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Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

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Effects of bioprotective cultures on the microbial community during storage T

of Italian fresh filled pasta
Giulia Tabanellia,b, Federica Barbierib, Ilenia Campedellic, Maria Chiara Venturinid,
Fausto Gardinia,b, Chiara Montanaria,∗
Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Agroalimentare, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Sede di Cesena, Via Quinto Bucci 336, 47521, Cesena, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Sede di Cesena, Piazza Goidanich 60, 47521, Cesena, Italy
Microbion S.r.l., Via Monte Carega, 22, 37057, San Giovanni Lupatoto, VR, Italy
Arte della Pasta S.r.l., via Enrico Mattei 6/A, Minerbio, Bologna, Italy


Keywords: Filled pasta is a typical Italian product consisting in a thin dough stuffed with dairy, meat or vegetable in-
Bioprotective cultures gredients. When industrially produced, its microbial stability relies on thermal treatment, proper storage tem-
Filled pasta perature and modified atmosphere packaging. Since these processes can strongly affect the traditional features of
Shelf life pasta (mainly flavor and texture), alternative strategies have been investigated. In this study, milder heat
treatments were applied and combined with the addition of bioprotective cultures (Lactobacillus rhamnosus and
Lactobacillus paracasei) in the filling of Ricotta based Tortelloni to assure microbial quality and safety. Their
effects on microbiological patterns during storage at 6 °C was studied through culture dependent and in-
dependent methods; in addition, the influence on organoleptic profile (through SPME-GC-MS and sensory
evaluation) was also assessed. The results demonstrated that bioprotective cultures had a relevant quantitative
and qualitative effect on the microbiota of Tortelloni during storage: although they were not dominant, their
presence reduced the initial microbiota associated with raw materials and gave a competitive advantage to safer
or organoleptically acceptable LAB species, such as leuconostocs. Although these LAB cultures influenced the
aroma profile of filled pasta (i.e. increase of alcohols, esters and acids), the sensory evaluation confirmed the
overall acceptability of the product. The addition of bioprotective cultures can therefore be considered a helpful
strategy to reduce thermal treatments and to better maintain the traditional textural and flavor characteristics of
this product.

1. Introduction (filled or not) must be lower than 24% and aw must be comprised be-
tween 0.92 and 0.97 (Decreto Repubblica Italiana n.187, 2001); in
Filled pasta is a typical Italian product with different shapes and addition the final product must be stored at temperature not higher
fillings which vary following the geographical area of production than 4 ± 2 °C.
(Alexander, 2000). The pasta consists in a thin dough made with water, The microbial stability of this product primarily relies on thermal
flour and usually eggs that is stuffed with a filling prepared with dairy, treatments, which can be applied following two strategies. In one case,
meat or vegetable ingredients (Marotta et al., 2018). The artisanal only a treatment is carried out with an injected steam belt pasteurizer
products are usually handmade and locally distributed at refrigerated on the loose product. In the other case, the first treatment is followed by
temperature with a limited shelf life (4–5 days). On the other side, a a further pasteurization in static chambers after packaging. Besides
shelf life of 60–90 days and more can be achieved for industrial pro- their effects on microbial population, both these strategies definitely
duction by applying thermal treatments, reducing the water activity affect the mechanical and functional properties of the final products
(aw) of the filling, packaging the pasta under modified atmosphere (Alampese, Casiraghi, & Rossi, 2008; Zardetto & Dalla Rosa, 2015).
(MAP) and adopting appropriate storage temperature (Marotta et al., After packaging, the shelf life of filled pasta is strictly dependent on the
2018; Zardetto & Dalla Rosa, 2015). ability of microorganisms which survived to the thermal treatments to
According to Italian legislation, the water content of “fresh pasta” grow during storage, overcoming the hurdles determined by aw, MAP

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Montanari).
Received 16 January 2020; Received in revised form 13 March 2020; Accepted 8 April 2020
Available online 14 April 2020
0956-7135/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

composition and storage temperature (Sanguinetti et al., 2011, 2016).

