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Customer Support

CSI number 2006-61
Place, Date Männedorf, 2006-11-10
Author Christian Brunner
Number of pages 2
instrument(s) Freedom EVO75
Subject EVO 75 Hardware compatibility

Several hardware changes on the Freedom EVO 75 affect the compatibility.

Instruments manufactured before October Instruments manufactured during or after

2005, Serial No <0510000000 October 2005, Serial No >0510000000

Part to be Serial No <0510000000 Serial No >0510000000

LiHa 20735439/40 (LiHa1/2) + 20739984 (x- 20735439/40 (LiHa 1/2)

20735396/97 (old LiHa design) have Note: 20735396/97 (old LiHa design) are not
been discontinued. compatible
For LiHa replacement on an old
instrument, order a new LiHa (current
design) and a new x-carriage
Lower requires new LiHa compatible
DiTi Eject
RoMa not compatible compatible
Safety To prevent cracks in the safety panel the safety panels and the gas spring have been
Panels & improved and will be changed for new instruments. This affects the following spare parts:
Gas 30026129/30 replaces 20735401/02 (front/side panel)
Spring 30026128 replaces 20735400 (top panel)
30026131 replaces 20735417 (gas spring) and is only compatible to 30026129/30
(front/side panel)
Important: The new safety panel are slightly thicker and darker green. If a panel needs to
be replaced it is recommended (but not mandatory) to replace all panels at once (side,
front and top) for colour uniformity across safety panels on the instrument.
Additionally, the location of the mounting holes for the new gas spring has changed.
Therefore, if the gas spring needs to be replaced, the safety panels have to be updated
as well.

Tecan Schweiz AG, Seestrasse 103, CH-8708 Männedorf, Switzerland

T +41 1 922 81 81, F +41 1 922 84 84,,

Customer Service Information 392357 V1.0 Page1 of 1

Customer Support
With the transfer of the Freedom EVO 75 from T-SYS to T-CH, effective January 3rd 2007,
new spare part numbers will replace the current numbers. An updated spare part catalogue
(Doc # 393365) will be available upon completion of the transfer.
Tasks for Tecan warehouses
Update your stock accordingly. Order 30026129/30, 30026128 and 3002613.
Should you have questions about this CSI do not hesitate to contact the Expertline.

Tecan Schweiz AG, Seestrasse 103, CH-8708 Männedorf, Switzerland

T +41 1 922 81 81, F +41 1 922 84 84,,

Customer Service Information 392357 V1.0 Page2 of 1

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