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Impaler (Vampire Wolf)

Player: Cory
Metatype: Vampire Aware; Male; Ethnicity: Russian; Age:
30; Height: 1.75m; Weight: 78kg; Hair: Black; Eyes: Brown;
Skin: Brown
Total Karma: 24; Current Karma: 7; Street Cred: 2;
Notoriety: 0; Public Awareness: 0

Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . . . .Essence
. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .6
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Agility. . . . . . . . . . . . .6. . . . . . .Edge

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reaction . . . . . . . . . .8. . . . . . Magic


Strength . . . . . . . . . .6. . . . . . Initiate

. . . . . . . .Grade
. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 0
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

Willpower . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . Initiative

. . . . . . . . . . . . .15+3D6

Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . .Inherent

. . . . . . . . . Limits

Intuition . . . . . . . . . . .7. . . . . . . . . . .[8]

. . .Physical
. . . . . . . .Limit
[5] Mental Limit
Charisma . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . .[4]
. . .Social
. . . . . .Limit
[5] Astral Limit
Physical Damage Stun Damage
18m/30m/+3 Land Movement 6m/+1 Swimming

Active Skills Knowledge Skills

10 [8] Gymnastics 4 (Agi) 10 [5] Firearms 3 (Int)
14 [5] Perception 6 (Int)
(Smell +2) Language Skills Natural Recovery:
Broadened Auditory Spectrum (Ultrasound): +1 6 (1 hour), heal 1 box/hit
to tests involving sound 11 [5] English 4
12 [8] Running 6 (Str) 11 [5] German 4 Overflow:
12 [8] Sneaking 6 (Agi) 12 [5] Japanese 5 Natural Recovery:
8 (1 day), heal 1 box/hit
11 [5] Tracking 4 (Int) N Russian
8 [A] Unarmed Combat 2 (Agi) Defenses
Ranged attacks against you are at: +0
Ranged Defense (No Action): 15
Attribute-Only Tests Toxin Resistances Full Defense (-10 Interrupt, for the rest of the turn): +2
4 Composure Toxin Disease Acrobatic Full Defense (-10 Interrupt, for the rest of the
Contact 6 6 turn): +4 [8]
9 Judge Intentions
10 Lifting & Carrying Ingestion 6 6 Melee attacks against you are at: +0
4 Memory Inhalation 6 6 Melee Defense (No Action): 15
Injection 6 6 Full Defense (-10 Interrupt, for the rest of the turn): +2
Acrobatic Full Defense (-10 Interrupt, for the rest of the
turn): +4 [8]
Addiction Resistance Dodge (-5 Interrupt, vs. one melee attack): +4 [8]
6 Resist Physical Addiction Bite Block (-5 Interrupt, vs. one melee attack): +2 [8]
Unarmed Strike Block (-5 Interrupt, vs. one melee attack):
4 Resist Psychological Addiction +2 [8]

Damage Resistances Sensor-aided attacks against you are at: +0

Sensor Defense (No Action): 12 [8]
13 Armor 9
13 Acid Protection 9 13 Electricity Protection 9 Edge Pool
13 Cold Protection 9 13 Fire Protection 9
13 Falling Protection 9 6 Fatigue Resistance

Critter Powers Positive Qualities

Dual Natured Acrobatic Defender
Activated Adjustments Broadened Auditory Spectrum (Ultrasound)
Initiative Dice +1 Perceptive (1)
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Positive Qualities
Vomeronasal Organ

Negative Qualities
Borrowed Time: Lose of Humanity
Every Man For Himself

Critter Powers
Enhanced Senses: Hearing
Enhanced Senses: Smell
Essence Drain (3 (10 - Target's Essence, 1 minute))
Immunity to Aging
Infection (HMHVV Strain I) (3 vs. Body + Willpower)

Allergy, Severe: Silver
Allergy, Severe: Sunlight
Dietary Requirement: Metahuman Blood
Essence Loss
Induced Dormancy: Lack of Air

Armor Vest 9

Melee & Other Weapons

Bite 7P v -1 8 [8] Reach: -1
Unarmed Strike 6S 8 [8] Reach: ・

Gear (Cash: 500・)