In spite of the great diffusion of this typology of pasta and the in-
crease of its consumption (ISMEA, 2018), there is a relatively scarce
literature concerning its microbiological characteristics, mainly focused
on the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, total mesophilic counts and
moulds (Marotta et al., 2018; Ricci, Barone, & Petrella, 2017; Zardetto,
Tortelloni is a filled pasta produced in Emilia Romagna Region
(Italy) since many centuries (Tanara, 1644) with a soft filling obtained
mixing Ricotta and Parmesan cheese, eggs, salt, nutmeg and vegetables
(beet, spinach or parsley, according to the zone). The industrial man-
ufacturing process includes a thermal treatment that decreases the aw.
These physico-chemical modifications can affect the “traditional” fea-
tures of such type of pasta and may be perceived by consumers as of
lower quality. For this reason, milder treatments are suggested to pre-
serve peculiar characteristics of Tortelloni. In particular, the aw of the
filling cannot be excessively lowered in order to maintain its softness,
but this can increase the risk of rapid growth of the spoiling microflora.
This aspect is in contrast with the expected shelf life for the com-
mercialization of this product (45–60 days). For this reason, other
hurdles to the microbial growth must be exploited while maintaining
the traditional organoleptic properties and assuring the hygienic quality
of Tortelloni.
The use of bioprotective cultures is an interesting strategy proposed
with the aim of reducing the risks associated with the growth of un- Fig. 1. Flow sheet of the Ricotta based Tortelloni production.
desirable and pathogenic microorganisms and prolonging the shelf life
of foods (Oliveira, Ferreira, Magalhães, & Teixeira, 2018). Biopre-
servation consists in the use of natural and selected microflora which is (1.5% w/w) and nutmeg (0.5% w/w). The filling was stored 18 h at
able to control or inhibit spoiling or pathogenic microorganisms by refrigerate temperature (4 °C) and then it entered the production line.
competition or through the production of specific antimicrobial mole- The pH of the filling was about 5.5 ± 0.1 while its aw was 0.960.
cules such as bacteriocins, organic acids, diacetyl, acetoin, etc. After forming, Tortelloni were subjected to a heat treatment in one-line
(Ghanbari, Jami, Domig, & Kneifel, 2013). Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) steam belt pasteurizer and then dried and cooled in a tunnel chamber.
are ideal candidates for biopreservation due to their safe history in After cooling, the filled pasta was packed in polyamide/polypropylene
foods and their wide range of antimicrobial compound production (PA/PP) film under modified atmosphere (40% CO2; 60% N2). The film
(Cifuentes Bachmann & Leroy, 2015). Since one of the potential was characterized by a water vapor permeability < 5 gr/m2/24h
drawbacks in using bioprotective cultures is the possibility of undesired (38 °C, 90% R.H.) and an oxygen permeability < 3 cc/m2/24h (23 °C,
sensory effects on the food organoleptic profile, the choice of LAB 0% R.H.). After packaging, the samples were cooled and stored at 6 °C
species must be taken considering the low or compatible impact on food for 30 days.
flavor. Two different trials were performed. During the first trial, three
This work aimed to evaluate the effects of the use of bioprotective different samples were obtained: the control, which was produced
cultures on the microbiological patterns of Ricotta based Tortelloni without bioprotective cultures, and two samples inoculated with two
during the production and storage. Filled pasta was produced in a small different commercial bioprotective cultures available on the market,
factory following the traditional recipe. In addition to traditional mi- containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus (BC1) or a mixture of L. rhamnosus
crobiological protocols, the microbial community profiling was per- and Lactobacillus paracasei (BC2). After appropriate hydration according
formed through rDNA-targeting pyrosequencing to test the effects of to the manufacturer's suggestions, these cultures were added (cell
two bioprotective cultures (Lactobacillus rhamnosus or a mixture of L. concentration of about 7 log CFU/g) in the filling during mixing. In the
rhamnosus and Lactobacillus paracasei) on the spoilage microbiota first trial, a mild pasteurization was carried out in a steam belt pas-
during filled pasta storage. Further, the influence of the cultures on the teurizer set at 60 °C for 3 min in inner part of the product. These mild
organoleptic profile of the product was studied. Finally, a validation conditions were chosen to not strongly affect the microbial viability and
trial was carried out to optimize the use of this strategy for the stabi- therefore to better evidence the relationships between the native mi-
lization of this filled pasta. croflora and the bioprotective cultures which were added during
manufacturing. In the second trial (validation), two samples were
2. Material and methods produced: the control and the sample with the bioprotective culture
BC2 (inoculum level 7 log CFU/g), added as reported above. This cul-
2.1. Filled pasta production ture was selected (despite BC1) because of its higher inhibitory effect,
mainly against enterobacteria and staphylococci. The pasteurization
Filled pasta samples were produced in a small factory located in was carried out at 70 °C for 3 min in the inner part of the product: this
Emilia Romagna Region (Italy). The Tortelloni (50% filling, the thick- thermal treatment was higher compared to the first trial (to approach a
ness of pasta was 0.7 mm) were obtained with a traditional recipe standard pasteurization) but, in any case, it was milder if compared to
following the process reported in Fig. 1. In particular, the pasta was those adopted at industrial level for filled pasta, in order to better
produced using durum wheat semolina (36% w/w) and soft wheat flour preserve sensorial and rheological characteristics of the product.
(36% w/w) added with pasteurized egg product (28% w/w). The filling In both treatments, the reaching of target temperature was con-
was obtained by mixing Ricotta (70.5% w/w), Parmigiano Reggiano trolled using a data logger (S-Micro, Tecnosoft, Italy) inserted inside the
cheese (12% w/w), breadcrumbs (12% w/w), parsley (3.5% w/w), salt product.

