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Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________

Signature: ________________________

1. Why Are You Leaving?

2. What Does Your New Position Offer That Influenced Your Decision To Leave?

3. Did you feel that you were equipped to do your job well?

4. How would you describe the culture of our company?

5. Is there anything that would have changed your mind about leaving?

6. Did you share your concerns with anyone at the company prior to leaving?

7. If you could change anything about your job or the company, what would you

8. Management is often a key factor in an employees decision to leave. Were you

satisfied with the way you were managed?

9. Do you think management adequately recognized employee contributions? If not,

how do you think recognition could be improved?

10. Were there any company policies you found difficult to understand? How can the firm
make them clearer?
11. Did you feel you had the tools, resources and working conditions to be successful in
your role? If not, which areas could be improved and how?

12. Do you feel you had the necessary training to be successful in your role? If not, how
could it have been better?

13. What can the organizationimprove on?

14. Do you have any suggestions for improving employee morale?

15. What Did You Like Most About Your Job?

16. What Did You Dislike Most About Your Job?

17. Would You Ever Consider Returning To This Company?

18. Were You Comfortable Talking To Your Manager?

19. Did you get along well with your team members?

20. Did you get along well with your reporting authority?

21. Did You Feel Like A Valuable Part Of The Company?

22. What Was Your Best Day On The Job Like?

23. What Was Your Worst Day On The Job Like?

24. Were You Given Clear Goals And Objectives?

25. Did You Receive Feedback To Help You Improve?

26. Did you feel your achievements were recognized throughout your employment?

27. Would you recommend this company to a friend? Why or why not?
28. Do you think the company policies were adequate? If not, do you want to suggest
changes in the company policy?

29. Do you feel your job description changed since you were hired, and if so, in what

30. Do you feel you were given sufficient training to perform well in your role? If not, how
could it have been better?

31. How do you feel about the organization?

32. What extra responsibility would you have welcomed that was not offered to you?

33. Do you think you were motivated sufficiently and if there could be anything done
differently about it?

34. What can the organization do to retain its best people, such as you?

35. Have you ever experienced any discrimination or harassment while working in this

36. Do You Have Any Other Issues Or Comments You’d Like To Address?

37. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

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