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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

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Advances in fatigue life modeling: A review MARK

a b,⁎
M. Kamal , M.M. Rahman
International Affairs and Training Division, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Karachi, Pakistan
Automotive Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia


Keywords: The purpose of this paper is to examine the state-of-the-art research efforts linked with the development of
Fatigue fatigue life estimation models. The main objective is to identify new concepts for fatigue life estimation other
Critical plane than the classical models and their hybrids. Various techniques to estimate fatigue life have been identified, such
Optimization algorithm as critical plane deviation, 5D deviatoric space enclosed surface, modified Wholer curve. However, the most
Classical fatigue models
notable one to be found is the application of evolutionary optimization algorithms for, e.g., genetic algorithms,
Hybrid models
artificial neural networking, and differential ant-stigmergy algorithms. Initially, a brief history of fatigue life
estimation and modeling is presented. In subsequent sections, some familiar classical models are discussed, and
then various innovative approaches to fatigue life prediction are reviewed. The survey is fairly detailed, and best
efforts have been made to the net in as many new methodologies as possible. The review is organized to offer
insight on how past research efforts have provided the groundwork for subsequent studies.

1. Introduction Stress analysis is conducted to correctly estimate fatigue damage by

direct post-processing simple linear elastic finite element [16] models
The importance of fatigue is evident; although exact numbers are [17–21].
not available, it is expected that at least half of all mechanical failures In this paper, a review of fatigue estimation techniques has been
are due to fatigue. The cost of these failures constitutes approximately presented, with the emphasis on the newly proposed models high-
4% of the gross national product of the USA [1]. That is why it is es- lighting new ideas to estimate fatigue life. As the models developed by
sential to understand the physics of fatigue, to create a cause and effect accommodating the proposed modifications to the earlier models have
relationship to reduce the probability of such failures [2]. Since the limited capability of estimating the fatigue life in limited loading or
investigations by Wohler in 1860, fatigue experiments and predictions material conditions, no universally accepted model can estimate or
have played a major role in mechanical design [3,4], and researchers predict fatigue life for a range of loadings as well as material conditions
are investigating the fatigue problem have made enormous efforts to [6,22]. This review paper attempts to catalogue the novel concepts as
devise sound methodologies suitable for safely assessing mechanical well as methods for fatigue life estimation that may be helpful in for-
components subjected to time-variable loadings [5–10]. It is an ac- mulating a universal model for a broad range of loadings and material
knowledged fact that to estimate fatigue life accurately in real-world conditions.
scenarios is a complex task in which various variables have to be taken
into account to avoid unwanted and dangerous failures [11]. The re- 2. Material fatigue
liability of a fatigue estimation technique depends on its ability to
model damage due to non-zero superimposed static stresses, the degree Fatigue is defined as a failure under a repeated load which never
of multiaxiality in the stress field and the effects of stress concentration reaches a level sufficient to cause failure in a single application [17].
phenomena [12]. For the cases of cyclic and random multiaxial loading The word fatigue originates from the Latin expression ‘fatigue’ which
conditions, it was difficult to estimate fatigue life as damage is depen- means ‘to tire'. The terminology used in engineering refers to the da-
dent on all the stress components and their variations during the whole mage and failure of materials under cyclic loads, including mechanical
period of load application [12,13]. The fatigue assessment method loads, thermal loads, and so forth [23]. Fatigue damage characterized
should be calibrated concerning some experimental information that by nucleation, coalescence and stable growth of cracks, leading ulti-
can be easily obtained through tests run by the relevant standard codes mately to net section yielding or brittle fracture. An evaluation of fa-
to predict the fatigue estimation results accurately [6,11,12,14,15]. tigue of structures and materials in the 20th century raises the question