G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

2.2. Microbial counts, pH and aw analysis alcohol 24:1 treatment and precipitated in 0.54 vol of isopropanol.
Finally, the purified DNA was resuspended in water and quantified
Three replicates of each sample were examined at the different using Qubit 4 Fluorimeter (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA
sampling times (before and after pasteurization and during the shelf USA). The concentration of the DNA samples was normalized and the
life) for the enumeration of microbial population. 10 g of samples were sequencing was carried out through the Illumina MiSeq platform which
10-fold diluted with 90 ml of 0.9% (w/v) NaCl and homogenized in a generated 300 bp pair-end sequencing reads. The library for Illumina
Lab Blender Stomacher (Seward Medical, England) for 2 min. Decimal sequencing was generated from V3–V4 variable regions of ribosomal
dilutions were performed and plated onto selective media: LAB were 16S rRNA in order to characterize the bacterial population of the
enumerated on MRS agar (Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK) incubated at 30 °C samples.
for 48 h in anaerobic conditions; coagulase negative staphylococci were
counted by surface-plating on Baird-Parker added with egg yolk tell- 2.6. Bioinformatics analysis
urite emulsion (Oxoid) incubated at 30 °C for 48 h. With this medium,
the presence of coagulase positive staphylococci (such as S. aureus) was FASTQ sequence files from Illumina reads were generated using
evidenced by the appearance of a halo around the black colonies. Yeast bcl2fastq2 version 2.18. Initial quality assessment was based on data
and moulds were grown on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (Oxoid) plates, passing the Illumina Chastity filtering. Subsequently, reads containing
added with 200 mg/l of chloramphenicol and incubated at 28 °C for PhiX control signal were removed using an in-house filtering protocol.
72 h, while Enterobacteriaceae were enumerated by pour plating in In addition, reads containing (partial) adapters were clipped (up to a
Violet Red Bile Glucose agar (Oxoid) and incubating plates at 37 °C for minimum read length of 50 bp). A final quality assessment was per-
24 h. The presence/absence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella formed on the remaining reads using the FASTQC quality control tool
was evaluated according to the methods EN ISO 11290–1 and EN ISO version 0.11.5.
6579, respectively (ISO, 2017a, 2017b). The FASTQ sequences obtained were analysed using DADA2 version
The pH and aw of Ricotta filled Tortelloni were monitored using a 1.8 (Callahan et al., 2016) by R 3.5.1 environment. DADA2 implements
pH-meter Basic 20 (Crison Instruments, Barcelona, Spain) and an a new quality-aware model of Illumina amplicon errors without con-
Aqualab CX3-TE (Labo-Scientifica, Parma, Italy), respectively. structing OTUs (Callahan et al., 2016). DADA2 was run as described in applying the following
2.3. Aroma profile analysis parameters: trimLeft equal to 30 and truncLen option set to 270 and
200 for the forward and reverse fastq files, respectively.
For the analysis of volatile compounds, 3 g of samples were placed The taxonomic assignment was performed comparing the amplicon
in 10-ml sterilized vials, added with 33 mg/kg of 4 methyl-2-pentanol sequence variant (ASV) predicted from DADA2 against SILVA database
(Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) as internal standard and sealed (version 128,
by PTFE/silicon septa. The samples were heated for 10 min at 45 °C and ASVs belonging to taxa classified as external sample (Davis, Proctor,
the volatile molecules in the headspace were adsorbed with fused silica Holmes, Relman, & Callahan, 2018) contaminations were not included
SPME fiber covered with 85 μm Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/ in the composition analysis for microbial population as well as for ASVs
PDMS) (Supelco, Steinheim, Germany) for 40 min. Adsorbed molecules with low abundance setting a threshold of relative abundance equal to
were desorbed in the injector for 10 min with the same analytical 0.5%.The assignment at specie level for the remaining ASVs was con-
conditions reported by Montanari et al. (2016), using a an Agilent firmed comparing the nucleotide sequence obtained from the Illumina
Hewlett–Packard 6890 GC gas-chromatograph and a 5970 MSD MS sequencing with the 16S rRNA sequence of the available type strains
detector (Hewlett–Packard, Geneva, Switzerland) equipped with a CP- included in the LTP database, which represents all bacterial and ar-
WAX 52CB (50 m × 0.32 mm X 1.2 μm) fused silica capillary column. chaeal taxa with validly published names (Yilmaz et al., 2014).
Volatile peak identification was carried out by computer matching
of mass spectral data with those of compounds included in NIST 2011 2.7. Statistical analysis
mass spectral library (Gaithersburg, MD, United States) (NIST, 2011).
Three independent samples were analysed for each sampling time,
2.4. Sensory evaluation of cooked samples each of which was analysed in triplicate. The data were statistically
analysed using ANOVA. The Tukey critical difference test was per-
Sensory evaluation was carried out using an affective test formed to determine differences between samples (p < 0.05). The
(Sanguinetti et al., 2016) involving 40 untrained consumers (age presence of significative differences in the sensory test was tested using
22–60), 20 females and 20 males. Their acceptance of the sample a non-parametric Mann-Whitney test (p < 0.05).
proposed was based on an intensity scale from 0 to 7 (0, dislike; 7,
extremely like) for selected attributes (odour intensity, colour, aroma 3. Results and discussion
intensity, salty, sourness, bitterness, cohesiveness, chewiness, overall
acceptability). The evaluation was carried out in randomized and ba- 3.1. Microbial counts
lanced order. The samples were served to the panelist after a 5 min
immersion in boiling water (100 °C) without salt added. In the first experimental trial, a mild pasteurization was carried out
with a double aim: i) to have a low impact on the characteristic of
2.5. DNA extraction and sequencing Tortelloni and ii) to have a limited effect on the viability of the microbial
populations to better evidence the relationships between bioprotective
Total genomic DNA was directly extracted from frozen Tortelloni cultures and the wild spoilage microorganisms. Table 1 reports the
samples by taking approximately 10 g of filled pasta. The samples were results of the microbial counts before and immediately after the pas-
dissolved in 90 ml of physiological solution (0.9% NaCl) and were teurization and after 7, 15 and 30 days of storage at 6 °C. The pH of the
mechanically homogenized in stomacher for 4 min at 430 beats per product was 5.7 and did not significantly change during storage in the
minute. After decanting, 1 ml of the supernatant was collected and control, while low reductions (5.5–5.6) were observed in the presence
subjected to enzymatic treatment towards bacteria (lysozyme) and of bioprotective cultures (BC1 and BC2) after 30 days (data not shown).
yeasts (lyticase) at 37 °C for 1 h, followed by alkaline lysis with the The initial cell concentration of fresh filled pasta was rather high before
addition of NaOH and SDS at a final concentration of 0.1 N and 1%, pasteurization, mainly represented by Enterobacteriaceae (more than 6
respectively. The extracted DNA was purified by chloroform:isoamyl log CFU/g). Yeasts concentration was about 4 log CFU/g. Similar cell

