Chakravarthi-Shankar2021 Article UtilizationOfRecycledAggregate

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Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191


Utilization of recycled aggregates in cement‑treated bases:

a state‑of‑the‑art review
Sarella Chakravarthi1   · S. Shankar1

Received: 11 March 2021 / Accepted: 28 May 2021

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Recycled materials with suitable engineering properties can be used as substitutes for natural aggregates (NA), an economi-
cally feasible and environmentally friendly alternative. Various recycled materials such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP),
recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), crushed brick (CB), fine recycled glass (FRG), Steel Slag, waste rock (WR), recycled
masonry aggregate (RMA), electrolyte manganese residue (EMR), red mud (RM) and plastic wastes, were used globally in
pavement construction. Extensive research is in progress to utilize recycled materials in flexible and rigid pavement bases
with and without stabilization. Cement stabilization is widely used among the various stabilization techniques due to the
proven process/technology and benefits. The recycled aggregates content, type, cement content, gradation, curing period,
and other factors influence the mechanical properties of the cement-treated bases. In the process, there is a need to assess
the performance of cement-treated bases at varying percentages of recycled materials to understand the real-time conditions
for different climatic conditions. The optimization of the recycled materials and cement is necessary to improve the perfor-
mance and make the recycled bases economically viable. A detailed review of cement-treated bases using different recycled
materials is carried and presented in the current paper. Besides, the indigenous characteristics of various recycled materials
with cement stabilization are presented. The extensive literature survey concluded that Cement-treated bases showed better
performance than conventional bases in terms of stiffness, strength, economic, environmental, and sustainable perspectives.

Keywords  Recycling · RAP · RCA​ · Stabilization · Cement

Introduction (WMM), water bound macadam (WBM), and crusher run

macadam (CRM) made of natural aggregates. However, to
Road transportation plays a significant role in the movement meet the demands of infrastructure for developmental activi-
of people and goods from one place to another to improve ties, natural aggregates are continuously extracted, leading to
the socio-economic conditions of any nation. Among the the depletion of natural resources that increase construction
infrastructure, pavement is the hard surface that provides costs. Preservation of these natural resources for the sustain-
safe movement of vehicles. Generally, the pavement has sev- able development of roads remains a challenge around the
eral layers, including a natural subgrade, compacted sub- world. So, there is a pressing need to adopt recycled materi-
grade, sub-base, base, binder course, and an asphalt surface als for infrastructure construction globally, particularly in
course. The base and sub-base courses transfer the traffic developing countries. These recycled materials are gener-
load onto the subgrade safely without causing excessive ally in service for several years before recycling into the
deformation and reduce stress levels. Traditionally, bases are aggregates. During the service period, there is a possibility
composed of granular materials such as wet mix macadam of deterioration due to traffic, climatic, and environmental
factors. As a result, these materials cannot be used directly
* Sarella Chakravarthi for construction as they do not satisfy all the required engi- neering properties as conventional pavement materials.
S. Shankar RCA is obtained from the construction and demolition waste of concrete structures, and RAP is obtained from the
removal of in-service distressed flexible pavements. RCA
Department of Civil Engineering, Transportation Division, is widely used for landfills and shoulders. Similarly, glass
NIT, Warangal 506004, India

191   Page 2 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

is obtained from industries, and fly ash is the waste derived In the case of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste,
from the thermal power plant. Apart from this, EMR, which it is estimated that 850 million tonnes are generated accord-
is the wastage from the manganese production plant, red ing to the 2008 census. Moreover, more percentage of recy-
mud is a by-product of the bauxite calcination process, and cling takes place in Denmark, followed by Netherlands [11].
Slag is the by-product of steel plants are some industrial A typical percentage of C&D waste generation of total waste
wastes. This industrial wastage cannot be induced directly and the percentage of recycling of C&D is shown in Fig. 1.
into the pavements, which require appropriate treatment and Concerning India, which is the second-largest country in
should be assessed for strength and durability issues. terms of population, the entire C&D waste is around 23 mil-
RAP consists of valuable aggregates which are covered lion tonnes generated every year, and 5% is recycled. Out of
by a coating of bitumen. RCA consist of aggregates and all C&D waste, 1.8 million tons of RCA have been gener-
cement mortar. Usage of these materials will create a sus- ated annually [12]. A study estimated that the C&D waste
tainable environment and decrease conventional aggregates’ generation using material flow patterns which accounts for
usage. RAP can be used in pavement layers in the surface around 112–431 million tones which is more than that of the
course, binder course, bases, and sub-bases in different official figures [13]. However, the percentage of recycling is
percentages. Also, recommended to use RAP as a granular not well documented. The statistics reveal that the genera-
material, shoulders, backfills, bicycle tracks, parking areas, tion of recycled aggregates will surpass natural aggregates
etc., [1]. production in the future. This will increase the generation
Similarly, RCA can be used as base and sub-base courses of C&D and natural aggregates as well. If the same trend is
in pavement construction. FRG, CB, WR, and RMA can be continued, there might be no NA to cater needs of the future
used in bases and sub-bases with the combination of other generation. Nowadays, recycled aggregates are considered
recycled materials or with additives. Apart from these mate- waste materials and dumping at the roadsides used for land
rials, some other wastes and recycled materials like orna- fillings. To preserve the natural aggregates and protect the
mental stone processing, waste from the manufacturing of environment, recycling these aggregates is the only option
wind turbine like glass fiber embedded in epoxy resin, fib- available. The utilization of recycled aggregates is cheaper
ers from the palm tree fruits, Sludge wastes from the paper and consumes less energy than that of the processing of the
industry, recycled Cathode ray tubes, and recycling paper natural aggregates. The only thing is to identify recycled
industry effluent sludges are used in the cement mortars as materials from different sources like roads, industries, build-
partial replacement of aggregates [2–7]. The utilization of ings, etc., and conserving them for present and future pave-
these wastes from industries helps in cleaner production with ment construction activities.
less pollution and low carbon footprints. These materials are The composition of C&D waste varies between coun-
used to prepare mortars that can be used in the pavement tries based on the construction and demolition activities. A
bases as well. Cement stabilization of these recycled waste typical composition of C&D waste in India is presented in
materials will improve the load-bearing capacity and pro-
vides stiffer bases [8]. Though nationally and internationally
research is contributed besides the specifications, using recy- 100
Percentage of C&D in total waste
cled materials is limited in engineering communities. With 90 Percentage Recycling of C&D
this background, it is necessary to comprehend the research
works in various regions worldwide on cement-treated bases
% Percentage of Aggregates

using recycled aggregates. 70


Statistics of the utilization of aggregates: world
scenario 40

The demand for the usage of NA for the present and future
is increasing day by day. According to the Freedonia Group,
world road construction aggregates of 2017, 43 billion tons 10

of non-metallic minerals are extracted for usage worldwide. 0

The aggregates demand is more for the Asia/Pacific region lia zil ark and any ng an aly nds ay ain UK USA
stra Bra enm Finl erm g Ko Jap It herla Norw Sp
[9, 10]. Non-metallic minerals include limestone, manga- Au D G Hon
nese, mica, gypsum, coal, dolomite, phosphate, granite, etc. Country
Among these, the highest consumption is limestone used to
construct roads, buildings, and railways. Fig. 1  Statistics of C&D in different countries [11]

