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Metacognitive Reading Report 1 (30 points). The Medawar Lecture ‘Is Science Dangerous?

Module 1 Section 1. Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

Name: Soliman, Kenn Francesco V.

Course/Section: Ar-A50 Date Submitted: ______________________
Instructions: After reading Lewis Wolpert’s The Medawar Lecture 1998 ‘Is Science Dangerous?’,
reflect and answer the following questions.
1. Obligatory Question – What did Lewis Wolpert mean when he stated that ‘reliable scientific
knowledge is value-free and has no moral or ethical value’ (p. 1254)?

2. Obligatory Question – In urging scientists to understand public concerns, Wolpert maintains,

“It is most important that they [scientists] do not allow themselves to become the unquestioning
tools of either government or industry” (p. 1258). What did he mean by this? Cite an example.

3. Free Choice and Interpretive Item – In the article, Lewis Wolpert discusses five areas where the
relationship between science and technology and ethics and morality becomes clear. These are as
follows: (a) Technology [p. 1254], (b) Social Responsibility [p. 1254], (c) Eugenics [p. 1255], (d)
Reproduction: Cloning, Genes, and Stem Cell [p. 1256], and (e) Politics [p. 1257]. Choose one of the
five and, based on your reading, explain an ethical/moral issue surrounding your choice. Use your
own words in explaining the ethical/moral issue, which Wolpert discussed.


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