G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

Table 1
Microbial counts (log CFU/g) during production and storage of Tortelloni not inoculated (control) or inoculated with the bioprotective culture BC1 (Lactobacillus
rhamnosus) or BC2 (L. rhamnosus and Lactobacillus paracasei). Results are the mean of three independent repetitions. For each microbial group significant differences
between products at each sampling point are indicated by different capital letters.
Microbial group Sample Before pasteurization After pasteurizationa T7 T15 T30

LAB Control 5.43 3.83 4.03 7.08 7.14A
BC1 7.39B 5.27B 6.64B 7.90B 8.38B
BC2 7.28B 5.31B 6.56B 8.03B 8.55B

Coagulase negative staphylococci Control 3.87AB 2.93 2.81A 3.10 3.06A

BC1 4.12A 3.30 3.77B 3.46 3.10A
BC2 3.65B 3.17 2.97A 3.34 2.44B

Yeasts Control 3.96 < 1b <1 2.69A 2.48A

BC1 4.07 <1 <1 < 1B < 1B
BC2 3.98 <1 <1 < 1B < 1B

Enterobacteriaceae Control 6.20 4.07A 4.57 5.91A 4.95A

BC1 6.39 4.52B 4.21 3.29B 2.57B
BC2 6.41 4.48B 4.56 2.13C < 1C

60 °C for 3 min in the product inner part.
Below detection limit (1 log CFU/g). In order to apply ANOVA these values have been numerically treated as 1.