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 3 of 22  191

Fig. 2. More than 50% of the total C & D is comprised of Cement-treated base is obtained by stabilization of aggre-
brick, masonry, and concrete demolition. gate or soil material with cement, compacted and allowed
to cure for a particular period to improve its mechanical
properties. The properties of the recycled materials can be
Recycled aggregates in base course enhanced with additives or blending with superior quality
applications materials [25]. Moreover, cement stabilized materials have
high fatigue strength, and their bearing capacity is more
Several researchers studied to include recycled aggregates in than that of unbound materials [26]. Besides, there is an
pavement bases, but a few limitations are noticed. Some of improvement in the stiffness of the base with the cement
these include using RCA above the water table due to envi- stabilization. Further, it reduces the deflections, increases
ronmental factors like contamination of the drinking water the pavement life even at higher traffic loads, and serves
and its poor performance toward freeze and thaw cycles better than NA bases [27].
[14–16]. Likewise, RAP aggregate usage in the pavements Further, strength and durability issues can be alleviated if
concerns strength reduction, more permanent deformation, recycled materials are treated with suitable chemical agents.
poor distribution of stresses and less durability, and recom- These factors motivated to move toward the stabilization of
mended stabilization [17, 18]. The lower strength of the RAP recycled bases. Among stabilization, cement stabilization
aggregates is due to asphalt binder coating, which exhibits is one of the widely preferred options because of the easy
large permanent deformations due to viscous behavior [19, availability of cement, early strength gain, and durability
20]. So, blending with quality aggregates is preferred while aspects. Also, Taha et al. [28] proved that cement-treated
using RAP in pavement sub-bases to increase interlocking RAP bases are more economical than the untreated NA. The
capacity [21]. However, the combined gradation should have utilization of conventional aggregates is a costly process as it
good packing; otherwise, more permanent strains may occur involves quarrying, crushing, and transportation. The recy-
[22]. Likewise, the recommended ratio is 85:15 at 59–78% cled materials considered waste and utilization of the same
of OMC when RCA and RAP are combined, satisfying the with some stabilizer are always environmentally friendly and
repeated load triaxial test (RLT). Beyond this limit, there economical.
is a decline in the stiffness properties [21]. Arulrajah et al. Cement stabilization is mainly used to strengthen the
[23] recommend using RAP/RCA blends in low-traffic roads weak subgrade, base, and sub-base course, increasing the
due to strength issues. Also, Disfani et al. [24] showed that pavement’s load transfer efficiency. Different studies were
FRG could be used as an alternative to the NA, which has carried on the stabilization of recycled materials in com-
similar properties as NA and has lower leachate concentra- bination with NA. The adopted cement contents in these
tions. Arulrajah et al. [25] concluded that the CB, RAP, and studies ranged from 2 to 10%, depending on the strength
FRG properties should be modified by blending or adding requirements. These stabilization levels purely depend on
additives due to insufficient strength and engineering proper- material properties, traffic conditions, strength, and durabil-
ties. To address the issues associated with recycled materials ity characteristics. The performance parameters considered
and increase their utilization in the high-volume roads, the to study the cement-treated bases are unconfined compres-
stabilization of recycled materials is considered. sive strength (UCS), flexural strength (FS), indirect tensile
Given the gaps in recycled unbound materials, the strength (ITS), modulus, permanent deformation, fatigue,
cement stabilization of recycled materials is a good option. etc. Each of these materials is analyzed in critical condi-
tions to understand their behavior in real-time conditions.
Likewise, RAP materials are sensitive to temperature, and
2% RCA materials are susceptible to water.
Soil, Sand & Gravel Cement‑treated recycled bases
Brick & Masonary
Metals Cement-treated bases can be evaluated using different
Bitumen parameters. The literature shows that the percentage of
Wood studies carried using different parameters is presented in
Fig. 3. UCS is the primary parameter adopted by more than
70% of the researchers, followed by Resilient Modulus
31% (MR). The measurement of cohesion is represented in terms
of UCS. Every country has its specification limits of UCS
Fig. 2  Composition of C&D in India [88] for base material. Besides, ITS is an important parameter

191   Page 4 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

Fig. 3  Parameters used in the


that determines the resistance toward tensile cracks. The obtained from solid waste can be used in the bases. The
modulus is used to characterize the materials and to design/ combination includes polyethylene terephthalate, recycled
analysis of pavements. Durability studies include wet-dry waste from the waste bottles, CB and RCA in the cement-
cycles and freeze–thaw cycles that replicate the long-lasting treated bases. Arulrajah et al. [32] recommended using
nature of the pavement bases. All these parameters are pre- small amounts of plastic (up to 5%) as it decreases the
sented in this section at different curing periods and cement mechanical properties of the bases with further addition.
contents. Some studies used recycled materials directly, and On the other hand, research is done on the cement-treated
others treated them before using them. Some mixes need to RAP aggregates with different amounts of residual binder,
be designed appropriately with suitable aggregate combina- type of bitumen binder, and aging. It is reported that there
tions. Likewise, a balanced mix designed electric arc furnace is no significant impact of the bitumen content on the
slag and NA can be used as an alternative to the conventional properties of the cement-treated bases [18, 33]. In contrast,
base and sub-bases [29]. In this way, most recycled materi- there is a decrease in mechanical properties of the base
als are induced into the pavement base layers by cement with the increase in the number of RAP aggregates which
stabilization. increases the asphalt surface and inhibits the formation
Further, industrial wastes like EMR, RM, and RCA of cement bonds between the aggregates and the cement
from the concrete industry were pretreated before sta- [34–37]. Fedrigo et al. [38] concluded that the age of the
bilization using cement. The pre-treatment of RCA RAP, amount of binder, and type of binder significantly
requires covering the pores that are existing. Several affect the compaction and mechanical characteristics of the
methods are available, like sodium silicate solution and mixes. There exist differences in the influence of cement-
silica fume–Portland cement combination. The silica treated recycled materials on the mechanical properties.
fume–cement slurry-treated mixes achieved the highest Cement-treated bases are different from the concrete
compressive strength and other mechanical properties mixtures, which are lightly cemented (2–10%) than concrete
compared with sodium silicate solution treatment and mixtures (10–15%). The amount of cement is selected based
untreated mixes [30]. Similarly, polyvinyl chloride (1.5 on the required compressive strength for both mixes. The
or 2%)-treated RCA along with cement stabilization (3%) utilization of super-plasticizers is adopted in concretes to
achieved better mechanical properties by improving ductil- achieve early strength, curing, and some particular purposes.
ity and shear strength [31]. Besides, the cathode ray tubes However, pre-treatment is done for recycled materials using
(CRT), the waste generated during the technology up-gra- super-plasticizers or other additives to achieve adequate
dation of television, is a significant recycled material. The strength. Also, the aggregate composition of the cement-
use of the cement-treated CRT and the masonry recycled treated bases is entirely different from the concrete mixtures.
aggregates as a sub-base proved to be sustainable in terms In addition to the super-plasticizers, some air-entertaining
of strength and environmental point of view [7]. Plastics agents for particular concrete application purposes are used.