Dropped to Ground

Arms Dealer
Connection: 3 Loyalty: 3
Chips: You and the contact are even
Metatype: Human
Sex: Male
Age: Middle-aged
Preferred Payment Method: Barter (hobby/vice items)
Hobbies/Vice: Weapons (military)
Personal Life: Divorced
Type: Swag

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Positive Qualities Negative Qualities
Acrobatic Defender Borrowed Time: Lose of Humanity
Duck, dive, twist, and twirl, just put on a good enough floor show to Runners face death on a regular basis, but usually they learn the
keep whatever is coming your way from landing on your face. This best ways to avoid it. This quality makes avoiding it impossible; the
quality allows the character to use their Gymnastics skill in place of inevitable is at your door, you're just waiting for it to knock. It may be
their Willpower while using Full Defense. Including this skill in the a fatal disease, a slow-acting poison, a precarious blockage, or a
Defense Test means that their Physical Limit also applies. ticking cortex bomb, but no matter the source, death could arrive at
any moment. There is no set time limit on the character's expiration,
Aware only a deadly combination of three dice. At the beginning of each
While most “sparks” have so little magic that they’re not worth game session the gamemaster rolls three dice in secret; three of a
consideration, one type, the aware, are. The aware have astral kind means times up. At some point during that game session, at the
perception as their lone magical ability, a truly minor ability that perfect dramatic moment, the character dies.
nonetheless sets them higher than the truly mundane. The aware
have been known for ages as readers of auras, palms, or other This quality cannot be bought off. If the player changes their mind
forms of psychometry, but simply being able to see magical activity and wants their character to survive, the gamemaster can allow the
is power enough to serve them as researchers, observing the magic character to survive, at a cost. When their number's up (and not
used by others and taking note. The largest place for them, by far, is before), the character must burn all their current Edge to stay alive.
in the world of security, serving in personal security details to ensure The quality then goes away.
no magic is used to influence negotiations, to keep an eye out for
spiritual intrusion, or to direct security details against enchanted Every Man For Himself
intruders. Several have found a place as musicians as well, as being There’s nothing in the world worth more than your own hide. You are
able to read the emotional state of a crowd and adjusting their the reason for the old saying, “You don’t have to outrun the bear, just
performance to it is a significant asset. your slowest friend.” You won’t go back to help a fallen or injured
companion without a really good reason while the drek is still hitting
Broadened Auditory Spectrum (Ultrasound) the fan. If a team member is injured or falls (even one you really
This quality enables the character to hear outside the range of like), make a Composure (4) Test. Success means you can actually
normal metahuman hearing. They can either hear ultrasonic, high- act with a little altruism today and help them if needed. Failure
frequency sound (including ultrasound emitters) or infrasonic, low- means you will offer no help whatsoever and will only look after your
frequency sound. The character must choose which kind of own interest. They can get themselves out of trouble.
frequency they can hear upon selecting the quality, and the quality
may be selected twice, once for each frequency. They cannot
choose or control any particular frequency within the selected Tradition
spectrum. This ability allows the character to make a Perception Test
to detect communication or sounds within his chosen frequency band Hermetic
and adds +1 to the limit of Perception Tests involving sound. As this The hermetic mage relies on logic, practice, and execution of a
kind of hearing can be considered always on, noises inaudible to planned formula rather than intuition and improvisation to effectively
others may sometimes distract or deafen the character. This quality cast spells. They have learned to control magic and believe that the
results in minor visible changes to the size and structure of the outer universe (both the magical parts and the mundane) follows patterns
ear. of energy that can be manipulated through complex symbols,
formulae, and arcane knowledge of its components. This tradition
Broadened Auditory Spectrum is incompatible with any earware (p. was widely practiced (if not effective) even before the Awakening,
453, SR5). and this form appealed early on to corporations and governments
due to its intellectual, formalized nature. In hermetic thinking, casting
Perceptive (1) magic involves imposing the magician's will on the universe - so you
The devil is in the details, and you see those horns regularly. This can imagine some of the egos that emerge when mages get
quality is available at two levels. For 5 Karma, characters receive a together. Mages are scholars and often have libraries of magical
+1 dice pool modifier on all Perception Tests, including Astral and information from which they design spells. Any mage worth his
Matrix Perception. For 10 Karma, the modifier increases to +2. reagents has at least a digital copy of one of the founding texts on
hermeticism (rich mages have a fancy hard copy written and bound
Vomeronasal Organ by hand in a very fancy ceremony). Hermetic trappings also include
The character's nose contains additional olfactory organelles that deluxe, well-crafted equipment in archaic laboratories where mages
augment her sense of smell, granting a higher sensitivity and can create preparations and carry out their research.
contrast by sending neural signals not only to the accessory olfactory
bulb but also to the amygdala and hypothalamus. This enhances a Mages create circles of power (they're really just magical lodges, just
metahuman's innate ability to discern and react to individuals by with a hermetic twist, but don't try to tell a mage that). Hermetic
scent, and also to detect basic emotional responses such as fear, reagents include minerals, ores, and other elements - a knowledge
anger, or lust. A character with this quality can also identify individual of geology, parageology, and chemistry help them find where to
people and animals by their smell. Add a +2 dice pool modifier to any gather such reagents. In urban areas, items found in the esoteric,
Perception Tests based on smell and a +1 dice pool modifier to all antique, and forgotten corners of the cities can be used by mages.
Social Tests when the character can smell her target. Strong odors Older buildings, graveyards, and antique shops may have pieces of
and intense background smells (e.g., garbage, spicy foods, etc.) may brick, pottery, glass, wrought iron, and jewelry that have been
diminish this ability or even confuse it, and the character may imbued with magical properties of the elements. Knowledge of
experience extreme discomfort when confronted with overwhelming architecture and antiques help in the search for these reagents.
odors (e.g., large crowds or offensive smells). To reflect distraction
or discomfort, impose a -1 dice pool modifier to all tests in these Mages, unsurprisingly, take a somewhat arrogant view on conjuring.
situations (though a respirator can reduce these penalties by filtrating The mage tends to believe that spirits are intelligent but inferior
the air). Thanks to the neural connections between vomeronasal beings predestined for servitude. With that mindset, mages tend to
organs and the brain's behavioral centers, tailored pheromones be more comfortable binding spirits than are spellcasters of other
provide twice their normal bonus against characters with this quality. traditions.
If the character also possesses an adrenaline pump (p. 459, SR5),
other people's smells of fear, anger, and lust may trigger the pump.
In these cases, the character should make a Composure (2) Test (p.
152, SR5).

