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Disciplines and Ideas in Applied

Social Sciences

Quarter 2 – Module 1
Settings, Processes, Methods and
tools in Communication

Prepared by: Miss Raiza S. Cabrera


Module Name: Settings, Processes, Methods and tools in Communication

This module on “Settings, Processes, Methods and tools in Communication” deals

with activities that could help the learners understand the different process and methods
involved in undertaking communication and distinguish the appropriate communication
on media channel(s) to use in different settings and situations.

To the teacher:

In this part of the lesson, the teacher presented some illustrations on different processes,
methods involved in communication. The primary goal of this module is to help learners
engaged in some interesting and practical activities in order to distinguish the appropriate
communication media communication used in different settings.

To the Learners:

The objectives of this module are best achieved if the learners fully understand the
settings, processes, methods and tools in communication as well as different media
channels used in different situations. Additionally, learners are required to:

1. Read and understand the instructions properly;

2. Write their answers in the notebook.
3. Answer the pretest prior to the lesson proper;
4. Take note of the terminologies (mark and labeled as bold) cited relevant to the study
of Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences;
5. Self–check and compare your answers against the key answer found at the end of
this module;
6. Perform critically the activities instructed in this module; and
7. Answer the given assessment test after thorough study of the lessons.
Lesson (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-40) / (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-41)


Every part of this module contains activities that will help you in developing your cognitive,
affective and psychomotor skills.
In this module, you are expected to:
1. Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in undertaking communication
2. Distinguish the appropriate communication on media channel(s) to use in different settings
and situations. (HUMSS_DIASS12-IIa-41)

Illustrate by any possible means the setting, processes, methods and tools in communication. Used
your notebook to reflect the illustrations. (15 points)
In previous chapter you had learned the settings, processes, methods and tools in social
work. The processes on how on how communications applied and used in different social
workplace and settings as well as Illustrations showing methods and tools in communication
utilized in different situations is being discussed in this module.

Activity 1: Tell me what!

Directions: Using the illustrations below, write your opinion on the concept of processes, methods and
tools of social work. Write your answer in the notebook.


“COMMUNICATION is as powerful as education in developing a sense of importance and

urgency regarding the affairs that directly affect the citizen’s and the nation”.
SETTINGS OF COMMUNICATION-pysical sorroundings of which
communication occurs,environmental conditions and and knowing why
audience need to recieve communicatio ( Aberts, Nakayama, and
Martin, 2007)

SCHOOL SETTINGS -deliver educational goods to the public and enagged

communities in agenda settings reagrding educational goals and

COMMUNITY SETTINGS-where all sectors interact: government, business,

civil society, and all individual and groups.

CIVIL SOCIETY SETTING-it includes various group of non-government

organizations, charities , foundation, peoplke's organization and to
advocate marginalized sectors and minorities.

PRIVATE SECTORS SETTING-refers to business community, involved

in thye delivery of public services but are not government.Communication
is advertisement to inform the public of goods and services for sale.

GOVERRNMENT SETTING-deliver social and public services ,communicates to

inform the public about national plans,oppurtunities and publice
services.Relied on mass media to dessiminate propaganda.

-The methods of communication involves the verbal (sounds, language and tone of voice), the aural listening
and hearing; non-verbal (facial expression, body language and posture; the written (letters, memos, journals,
email blogs, and text messages; and the visual (signs, symbols, illustrations and pictures).
-Includes all that new use in both communicating with other and interpreting the information received from
-They range from language in all its forms, from tone of voice, to performing, re-enacting, television,
storytelling, telephone, cellphone, movies, news, radio, photograph, digital and social platforms and the
-Schools can do online process of enrollment and present instructions in virtual classroom. The emergence
of new media and technology has transformed communication in schools to include new forms of
communities cutting across schools to create communities of learners that come together in pursuit of
learning beyond the confines of school they belong to. There is more exchange of information and
documents among students, and traditional group work has become virtual teamwork by accessing the used
of different media platforms. There is more to student-to- student and student-to-teacher direct
communication than any time in history.
Communication with communities is a one directional pattern of mass media. Sectors of community
announce their offering to wider community and government agencies. Within community based there is also
individual-to-individual, group-to-group and general environment communication. Various tools and methods
are appropriately drawn to achieve community setting communication goals. On this level, a face-to-face
communication and tarpaulin as well as graffiti are very common.
-Communication in this sense is defined by the mission and actions chosen by civil society. They can draw
almost all tools of communication. To highlight issues, they do produce documentaries and even inspire
movies. They are using new and social media to bring their case to a wide audience possible and effectively.
Communication tools and methods are largely advertisement, to inform the public, individuals, groups and
communities about available goods and services for the sole purpose of profit. They need information from
the public to understand the demand they have to supply. The concept of corporate social responsibility
(CSR) is important to foster the goal of maintaining a positive public perception.
-Traditionally, the government relied on mass media to disseminate public information and propaganda. With
the emergence of new media, the government has also incorporated new technological tools. For example
class and work suspensions during typhoons and storms in the Philippines are posted through social
networking sites and informed through SMS (text), and Facebook media account, in addition to traditional
radio and TV announcement.

