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Indirect Statements: A key to relative tense equivalents in English

If you see… You are in the… That means that the events in the clause And should translate it as…
happen ______ the main verb…
Principal Parts 1&2 Present system … At the same time as… (Contemporary) “is/was verbing”
Pugnare active “is/was being verbed”
pugnari passive (+ being)
Principal Parts 3&4 Perfect system … Before … (Prior) “had/have <been> verbed”
Pugnavisse, active
pugnatum esse passive (+ been)
Anything future Future … After … “is/ was fixin’ to verb”
Pugnaturum esse active “is/was about to verb”
Pugatum iri passive (very rare) “is/was intending to verb”

Caesarem Gallos pugnaturum esse.

Caesar will fight Gauls.

Future – Dicet Caesarem Gallos pugnare.

He will say THAT Caesar is fighting the Gauls.

Caesarem Gallos pugnavisse.

Caesar has fought the Gauls.

Caesarem Gallos pugnaturum esse.

Caesar will fight Gauls.

Present – Dicit Caesarem Gallos pugnare.

He says THAT Caesar is fighting the Gauls.

Caesarem Gallos pugnavisse.

Caesar has fought the Gauls.

Caesarem Gallos pugnaturum esse.

Caesar would fight the Gauls.

Past – Dixit & Dicebat Caesarem Gallos pugnare.

He said/ was saying Caesar was fighting the Gauls.
Caesarem Gallos pugnavisse.
Caesar had fought the Gauls.
Arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus = think, believe (We will believe = arbitrabimur)
Velociraptor, velociraptoris, f. = velociraptor
Praeceptrix, praeceptricis, f. = professor
Neco necare necavi necatus = to kill

1. We believe that the velociraptor is going to kill the professor.

2. We believed that the velociraptor was going to kill the professor.

3. We believed that the velociraptor had killed the professor.

4. We believed that the velociraptor had been killed by the professor.

5. We will believe that the velociraptor has killed the professor.

6. We had believed that the velociraptor was killing the professor.

7. We were believing that the velociraptor was being killed by the professor.

8. We believe that the velociraptor is being killed by the professor.

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