Radius of Newton's Rings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Sep. 2017].
 Section 1- GPL 216X- Department of Physics, University of Colombo.



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