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 5 of 22  191

Compaction characteristics concluded that the RAP content significantly influences

of cement‑treated recycled bases the OMC and MDD in which OMC and MDD decrease
with the RAP content, and an increase in OMC is observed
Compaction characteristics include optimum moisture with the cement content. While the MDD of NA is signifi-
content (OMC) and maximum dry density (MDD) that cantly higher than that of the recycled aggregates, there is
are important in achieving the excellent compactabil- no particular trend observed in the case of OMC from the
ity of the bases. The compaction is performed generally studies [28, 48]. The lower MDD of recycled materials is
using a modified proctor testing procedure according to due to their combination with other materials. For exam-
the AASTHO T180 protocol. In this test, a mold size of ple, the RAP is a combination of aggregates and asphalt;
102 mm diameter and 127 mm height is used, and each RCA combines aggregates and mortar; crushed brick is a
layer is compacted using a 4.5 kg hammer from a free fall combination of brick and mortar.
of 457 mm. OMC and MDD depend on the water absorp- Water and cement are the two critical components that
tion capacity of the ingredients in the mixture and its impart workability and strength. It is reported that there is a
compatibility. The behavior of the cement-treated bases decline in the strength of the base with the increase in water
is different from the normal bases as it involves different to cement ratio irrespective of the type of recycled mate-
percentages of recycled aggregate contents and cement rial [44] and improves the workability. The properties like
contents. Fedrigo et  al. [39] concluded that OMC and compressive strength, density, water absorption capacity,
MDD are not significantly influenced by the cement con- porosity, and flexural strength were affected by increasing
tent and percentage of RAP content. Xuan et al. [40] con- the water to cement ratio [48]. Hence, the water content shall
cluded that the MDD for recycled mixes (RMA and RCA) be selected so that the maximum strength is achieved, and it
are influenced by compaction method and energy where is better to skip the construction of the treated bases in wet
OMC increases and MDD decreases with an increase in conditions. The water should be optimum to complete the
RMA in the mix. Higher OMC is observed for RCA mixes hydration reaction, and more water leads to the voids in the
compared with conventional aggregates because of higher mixture after the evaporation process. The recommended
water absorption of the RCA, and also coarse RCA has a water to cement ratio is less than or equal to 0.5 [44]. Gener-
higher demand for water than that of the fine RCA [41]. ally, OMC is considered to counteract this problem. How-
Liu et al. [42] observed an increase in MDD and OMC ever, laboratory conditions might not exist in the field as
with the increase in the steel slag content. A typical com- free moisture exists in the aggregate before mixing due to
parison of different recycled materials at constant cement environmental factors. All these factors and field conditions
content is shown in Fig. 5. RAP has low OMC and high should be taken while constructing a pavement base.
dry density, and RCA has the opposite with high OMC
and lowers dry density [43, 44]. The nature of more water
absorption of RCA is due to the porous nature of the sur- Unconfined compressive strength (UCS)
rounding mortar, and the lower OMC of RAP is due to of cement‑treated recycled bases
the asphalt coating that prevents the water absorption of
the RAP. For cement-treated recycled bases, MDD might UCS is one of the parameters used to measure bound mate-
not replicate the compressive strength as many factors rials’ strength and cohesive nature, like chemically treated
influence strength development. Lim and Zollinger [41] soil or aggregate specimens. Generally, the specimen size
revealed that two different materials, namely recycled con- used in this test is 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height
crete and crushed limestone with the same MDD, achieved according to the ASTM D1632 protocol and compacted at
different strengths. Typically, Leite [45] concluded that the OMC. In some studies, 100 mm diameter and 100 mm height
determination of the OMC for the C&D waste mixtures are adopted. The prepared samples are cured at various peri-
is slightly tricky due to the differences in the variability ods and tested for compressive strength using a standard
in the constituent’s materials due to breakage during the compression testing machine. This parameter is mainly used
compaction process. The same phenomenon is observed to define the bound bases’ resilience and to optimize the
in the cement-treated RCA-NA mixtures where the OMC stabilizer. The acceptable range of UCS approximately is
did not follow the proper trend with RCA content [46]. between 300 and 600 psi (2.1–4.1 MPa). Several studies
Besides, Guo et al. [47] used a combination of NA and were carried on UCS of cement/cement kiln dust (CKD)
RCA from cement stabilized macadam at various percent- stabilized recycled aggregate blends [28, 33, 34, 43, 49] dis-
ages. It is observed that an increase in the OMC and MDD cussed in the following sections. Besides, some industrial
with the cement content observed a reduction in MDD and waste materials like EMR and RM are used in some stud-
an increase in OMC with RCA. Chakravarthi et al. [46] ies. However, pre-treatment is required for such materials to
prevent leachate problems and unwanted reactions [50]. In

191   Page 6 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

addition, Guo et al. [47] used additives and early strength

anti-cracking materials, which improves the strength within
the 7 days of curing period compared with normal mixtures.
UCS depends on several factors like material type, grada-
tion, stabilizer, curing period, RAP or RCA or ceramic or
glass or any other recycled materials percentage, cement
type, the addition of fibers, etc. Some of the factors that
influence the strength of the bases are presented in Table 1.
On the other hand, several studies were carried out on
RCA with different percentages of cement contents, size
fractions, and the combination of other demolition waste.
Demolition waste includes CB, FRG, ceramic materials,
RMA, RAP, etc. From the laboratory study, Chakravarthi
et al. [46] showed that RCA bases have significant strengths Fig. 4  OMC and MDD for different aggregates at constant cement
content [44]
than RAP bases at constant cement and curing period. Some
of the results of UCS are summarized in Table 2.

Variation of UCS with cement or CKD content OMC
MDD 2.06
UCS increases with the cement content linearly irrespective 2.04
of the type of RAP material, as shown in Fig. 5 [33, 34, 39, 10

MDD (Mg/m3)
43, 51]. However, the UCS increases up to 15% in CKD
OMC (%)

8 2.02
utilization and starts to decline [28]. Further, a similar trend
of increase in UCS with cement content is observed for 50% 6 2
RAP blended with NA [33, 34, 52]. The strength increases
with the amount of binder through pozzolanic reactions and 4
establishes strong bonds. The gain in strength of 100% RAP 2
is low and requires more cement to reach the desired strength 1.96
than other blends. This is because of the improper bonding 0
with less cement as the RAP material is asphalt coated and
Aggregate Type
has more slip surfaces. In a study by Suebsuk et al. [53], two
materials, namely RAP and laterite soils, were stabilized
using cement. It is evident that the rate of gain in strength Fig. 5  Percentage of studies adopted different recycled aggregates
more when cement content is less than 10% and decreases
when it exceeds 10%. The cement requirement varies from
type of cement, type of base material, depth of milling, and
type of recycled material. When utilizing the cement by-
products like CKD, it is necessary to determine optimum Overall the strength of the RAP blended mixes increases
dosage; otherwise, there might be a decline in strength at with the cement and NA in which cement acts as a bonding
some point [43]. A typical comparison is made with the material, and NA results in better interlocking in between
specifications mentioned in Table 3 with the researchers’ the RAP and NA. Similarly, there is an improvement in the
results, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. There is variability in UCS when cement is added to the RCA irrespective of the
meeting the required specifications, which depend on the type of material. Studies conducted on RCA stabilized with
cement content, recycled aggregate type, and aggregate con- cement are shown in Fig. 4 [41, 44, 54–56]. Figure 4 shows the
tent. However, most of the results achieved the requirement strength variation of NA, RAP, and RCA cement-treated bases.
as a base, and the sub-base with the cement content less than It is observed that the rate of gain in strength of RCA-treated
5%. The efficiency of the cement byproducts like CKD and bases is more with the addition of cement compared with RAP
fly ash are less than that of the cement as large amounts are and NA. RAP has a significantly lower rate of strength gain
required for stabilization. Further, optimization is needed with the addition of cement because of asphalt coating. In
for cement by-products, whereas the cement stabilized bases addition to the cement, the existing mortar in the RCA con-
proportionally increased their strengths. tributed to the higher strengths.

