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1. More than $500 billion a year is spent on advertising worldwide.

2. The famous Marlboro Man ads began in 1955. The Marlboro Man actually included a variety of
masculine figures such as athletes, gunsmiths, and captains, but the rugged cowboy image
proved the most marketable. Three men who appeared in the advertisements later died of lung
cancer, earning the brand the nickname “Cowboy Killer.” d
3. TV commercials during Super Bowl XLV in 2011 are estimated to have cost $3 million for a 30-
second spot.
4. By the time a person in the United States is 65 years old, he would have seen an estimated two
million television commercials.d
5. In fashion advertising, women are often pictured lying on bearskin rugs, wearing furs and
feathers, or dressed in tight-fitting leather clothing. Some researchers criticize these kinds of ads
because they feature women as “prey.”d
6. In 1900, the standard billboard was created in America, creating a billboard boon along streets
and highways.o
7. Many researchers argue that advertising is the most powerful art form on Earth.b
8. Over $15 billion a year is spent in advertisements directed toward children in the U.S. k
9.  Fast food companies (soda, fast food, and cereal) in the U.S. spent about $1.6 billion in
advertising in 2006.k
10. In 2006, soda companies spent an estimated $492 million in advertising. In contrast, the Milk
Processor Education Program, which sponsors the “Got Milk” ads, spent about $67 million. k
11. The average child in America watches over 40,000 television commercials in a year, or over 100
a day.g
12. In a national survey, more than half of the children who responded reported that buying certain
advertised products made them feel better about themselves. d
13. In 2008, approximately $2.6 billion was spent on political advertising in the U.S., the largest ever
during a presidential campaign. Obama's campaign spent $70 million on ads for the primary and
$240 million for the general election. McCain's campaign spent $10 million for the primary and
$126 million for the general election.p
14. In 2006, Microsoft spent over $11.5 billion on advertising. That same year, Coca-Cola spent $2.5
billion, Yahoo spent $1.3 billion, eBay spent $871 million, Google spent $188 million, and
Starbucks spent $95 million.s
15. In 2000, U.S. Internet advertising revenue was $8.1 billion. In 2011, that figure jumped to $32
billion. In 2013, the figure is expected to reach $42 billion. i
16. Advertisers appeal to several common psychological themes to motivate people to buy their
products. Some of the most common psychological appeals are to self-preservation, sex, self-
esteem, fear, authority, and imitation.r
17.  Life was the first magazine to make $100 million per year in advertising. b
18. Many kids are plugged in to some kind of media for more than seven hours a day, which means
their exposure to advertising is at record levels. g
19. A new kind of advertising called “viral advertising” uses blogs and emails to promote a product.
For example, Dove’s “Evolution of Beauty” campaign was an overnight viral sensation when
more than a million people watched a time-elapsed video of a model being made beautiful on
20. Before the printing press, advertisements were often vocal announcements. The invention of
the printing press in 1440 ushered in the advent of modern advertising. g
hghkg asman sept 9 2011

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