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Critter Powers Critter Powers
Dual Natured Essence Drain (3 (10 - Target's Essence, 1 minute))
Dual-natured critters are active in both the astral plane and the This power allows a critter to permanently take away another being's
physical plane at the same time. They can affect both astral and Essence and add it to its own. Essence Drain can only target
physical beings. They can perceive and interact with the astral plane physical, sapient beings (characters and non-astral critters with the
like characters using astral perception (see Astral Perception, p. Sapience power). The target must be sapient (or achieve sapience)
312). Being dual natured, though, is different from astral perception on its own; attempts to use spirit pacts or other methods to imbue
in that a dual-natured critter always senses both the physical and mundane critters with Sapience solely for use as a source of
astral worlds; they don't have to shift back and forth (and, in fact, Essence do not work.
cannot do so). Their minds are accustomed to processing both astral
and physical sensations, so dual-natured critters don't suffer the -2 Essence can't be drained while the victim is actively, physically
dice pool modifier for interacting with the physical world while astrally resisting. They must either be willing or subdued (restrained,
perceiving. paralyzed, mentally controlled, etc.). Essence transfer can only take
place through a strong emotional connection, whether that emotion is
Enhanced Senses: Hearing passion, anger, or terror. The emotion must also be focused on the
This power includes any improved or augmented senses beyond the critter using the power. Abstract terror is not enough; the victim must
normal human range of awareness. This includes low-light and be specifically terrified of his attacker in order for the attacker to
thermographic vision, improved hearing and smell, heat-sensing drain the victim's Essence. Though there is often a transfer of living
organs, natural sonar, and so on. The actual enhanced senses are material involved in an Essence Drain attack (a vampire drinking his
specified it the critter's description. If the enhanced sense doesn't victim's blood, for instance), nothing but the emotional connection is
already have a specific effect (for example, thermographic vision), actually required for this power to work.
this power gives a +2 dice pool modifier to tests made using that
enhanced sense, as well as +1 to the appropriate limit. Draining a point of Essence takes an Extended Charisma + Magic
(10 - target's Essence, 1 minute) Test. If the critter is disturbed or
Enhanced Senses: Smell interrupted before this test ends, the Essence point is not drained.
This power includes any improved or augmented senses beyond the Lost Essence affects a target character's Magic or Resonance
normal human range of awareness. This includes low-light and Rating (see Essence, p. 52). If a target character's Essence is
thermographic vision, improved hearing and smell, heat-sensing drained to 0, the character dies.
organs, natural sonar, and so on. The actual enhanced senses are
specified it the critter's description. If the enhanced sense doesn't A critter can only increase its Essence to twice its natural maximum.
already have a specific effect (for example, thermographic vision), Any Essence drained beyond this point is lost; the critter's astral
this power gives a +2 dice pool modifier to tests made using that form can only hold so much at a time.
enhanced sense, as well as +1 to the appropriate limit.
The psychic stimulus of the act of draining has the side effect of
creating either agony or euphoria in the victim, depending upon the
circumstances of the attack. Willing victims are most likely to feel a
sensation of ecstasy, which could be addictive. A willing victim being
drained must make a psychological Addiction Test (p. 413) with a
threshold of 2.