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.M. Rahman).
Received 13 August 2015; Received in revised form 27 July 2017; Accepted 14 September 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

what may have happened in the 19th century. The fatigue of structures strength, σuts = ultimate tensile strength.
became evident as a by-product of the industrial revolution in the 19th Van [37] proposed an endurance limit criterion, also known as the
century. Fatigue failures frequently associated with steam engines, lo- Dang Van model, based on the concept of micro-stresses within a cri-
comotives, and pumps. Systematic fatigue tests were done in a few la- tical volume of material, expressed in Eq. (5). Hofmann and Bertolino
boratories, notably by August Wohler. It recognized that small radii in [38] and Charkaluk and Constantinescu [39] revisited Dang Van model
the geometry of the structure would be avoided. A fundamental step and suggested a finer qualitative analysis to understand the ability of
regarding fatigue as a material problem made at the beginning of the the model better.
20th century by Ewing and Humfrey [24]. The author investigated that
τ (t ) + aσh (t ) = b (5)
the fatigue crack nuclei start as microcracks in slip bands [25]. When
components stressed in the high-cycle fatigue (HCF) or very high-cycle where τ(t) = instantaneous shear stress, σh(t) = instantaneous hydro-
fatigue (VHCF) regime, most load cycles in realistic in-service loading static stress, a and b = material constants.
sequences are at stress amplitudes that are too low to cause failure
under constant amplitude loading conditions. Constant amplitude cy- 3.1.2. Strain-based models
cling below the endurance limit does not lead to fracture, but it can Brown and Miller [40,41] and Kandil and Brown [42] proposed a
cause fatigue damage. Several investigations show that short fatigue parameter based on the maximum shear strain range and normal strain
cracks could be initiated by cycling carbon steels below the endurance range on the plane experiencing the maximum shear strain range, as
limit [26,27]. expressed in Eq. (6).
In the real-world scenarios, loading conditions are variable and Δγmax σ f, − 2σn, mean
complex, and the resulting stress states are also multiaxial. Multiaxial + SΔεn = A (2Nf )b + Bε f, (2Nf )c
2 E (6)
loads, which can be in-phase (proportional) or out-of-phase (non-pro-
portional), are common for many components and structures. Even where Δγmax = maximum shear strain range, Δεn = normal strain
under uniaxial loads, multiaxial stresses often exist, although typically range, σn,mean = mean normal stress, S, A and B = material constants.
in-phase, for example, due to geometric constraints at notches. Such Wang and Brown [43] proposed a modification of the model pro-
multiaxial loads and stress states are frequently encountered in many posed by [41], adding the capability to handle the strain path effect.
industries, including automotive, aerospace, and power generation, The model is expressed in Eq. (7).
among others [28]. Non-proportional multiaxial fatigue damage occurs Δγˆ Δγ
if the principal stress directions vary during the loading induced by out- = max + Sεn* = (1 + νe + (1 − νe ) S ) σ ′f (2Nf )b
2 2
of-phase bending and torsion moments [29]. The methodologies for the + (1 + νp + (1 − νp) S ) ε′f (2Nf )c (7)
more complex case of multiaxial variable amplitude loading are not yet
well established, particularly when the loads are non-proportional [30]. where Δγ̂ = equivalent shear strain connection, Δγmax = maximum
shear strain range, εn* = normal strain excursion between two turning
3. Reported researches on fatigue life estimation methods points of γmax, νe and νp = elastic and plastic Poisson ratio, S = material
parameter representing the influence of normal strain on fatigue crack
3.1. Classical models growth.

