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Literary Quest

1.……………… is anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience.

a) Adrenaline
b) Visualization
c) Stage fright
2. Public speaking is addressing a gathering.
a) True
b) False
3. Public speaking is only verbal activity.
a) True
b) False
4. Which of these should be avoided for an effective speech?
a) Determination of the purpose
b) Selection of message
c) Lack of interest
d) Selection of theme
5.Which of these factors is not required to determine the purpose of speech?
a) Providing information
b) Discouragement
c) Accepting ideas
d) Entertainment
6.Which of these ingredients is not required for selection of theme?
a) Planning
b) Disorganization
c) Preparation
d) Organization
7.Which of these should be avoided for an effective speech?
a) Planning of speech
b) Preparation of speech
c) Long sentences
d) organization
8. Which of these should be avoided during the delivery of a speech?
a) Confidence
b) Clarity
c) Pauses
d) Rudeness
9. Which of these is not a type of public speech?
a) Short speech
b) Informal speech
c) Written speech
d) Professional speech
10. What is the maximum time for a short speech?
a) Ten minutes
b) Thirty minutes
c) Forty- five minutes
d) One hour
11.Which of these does not come under short speech?
a) Introducing dignitaries
b) Presenting reports
c) Giving a briefing
d) Presenting an award
12. Which of these is not a type of means of speech delivery?
a) Reading
b) Memorization
c) Scolding
13. The process of creating a bond with listeners by emphasizing common values, goals and
experiences is called ……………by communication scholars.
a) Association
b) Identification
c) Cooperation
14. The message, usually non-verbal, sent from a listener to a speaker are called
a) Cues
b) Feedback
c) Prompt
15. The primary purpose of speech making is to…………..
a) Display your knowledge about a topic
b) Gain adesired response from listeners
c) Enhance the audience self-concept
d) Promote your ethical concept
16. Body language can make or break a speech.
a) True
b) False
17. Which of these is the study and classification of speech sounds?
a) Gestures
b) Speech style
c) Phonetics
d) Spoof
18.Which of these is not an element of the speaking technique?
a) Voice quality
b) Word stress
c) Appearance
d) Correct tones
19. Which of these factors is not involved in the determination of correct tone?
a) Pitch
b) Dressing style
c) Quality
d) Strength
20. Speaking is a combination of verbal and non-verbal means.
a) True
b) False
21. Which of these points need not be considered for a debate?
a) Availability of precise information
b) Age of opponent
c) Fluency in language
d) Body language
22.Which of these is not considered for a debate?
a) Availability of information
b) Fluency in language
c) Body language
d) Volume of the speaker
23.Which of these are to be avoided in a debate?
a) Fights
b) Listening
c) Taking notes
d) Using rhetoric
24.Which of these is not a type of speech?
a) Informative
b) Personal
c) Persuasive
d) Special occasion
25.Which of these is not a quality of a good debater?
a) Taking notes
b) Listening
c) Interrupting their opponent’s speech
d) Answering cross questions with confidence
26.You want to ensure participation of more students in class. Which of the following methods of
teaching would you adopt?
a) Demonstration
b) Discussion
c) Recitation
d) Role-play
27. To make learning effective, a goal must be meaningful in terms ______ ?
a) Objectives of the curriculum
b) Intellectual ideas
c) Standards of others
d) The needs and purposes of students
28.Role playing is often used to _____________.
a) learn skills
b) change results
c) Change attitudes
d) offer feedback
29. Which of the following reflect the social functions of play?
a) Reflecting social competence
b) Promoting social competence
c) Promote self-regulation
d) Reinforce gender roles
e) Increase affiliation with peers
f) All of these
30. Directions (1 - 4): Study the chart and answer the questions: The pie chart given here represents the
domestic expenditure of a family in percent. Study the chart and answer the following questions if the
total monthly income of the family is Rs. 33,650
1. The house rent per month is
a) 6000
b) 6152
c) 6057
d) 6048
2. The annual savings in the form of Provident Fund would be ….
a) 48456
b) 48512
c) 48569
d) 48789
3. After providential fund deductions and payment of house rent, the total monthly income of the
family remains…
a) 23455
b) 23545
c) 23555
d) 23945
4. The total amount per month, the family spends on food and entertainment combined together
is ………….
a) 11441
b) 12457
c) 11445
d) 11654
A. Say whether each of the following is true or false.
A. Swami Vivekananda formed the Ramakrishna mission. True
B. India has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions
and all nations of the earth. True
C. Vivekananda thanks the Convention for making the barriers between
religions more pronounced. False
D. Vivekananda believes that each religion must assimilate the spirit of
the others and yet preserve its individuality. True
E. All the delegates, without any exceptions, have spoken in favour of
religious harmony and unity. False
F. You should maintain your mental peace when you feel an insult. True
G. Your ill-thoughts cease when your mind is disturbed. False
H. You must show your anger and disappointment when your wishes are
denied. False
I. When confronted by an enemy you should lose your mental balance.
J. The most vital thing in life is to be poised and tranquil when faced
with strife. False
K. According to the poet, science enriches the poet’s heart. False
L. The poet is referred to as seeking treasures in the Jewelled skies. True
M. The poet refers to poetry and imagination as ‘vultures’. False
N. The poet uses Greek and Roman mythology to show how scientific
thought restricts poetic imagination. True

B. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

1. The Pope directly granted Mother Teresa a permit to Work as an un-
enclosed nun.
2. Mother Teresa's new Order was called ‘The Missionaries of Charity’.
3. The members of Mother Teresa's Order had to take the three usual
vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
4. Mother Teresa's work has been criticized and her methods have been
termed old fashioned.
5. Mother Teresa felt writing about her work was more important than
writing about her
6. Vivekananda says Hinduism has taught the world tolerance and
universal acceptance
7. Hinduism is referred to as 'mother of religions' by Swami
8. According to Swami Vivekananda, sectarianism, bigotry, fanaticism
has destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair?
9. Swami Vivekananda pity those who believe only their religion will
survive at the cost of the others.
10. The message conveyed by the Parliament of Religions assimilation,
and not destruction, is the best way forward
11.According to the poet, money is our vast collective madness.
12.A man feels a real tremor if he hands out a ten-pound note.
13.Mankind's collective money madness is more terrifying than money
14. Bread, shelter and fire should be free to all and anybody, according to
the poet.
15.The old priest asked for God's excuse to forgive him for his sudden
expression of strong emotions after he complained of being tired from
16.The old priest was overcome by realization of the fact that he had not
gone to perform the last rites when he got up from sleep.
17.The sick man’s wife said, "Father! you come again."
18.The wife said that the sick man was as merry as a bird when he passed
19.The priest understood that God had sent one of His angel to help him.
20.Science is addressed as daughter of old time
21.In the poem, 'peering eyes' refers to scientific method of close analysis
22.In line 4, science is seen as a 'vulture' because it preys on the poet’s
creative imagination
23.According to the poet, science has disproved mythology
24.In the poem, the attitude of the poet to science is one of dislike
25.Father Gilligan was tired because people were sick.
26.Father Gilligan's initial reaction when yet another person asks for him
is annoyance
27.After his outburst he repents because he was tired.
28. Mother Teresa wants to be as a child a missionary.
29.Mother Teresa quit her comfortable job as the principal of St. Mary's
High School in Calcutta to involve herself social work.
30. Mother Teresa demand of those who joined her Order food and
clothing for the poor.
31.According to Mother Teresa, being unwanted was the worst disease
one could suffer.
32. Mother Teresa meant when she said 'We always have one more bed'
that god would provide a solution to all problems.
33.When you feel like you might say something you will regret you
should curb resentment
34.When your mind is tranquil your ill-thoughts cease
35.When you are defrauded it is easy to be angry
36.What should you do to win the battle over selfishness and spite? Learn
to keep strict silence
37.What does Lawrence mean when he says that money has got us
down? That it has ruined us
38.What does Lawrence mean when he says that 'they will make me eat
dirt'? It means that they will humiliate him
39.Lawrence agrees that we must have a little money. Why do we need
40.When Father Gilligan wakes up. He gets on his horse and goes to visit
the man
41.The widow wonders why Father Gilligan has come again because he
visited the man just last night
42.Father Gilligan is humbled by the experience because he realized that
God takes care of everyone.
C.Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the appropriate form
(singular or plural) of the verb given in brackets. Use the verbs in the tenses
1. Bose speaks (speak: simple present) Kannada fluently.
2. I work (Work: simple present) for an NGO in Gwalior.
3. There was (be: simple past) three crows on the tree branch.
4. The boys were playing (Play: past progressive) table tennis.
5. Rehman has cleared (Clear: present perfect) the table.
6. The planes are approaching (approach: present progressive) the airport.
7. You were staying (stay: past progressive) alone in that huge house.
8. Naseema and her sister went (go: simple past) for walk in the park.
9. They paint (paint: simple present) very well.
10.Reena wants (want: simple present) to go to Singapore for her holiday, but
her friends prefer (prefer: simple present) to go to Malaysia.
11. Ahmed and Rafi were (be: simple past) on their way to school. They were
running (run: past progressive) to catch the bus as they were (be: simple
past) late.
12.Mr Rawat is moving (move: present progressive) into his new house next
week. He has invited (invite: present perfect) all his friends to a house-
warming party and we have accepted (accept: present perfect) his invitation.
13.The young children in this school have (have: simple present) yoga classes
twice a week.
14.Both the roti and dal were (be: simple past) fresh and tasty.
15.Rs 10,000 a month is (be: simple present) a good salary for a beginner.
16. Neither Murali nor Tara knows (know: simple present) the answer to this
17. Either the boys or their parents have collected (collect: present perfect) the
report cards.
18. The furniture in these rooms are (be: simple present) very, expensive.
19. Each chapter in these books need (need: simple present) to be read
20. Everyone is looking at (look at: present progressive) the beautiful paintings
on the walls.
21.The information you gave me happen (happen: simple present) to be
22.The jury is looking (look: past progressive) at one another with puzzled
expressions on their faces.
23.The luggage are falling (fall: present progressive) off the rack.
24.Physics is(be: simple present) my favorite subject.
25. Either you or your sisters have used (use: present perfect) these brushes.
26. The public has (has: simple present) a right to know the facts of the case.

C. The following table gives the regular degrees of comparison of some

words. Fill in the gaps to complete the table.
Positive Comparative Superlative

Tall taller Tallest

Young Younger Youngest

Great Greater Greatest

Poor Poorer Poorest

strange Stranger Strangest

Fine Finer Finest

Easy Easier Easiest

2. The following table gives the irregular degrees of comparison of some

words. Fill in the gaps to complete the table.
Positive Comparative Superlative

distinguished more distinguished most distinguished

satisfied more satisfied most satisfied

Good Better Best

Much More most

Gracious More gracious most gracious

dependent more dependent most dependent

far Farther/further The farthest/furthest

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