A critter that drains Essence can pump their stolen life force into
other attributes, including Magic, with a Simple Action. Every point of
Essence spent may temporarily boost one Physical or Mental
attribute, or Magic, by +1. Multiple points of Essence can be pumped
into a single attribute if so desired, but only one point can be used
per Simple Action. While more than one attribute may be boosted at
a time (for example, Strength and Intuition can both be boosted at
once), only one attribute may be so increased per Simple Action.
The maximum boost an attribute can receive in this fashion is +4.
This attribute boost wears off after 12 hours, and the Essence points
used to fuel the boost are lost.

Immunity to Aging
Some things don't get old. Literally. Beings with this Immunity neither
age nor suffer the effects of aging.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Critter Powers Critter Powers
Infection (HMHVV Strain I) (3 vs. Body + Willpower) Vampire
This power is the vector by which the human-metahuman vampiric This quality is generally only taken by human characters, though it
virus (HMHVV) is transmitted. When a critter with this power uses can be taken by non-humans at the gamemaster's discretion. The
Essence Drain to reduce the victim's Essence to 0, this power vampire's skin becomes paler, and their canine teeth more
attempts to pass the critter's own infection on to the victim. To see if pronounced. Otherwise, they appear very much as they did before
the victim is infected, make an Opposed Test of the critter's Magic + they were Infected.
Charisma against the victim's Body + Willpower. If the critter wins,
the victim is infected and enters a coma-like state as the virus Improved Physical Attributes: Body, Reaction, Strength
reshapes the victim physically, mentally, and spiritually. Twenty-four
hours later, the victim rises as a new Infected critter (as determined Improved Mental Attributes: Willpower, Intuition, Charisma
by its original metaspecies) with a single point of Essence and an
insatiable, bestial hunger for more. The new Infected critter must Gained Powers: Dual Natured, Essence Drain, Immunity (Age),
drain Essence from another being immediately. Infection, Natural Weapon (Bite: DV (STR+1) P, AP -1, -1 Reach),
+1 initiative die, +1 to all movement rates. Additionally, select one of
Player characters transformed through the Infection power the Enhanced Senses or Immunities listed below as a free Optional
automatically become NPCs upon their "death" and are controlled by Power.
the gamemaster from that point forward.
Optional Powers: Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell,
HMHVV Strain I I Thermographic Vision), Immunity (Pathogens, Toxins), Mist Form,
Vector: Infection power (p. 398, SR5) Regeneration
Speed: 1 minute (1)
Penetration: -3 Gained Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Severe), Allergy (Wood,
Power: 13 Severe), Dietary Requirement (Metahuman Blood), Essence Loss,
Nature: Retroviral Induced Dormancy (Lack of Air, (Essence) Minutes)
Effect (Final): Coma, transformation
Notes: Vampires can consume only blood, and they suffer Nausea
This strain is responsible for creating banshees, dzoo- noo-qua, (p. 409, SR5) within an hour when they consume anything else; if
goblins, mutaqua, nosferatu, vampires, and wendigos. It's only they consume alcohol, the Nausea kicks in within fifteen minutes.
spread by the Infection power. Once Infected, there is very little Treat as a single bout of Nausea as described in SR5. Gamemasters
chance of escape from the disease. If the Power of the disease is 6 may allow a Body + Willpower (3) Test to allow the character to delay
or lower after the one required Disease Resistance Test, we have a the Nausea for ten minutes; after that, the Nausea is unavoidable.
good news/bad news situation. The good news is, the character has They carry HMHVV Strain I.
successfully resisted turning into one of the listed types of Infected
beings. The bad news is, the struggle has cost them their life, and Vampires have less buoyancy than human, and receive a -4 dice
the character dies. It's best not to get infected in the first place. pool modifier to all tests made in water when they do not have aid of
an adequate flotation device (note that said device will limit their
If the Power of the disease is 7 or higher after the one required swimming speed to the average of their Agility and Strength - 1, with
Disease Resistance Test, the character fails to resist the a minimum rate of 1).
transformation. She goes into a coma for (30 - Body) hours as she
transforms. Upon awakening, she acquires the appropriate Infected Damage taken due to their Allergy to Sunlight cannot be healed with
quality for her metatype. She begins her new life with an Essence of Regeneration, even after they are no longer being exposed. Normal
1 and a maximum Magic of 1 + initiate grade (see Infection, Magic, and magical healing still work.
Resonance, and Essence, p. 141). Her minimum starting Magic, if
she was not already Awakened, is 1. If she was a technomancer,
she loses all Resonance and technomancer abilities; any
Resonance-linked Active Skills she had become Knowledge Skills.