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 7 of 22  191

Table 1  Influence of different parameters on UCS of RAP materials

Parameter Yuan et al. [33] Guthrie et al. [34] Taha et al. [43] Taha et al. [28] Suebsuk et al. [53]

RAP content UCS decreases UCS decreases – UCS decreases UCS decreases
Cement content/CKD UCS increases UCS increases UCS increases up UCS increases UCS increases
to 15% (CKD)
Curing period – – UCS increases UCS increases UCS increases
Asphalt content No impact on strength – – – Have a significant
effect on the strength
of CTB

Table 2  Influence of different parameters on UCS of RCA materials

Parameter Faysal et al. [54] Mohammadinia et al. [44] Lim and Zollinger [41] Arulrajah et al. [55]

RCA content UCS increases – – RCA-FRG blends have

more UCS than pure
Cement content UCS increases UCS increases –
Curing period – UCS increases UCS increases UCS increases
OMC 100% RCA has high OMC RCA has higher OMC com- RCA has more OMC than NA RCA has higher OMC
pared with other C &D

Table 3  Summary of UCS Country/Code UCS (MPa)

specifications for road bases at
seven days of curing period India [64] Low volume road (traffic < 2 msa) High-volume road (traffic > 3 msa)
Sub-base Base Sub-base Base
1.70 2.76 1.5–3.0 4.5–7.0
China [40] Secondary road Highway
1.5–2.0 1.5–2.5 1.5–2.5 3.0–5.0
Britain [40] CBM 1 CBM 2 CBM 3 CBM 4
2.5–4.5 4.5–7.5 6.5–10.0 10.0–15.0
South Africa [40] C1 C2 C3 C4
4–8 2–4 1–2 0.5–1
New Zealand [89] 3
Portland Cement Asso- 2.1–5.5
ciation [90]
Spain [91] 2.5–4.5
Australia [29] > 3
Brazil [29] > 3.5
Spain [29] 4.5–6
USA [29] 3.5–6.9 for PCC, 5.2–6.9 for HMA
Italy [29] 2.5–5.5

CBM 1, CBM 2, CBM 3, CBM 4 are classified based on gradation according to Britain, and C1, C2, C3,
C4 are classified based on the South Africa specification

Variation of UCS with recycled aggregate 46, 51, 52, 57]. Hundred percentage of RAP has a low
content UCS value compared with NA. The UCS values for 100%
RAP mixes without stabilization fall below the accept-
The UCS of cement-treated bases gradually decreases able limits. Other blended mixes with NA or other base
with the increase in the percentage of RAP independent materials require lower cement contents than the 100%
of the stabilization levels, as shown in Fig. 8 [17, 33, 39, RAP. The decrease in strength with RAP content is due to
the lowest specific gravity of RAP materials and slippery

191   Page 8 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

Fig. 6  Variation of UCS with cement/CKD content for RAP bases a 0%RAP, b 50%RAP, c 100%RAP

surfaces of the asphalt coating. The increase in strength UCS increases with an increase in the RCA content up
with NA or base materials is due to good interlocking to 75% replacement and decreases at 100% RCA alone
nature [53]. Apart from RAP content, cement content, cur- [56]. Chakravarthi et al. [46] found that the strength is
ing time, compaction effort influences the strength of the maximum at 50:50 ratios of RCA and NA independent
treated base [39, 56]. So, these are the available options of cement contents. Guo et al. [47] observed a decrease
to increase the strength of the RAP mixes, including an in compressive strength with RCA content. The packing
increase in the amount of cement stabilizer or compac- density also influences the strength of the RCA mixes [58].
tion effort or NA or base material proportion in the mixes. When RCA was replaced with RAP, the UCS significantly
In case of scarcity of the base materials or conventional improved with RCA content irrespective of the cement
aggregates, stabilization and compaction effort are the content [54]. Xuan et al. [40] replaced CB with RCA at
only available alternatives. different cement contents (0 to 5.5%) and observed an
Besides, the strength of RCA blended with other increase in UCS with RCA content.
aggregates like NA, RAP, and CB in various propor- Faysal et al. [54] proposed a model for the strength of the
tions depends on the type of material replaced. Figure 9 unbound and cement-treated RCA-RAP blended Bases as a
shows the variation of UCS with RCA in which three dif- function of RAP content at seven days of curing period as
ferent materials are used as a replacement. When RCA shown in Eqs. (1).
is replaced with NA and stabilized with 5% cement, the For cement-treated bases,

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 9 of 22  191

materials gradually attain strength with time. There is an

increase in strength with the curing period independent of
the type of material or cement used [43, 51, 57]. The increase
in strength is found to be logarithmic [59]. In RCA, there is
an increase in the UCS with the curing period independent
of stabilization. This is due to the self-cementing properties
of the RCA in which the size of less than 0.15 mm and 0.3 to
0.6 mm are significant for the self-cementing nature [60, 61].
Cement-treated recycled aggregates with the combination of
other marginal materials like RMA, ceramic material, FRG,
sand, brick also exhibited an increase in strength with the
curing period [40, 48, 61, 62]. The gain in strength continues
to increase for 28 days in all the recycled materials irrespec-
tive of the source.

Variation of UCS with fines content

Fig. 7  Variation of UCS with cement content. *NA, **RAP, ‘a’
another source
The fines content in a mix plays an essential role in the
variation of the strength. Fines content is one of the causes
for shrinkage cracks when it is high in amounts, leading
fc7 (RAP) = fc7 (RCA) − 1.285(RAP%) (1)
to insufficient interlocking and loses load transfer capacity
For Unbound bases, when it is in low amounts [63]. Fines content in any blend
has some ranges to achieve maximum density and strength
fc7 (RAP) = fc7 (RCA) − 0.098(RAP%) (2) as too many fines create a problem. The increase in the fines
Experimental studies were carried out on the stabiliza- reduces the void ratio and increases the density of the mix-
tion of two recycled materials with different percentages of ture. Generally, material passing through a 0.075 mm sieve
replacements. The replacement is successful in achieving is represented as fines. From a study by Behiry [56], the
the desired strength specified by local authorities. However, RCA blends exhibited higher strengths with the increase in
the percentage of replacement is restricted depending on the fines. The UCS of RAP blended bases with NA increases
strength achieved. Some studies include RAP/RCA, RCA/ with fines content (0.3% to 2.7%), and maximum UCS is
FRG, RCA/RMA, or a combination of all the recycled mate- observed at 2.7% [33]. So, there is an increase in the strength
rials in some percentages. Arulrajah et al. [55] studied the of the recycled bases with fines irrespective of the material.
replacement of FRG with RCA at 3% of cement stabiliza- However, this statement is valid up to certain limits of fines
tion and found encouraging results with acceptable strength. content. Lim and Zollinger [41] concluded that the mixes
Faysal et al. [54] replaced RAP/RCA and concluded that show higher strength at 5% fines content than 10% fines
100%RAP could not be used as it required higher cement content. This phenomenon is observed in both RCA and NA.
content than 6%, which is uneconomical. Xuan et al. [42] The variation of the strength may depend on material and
confirmed that the RMA percentage and cement content gradation. The fines range adopted by many specifications
influence the strength of the mixture and concluded that the was less than 10% [29, 59, 64].
masonry particles’ failure affects the strength rather than the
bonding interface. Similarly, industrial byproducts like steel
slag are investigated to use in the road bases, and maximum Flexural strength properties
strength is achieved at 50% replacement. of cement‑treated recycled bases

Flexural strength is simply resistance to bending, an essen-

tial parameter for the cement-treated bases as they expe-
Variation of UCS with curing period rience bending during traffic movements. It can be deter-
mined using either one point or three-point bending test,
The curing period is one of the critical factors in the evalu- mostly four-point bending, by applying loading at a constant
ation of cement-treated bases. The authorities prefer suf- rate. The dimensions of the specimens are 7 × 7 × 28 ­cm3 or
ficient compressive strengths at lower curing periods (less 10 × 10 × 40 ­cm3 are considered according to the standards.
than 7 days) to allow traffic early. In general, cementitious Table 4 presents the flexural strength of different recycled

191   Page 10 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

7.5 7.5
0.0% Cement 0% CKD
7 7
0.5% Cement 5% CKD
6.5 6.5
1.0% Cement 10% CKD
6 6 15% CKD
1.5% Cement
5.5 2.0% Cement 5.5 20% CKD
5 5
4.5 4.5