concentrations were found for coagulase negative staphylococci, but no the samples added with bioprotective cultures, particularly in the
coagulase positive colony was detected. Wild LAB in the control were sample added with BC2. The concentration of coagulase negative sta-
5.4 log CFU/g while they reached the expected concentration (more phylococci remained rather constant throughout the storage in the
than 7 log CFU/g) in the samples added with the bioprotective cultures. control, while the presence of BC1 and BC2 determined a significant
These data seem to indicate a high microbial contamination and the decrease of the concentration of this microbial group. Yeasts were al-
need to strictly control the quality of the raw ingredients and observe ways below the detection limit in the presence of the cultures, while
good manufacturing practices. However, they are quite similar to those concentrations higher than 2 log CFU/g were observed in the control.
reported for similar products before pasteurization (Sanguinetti et al., Pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella) were never de-
2011) or for artisanal fresh filled pasta. In fact, in a recent study tected in our samples. Mould growth was never observed in packages.
(Marotta et al., 2018) which focused on the comparison of the microbial Moulds can be responsible for the spoilage of fresh filled pasta but their
quality of industrial and fresh filled past, it was shown that En- growth can be controlled using MAP packaging. According to Zardetto
terobacteriaceae counts were higher than 4 log CFU/g in 80% of Ricotta (2005), a concentration of CO2 up to 15% can stimulate the growth of
based fresh filled pasta, while these values were below the detection Penicillium species, but higher concentrations rapidly inhibited their
limit in the industrial samples (which were subjected to a thermal multiplication.
After the mild pasteurization (corresponding to a treatment in the 3.2. Study of microbial community composition through amplicon
steam belt pasteurizer at 60 °C for 3 min) the yeast population drasti- sequencing and metagenomics
cally decreased, since in all the samples they were below the detection
limit. Enterobacteriaceae and LAB decreased of about 2 log units while Firmicutes were dominant in all the samples including the filled
staphylococci counts were the less affected by heat (1 log unit reduction pasta before the treatment (control). Immediately after production,
or less). These levels are high if compared with other industrial pro- Streptococcus and Lactococcus were the dominant genera in the samples
ducts and are more similar to data reported for artisanal fresh pasta without the bioprotective cultures (Fig. 2). In particular, among strep-
(Ricci et al., 2017), due to the low thermal treatment. Marotta et al. tococci, the species detected were Streptococcus parauberis (27.7% of
(2018) found that 55% of Italian artisanal fresh filled pasta samples ASVs); Streptococcus uberis group (11.4%), including the species S.
showed high Enterobacteriaceae counts (> 4 log CFU/g) while these uberis, Streptococcus porcinus and Streptococcus pseudoporcinus; Strepto-
microorganisms were below the detection limit in industrial samples. coccus parasuis (0.9%) and Streptococcus salivarius group (0.8%), in-
Higher thermal treatments (80 °C for about 3 min) were found to de- cluding both subspecies of S. salivarius and Streptococcus vestibularis.
crease the concentration of this microbial group of at least 4 log units Regarding lactococci, Lactococcus lactis dominated the sample (18.5%
(Sanguinetti et al., 2011). In addition, Ricci et al. (2017) found a mean of ASVs) followed by Lactococcus raffinolactis group (11.9%), which
value of 4.3 log CFU/g of total mesophilic bacteria in packed industrial includes the species Lc. raffinolactis and Lactococcus piscium and Lacto-
products and 5.5 log CFU/g in artisanal ones (unpacked). Chavez- coccus garviae group (1.1%), including the species Lc. garviae and Lac-
Lopez, Vannini, Lanciotti, and Guerzoni (1998) described a prevalence tococcus formosensis. Among lactobacilli, the homofermentative and
of Bacillus spp. in industrial Ravioli with a meat-based filling after the thermophilic species Lactobacillus delbrueckii and the Lactobacillus
thermal treatment. They suggested that the shelf life depended also on acidophilus group, which includes the species Lb. acidophilus and Lac-
the textural and micro-structural changes (particularly protein gelation) tobacillus helveticus, were the most representative (5.0 and 4.9%, re-
induced by the thermal treatment. spectively), probably deriving from the whey used for Ricotta produc-
In the case of Tortelloni, the high survival rate determined a rapid tion. Among Gram positive, the sample without the addition of
multiplication of microorganisms during the storage at 6 °C. In parti- bioprotective cultures exhibited the presence of members of the species
cular, LAB counts reached 7 log CFU/g in the control after 15 days, Rothia endophytica (belonging to Micrococcaceae) and belonging to the
while in the presence of bioprotective cultures the counts were about 8 Bacillus cereus group (4.9 and 3.0% respectively). Gram negative bac-
log CFU/g at the same sampling time and further increased after 30 teria were represented by Hafnia spp. (1.0%) and members of the genus
days. Acinetobacter, which included Acinetobacter guillouiae group (0.7%) and
In the control product, Enterobacteriaceae grew up to 5.9 log CFU/g, Acinetobacter johnsonii group (4.1%). As expected, many of these species
while their concentration significantly decreased during the storage in derive from dairy environment, including lactococci and lactobacilli. In

G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

Fig. 2. Microbial community composition at species

level for Tortelloni samples by 16S rRNA gene V3–V4
region sequencing. The taxa were plotted for their
relative abundance in the control sample im-
mediately after production, control sample after 15
days, samples inoculated with Lactobacillus rham-
nosus (BC1) or a mixture of L. rhamnosus and
Lactobacillus paracasei (BC2) after 15 days of storage.

