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Eastern Visayas State University

College of Architecture and Allied Discipline

Tacloban City, Leyte, 6500




A Proposed Two-Storey Community Learning Center and Landscape Development


Tacloban City is classified as a Highly Urbanized City with around 269,814 population. It is the premier
city of Region 8, the gateway to Mindanao and Luzon and the economic hub of Eastern Visayas. Despite its
urban growth, the city lacks community facilities such as a library where its people can access to physical and
digital materials and other sources of information for them to read, refer, and/or borrow.
Public libraries are important and central public spaces that keeps a healthy and informed community.
These are institutions that supports personal productivity and promote social and cultural development of a local
neighborhood or city. These are places where history is preserved and helps promote the advancement of
technology and innovation.
As a solution to this current issue, the Vitruvius Foundation, Inc. in partnership with the Local
Government of Tacloban City is planning to develop a sustainable and innovative public library with an
interactive green space somewhere in the city.
Our firm is one of the seven (7) architectural firms invited to join the architectural design competition
set by the Vitruvius Foundation, Inc. to plan and design the said project. Our firm will be divided into two (2)
respective teams to deliver all the requirements. One team (3 -A) will focus on the site planning and landscape
development t of the total project while the other team (2 -A) will be assigned on the planning and design of the
two -storey community learning center.

For over 20 years, the Vitruvius Foundation, Inc. was able to co -create creative, empowered, and
sustainable communities through various programs centered on the community’s social and cultural
development. Up to this day, it continues its commitment to respond to the needs of a changing society. The
Vitruvius Foundation envisions a healthy and sustainable community through programs and projects on
education, arts, history, and culture.

1. To plan and design a two-storey public library that conforms to the provisions of the 1977 National
Building Code of the Philippines and its Revised IRR;
2. To design an iconic building that embodies the three principles of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio— firmitas,
utilitas, venustas.
3. To plan and design a green interactive outdoor environment with respect to the preservation of the
natural environment;
4. To properly plan and configure the spaces within the site and within the building; and 5. To introduce
and apply sustainable design strategies in the project.


The site for the project should be able to accommodate the following elements and spaces but not limited to:
1. Two-Storey Community Learning Center Building
2. Parking Areas
3. Green Open Spaces
4. Pavilion
5. Art Sculptures
6. Water Feature
7. Other Landscape Elements and Spaces for Social Interaction

Presented by Group 5

Our firm believes that knowledge comes from nurture. We stand by nurturing the community with
practical and efficient spaces which supports the social relationships between people and secure
establishment of network. Our firm designed this building as a two books stack as we promotes diversity
while being one with another. We visualize conversation between people as books being stacked at one
another for people are intellectuals like books.
Our design concept is inspired with the nature. We incorporated materials found in nature as our
principal materials as well as our accent features for the whole building. We combined the toughness of
concrete and softness of woods to provide equilibrium to the whole aesthetic and structure of the entire
building. Our firm envisions creating a Community Learning Center that is not only accessible but can also
serve as a break away from the urban lifestyle, a place where people would want to take a break and rest
while feeding their minds.
Overall, our designs aim to promote a child-friendly environment where both the youth and children can
enhance their personal productivity, functional literacy, cultural development and social skills. Our goal is
to provide a playful community without compromising the safety and security of the users of any age while
they enjoy and try to learn, explore and create new discoveries about themselves and their surroundings. The
concept of our buildings does not limit as a learning space but also as a status and a symbol of hope for the
future generations.


Project Location: Brgy. 101, New Kawayan, Tacloban City, Leyte

Total Lot Area: 12, 864 sq.m
Total Floor Area: 2, 000 sq.m
Building Classification: Institutional

