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Every TMTCS student is required to have a learning portfolio (1 that will include all
subjects). Your subject teachers will help you in choosing the artefacts and reflections
related to the subjects they handle. Prior next week, you will need to create your e-
portfolio in any of the following platforms: freewebs, weebly, wordpress, google sites,


- You may choose your own e - portfolio title

- Essential menu tabs/parts are: 1) "About me, 2) "Best Works" – artefacts and

reflections, 3) "Do Better Works" – artefacts and reflections

- Link to the individual portfolios should be posted in the homeroom classes not later

than November 6

- See sample

*Artefacts are screenshots/images of activities & assessments specific to a subject.

*Reflection prompts samples:

for "best" work - I feel that this is my best work because...

for "do better" work - I consider this my "do better" work because...

More reflection prompts:

If there is one thing I did this quarter that I will remember for the rest of your life...

Something I accomplished this quarter that I am proud of...

The nicest thing someone in my class did for me this year...

The most challenging part of this quarter for me is...

If I could change one thing that happened this quarter, it would be...

Three things I did this quarter to help my classmates...

The three most important things I learned this quarter...

Something that was hard for me at the start of the year but is easy now...

The area that I feel I made my biggest improvements...

My favorite part of the day is... because...

Something I taught my teacher or classmates this quarter...

Of the books I read this quarter, my favorite is...because...

The best piece of writing/written work that I did this quarter is ....because...

The person at our school that has made the biggest impact in my life this


Something that a teacher could have done to make this quarter better...

Six adjectives that best describe this quarter...

Knowing what I know now, if I could write a letter to myself that would travel back in

time so that I would receive it at the start of the school year, I would advise

myself to...

When I consider the rest of my life, the percentage of what I learned this quarter

I think will be useful to me...

The advice I would give myself for second quarter...


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