particular, the relevant presence of the species S. parauberis and those 3.3. Volatilome of filled pasta
belonging to the S. uberis group (S. uberis, S. porcinus and S. pseudo-
porcinus) can be related to the use of milk from cows affected by mas- The SPME-GC-MS aroma profile of filled pasta immediately after
titis at some degree. In particular, the species S. uberis is implied in pasteurization and after 30 days of storage is reported in Table 2, where
recurrent cow clinical mastitis (Jamali et al., 2018). Independently on data are expressed as ratio between peak area of each molecule and
the initial concentration, these species were able to multiply in the peak area of the internal standard (4-methyl-2-pentanol). In general,
industrial Ricotta used for the filling. ketones decreased during the storage in the presence of both biopro-
After 15 days of storage in the samples without bioprotective cul- tective cultures. 2-pentanone, 2-hexanone and 2-heptanone decreased
tures, members of the S. uberis group and of the species S. parauberis still in the samples added with bioprotective cultures after storage, while
accounted for a relevant proportion of the total population (3.7 and they remained rather constant in the control. The presence of biopro-
20.9% of ASVs), together with Lc. raffinolactis group (7.8%). However, tective cultures determined also an increase of 2,3-butanedione (dia-
Leuconostoc mesenteroides group (48.7% of ASVs), including Leuc. me- cetyl) and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (acetoin) immediately after produc-
senteroides and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides were the species more tion, due to the overnight culture adaptation in the fillings, but these
represented, not detected immediately after pasteurization. The addi- molecules drastically decreased at the end of storage.
tion of bioprotective cultures changed the quantitative composition of Aldehydes generally decreased during storage, especially where the
the microbiota. Leuc. mesenteroides group remained the most relevant bioprotective cultures were added. This diminution was mainly due to
species but its relative presence greatly increased and reached 77.8% in the reduction hexanal, more relevant in the samples BC1 and BC2, and
the samples BC1 and 83.0% in the samples BC2. Streptococci and lac- 2-butenal.
tococci decreased significantly (especially S. uberis group and S. para- Alcohols markedly increased in all the samples during storage, but
uberis) while the presence of Carnobacterium gallinarum group ranged their presence was almost doubled when bioprotective cultures were
from 3.8% to 3.0% of ASVs in both samples. The detection of ASVs added. Ethanol was the main responsible for this change, which was
associated to the Lactobacillus casei group confirmed the presence of the present in low amounts (about 10) in all the samples after production,
bioprotective cultures, representing the 4.7 and 5.6% of the ASVs in and found at level of 216 after 30 days in the control and at values
BC1 and BC2, respectively. L. casei group is constituted by the pheno- higher than 500 in the samples with the bioprotective cultures. Other
typically and genotypically closely related species L. casei, Lactobacillus alcohols increased their concentration, namely 1-hexanol, 2-heptanol
paracasei, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Huang, Li, Huang, & Watanabe, and 2-nonanol; the increase of these latter molecules can be related to
2018). Even if the bioprotective cultures were not able to dominate the the reduction of the corresponding aldehydes. Phenylethyl alcohol and
microbiota of the pasta and probably did not survive the thermal 1-nonanol were found at the end of storage only in the samples with the
treatment, their addition to the filling followed by an 18-h adaptation bioprotective cultures.
before the production changed significantly the ratios between micro- Acids, which were present in similar amounts in all the conditions
bial species during the storage. Bacteriocin production is usually max- immediately after pasteurization, were represented by acetic, butanoic,
imum in the mid exponential phase or at the end of growth phase hexanoic and octanoic acids. Acetic acid is produced by hetero-
(Beshkova & Frengova, 2012) and it is compatible with an accumula- fermentative LAB as result of heterolactic pathway. However, it is also
tion in the overnight incubation of the filling. In other words, heat produced under nutritional stress conditions (scarcity or absence of
stable bacteriocins could be present in the filling after the production, fermentable sugars) through different pathways starting from pyruvate,
independently of the viability of the cells responsible for their pro- which can derive from the re-oxidation of lactate or from the amino
duction, due to the thermal treatment. In addition, the inhibition of acid metabolism (Montanari et al., 2018; Zotta, Parente, & Ricciardi,
mastitis streptococci (S. agalactiae) by a bacteriocin-producing L. 2017). During the storage, acids remained almost constant in the con-
rhamnosus strain has already been demonstrated by Ruíz et al. (2012). trol, whereas they drastically increased in the samples BC1 and BC2.

G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

Table 2
Volatile compounds detected by SPME-GC-MS in the samples immediately after pasteurization and after 30 days of storage at 6 °C. Data are expressed as ratio
between peak area of each molecule and peak area of the internal standard (4-methyl-2-pentanol). For each sampling time, different capital letters represent
statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between samples according to Tukey test of the two-way ANOVA.
Volatile compounds After pasteurizationa After 30 days of storage

Control BC1 BC2 Control BC1 BC2

A A A A bB
Acetone 6.88 6.71 6.04 6.79 - -B
2-butanone 4.64A 3.15B 2.22C 2.81B -D -D
2,3-butanedione 1.86A 22.15B 18.30B 1.22A 0.90A 1.04A
2-pentanone 26.83A 27.03A 26.90A 19.07B 2.00C 2.64C
2-hexanone 49.92A 38.16B 33.58B 44.37A 33.75B 27.25B
2-heptanone 89.79A 98.90AB 105.19B 99.95AB 64.09C 89.66A
2-octanone 1.89A 1.87A 2.24A 1.96A 1.48A 1.81A
3-hydroxy-2-butanone 3.94A 13.12B 11.17B -C -C -C
2-nonanone 34.60A 38.75A 39.16A 40.46A 28.78B 38.17A
2-undecanone 5.57A 5.80A 5.92A 6.81AB 6.47A 7.42B