The user and activity described herein was determined with the following guidelines handed by
the facilitation and management. Hence, groups of users were grouped accordingly to their quantity in
relation to the activity-in-use within the given area.
Table 1.0: Activity and User Identification (Community Learning Center Building)
Activity / User /
People Involved Room / Area
Major Activities Characteristics
User Category Required
Visitors, Public Busy area;
Reading Library
Accessible to public.
Visitors, Employees, Common Lobby, Busy area;
Rest Public Lounge, Comfort Accessible to public.
Visitors, Employees, Common Lobby, Busy area;
Public Lounge Accessible to public.
Students, Visitors, Busy area;
Arts and crafts Arts and Crafts Room
Public Accessible to public.
Visitors, Employees, Busy area;
Exhibits Exhibition Hall
Public Accessible to public.
Employees Private area;
Working Office Authorized Personnel
Visitors, Employees, Control and Busy area;
Inquiries Public Circulation Desk Accessible to public.
Students, Visitors, Lecture Room, Busy area;
Public Multipurpose Hall Accessible to public.
Visitors, Employees, Conference Hall, Busy area;
Public Multipurpose Hall Accessible to public.
Recreational and Visitors, Employees, Busy area;
Multipurpose Hall
EntertainmentActivities Public Accessible to public.

Presented by Group 5
Table 1.1: Building Spaces Program

Major Area / Room Space Description Planning Relationships Remarks

A. Ground Floor
Serves as an entrance and Connects the public to Must be impressive and in
waiting area intended for towards the visitor’s lounge character and cozy to
Common Lobby
public use. and canteen; provides welcome the public.
access to the offices.
Acts as an exhibition area Must be grand and can
for displaying arts, Adjacent to the accommodate many
sculptures, or other objects Multipurpose Hall incoming and outgoing
Exhibition Hall
of interests. people; must provide fine
quality lighting and
Main room for networking Adjacent to the Exhibition Must be well-equipped to
and upholding recreational Hall; provides access to the accommodate a wide
Multipurpose Hall and break-out activities. building’s comfort rooms, variety of events or
elevators, fire exit, and activities.
Used as a creative, Directly adjacent to the Must accommodate many
recreational area and Crafts Room; provides people with common
Arts Room educational space for access to the elevator and interest in arts; must
paintings, sketching, etc. stairs. provide adequate lighting
and ventilation.
Used as a creative, Directly adjacent to the Must accommodate many
recreational area and Arts Room; provides access people with common
Crafts Room educational space for to the elevator and stairs. interest in arts; must
woodworking, sculpting, provide adequate lighting
etc. and ventilation.
Serves as the break room Directly accessible on all Must provide good
for the public. hallways and rooms; ventilation and adequate
Comfort Rooms
provides access to the fire spaces for individual use
exit. and comfort.
B. Second Floor
Serves as the main reading Must accommodate many
and learning area; Adjacent to the public study end-users; must provide
facilitates open access to area; provides access to enough space, adequate
information and ideas. elevators and stairs. lighting, efficient
(Consists of book stacks, circulation, and proper
open reading areas, ventilation.
periodical section,
reference section, recording
section, card catalogue and
digital catalogue).
The main public service Directly adjacent to the Must provide enough space
point. stairs and elevators. to accommodate inquiries
Control and Circulation
for borrowing and returning
Desk Counter
books; must be easily
accessible to public.
Serves as the main storage Easily accessible from the Must accommodate a large
for unpublished books, visitor’s lounge and office. number of books.
Archives Room
original sources, and other
essentials for the library.
Educational space and Directly adjacent to the Must accommodate a wide
lecture area conference room; provides variety of students; provide
Lecture Room
access to the hallway. adequate lighting and
Educational space and Directly adjacent to the Must accommodate many
Private Study Area study area. library. students; provide adequate
lighting and ventilation.
Audio-Visual Room Acts as a room for learning Directly adjacent to the Must provide enough area

Presented by Group 5
which utilizes audio-visual conference room; provides to accommodate large
method of teaching in the access to the hallway and number of people.
most effective way. fire exit.
An ideal space to uphold Directly adjacent to the Must accommodate a large
meetings and allow people lecture room and audio- quantity of end-users in
Conference Room
to work together for a visual room. groups; must provide
common goal. adequate space for comfort.
A space which supports Provides direct access to Must provide comfort and
occupants in performing the archives section; adequate space for
Office / Working Space their jobs. adjacent to the visitor’s / individual desk; must have
staff’s lounge. fine quality of light and
Serves as a rest area for Adjacent to the office; Must have a clear space for
Staff’s Lounge staffs. provides access to the resting; provide good
library. lighting and ventilation.
Serves as the break room Directly accessible on all Must provide good
for the public. hallways and rooms; ventilation and adequate
Comfort Rooms
provides access to the fire spaces for individual use
exit. and comfort.