3.1.1. Stress-based models 3.1.3. Strain energy-based models

Sines [31], Sines [32] proposed that octahedral (von Mises) shear Smith, Watson [44] proposed a damage model also known as the
stress is used as a fatigue damage criterion as expressed in Eq. (1), but Smith Watson Topper (SWT) model, including the cyclic normal strain
this model is incapable of handling non-proportional loading. range and maximum normal stress, as expressed in Eq. (8); the critical
plane is identified as the plane of maximum normal stress. This model
+ α (3σh) = β was originally developed, and it is still used for mean stress correction.
2 (1)
Δε1 σ f,2
where Δτoct = octahedral stress (von Mises) range, σh = hydrostatic σn, max = (2Nf )2b + σ f, ε′f (2Nf )b + c
stress, α, and β are material parameters. 2 E (8)
Crossland [33] proposed a similar parameter to that of Sines but where σn,max = maximum normal stress, Δε1 = principal strain range,
used maximum hydrostatic stress (σhmax) instead of mean, as expressed σf’ = fatigue strength coefficient, εf’ = fatigue ductility coefficient, E =
in Eq. (2) to face problems in dealing with out-of-phase multiaxial elastic modulus, Nf = fatigue life, b = fatigue strength coefficient, c =
loading [22]. fatigue ductility exponent.
Δτoct Fatemi and Socie [45] suggested a modification to the Brown and
+ α (3σh max ) = β Miller model by replacing the normal strain term with normal stress.
2 (2)
Eq. (9) represents the Fatemi–Socie model when shear fatigue proper-
Findley [34] proposed a fatigue life parameter, as expressed in Eq. ties are used [1] and also in the form of uniaxial fatigue properties
(3) based on the combination of shear stress range and normal stress on [45,46]. Additional cyclic hardening developed during out-of-phase
the plane having the maximum value of the parameter. loading included in the normal stress term. Mean stress accounted for
Δτ by adding the normal mean stress across the maximum shear plane to
⎛ + kσn ⎞ =f
⎝ 2 ⎠max (3) the alternating normal stress across the same plane.
where Δτ = shear stress range, σn = normal stress, k = material Δγ ⎛ σn, max ⎞ τ f
⎜1 + k ⎟ = (2Nf )bγ + γ f, (2Nf )cγ
constant. 2 ⎝ σy ⎠ G
McDiarmid [35,36] proposed a model similar to Findley's, as ex- σ ′f ⎡
pressed in Eq. (4), in which the critical plane is identified as the plane = ⎡ (1 + νe ) (2Nf )b + (1 + νp) ε′f (2Nf )c ⎤ ⎢1
⎢ E ⎥
with the maximum shear stress range, but has a large scatter in results. ⎣ ⎦ ⎣
Δτmax σn, max σ ′f ⎤
+ =1 + k ⎛⎜ (2Nf )b⎞⎟ ⎥
2tA, B 2σuts (4) 2
⎝ σy ⎠⎦ (9)

where Δτmax = maximum shear stress range, tA,B = shear fatigue where Δγ = shear strain range, σy = yield stress, τf = shear fatigue

M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

strength coefficient, γf = shear fatigue ductility coefficient, G = shear modified Wholer curve method (MWCM) is expressed in Eqs. (14) and
modulus, bγ = shear fatigue strength exponent, cγ = shear fatigue (15).
ductility exponent, νe and νp = elastic and plastic Poisson ratio.
k τ (ρeff ) = a ρeff + b (14)
Liu [47] proposed a model based on virtual strain energy (VSE), i.e.,
the product of stress and strain ranges, expressed in Eqs. (10) and (11). τA,Re f (ρeff ) = α ρeff + β (15)
The critical plane defined by the value of maximum normal work and
the VSE quantity is the sum of normal work and shear work on the where kτ(ρeff) = negative inverse slope of Wholer curve, ρeff = critical
critical plane for tensile failure dominant materials, and vice versa for plane stress ratio, τA,Ref (ρeff) = reference shear stress amplitude at
shear failure dominant materials. considered limit to cycles to failure, a, b, α, β = material constants.
For tensile failure: Susmel and Taylor [54] proposed a simplified approach to apply the
theory of critical distances (TCD) [55], as defined in Eq. (16), to predict
ΔW = (Δσn Δεn )max + (ΔτΔγ ) (10)
the fatigue behavior of notched components subjected to torsional fa-
For shear failure: tigue loading. TCD was found to be a useful tool for assessing fatigue
life, as the experimental results generated using uniaxial testing
ΔW = (Δσn Δεn ) + (ΔτΔγ )max (11)
equipment and linear elastic FE models are the only two pieces of in-
where ΔW = virtual strain energy parameter, Δσn = normal stress formation needed for its application.
range, Δεn = normal strain range, Δτ = shear stress range, Δγ = shear 2
1 ⎛ ΔKI , th ⎞
strain range. L= ⎜ ⎟

