Dns Lock v1.4

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1/21/2021 Dns Lock v1.

Dns Lock v1.4

Sordum Team | February 16, 2019 | 21 Comments

If you have an issue connecting to the internet and getting error like ‘DNS servers not responding’ please check
your ipv4/6 preferred DNS server , sometimes IPV4 preferred DNS server kept changing . No matter how
many times you change it to ‘Obtain DNS server automatically’ or the preferred and alternate DNS servers to
what they actually are they can revert back . “DNS Server issue” is generally occured due to harsh VIRUS attack
, auto DNS changing software or an Antivirüs software’s Secure DNS settings but sometimes None of the
solutions works (even Formatting) in such situation Dns Lock can help you to keep ipv4/6 preferred DNS servers
constant, it can prevent them to changing automatically , it is a portable freeware tool which prevents malware (or
anything else) changing your IPv4/6 DNS addresses

What is New (Saturday, 16. February 2019)

[Added] – Parameter support
[Added] – x64 version

How to use

After downloading, extract Dns Lock to your desired location, then run it , write your desired DNS ips into the box
(separate with comma) and use “install service” button

You can Protect your Ipv4 DNS ip , IPv6 DNS ip or both of them , Once you’ve chosen or entered your details,
the program applies them to your system and installs a Windows service to keep them safe

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1/21/2021 Dns Lock v1.4

DNS Lock offers you a choice of Open DNS and Google DNS Servers, too , Program will start automatically with
Windows , if you want to stop it , use “Uninstall service” button

There is a small Lock icon (indicator) on the left side of the DNS combo and it shows us the DNS status (Locked
or not locked)
Dns Lock ’s Cmd parameters

Supported operating systems: Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista ,
Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)

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1/21/2021 Dns Lock v1.4

File: DNS-Lock_x64.exe │ Virustotal

MD5: 603afb3bc4b6984e60cd062bfcbdca9f
SHA1: 1ec71068ccccc4e76d25f1cd5698aee4061f5c09
File: DNS-Lock.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 35735ccca903c43316a264ad213ad56e
SHA1: 55f7b80d7df98b5decc53053f1fcdcb103d573985

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