Total ketones 225.92A 255.64A 250.72A 223.44A 137.47B 167.98C

3-methyl - butanal 2.33A 2.15A 2.27A 3.53B 1.65A 1.64A
2-butenal 7.03A 6.33A 5.12A 7.38A -B -B
Hexanal 28.38A 25.17A 23.67A 8.57B 3.92C 4.59C
Nonanal 5.33AB 6.99A 6.55A 6.29A 4.53B 6.83A
Decanal 2.96A 3.72A 3.62A 3.91A 2.78A 1.94B
Benzaldehyde 4.94A 6.17 < B 7.29B 1.98C 1.56C -D
Benzenacetaldheyde 4.19A 4.71A 4.04A 6.21B 5.30AB 6.32B

Total aldehydes 55.16A 55.24A 52.56A 37.88B 19.74C 21.31C

Ethyl alcohol 10.17A 8.33AB 7.19B 216.58C 571.67D 508.84D
2-pentanol 5.83A 6.54A 6.96A 10.27B 8.86C 9.39BC
1-butanol 2.89A 1.94A 1.58A 2.16A 4.35B 3.16AB
1,2-cyclopentanediol, 3-methyl 1.71A 1.80A 2.90B 1.33A 2.80B 2.68B
1-pentanol 4.00A 3.52A 3.87A 5.44B 5.20B 5.58B
2-heptanol 7.88A 8.15A 8.03A 8.42A 21.78B 21.63B
3-penten-2-ol -A 2.33B 2.60B 0.93C 0.77AC 1.86BC
1-hexanol 7.58A 12.33B 11.62B 12.93B 23.92C 23.91C
1-octen-3-ol 1.45A 1.31A 1.26A 2.58B 2.25B 2.58B
1-hexanol-2-ethyl 2.80A 3.33A 3.24A 4.24B 3.16A 4.28B
2-nonanol 2.20A 2.50A 2.47A 2.62A 9.19B 8.99B
1-nonanol -A -A -A -A 2.21B 2.43B
Phenylethyl alcohol -A -A -A -A 3.67B 4.24B

Total alcohols 46.50A 52.08A 51.71A 267.49B 659.83C 599.58C

Acetic acid, ethyl ester 2.81A 1.83AB 1.34A 4.54C 46.22D 57.09E
Butanoic acid, ethyl ester 31.69A 24.30B 20.00B 44.22C 53.60D 36.63AC
Hexanoic acid, ethyl ester 52.63A 58.12A 66.93B 66.96B 120.58C 97.81D
Heptanoic acid, ethyl ester 1.33A 1.19A 1.30A 1.81A 2.49B 2.58BA
Octanoic acid, ethyl ester 7.45A 6.06AB 5.43B 11.04C 20.57D 23.68D
Decanoic acid ethyl ester 2.53A 2.30A 2.15A 3.91B 9.34C 7.99C
Pentanoic acid, ethyl ester 2.36A 3.00A 2.98A -B 6.63C 6.05C

Total esters 100.82A 96.80A 100.13A 132.49B 259.42C 231.84C

Acetic acid 16.72A 16.06A 15.68A 14.37A 84.39B 82.63B
Butanoic acid 79.33A 81.13A 80.59A 71.41A 183.63B 165.14B
Hexanoic acid 95.57A 100.27A 104.90A 81.54A 249.19B 229.06B
Octanoic acid 28.00A 38.41AB 41.16B 24.57A 71.86C 65.68C
Total acids 219.62AB 235.87A 242.33A 191.89B 589.07C 542.51C

60 °C for 3 min in the product inner part.
Not detected under the adopted conditions. For two-way ANOVA the samples under the detection limit were set as 0.

A similar behavior was also observed for the esters, represented dominant microbial component in Tortelloni samples, especially in the
mainly by ethyl hexanoate, ethyl acetate, ethyl octanoate and ethyl filled pasta containing protective cultures, and their role described in
butanoate. The esterase activity of LAB has been deeply described in the aroma formation of dairy products is compatible with the volatile
dairy and enological environments (Sumby, Grbin, & Jiranek, 2010). profile described for Tortelloni (Hemme & Foucaud-Scheunemann,
Liu, Holland, and Crow (2003) demonstrated that LAB esterases were 2004).
active against short chain fatty acid mono- and diglycerides and not
against triglycerides. Esterase activity was demonstrated also in leu- 3.4. Validation
conostocs by Pedersen, Ristagno, McSweeney, Vogensen, and Ardö
(2013). All the molecules described have already been reported as The effects of the bioprotective cultures on the spoilage profile and
component of dairy product flavor as the result of the microbial me- the shelf life of fresh filled pasta were validated in a second trial, ap-
tabolism (Curioni & Bosset, 2002) and their presence can be, at some plying a higher pasteurization treatment (70 °C for 3 min) if compared
extent, compatible with a dairy-based filling. Leuconostocs were the with the first trial, but milder if compared with those often adopted for