4 4
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Modified and redrawn from Guthrie et al. [34]
Modified and redrawn from Taha et al. [43]
7 0% Cement 0% Cement
2% Cement 7
6.5 3% Cement
4% Cement 6.5
6 5% Cement
6% Cement 6 7% Cement
5.5 5.5
5 5


4 4
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Modified and redrawn from Yuan et al. [33] Modified and redrawn from Taha et al. [28]

Fig. 8  Variation of UCS with RAP content

materials investigated by various researchers across the

world. The nomenclature RCA0 represents the percentage
Unconfined Compressive Strength (MPa)

3.5 of RCA is 0% in the mix, RAP0 represents the RAP percent-

age is 0% in the mix, and 90RCA/10FRG means the mix is a
combination of 90% of RCA and 10% of FRG.
2.5 From Table 4, the flexural strength of the recycled aggre-
gate mixes decreases with the increase in the recycled mate-
rial content [56, 65]. However, for mixes with steel slag,
Behiry et al. [56]
maximum flexural strength is observed at 50% replacement
Faysal et al. [54] [42]. Further, an increase in the flexural strength with the
1.0 Xuan et al. [40] curing period, cement content, and early strength of anti-
Linear Fit of Behiry et al. [56]
0.5 Linear Fit of Fayasal et al. [54] cracking additives is observed [47, 66]. The flexural strength
Linear Fit of Xuan et al. [40] ranges between 10 and 20% of the UCS [56, 65]. Fedrigo
0 20 40 60 80 100 et al. [67] conducted a study on the cement-treated RAP
% RCA and Laterite soil blends, revealing an increase in the flexural
strength and modulus with the cement content and RAP con-
Fig. 9  Variation of UCS with RCA content tent. This is due to the increase in the specific surface area

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 11 of 22  191

Table 4  Flexural strength of References Mix Cement Flexural Strength (MPa) Specifications

different recycled materials by content
different authors (%) 7 day 28 day

[56] NA 5.0 0.295 0.471 ASTM C-78

RCA25 5.0 0.281 0.452
RCA50 5.0 0.272 0.428
RCA75 5.0 0.265 0.41
[65] NA 6.0 3.39 – France Specifications NFP
RAP25 6.0 2.38 18-433 (French Specifica-
RAP50 6.0 2.14
RAP75 6.0 1.60
RAP 6.0 1.08
[55] RCA​ 1.23 Australia Standards AS2000
90RCA/10FRG 3.0 1.85
80RCA/20FRG 3.0 1.66
70RCA/30FRG 3.0 1.56
[68] NA 5.0 1.53 – AS2000
[66] 20%RAP/80%NA 2.0/4.0 – 0.26/0.87 NCHRP Report-789
50%RAP/50%NA 2.0/4.0 0.32/0.77
70%RAP/30%NA 2.0/4.0 0.21/0.80
[42] 30% Steel Slag 4.0 0.613
50% Steel Slag 4.0 1.063
70% Steel Slag 4.0 0.929

of the Laterite soils, which requires more cement contents increase in recycled aggregate content and increases with
for bonding. López et al. [66] reported an increase in ductile the curing period and cement content [33, 46, 51, 56, 65,
nature with the RAP content when RAP and crushed aggre- 68]. The increase in strength is logarithmic [59]. Besides,
gates combination is used. The results showed an improve- the compaction effort also influences the ITS of the base
ment in flexural strength and modulus with the cement [39]. A typical variation of ITS with cement content (CC)
content. Khay et al. [65] observed a decline in the flexural and recycled aggregate content is presented in Fig. 10.
strength with the RAP content. Overall, the recycled materi- Moreover, it is found that maximum tensile strength is
als performed almost equal to natural aggregates in terms of at 50:50 ratios of RCA and NA [46]. This is due to better
flexural strength. interlocking or package density of the combined aggregate
blend. The ITS range is 18–20% of UCS for RAP and 32%
UCS for RCA [39, 46]. Some of the specification limits of
Indirect Tensile Strength properties ITS for different countries are shown in Table 5. The ITS
of cement‑treated recycled bases limitations are recommended based on compaction type,
percentage of cement used. When the researchers’ results
ITS is one of the essential properties of the cement-treated are compared with the specifications, the ITS is satisfied
bases in which the tensile strains produced due to the traf- by all the combinations, except RAP-treated bases which
fic loads should be within limits to arrest the bottom-up require more cement content.
cracking. In general, the tensile strains developed at the The strength of cement-treated bases depend on several
bottom of the cement-treated bases are critical, which factors. The most influential factors are Cement–water ratio,
leads to bottom-up cracking. The test specimens of size dry density, masonry content, and time of curing. Based on
100 mm diameter and 63 mm height or 100 mm diameter the experimental analysis, several models were proposed for
and 200 mm height or 150 mm height and 150 mm diam- ITS, as shown in the below equations.
eter are used. The samples are tested for ITS under loading Xuan et al. [40],
on a diametric plane at different curing periods, different { [ ( ) ]}
cement contents, and varying recycled aggregate percent- 1.6 1− 28t
7 0.008M
fit = 0.0293 × ×D ×e ×e
ages. Similar trends observed in the UCS are repeated in W
the ITS results as per several research works. The ITS of (3)
the cement stabilized recycled blends decrease with the ACI Model [40],

191   Page 12 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

Fig. 10  Variation of ITS with Cement and recycled aggregate content

Table 5  Summary of ITS Country/Code ITS (MPa)

specifications for road bases at
7 days of curing period Italy [29] 0.32–0.60 (gyratory compaction) > 0.25 (proctor compaction)
South Africa [29] > 0.25 for Cement 1.5–3% > 0.20 for Cement 3–5%

t where D is dry density, C is the cement content by mass of
fit = 0.0293 × × D7 × e0.008M × (4) the aggregate, W is the water content, M is RMA content,
W 6.5 + 0.7t
and t is the curing time.
Log Scale Model [40], Fedrigo et al. [39],
C t ITS = 0.69 + 0.34CC − 0.06RC + 0.15CT + 0.16CE (6)
( { }
fc = 0.0293 × × D7 × e0.008M × 1 + 0.87 log
W 28

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 13 of 22  191

where CC is cement content, RC is RAP content, CT is cur- namely RAP, RCA, and CB, and observed that RAP has
ing time, CE is a compaction effort. higher MR than RCA and CB [44].

