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Welcome to Grade 5 at Delia School of Canada!

Hello Grade 5 Student,

My name is Ms. Kelati and I will be your teacher this year in 5-2 at DSC. This is
going to be a fun and exciting year of learning! I can’t wait to get to know you
and work with you.

Here are some things you will need to know to get started.

You will find your class news and assignments in Google Classroom.
● To get into Google Classroom you will need your DSC email address and password.
For example: Username: password: 00000
● Information you will find on Google Classroom:
○ Homeroom news and information
○ Separate subject classrooms with assignments, resources and rubrics
● You will be given all the codes to join the classes once you begin school.

Our class will have its own website with helpful information for both you and your parents. Here
are some things you will find on it:
● helpful tips for online learning
● class timetable
● DSC calendar
● important links for school information
● class social media link


Some of the supplies and materials you will receive from the school include:
● loaned textbooks and Math workbook
● novels (Holes and Wonder) for Literacy class
● scissors, coloured pencils, glue, ruler, pencil, eraser
● reusable canvas bag
● notebooks
● your class schedule, school calendar, and forms for your parents
● gmail login information/password
Now that you have some of the important information, here is what you will need to do every
morning, starting on September 1.

● Wake up early so you can be dressed in your uniform and ready to go!
● Make sure all your materials are packed and ready to go, including your laptop and
● Make sure you have your lunch and water bottle with you.
● Doors of the school will open to students by 7:55 (7:50 am on the first day). Upon arrival,
go to your homeroom class on the 5th floor of the Elementary Building.
● Make sure you are in the room no later than 8:15 for attendance.
● At 8:20, classes will begin!

I look forward to seeing you at school!

Ms. Kelati

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