Zyril Mae Dingal Galon Bsed-II English

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The countless adventure of Odysseus mirrors him in many aspects, as a

hero, a husband, and a father. As a hero, he proved himself, as brave, courageous,

and loyal. During the war, he defended the Greeks, and never once turned against
them. His greatest asset was his shrewdness; and the capacity to devise a plan,
that led them to an unprecedented success. Further, during his extended journey,
there were times when he almost died, went unto despair, and even forced to
almost cost his life. Even with the intervention of certain gods or goddess, it did
not stop him from continuing his journey and find his way home, in Ithaca. But
despite of the various waves and challenges that came he was able to face and
win over them. Making him such a formidable hero.

As a husband, he loved Penelope so much. I remember the time when at

first, he was reluctant in participating in the Greek fleet, not because he does not
want to, but he knew he will wander for additional 10 years. He will surely miss
her wife so much. Though there were side stories that I came to read, that he was
not loyal to his wife physically, but his heart still yearns for Penelope. He was
even pampered by Calypso, and I came to realized that it was never impossible
for him to gave in unto the things Calypso, given or vested upon him, but even so,
she might have given all the material things any man would want to have but it
can never replace nor buy a man’s true love. He rejected her and was determined
to run from her. Though he was unfaithful in the flesh, but for me, it was only
natural as because he is only human, sinning. What is important is the act of
repentance and changed oneself.

As a father, Odysseus loved his son so tenderly. When he was recruited to

come to the Greek fleet, he acted mad while a man threw his son on the plow. But
he stopped his disguise and never hesitated to rescue his son. Leaving him with
no choice but to go. Even when he was away, I realized that his son was also his
motivation to come home. He loved his son so much that they hugged to mend
such longingness when they reunited again.

He faced many temptations, first in the list was Calypso, who gave him
kindness and luxury, second was the sirens where he was determined to listen to
its lyrics, or the cave of Cyclops full provisions and Circe’s had also fallen in love
with Odysseus etc., causing him to delay his homecoming.

Odysseus journey was like us today who had faced several adversities.
Covid-19, typhoon, famine in certain places or worse, the death of our love ones
etc. These made us all hopeless and full of despair, but one thing is for sure, if we
endure, in God’s own time, everything will come to pass.

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