Resilient modulus of treated recycled bases

Modulus characteristics of cement‑treated
recycled bases Cement-treated RCA blends show higher stiffness values
when compared with NA and increase with the increase in
Modulus is the term used to define the stiffness of the mate- RCA content up to 75% RCA [56]. MR of cement-treated
rial. There are several types of moduli, depending on the RCA-RAP blends decreases with RAP addition at constant
state of the application. Resilient Modulus (MR), Elastic cement content [44], and there is a decrease in the MR while
Modulus (E), shear modulus, and secant modulus are fre- replacing FRG with RCA. However, 90%RCA/10%FRG
quently used to characterize the pavement material. The and RCA show higher MR compared with other mixes [55].
most common modulus used to describe the pavement base Mohammadinia et al. [44] observed a decrease in the MR of
materials is the Resilient Modulus (MR). The other modu- recycled materials with an increase in the cement content
lus is elastic modulus which is the stress ratio to the strain from 2 to 4% due to reduced ductility nature. Further, the
within the elastic limit. In the case of elastic modulus, the MR of the cement-treated materials increases with the curing
loading and unloading curves follow the same path. The period and is logarithmic [44, 59]. The MR of cement-treated
elastic modulus is also used to characterize the materials RAP blended materials is more compared with untreated;
under a static loading rate and pavement analysis. there is an increasing trend of MR with the cement content
Similarly, the shear modulus is the ratio of the shear and a decrease in the MR with the addition of RAP into the
stress to the shear strain. These shear strains are caused at blends [28]. From past studies, it is clear that the increase
the interface of the two layers in the pavement. Furthermore, or decrease in the MR with the addition of the NA depends
the secant modulus is similar to the elastic modulus, where purely on the type of material used for blending. If the base
the modulus is considered in the inelastic region. Several material is superior to recycled aggregates, then there is a
moduli that are used in the pavement bases are discussed in decrease in the stiffness with the further addition of the recy-
detail in the following sections. cled aggregate. On the other hand, if recycled material is
superior to the base material, there is an increase in strength
with the further addition of the recycled material. Further,
Resilient Modulus (MR) there is an increase in stiffness with the confining pressure
and deviatoric stress in untreated and cement-treated base
As discussed above, MR is used to characterize the pavement materials. At higher cement contents, the base materials are
materials. MR is the ratio of deviator stress to the recoverable not influenced by the confining pressures [18]. So, the indi-
strain when the specimen is subjected to repeated loading. rect tensile fatigue tests are optional for the determination of
Generally, the RLT test is preferred for unbound materi- the MR of cement-treated materials. Some of the MR studies
als rather than cement stabilized materials and performed on recycled materials are summarized in Table 6.
according to AASHTO T307 protocol. The RLT test can be
used to understand the material behavior under simulated
traffic loads [55]. MR is influenced by several parameters Influence of Elastic Modulus and secant
apart from deviatoric stress and confining stress, including modulus on cement‑treated recycled bases
moisture content and degree of compaction [55]. Several
experimental studies carried on treated and untreated recy- Several laboratory and field studies were conducted to deter-
cled materials are presented in the following sections. mine the elastic modulus of the cement-treated recycled bases.
Some studies identified directly from the specimens; others
Resilient modulus of untreated recycled bases determined from the back-calculation using falling weight
deflectometer (FWD) and other instruments. Secant modulus
Some researchers found that the moisture content did not is generally used to define the material’s stiffness in the inelas-
impact MR, and some others declared that the MR increases tic region of the stress–strain diagram. The studies show that
with the decrease in the moisture content than that of OMC the elastic modulus of the cement-treated recycled aggregates
[23, 60, 69–71]. The dry density has a positive impact on MR or road base materials increases with the curing period and
[72]. On the other hand, RCA aggregates show higher MR cement content. Further, the cement content is the most gov-
than NA, and RCA is sensitive to the moisture content [22, erning factor for developing modulus of elasticity [17, 41, 54,
73]. RCA alone has a higher MR than RCA blends with other 75]. However, the increase in stiffness is a problem in cement-
materials [22, 60, 74]. One study compared three materials, treated bases, which leads to early cracking as the material

191   Page 14 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

Table 6  Effect of resilient modulus on cement-treated recycled bases

References Specification Conclusions

[51] AASHTO T307-99 The stiffness of the mixes increases with cement, curing time, and RAP content
[79] AASHTO T307-14 Cement-treated C&D materials act as bound materials and less dependent on the bulk stress. Improved
stiffness is observed with stabilization and also with curing period over unstabilized layer
[81] UNI EN 12697-25:2016 Cement-treated NA shows higher stiffness than treated RAP, and no significant difference is observed in
terms of performance between RAP and NA
[39] AASHTO T307-99 and A significant decrease in stiffness is found with RAP percentage and is influenced by compaction effort.
ASTM D 7369 The calculated stiffness using indirect Tensile Fatigue test is overestimated from the flexural beam and
triaxial tests, which are consistent with back-calculated values
[54] AASHTO T307-99 RCA material met the specifications at 4% cement content. At 6% of cement content, all the RAP and
RCA combinations satisfied the specifications
[55] Austroads AG:PT/T053 The combination of 90% RCA and 10% FRG has higher MR values, and there is a decline in MR and an
increase in permanent strains with the further addition of FRG
[44] AASHTO T307-99 There is an increase in MR with the deviatoric and confining stresses and curing period. RAP has higher
stiffness values, followed by RCA and CB
[56] Plate Load Testing There is a significant increase in MR values with RCA content up to 75% and then decreases at 100% RCA​
[92] AASHTO T307-99 Cement-treated quarry fines show higher stiffness than untreated QF and RAP materials at high confining
pressures and deviatoric stresses
[18] AASHTO T307-99 Cement-treated RAP bases show higher stiffness than untreated RAP bases, and cement-treated bases at
high cement contents are not influenced by the confining pressure

achieves brittle nature when too much cement is added. So, E25 = 9.06(UCS) + 2599 (10)
a significant amount of cement should be added in the case
of cement-treated recycled bases. Further, there is a decrease where E25 is the secant modulus at 25% of the ultimate
in the modulus with an increase in the RAP content [33, 54]. strength, and this model holds good for cement-treated RAP
Cement-fiber-treated RAP exhibited higher modulus compared RCA blends with UCS as a known parameter.
with cement-treated RAP bases [49]. Miller et al. [75], Wil- Faysal et al. [54],
son, and Guthrie [76] observed a tremendous decrease in the
modulus values after micro-cracking or along the wheel paths.
E25 (RAP) = E25 (RCA) − 139.9(RAP% ) (11)
It is noted that the modulus of elasticity varies from 5000 to The secant modulus of RAP can be calculated if the secant
6500 MPa at 28 days for the Recycled concrete aggregate modulus of RCA is known when RAP and RCA are included
bases at 3–4% [41, 55]. Considerable variation in modulus in the stabilized base. Units are in psi.
values depends on the various factors, including fines con-
tent, cement, coarse and fine aggregate content, etc. Recycled
aggregates have a more elastic modulus than the mixes made
of coarse recycled aggregates [55]. Different studies proposed Effect of Shear Modulus on cement‑treated
models to estimate the elastic modulus and secant modulus recycled bases
using parameters like density, compressive strength, and RAP
content in the mix, as shown in Eqs. (8)–(11). Shear Modulus is one of the critical properties because
Lim and Zollinger [41], shear failure eventually leads to the rutting of the pave-
ment. Stabilization and thickness of the pavement should
E(t) = 4.38 × w1.5 × fc (t)0.75 (8)
be adequate to prevent shear failure under traffic loads
ACI Model [41], [76]. As the shear modulus is high, the chances of sliding/
shear off the surfaces over each other are less. The shear
E(t) = 33 × w1.5 × fc (t)0.5 (9) failure may occur internally or at the interfaces of two
layers. So, studies revealed an improvement in the shear
where w(pcf) is the density of the mixture and fc (t)(psi) is the
modulus with an increase in the cement content of RAP
compressive strength at a particular time or curing period.
bases [49].
Faysal et al. [54],