If desired, a character may burn a point of Edge to guarantee that

they either pass or fail the Disease Resistance Test.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Weaknesses Weaknesses
Allergy, Severe: Silver Allergy, Severe: Sunlight
Like characters, many critters suffer allergies to particular Like characters, many critters suffer allergies to particular
substances or conditions. Treat this weakness as the Allergy substances or conditions. Treat this weakness as the Allergy
negative quality (p. 78). negative quality (p. 78).

Allergy Allergy
A character with the Allergy quality is allergic to a substance or A character with the Allergy quality is allergic to a substance or
condition found in their environment. The value of this quality condition found in their environment. The value of this quality
depends on two factors. The first is whether the substance or depends on two factors. The first is whether the substance or
condition is Uncommon (2 Karma) or Common (7 Karma). Next, condition is Uncommon (2 Karma) or Common (7 Karma). Next,
determine the severity of the symptoms: Mild (3 Karma), Moderate (8 determine the severity of the symptoms: Mild (3 Karma), Moderate (8
Karma), Severe (13 Karma), or Extreme (18 Karma). Add the Karma), Severe (13 Karma), or Extreme (18 Karma). Add the
appropriate point values together to find the final value. For example, appropriate point values together to find the final value. For example,
the value of an Uncommon Moderate Allergy (Silver) is 10 Karma the value of an Uncommon Moderate Allergy (Silver) is 10 Karma
(2+8 Karma). If a character is attacked with a substance to which (2+8 Karma). If a character is attacked with a substance to which
they are allergic, they lose 1 die from their Resistance Test for each they are allergic, they lose 1 die from their Resistance Test for each
stage of severity of the Allergy (e.g., 1 die for a Mild allergy, 2 dice stage of severity of the Allergy (e.g., 1 die for a Mild allergy, 2 dice
for a Moderate allergy, etc.). for a Moderate allergy, etc.).