G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

Table 3
Microbial counts (log CFU/g) during production and storage of Tortelloni not inoculated (control) or inoculated with the bioprotective culture BC2 (Lactobacillus
rhamnosus and Lactobacillus paracasei) during the validation test. Results are the mean of three independent repetitions. For each microbial group significant
differences (p < 0.05) between the two products at each sampling point are indicated by the presence of an asterisk.
Microbial group Sample Before pasteurization After pasteurizationa T7 T15 T30

LAB Control 5.67* 2.44 1.95* 4.47* 6.70

BC2 7.02 1.95 4.48 5.14 6.94

Coagulase negative staphylococci Control 3.33 < 1b 2.45* 3.70* 5.82*

BC2 3.63 <1 <1 2.15 4.24

Yeasts Control 2.80 1.32 1.33* 2.66* 4.37*

BC2 2.41 1.51 <1 1.56 1.97

Enterobacteriaceae Control 4.68 <1 <1 <1 <1

BC2 4.51 <1 <1 <1 <1

60 °C for 3 min in the product inner part.
Below detection limit (1 log CFU/g). In order to apply ANOVA these values have been numerically treated as 1.

Fig. 3. Sensory data of cooked samples produced during the validation test immediately after production and after 30 days of storage at 6 °C. Sample C: control;
sample BC2: sample added with a mixture of L. rhamnosus and Lactobacillus paracasei. For each attribute, the presence of an asterisk indicates significant differences
between the two samples.

this typology of filled pasta (Alampese et al., 2008) in order to preserve 4. Conclusions
the characteristic of fresh Tortelloni. In this production, only the pro-
tective culture BC2 was used, due to its better inhibition effects against The addition of bioprotective cultures to the filling of fresh filled
enterobacteria and staphylococci that were observed in the first trial. pasta had a relevant quantitative and qualitative effect on the bacterial
The results of microbial counts are reported in Table 3. Before pas- microbiota of the product during the storage. Even if the added cultures
teurization, LAB showed concentration of 5.7 and 7.0 log CFU/g in the were never dominant at the end of shelf life, their presence and/or
control and in the samples added with the bioprotective culture, re- activity during the overnight incubation of filling was sufficient to re-
spectively. The thermal treatment decreased their presence of about 2 duce the initial microbiota associated with raw materials and could
log CFU/g in both samples. However, LAB counts were higher in the drive the evolution of microbial community towards the predominance
samples containing BC2 during storage, reaching counts of about 7 log of safer or more organoleptically acceptable species, such as leuco-
CFU/g after 30 days of storage at 6 °C. nostocs. Although the presence of these LAB cultures had some im-
Enterobacteriaceae were below the detection level after the thermal portant effects on the aroma profile of filled pasta, the overall impact on
treatment and no growth of this microbial group was observed during the sensory attributes after cooking was not perceived by the panel,
the storage. By contrast, lower counts of coagulase negative staphylo- with the exception of more intense aroma and odour intensity im-
cocci were observed after 30 days in the samples containing BC2 (4.2 mediately after production. This is attributable to the presence of mo-
log CFU/g vs. 5.8 log CFU/g). Also yeast concentration was lower in the lecules (such as acetoin and diacetyl) compatible with the Ricotta/
presence of the culture BC2 (about 2.0 log CFU/g vs. 4.4 log CFU/g after cheese based filling of Tortelloni. The use of these cultures allowed the
30 days). application of milder thermal treatments with the aim to better main-
The sensory analysis carried out on cooked Tortelloni immediately tain the traditional textural and flavor characteristics of this kind of
after production and after 30 days of storage evidenced the accept- pasta combined with a higher aw needed to preserve the softness of the
ability of both samples of pasta (Fig. 3). After production, six of the filling.
attributes (colour, salty, sourness, bitterness, cohesiveness and chewi-
ness), as well as the overall acceptability, did not result significantly CRediT authorship contribution statement
different, while two (odour intensity and aroma intensity) received
significantly higher scores in the filled pasta containing BC2, probably Giulia Tabanelli: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft.
due to the activity of bioprotective culture during the 18 h incubation of Federica Barbieri: Investigation. Ilenia Campedelli: Data curation.
the filling. At the end of storage all the attributes showed no significant Maria Chiara Venturini: Funding acquisition. Fausto Gardini:
differences between the two samples (Fig. 3). Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Chiara

G. Tabanelli, et al. Food Control 115 (2020) 107304

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