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 15 of 22  191

Permanent deformation characteristics Durability, hydraulic conductivity,

of cement‑treated recycled bases shrinkage, and thermal expansion
Permanent deformation occurs when the material undergoes
a plastic state or cannot regain its original position after sev- Durability represents the long-lasting nature of any mate-
eral repeated vehicle passes or standard load applications. The rial. It can be expressed in dielectric value using the
load application in the laboratory tests depends on the actual tube suction test (TST), wet-dry cycles, and freeze–thaw
traffic. This permanent deformation is restricted to the pave- cycles. The selection of each process depends on the cli-
ment to ensure safety. Permanent deformation takes place in matic conditions of the base at which it was used. With
all the pavement layers or maybe in some layers. So, to provide the increase in wet and dry cycles, there is a loss of mate-
the benefits of recycled aggregates as base materials, several rial and strength. The wet condition represents the rainy
laboratory and field studies were carried out. The untreated season, and the dry state means summer. One wet and dry
recycled bases, blended RAP with base materials, show lower condition is generally represented as one year. Typically,
permanent deformation than RAP bases alone. Lower plastic 14 cycles that represent 14 years are considered for the
strains were observed for untreated RCA bases compared with evaluation. In the case of cold regions, freeze–thaw cycles
the blending of other aggregates [22, 77]. The amount of per- are used instead of wet-dry cycles. Dielectric values are
manent strain increases with the RAP content and decreases indicators of the durability of the materials. Materials with
with the cement content [51]. a dielectric value less than 10 are considered more durable
From the earlier research results of the blending of [17]. There is a decrease in the dielectric values with the
RCA and NA, it is observed that blending may not help to RAP and cement content in the mix [17].
decrease the permanent deformation [22, 74]. It depends on On the other hand, Miller et al. [75] revealed that the
the type of material blended and the interlocking proper- durability of the cement-treated RAP blends achieved at
ties with the base material. Cement stabilization is consid- 6–8% of cement content. There are negligible volumetric
ered to be one of the techniques which decrease permanent changes, and maximum retained strengths were observed
deformation. Due to the increase in stiffness of the material after 14 wet and dry cycles for the treated RAP bases [52].
with stabilization, there will be a decrease in elastic and Other industrial waste like electric arc furnace slag mixes
plastic deformation. Further, minor plastic strains or defor- when treated with cement showed durability concerns
mations were observed for cement-treated recycled bases when used alone because of the internal oxidations and
than untreated and conventional bases [56, 78, 79]. When loss of aggregates during wet and dry cycles. However,
cement-treated recycled aggregates mixtures are used as when it is blended with NA performed well [29]. Bestgen
sub-base, the deformation reduced by half compared with et al. [74] observed that there are concerns with the dura-
NA bases [80]. Cement-treated bases with other stabilizers bility of untreated RCA bases, and some others proved that
like emulsified asphalt have low rutting compared to indi- RCA materials are durable in terms of the effluent pH and
vidual stabilizers [72]. the metal concentrations.
Similarly, Arulrajah et al. [55] conducted an RLT test on Fedrigo et al. [39] proved that the mixes without the
the combination of RCA and FRG with 3% cement content RAP content and higher cement contents (5%) are more
and assessed permanent and resilient strains. The combina- durable and recommended 30% RAP mix as an opti-
tion of FRG and RCA in the ratio of 10: 90 exhibits lower mum durable mix at all cement contents. These results
permanent strains compared with others. Furthermore, are affirmed using 12 wet and dry cycles. Similarly, other
70RCA/30FRG exhibits higher permanent deformations recycled materials like steel slag achieved a minor loss at
compared with others. The deformation increases with the 50% replacement [42]. The cement stabilized Quarry by-
increase in FRG content in the mix. It is because of the products bases are durable and well below the specified
presence of fewer friction surfaces on FRG, which prevents limitations from the observed field and laboratory results
better bonding with stabilization. Romeo et al. [81] com- than that of the fly ash-treated bases [82].
pared permanent deformation of RAP with NA. From the Hydraulic conductivity represents the water movement
results, treated RAP has an increasing rate of permanent through the material. This property is essential to deal
deformation than NA. with the bases. Because hydraulic conductivity leads to
erosion of fine material and weakens the base, the ingress

191   Page 16 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

of water can be prevented by stabilizing with cement. of RAP into the cement-treated bases leads to decrease in
Several studies proved that the stabilized bases have low UCS, ITS, flexural strength, MR, permanent deformation
hydraulic conductivity compared with untreated bases. [17, 28, 33, 39, 44, 46, 51, 52, 57, 65]. This requires high
Hoyos et al. [83] observed a decrease in the hydraulic con- amounts of cement content for the treatment of RAP which
ductivity with the increase in the cement dosage. Further, is not economical. Further, the recycled materials like CB,
no significant changes were observed in the hydraulic con- RMA, RCA, and FRG influence the performance of the
ductivity with the inclusion of the fibers [83]. In untreated bases and have improved mechanical properties in some
RAP blends, the hydraulic conductivity decreases with the combinations. Lower and higher fines content is another
decrease in the RAP quantity in the mix [84]. factor in the recycled materials that impacts the cement-
Shrinkage is the term that indicates the dimensional treated bases’ strength. Besides, aggregate gradation may not
changes in the cement-treated bases with time as a result meet the specifications all the time. This requires a proper
of hydration reaction. The initial cracks, mainly shrinkage blended material to satisfy the suitable gradation and fines
cracks, are formed after 3 days of construction of the base requirement. While using the recycled aggregate material
and lost in 30 days [85]. This primarily occurs due to envi- combinations, optimization of recycled aggregate content is
ronmental conditions like temperature and relative humidity necessary to achieve good mechanical properties. The same
and is also influenced by the type of aggregates, cement con- is observed from the studies where 50% RCA–50% RAP and
tent, degree of compaction, moisture content, and so on [86]. 10%FRG–90%RCA combination achieved better mechanical
There are mainly two types of shrinkage cracks where cracks properties [46, 55]. This might not be a problem for conven-
occur during the drying process and temperature. There is tional aggregates.
an increase in the dry shrinkage and temperature shrinkage
with an increase in cement content and curing period [39,
51, 87]. Xuan et al. [86] studied the shrinkage effects on the Field evaluation and fatigue characteristics
cement-treated mix granulate composed of RCA and RMA of cement‑treated recycled bases
in different proportions. It is concluded that the cement con-
tent has a significant impact on the shrinkage and an increase Field evaluation of cement-treated recycled bases is essen-
in RMA content in the mixture decreases the shrinkage. The tial than that of the laboratory investigation as field condi-
shrinkage values are lower at the high degree of compac- tions are the actual conditions in which the bases undergo
tion and lower cement contents. Furthermore, fine recycled testing under realistic environmental, climatic, and vehicle
aggregates exhibit lower shrinkage values than the speci- loads. Several studies evaluated the cement-treated bases
mens made of coarse recycled aggregates [86, 87]. Similarly, comprising natural aggregates and recycled aggregates using
dry shrinkage reduced with increased RCA content and early International Roughness Index (IRI) and deflections over
strength anti-cracking material utilization reduce the tem- the surface of sub-base and subgrade. It is observed that
perature shrinkage strains [47]. the mean surface deflections of the cement-treated recycled
The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is a constant mixes with 3% of cement are lower than that of the NA, and
given to a particular material which indicates the rate of lower IRI values were observed compared with NA [80].
expansion or contraction with the temperature. The higher Beja et al. [79] performed field evaluation of stabilized and
the coefficient indicates more expansion with the same tem- unstabilized C&D wastes as a sub-base using FWD. The
perature relative to the low coefficient of thermal expansion results demonstrated a drastic reduction in the deflection
materials. A study conducted by Xuan et al. [86] on the values and improved MR.
cement-treated recycled bases demonstrates an increase in Fatigue tests are used to quantify the damage caused
the CTE with the increase in cement content and degree of inside the specimen due to the repeated loading, which sim-
compaction. This is due to the increase in the hydration reac- ulates the vehicle loads. There are several types of fatigue
tions and the decrease in the air voids with a higher degree of tests. Some of them are flexural beam fatigue, indirect ten-
compaction in the mixture. Further, CTE decreases slightly sile fatigue, semi-circular bending fatigue, compression
with the increase in the moisture content and RMA content. fatigue, etc. Although there are relations between stiffness
and fatigue life of the materials, there are several factors
apart from the stiffness that will damage the specimens’
Disadvantages of recycled aggregates under vehicle loading. So, fatigue tests can be more rele-
vant to access the material resistance to wear under various
Despite several advantages of the recycled materials over stress levels (10%–80%), frequencies (0.5–10 Hz), and tem-
conventional aggregates, there are few disadvantages. The peratures (− 5 °C to 60 °C). The failure of the base mate-
recycled materials usually do not satisfy the physical prop- rial under fatigue can be accessed in different criteria. The
erties and will have lower MDD values. The incorporation criteria include the number of cycles where the reduction in