Condition (Value): Description Condition (Value): Description

Uncommon (2): The substance or condition is rare for the local Uncommon (2): The substance or condition is rare for the local
environment. Examples: silver, gold, antibiotics, grass. environment. Examples: silver, gold, antibiotics, grass.
Common (7): The substance or condition is prevalent in the local Common (7): The substance or condition is prevalent in the local
environment. Examples: sunlight, seafood, bees, pollen, pollutants, environment. Examples: sunlight, seafood, bees, pollen, pollutants,
Wi-Fi sensitivity, soy, wheat. Wi-Fi sensitivity, soy, wheat.
Mild (3): Symptoms are discomfiting and distracting. Apply a -2 dice Mild (3): Symptoms are discomfiting and distracting. Apply a -2 dice
pool modifier to the character's Physical Tests while under the pool modifier to the character's Physical Tests while under the
effects of the Allergy. effects of the Allergy.
Moderate (8): Contact with the allergen produces intense pain. Apply Moderate (8): Contact with the allergen produces intense pain. Apply
a -4 dice pool modifier to all Physical Tests made while a character a -4 dice pool modifier to all Physical Tests made while a character
experiences the symptoms. experiences the symptoms.
Severe (13): Contact with the allergen results in extreme pain and Severe (13): Contact with the allergen results in extreme pain and
actual physical damage. Apply a -4 dice pool modifier to all tests actual physical damage. Apply a -4 dice pool modifier to all tests
made while a character experiences symptoms. The character also made while a character experiences symptoms. The character also
suffers 1 box of Physical Damage (unresisted) for every 1 minute suffers 1 box of Physical Damage (unresisted) for every 1 minute
they are exposed to the allergen. they are exposed to the allergen.
Extreme (18) A character at this level, when exposed to the allergen, Extreme (18) A character at this level, when exposed to the allergen,
goes into full anaphylactic shock. The character receives a -6 dice goes into full anaphylactic shock. The character receives a -6 dice
pool modifier for anything they do. The character is considered to be pool modifier for anything they do. The character is considered to be
in excruciating agony. The character suffers 1 box of Physical in excruciating agony. The character suffers 1 box of Physical
Damage (unresisted) for every 30 seconds they are exposed to the Damage (unresisted) for every 30 seconds they are exposed to the
allergen. First Aid, Medicine, or magical means can stop the damage allergen. First Aid, Medicine, or magical means can stop the damage
taken from the anaphylactic shock. taken from the anaphylactic shock.
Dietary Requirement: Metahuman Blood
Everybody's got to eat. Critters with this weakness have to include
something strange or exotic in their diets.

Typical examples include toxic waste, petroleum, gold, or

metahuman flesh. Unless specified in the critter's description, it
needs at least one meal per day, appropriate to its size and
metabolism. Unless it gets the specified requirement in its diet, the
critter will eventually grow sick and die.
Essence Loss
Certain critters, most notably the Infected, have no actual Essence of
their own; they exist by stealing Essence from other beings. Not only
do they not have their own Essence, they slowly lose any Essence
they've stolen, at the rate of 1 point of Essence every lunar month.
Losing Essence also means that a critter's Magic might be affected
(see p. 278).

If the critter is reduced to an Essence score of 0, it's living on

borrowed time. It will die a very unpleasant death in Body +
Willpower days unless it feeds and replenishes its Essence. Such a
critter is a starving predator in search of prey for sustenance, and as
such is extraordinarily dangerous.

Certain powers of the HMHVV Infected accelerate Essence Loss.

Any power that is not automatic (meaning it requires an action to
use) is Essence-intensive for the Infected. Each use of these powers
accelerates the loss of Essence by one week.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.
Induced Dormancy: Lack of Air
Some condition or substance can force some critters into a coma-
like state of suspended animation. The condition can be a lack of air,
for example, or a certain rare substance such as orichalcum. The
length of exposure needed to cause the critter to become dormant
varies and is mentioned in the critter's description.

The critter will awaken quickly, usually within a minute, once the
condition or substance is removed.

Arms Dealer
Connection Rating: 3
Loyalty Rating: 3
Chips: You and the contact are even
Similar Contacts: Military Supply Officer, Terrorist

Metatype: Human
Sex: Male
Age: Middle-aged
Preferred Payment Method: Barter (hobby/vice items)
Hobbies/Vice: Weapons (military)
Personal Life: Divorced
Type: Swag

What are you looking for? Better recoil? Armor piercing? Range? How
about a chainsaw accessory or a pearl handle with a clamshell holster?
The Arms Dealer offers a variety of firearms, from the hold-out pistol to
assault cannon along with a rainbow of ammo flavors. The Arms Dealer
does business with a number of organizations. Instead of selling to the
highest bidder, he makes sure there’s plenty to go around. Pricing
depends on how much he likes you and what permits you already have.
As a favor, he might let you borrow or purchase one of the bigger toys.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Shadowrun © 2005-2019 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc.

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