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Module 1 – Segment 2 – Part 22

Exercise 9

Your Purpose Statement

(10-15 Minutes)

This exercise will use a simple, yet powerful model to determine your purpose – what you want to
achieve in life. We will use previous elements of this module – your Essences and your Magic – as
building blocks for your purpose statement. The idea is not to simply have the elements of your
personality, such as your Essences or your Magic, stand in the room by themselves, but bundle and
focus them into a clear direction for your work and life.

To determine your Purpose, answer the following questions. It will help to use the result of the
previous exercises (your Magic & your Essences) to complete the questions.

1. List the qualities you like most about yourself.

(For example: compassion, courage, inspiration, perseverance)



2. List your natural gifts and talents (your Magic).

(For example: gift with other people or animals, good speaker or listener, organizer)



3. List the key things that you love to do.

(For example: travel, helping people, outdoors, read – whatever is good!)



4. List the being & Essence words that are most important to you.
(Try to really extract the essence of what is important to you from your core. The list often includes
joy, creativity and ease)



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Module 1 – Segment 2 – Part 8

Exercise 9


5. Write down the impact you want to have on others and the earth.
(For example: help the environment, help others lighten up, empower, create peace)




In below Purpose Statement template, simply fill in the items you have just identified in 1. – 5.

My Purpose Statement

My purpose is to be (from 1.&2.): ___________________________________________

As I (from 3.): __________________________________________________________

So that I can experience (from 4.): __________________________________________

And help create a world where (from 5.): _____________________________________

On a scale from 1-10, how’s that for a start?

OK. Good.
If reading your Purpose Statement does not give you a true moment of ecstasy or revelation, that’s
o.k., too!

You might just feel something like: “Well, fair enough, but what do I do with that purpose, now?” If
you are not blown away by your purpose statement: honestly, that’s fine!

Let me assure you that the statement commonly contains a lot more power and direction than you
are aware of. While you might think that there’s not much special about the purpose statement
you came up with, it often reflects your personality much more than you think.

Bear in mind: this is a first version, so you might want to take some more time to tighten or hone
your Purpose Statement until it reads smoother.

Take another look. Read through your statement, again. Even though it may still be a rough version,
doesn’t it fit who you are and what you want to do with your life?

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Module 1 – Segment 2 – Part 8

Exercise 9

Let’s take one more step and make the above Purpose Statement clearer and more powerful by
answering the following questions:

1. On a scale from 1-10, how much do you think your purpose statement is “fully there”, providing
you with a strong sense of purpose?


2. For each of the things that you outlined in the “As I” section, list 3-5 activities, jobs or tasks that
let you experience that. This can be as trivial as reading a book or speaking to a person, or as
profound as writing a book or doing a 10-year-research project on a certain subject.






3. Who do you know performs these tasks in a way that is appealing to you (for example, if you
feel that your purpose is to teach, is it appealing to do that like a professor, a school teacher, an
author, or like a psychologist)?





4. I am a friend of organic change. So, rather than quitting your job, for example, hoping that a
new one will match your purpose, I recommend to simply start heading towards your purpose
one step at a time. As you do, you will not only find that certain things come to a natural
conclusion while new doors open; you will also know if and when it is the right time for a more
drastic change. With that in mind, how can you express your purpose to a larger extent in your
current job? Or what can you modify in your current position to express more of your purpose?



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Module 1 – Segment 2 – Part 8

Exercise 9



In closing:

I suggest taking some time to revise and hone your Purpose Statement so that the statement
resonates with you more strongly.

Furthermore, put it in your calendar to look at your Purpose Statement once a week for 5 minutes.
Reflect on it, see whether it requires any changes, and think about how to express more of your
purpose in the week that’s ahead of you.

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