Cherry: Hi! Welcome To (Name of Program) ! I Am

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01. Cherry: Hi! Welcome to (name of program)! I am

Cherry, your virtual assistant. Let’s get you started.
(Pls click next to proceed)

02. Cherry: (name of program) is an interactive

child-friendly interface. This program is developed to
promote positive social networking and encourage
constructing a safe, comfortable, and friendly setting
to initiate conversations. (Pls click next to proceed)
03. Cherry: Now let’s proceed to our app features.

● Application is programmed to detect unusual

activities or sensitive topics by analyzing context
clues in the conversation and blog posts
● when fault is detected, the app will suggest options
to the user to either continue the conversation or
block the person from the user’s social media
accounts. Even if that person recreates another
account, he/she won’t be able to find any info about
the user and his/her account
● AUTO-CENSOR MODE: A mode exists wherein the
user can enable the program to automatically censor
inappropriate words found in conversations and
display a warning on the person who sent them.
● DAILY TIPS: Gives out daily tips and advice that
promote Social Networking Safety.
● TIKTOKLAOK: There’s also an interactive interface,
similar to TikTok. This section contains 30s-1 min
clips about tips to avoid scams, trolls, cut off people
you meet online that make you uncomfortable, and
● HEY CHERRY: The user can also consult Cherry,
the program’s AI, about some suggestions for
comfortable topics to bring up in a conversation as
well as replies that respects all points of view
● BLOCK FEATURE - The user can block a social
media user with contents that he or she does not
want to see on his or her social media feed or

Cherry: These are only some of the features of the

application as we are progressing on the growth of our
program to cater to your social networking needs and
safety. To express our overflowing gratitude for downloading
our application, here’s some do’s and don'ts that will surely
be of great help in your social networking journey.

#1: Do have complete and active social profiles
- By having a displayed character, your audience can
foresee your personality and interests.

#2: Be unique and engaging with your sharing

- Your brand is directly proportional to the content that
you share, providing your audiences with unique
and engaging posts can add credibility to your

#3: Regularly interact with your audience

- In maintaining a mobile environment, a safe space
could be created; where both you and the people
who interact are always connected.

#4 Use right content on right network

- There is a thin line between the appropriation of
contents in each social networking site. Choose the
right utilization of words, contents to be posted, and
consider the audience who would see.

#5 Always posses Good Behavior

- By having good manners shows who you are and
enables you to encourage others to be kind, and to
perform at their best state as well

#1: Don’t use Poor Grammar and Spelling
- Poor grammar and spelling appears disturbingly
incoherent to the readers’ point of view. This can
also lead to miscommunication between
conversations which may later on lead to an even
more complicated situation which is why it is
highly encouraged to make an effort upon
checking grammar and spelling.
There are also sites that are created for mainly
correcting grammar; you can check them out on
our company’s official page!


- Capitalization is considered a form of shouting in
the online mode of communication. Be
professional by making sure that the statements
to be shared towards someone you’re talking to is
adequate in all forms of way.
#3: Don’t ever be Fake
- It is advisable to hide behind a screen name to
protect your personal information. However,
exaggerated misleading information can also be a
form of deception that could harm, violate, and
cause conflicts not only to other persons but also
to yourself.

#4: Don’t believe Everything you Read

- It’s always better to take time to research facts
that back-up an information than believing a false
assumption on a whim. Remember, the pain of
learning only lasts for a while but feigned
ignorance could cost you a lifetime.

#5: Don’t dedicate all your time on Social Networks

- Every encounter is a lived experience. Although
social networking is a trend nowadays, it would be
100x better to communicate with persons without
screens connecting you.

Cherry: Since we’ve familiarized ourselves with some of

the basic do’s and don'ts in using different social
networking sites, Group 1, the founder of this app and I,
your guide hopes you’ve at least got the hang of it. Let’s
make the virtual platform a space where none is
offended, left behind, and disregarded. If you are in
further need of my assistance, feel free to activate me by
saying “Hey, Cherry”. Until next time you’d need me, see
you around!

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