Table 1.2: Functional Design Requirements

Characteristics /
Room Title Description Remarks
Serves as the entrance and Busy area; Accessible to Most comfortable
Common Lobby waiting area. public. area; most impressive
Acts as a showroom for Busy area; Accessible to Most grand in
Exhibition Hall exhibits. public. character. Wide open
Recreational area, upholds Busy area; Accessible to Huge number of
events and activities. public. seating area for
Multipurpose Hall
Creative space for arts and Busy area; Accessible to Most creative space.
Arts & Crafts Room crafts. public. Adequate seating
area for students.
Break rooms for personal Busy area; Accessible to Comfortable and
Comfort Rooms necessities. public. secure place for
personal necessities.
Used for storage. Stock Private area; Authorized Wide space for
Storage Rooms area for not needed personnel access. storage.
Space for fulfilling jobs Private area; Authorized Spacious area for
and monitoring the personnel access. individual desks.
activities of the building. Well ventilated and
adequate lighting.
Visitor’s / Staff’s Rest area for staffs and Busy area; Accessible to Comfortable place
Lounge waiting area for visitors. public. for breaks and rests.
Facilitates open access to Busy area; Accessible to Wide space to
Library information and ideas. public. accommodate a large
amount of people.
Serves as the main storage Private area; Authorized Adequate area for
Archives Room
for the library. personnel access. storage.
Educational space and Busy area; Accessible to Wide space to
Lecture Room lecture area. public. accommodate a large
amount of people.
Educational space and Busy area; Accessible to Adequate area for
Private Study Area study area. public. individual study
Learning space which Busy area; Accessible to Wide space to
Audio-Visual Room utilizes audio-visual public. accommodate a large
method of teaching. amount of people.
Conference Room Space for upholding Busy area; Accessible to Wide space to
Presented by Group 5
meetings and group public. accommodate a large
assessments. amount of people.


Table 1.3: Positive and Negative Spaces

Positive Negative
Rooms / Areas Remark
Space Space
The common lobby is considered as a positive space since
Common Lobby - all users in this building utilizes this space as a waiting area,
and main seating area.
Although this space is the highlight of the whole building,
the exhibition hall is considered as a negative space since
Exhibition Hall - they are usually not in-use and only used during exhibits
which rarely takes place.
The multipurpose hall is considered as a positive space
Multipurpose Hall - since all users in this building dwells in this area for various
activities and events either for educational or recreational.
The arts and crafts room are considered as a positive space
Arts & Crafts Room - since all users in this building dwells in this area for various
activities such as painting, sculpting, arts, and crafts.
The comfort rooms are considered as a negative space since
Comfort Rooms - these rooms are usually not in-use for other activities other
than assisting one’s personal necessity.
The storage rooms are considered as a negative space since
Storage Rooms - these rooms are usually not in-use and only used as a
The office is considered as a positive space since all users
Office - in this building dwells in this area for working and
performing their jobs on maintaining the overall building.
The visitor’s / staff’s lounge is considered as a positive
Visitor’s / Staff’s Lounge - space since all users in this building dwells in this area for
taking a break from work and starting conversations.
The library is considered as a positive space since all users
Library - in this building utilizes this space as the main reading area
and group study area.
The archive room is considered as a negative space since
Archives Room - this rooms is usually not in-use and only used as a storage
for books.
The lecture room is considered as a positive space since all
Lecture Room - users in this building utilizes this space as a lecture area or
most commonly a public classroom.
The private study area is considered as a positive space
Private Study Area - since all users in this building utilizes this space as a a
private area for individual studying and reading.
The audio-visual room is considered as a positive space
Audio-Visual Room - since all users in this building utilizes this space as an
educational space using audio-visual method of teaching.
The Conference room is considered as a positive space
since all users in this building utilizes this space as a
Conference Room - meeting area for group conversations and establishing
The fire exits are considered as a negative space since they
Fire Exits - are usually not in-use and only used for emergencies.

The hallway is considered as a negative space since they are

Hallway - usually not in-use and only used as a circulation.

Presented by Group 5
Presented to:
Ar. Joseph Ty Macario, UAP.
Architectural Design Instructor

Presented by:
Mark Alvin Villablanca
Daisy Legaspi
John Michael Sabalberino
Nino Aguirre
James Aaron L. Centino
BS in Architecture 2B

Presented by Group 5

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