Liu and Wang [48] revisited the VSE model and evaluated its ef- π ⎝ Δσ0 ⎠ (16)
fectiveness and stated the strengths of the method as its ability to where L = material characteristic length, ΔKI,th = fatigue threshold
predict the physical characteristics of fatigue cracks, such as initiation stress intensity factor, Δσ0 = range of uniaxial plane fatigue limit.
sites, fracture modes and crack orientations. The method under-pre- Susmel and Taylor [12] later proposed a method which combines
dicted in the case of superimposed compressive mean stress for tor- the MWCM and TCD methods to estimate fatigue life under multiaxial
sional fatigue life. Núñez and Calvo [49] introduced a probabilistic loadings. They concluded that the proposed method is efficient, pro-
formulation in Liu's model based on a perturbation method to obtain vided that it is calibrated by using appropriate pieces of speculative
two statistical moments (mean and variance) of the random variable information. Susmel [56] formulated a critical plane determination
fatigue lifetime. They compared their results with the analysis done method based on the concept. The material plane where the crack in-
with a Monte Carlo simulation approach, and good agreement was itiation phenomenon takes place is the one containing the direction
found. However, no experimental results are used in the study for along variance of the resolved shear stress reaches its maximum. Ex-
comparison of model performance. pressions defining variance are shown in Eqs. (17)–(19). The main
Chu [50] proposed a similar parameter to Liu's model to combine feature of the method is the speed of critical plane determination, as the
shear and normal work but replaces stress ranges with maximum time needed to find the global maximum is not dependent on the length
stresses to include the mean stress effect, as expressed in Eq. (12). The of the load history under study.
critical plane is defined by the plane having the maximum fatigue
parameter value. Var [τq (t )] = dT [C ] d (17)

Δγ Δε where d = direction cosines, [C] = matrix consisting of variance Vi,

ΔW = ⎛τn, max + σn, max ⎞ covariance Ci,j terms defined as:
⎝ 2 2 ⎠max (12)
Vi = Var [σi (t )] for i = x , y, z , xy, xz , yz (18)
where τn,max = maximum shear stress on the plane.
Glinka and Wang [51] proposed a shear strain energy model that Ci, j = CoVar [σi (t ), σj (t )] for i = x , y, z , xy, xz , yz (19)
includes the effects of both tensile and shear mean stresses, as expressed
in Eq. (13). The critical plane is identified as the plane experiencing the Susmel and Taylor [57] proposed a reformulation of the TCD
largest shear work. method so that it can be used to estimate the fatigue life of notched
components facing variable amplitude uniaxial fatigue loading. They
Δτ Δγ ⎛ σ f, τ f, ⎞ also highlighted three forms of application of TCD: the point method,
ΔW = +
2 2 ⎜ σ f, − σn, max τ f, − τn, max ⎟ (13) line method, and area method, of which the point method is said to be
⎝ ⎠
the easiest to apply regarding calculation load. Susmel and Tovo [15]
The next section outlines the models proposed in the last 30 years presented the methodology of estimating fatigue life under variable
which presented new proposals and expressions to estimate multiaxial amplitude loading conditions, using MWCM along with Maximum
fatigue damage. Variance Method (MVM) for critical plane determination. They also
introduced a material parameter critical damage sum, expressed in Eqs.
3.2. Recent advances (20) and (21), determined experimentally, where this parameter can
vary with the degree of multiaxiality and non-proportionality.
The above discussion gives a brief introduction to the fatigue
DCR (ρeff ) = d1 ⋅ ρeff + d2 (20)
models that have gained widespread acceptance. The following section
discusses some less known models, which may not be widely used but where d1and d2 = material fatigue properties to be determined ex-
present new concepts and fatigue parameter expressions to estimate perimentally, ρeff = critical plane stress ratio defined by
multiaxial fatigue life. This review is not exhaustive, but best efforts
m ⋅ σn, m + σn, a
have been made to gather as much data as possible about the devel- ρeff =
τa (21)
opment of fatigue life models from the previously published literature.
where m = mean stress sensitivity index, σn,m and σn,a = mean and
3.2.1. Critical plane models amplitude of stress perpendicular to the critical plane, τa = shear stress
Susmel and Lazzarin [52] and Lazzarin and Susmel [53] proposed a amplitude.
critical plane model, i.e. the plane of maximum shear stress amplitude, Susmel and Taylor [6] devised a technique for fatigue assessment of
then calculated both the maximum shear stress amplitude and the notched components subjected to variable amplitude fatigue loading.
maximum normal and mean stress relative to the same plane. Their They used MWCM along with TCD in the form of the point method,