Table 7  Fatigue studies on different cement-treated materials
References Type of mix Curing Cement Resilient Modulus (MPa) Test, failure criteria Specifications Conclusions
period content
(days) (%)

[93] 60%RAP/40%VA 28 6.0 1162–4093 A four-point beam Fatigue test is used, Type of hydraulic binder or cement did
80%RAP/20%VA and failure criteria is cycles to reach not influence the fatigue characteristics.
half of the initial modulus Cement-treated RAP blends behave as
quasi-brittle and visco-elastic properties
[94] RCA​ 7.0 4.0 3027 (v) Pavement Model Tank (PMT) is used @ Stabilized RCA shows anisotropic
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions

2110 (h) 6 Hz frequency and a fixed number of behavior in MR, and vertical deforma-
cycles are considered tions are maximum at the top of the base
compared with the stabilized base and
subgrade interface
[95] NA 7.0 4.5 15,000 Four-point bending Fatigue test RIOH.2009 Curing periods significantly affect the
14 17,000 fatigue life of the cement-treated bases
(2021) 6:191

and are recommended to restrict the

28 16,400
traffic and construction equipment for
90 20,907 short-term curing
[38] 20%RAP, 50%RAP, 28 2.0 862–1714 777–3620 A four-point beam Fatigue test is used, Austroads 2008 Low fatigue life is observed for the
70%RAP with laterite 4.0 and the test is terminated after the mixtures with low cement contents. The
soils failure of the sample or after one mil- fatigue life increases with the increase
lion cycles in thickness of the wearing course and
base layer
[59] RCA​ 7 4/5 800/1100 Mechanical Testing is performed at a The fatigue life increases with the increase
28 1100/1400 10 Hz frequency. The test is termi- in the RCA dosage in the mix, and the
nated after ­106 cycles or failure of the stiffness increases with the curing period
60 1200/1550
specimen and cement content
90 1300/1560
[55] RCA​ 28 3.0 9601.05 Four-point beam Fatigue test is used. Austroads 2008 The fatigue life and modulus of the mix
90%RCA​ 3.0 22,600.22 Cycles to half the initial modulus is combination with 90% of RCA and 10%
80%RCA​ considered as failure criteria FRG is more
3.0 13,375.62
3.0 14,577.31
[96] 30%RAP 90 3.0 Four-point beam Fatigue test There is a decrease in the fatigue life
50%RAP with the increase in the percentage of
70%RAP RAP. The type of asphalt binder slightly
impacts the fatigue life of the base
[66] 20%RAP 28 2.0 1963–2528 3867–6740 Four-point beam Fatigue test Austroads 2008 The fatigue failure of the cement-treated
50%RAP 4.0 materials is the same as that of the
70%RAP cement-treated conventional aggregates.
Fatigue life depends on the mixture
composition and thickness of the asphalt
wearing course
Page 17 of 22 

191   Page 18 of 22 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191

the initial modulus to half or complete collapse of the speci-

along with cement content. The recycled

Incorporation of early strength anti-crack-
men, or reaching 5% of the strain of the largest dimension

ing material improved the fatigue life

aggregate combinations show lower

of the specimen, or by calculating the slope of the fatigue
curve after crack initiation stage. Understanding the fail-
ure behavior of the recycled materials is necessary as they
have already been utilized in some of the structures before,
which leads to some deterioration. Several authors con-
fatigue life than NA ducted fatigue studies on recycled materials in various com-
binations. When cement-treated RCA/FRG combination is

subjected to fatigue test, the mixes with 90%RCA/10%FRG

exhibit better performance than the other blends [55]. Some
of the fatigue tests and their specific conclusions are sum-
marized and presented in Table 7.

Summary and Conclusions

The detailed literature review shows several studies on

cement-treated and untreated recycled aggregate bases
and sub-base courses. The majority of the studies recom-
Four-point beam Fatigue test

mended that recycled aggregates be a viable alternative for

base material that is environmentally sustainable. Further
suggested stabilizing and blending the recycled aggregates
Resilient Modulus (MPa) Test, failure criteria

with base materials will obtain a sound base/sub-base for the

pavements. The following are the specific conclusions that
are drawn from the review.

• The UCS value of the recycled aggregate mixes depends

on the type of material, percentage of recycled aggregate,
curing period, compaction effort, and cement used in the
combination. Some recycled materials addition shows a
decline in the mechanical properties; others did not show
any trend in their addition, and others show improvement
in the properties up to some percentages of addition.
• Cement by-products like fly ash and cement kiln dust
can be replaced with cement by optimizing carefully to

achieve better mechanical properties.


• Higher cement contents are required to achieve the



acceptable UCS values for 100% RAP materials. The

addition of NA or base materials provides proper inter-

locking for recycled mixes. The inclusion of fibers has no

significant difference in the strength and other properties,

and further research is recommended in this area.

• Less quantity of recycled plastic (< 5%) and glass
(< 10%) materials preferred in the stabilized road bases.
Pre-treatment is required for industrial waste materials to
References Type of mix


avoid leachate problems.

Table 7  (continued)


• Higher water absorption is observed in RCA or RMA


mixes, and RCA bases serve better when the moisture

content is less than OMC. The rate of gain in strength for
stabilized RCA is more than that of RAP and NA due to

self-cementing properties.

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2021) 6:191 Page 19 of 22  191

• The flexural strength of cement-treated bases increases • Analyzing the recycled aggregate’s base failure patterns
with the curing period and decreases with the inclusion is necessary to understand interfacial aggregate or bond-
of recycled aggregate content. RCA alone shows higher ing failure. The replacement and stabilization levels are
flexural strengths than that of mixing with other recycled not always the same for each material. The material type
aggregates. The flexural strength ranges between 10 and and source strongly influence the stabilization. So, con-
20% of the UCS. tinuous design and evaluation of the recycled materials
• RCA bases have higher MR than other aggregates, and are preferred to optimize the differences.
the base exhibits anisotropic behavior. Further, at higher • Exploring more recycled materials like wastes from
cement dosages, an increase in the stiffness value is industries, glass manufacturing, plastics, electronics,
observed. Some recycled materials addition improves other solid wastes as pavement bases and sub-bases is
MR, and the other studies showed a decline. The secant necessary for sustainable construction.
modulus, shear modulus, and dynamic modulus value • Cement-treated recycled materials containing plastics
increase with cement dosage. The combination of cement and asphalt substances should be studied for temperature
with asphalt emulsion is more resistant to rutting than susceptibility. Some studies stated the binder influence of
cement stabilization and other stabilizers and combina- the RAP on the strength, stiffness, and fatigue and others
tions. vice versa. So, further research in this area on cement-
• The permanent deformation decreased with cement and treated RAP materials is necessary.
is influenced by the recycled aggregate type and content.
Cement stabilized bases show higher modulus indicating
high stiffness represents susceptibility to cracking. Acknowledgements  We wish to place on record our heartfelt gratitude
and indebtedness to the Department of Science and Technology (DST),
• The fatigue life of cement-treated recycled bases influ-
Government of India, for sponsoring this prestigious research project
enced by the recycled aggregate content, type of the recy- entitled “Performance Evaluation of Emulsified Bitumen Treated Bases
cled aggregate, cement content, curing period, applied and Cement Treated Bases” carried out at the National Institute of
stress levels, sometimes temperatures (if RAP is used). Technology Warangal, Telangana, India.

Recommendations and Way forward
Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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