-The PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION accounts for what happen between the source of message and the
recipient, the skills employed in giving and receiving information, and conveying our ideas and opinions withy
those around us.

Face-to-Face or Personal Communication

Face-to-face or personal communication is one of the richest channels of communication that can be used
within an organization. This is the best channel to use for complex or emotionally charged messages,
because it allows for interaction between speaker and recipients to clarify ambiguity. A speaker can evaluate
whether an audience has received his message as intended and ask or answer follow-up questions.
Broadcast Media Communications

TV, radio and loud speakers all fall within the broadcast media communication channel. These types of
media should be used when addressing a mass audience. Businesses seeking to notify customers of a new
product may advertise or do promotions using a broadcast channel.

Mobile Communications Channels

A mobile communication channel should be used when a private or more complex message needs to be
relayed to an individual or small group.. Some within an organization may opt to use this channel versus a
face-to-face channel to save on the time and effort it would take to coordinate a face-to-face meeting.

Electronic Communications Channels

Electronic communication channels encompass email, Internet, intranet and social media platforms. This
channel can be used for one-on-one, group or mass communication. It is a less personal method of
communication but more efficient

. Written Methods of Communication

Written communication should be used when a message that does not require interaction needs to be
communicated to an employee or group. Policies, letters, memos, manuals, notices and announcements are
all messages that work well for this channel. Recipients may follow up through an electronic or face-to-face
channel if questions arise about a written message.

Activity 2. Let’s Do It!

Directions: Below are images that illustrate settings and processes of communication. Explain what
communication process applies in the different settings.




Let us remember!

-Communication is important to improve social skills in the workplace and community setting.
The audience of communication interprets the messages based on their individual context or

-Communication process determines whether there are corresponding changes in the outlook,
opinion, attitude or behavior of the audiences.

-In general communication with communities has tended to favor mass media.

-The private sector engages with the public to remain relevant, profitable and accepted.

-The government has highly confidential information that is meant to be accessible in all the
members of the public.

-Communication tools include all that all we use in both communicating with others and
interpreting the information received from the others.

-Various tools and methods are appropriately drawn to achieve community setting
communication goals.

Good job! You have finished another task! Are you excited to start a new one?

Let us proceed now to the next activity. Good luck and enjoy.

Great job! This time, it’s your turn to work on your own.

ACT 3: IF I WERE IN! Supposed you are an SK officer in your Barangay. In the discharge of your
functions and responsibilities, you are the one who will lead the youth to disseminate the information drive on
eliminating drug addiction in your place. As a youth leader and organizer what channels of communication
you will utilize in school and community settings? Used the table below to present the appropriate
communication used in different settings and situations.
Media Channels School Setting Community Setting
Processes Face-to-Face or
Personal Communication

Broadcast Media

Mobile Communications

Electronic Communications

Written Methods of

1. Fill in the illustrations below pertaining to the settings and processes of communication:


2. Give the tools of communication in the community setting?

____________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Distinguish the communication process between government and private sector?
____________________________________________________________________________ .
Share your personal experience on the process of communication. How would you want others to
communicate with you? What are your preferred methods and ways in communication? Or what tools may
you used to convey informations and expressing your views? Share your thoughts about these.

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