M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

where the critical plane is determined using MVM. They concluded that where
their method provided a high level of accuracy and that real compo-
4 k2 k 4 − k2
nents can be designed against variable amplitude uniaxial/multiaxial k< ≅ 1.155: ac = + , bc = f−1
loading by direct post-processing of the relevant stress fields de- 3 2 2 (25)
termined through conventional linear-elastic FE models. Susmel and 2 2
8f−1 k 2 (4 − k 2)
4 4k ⎞
Tovo [58] investigated the MVM method to determine independently k≥ ≅ 1.155: ac = ⎛ ⎜
, ⎟ bc =
3 ⎝ +k ⎠
4 (4 + k 2)2 (26)
from the degree of multiaxiality and non-proportionality of the applied
loading history. The path of maximum variance of resolved shear stress where k, ac, bc = material parameter, Ca = shear stress on considered
is similarly capable of accurately estimating the orientation of Stage-I plane, Na = maximum normal stress, Nm = mean normal stress, t−1 =
crack paths. The study showed that MVM is capable of estimating the fatigue limit in fully reversed torsion, f0 = fatigue limit in repeated
direction of the Stage I crack paths under non-proportional loading with axial loading, f−1 = fatigue limit in fully reversed axial loading.
an adequate level of accuracy. Susmel and Louks [59] performed a Lu and Liu [64] proposed a critical plane model with equivalent
validation exercise to judge the effectiveness of TCD in the form of the initial flaw size expressed in Eqs. (27) and (28). The critical plane is
point method along with MWCM in estimating fatigue life for uniaxial/ determined by the maximum normal stress plane and the ratio of mode
multiaxial loading cases by directly post-processing linear elastic stress II and mode I stress intensity factor coefficients corresponding to a
fields calculated from commercial finite element software. A high level specific crack growth rate. The critical plane determination is depen-
of accuracy was observed in the calculated fatigue life results. dent on stress states as well as material properties.
Mahadevan and Liu [60] proposed a fatigue model based on the ac 1
concept of critical plane deviation, as expressed in Eq. (22), where first N= ∫a
i C [ΔK eq − ΔKth]m
a search for the fracture plane is conducted, and then the critical plane
is found at a certain deviation from the fracture plane. The concept is
1 k 2
based on the idea that a crack initiates on one plane and then propa- Kmixed, eq = (k1)2 + ⎛ 2 ⎞ + A (k H )2
B ⎝s⎠ (28)
gates along a distinct plane orientation. The model is tested for constant
amplitude loading and is found to give results in good agreement with where N = fatigue life, ΔKeq = equivalent stress intensity factor, ΔKth
experimental data. Later, Mahadevan and Liu [61] extended the ap- = threshold stress intensity factor, a = crack length, A, B, C, m =
plication domain of their model from isotropic materials to anisotropic material parameters, Kmixed, eq = equivalent stress intensity factor
materials and composite materials. However, due to the non-avail- under general mixed mode loading, k1, k2 and kH = loading related
ability of experimental fatigue data on anisotropic materials in the lit- parameters, s = ratio of stress intensity factors for mode II and mode I.
erature, they suggested testing the proposed model with more experi- Shang and Sun [65] proposed a damage parameter based on a cri-
mental data available in future studies. tical plane having a maximum shear strain and a higher value of normal
strain excursion, as expressed in Eq. (29). The proposed parameter
2 2
1 ⎡ ⎛ σm, c ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ fNf ⎞ 2
shows good correlation with the multiaxial fatigue lives of different
⎢σa, c 1 + η Nf ⎥ +⎜ (τa, c )2 + k (σaH, c ) = fNf materials in low cycle loading cases.
β ⎢ ⎜ fNf ⎟ ⎥ t Nf ⎟
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎝ ⎠ (22)
2 1/2
⎛ε *2 + υeff (2 − υeff ) ⎛ Δγmax ⎞ ⎞ σ ′f
where σa,c = normal stress amplitude on critical plane, σm,c = mean ⎜ n
2 ⎟ = (2Nf )b + ε′f (2Nf )c
⎝ (1 + υeff ) ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎠ E (29)
normal stress on critical plane, fNf = normal stress at Nf cycles, tNf =
shear stress at Nf cycles, τa,c = shear stress amplitude on critical plane, where εn* = normal strain excursion between turning points on the
σa,cH = hydrostatic stress amplitude on critical plane. critical plane, νeff = effective Poisson ratio, Δγmax = maximum shear
Ninic and Stark [62] proposed a non-linear fatigue damage function strain range.
based on the critical plane concept expressed in Eq. (23), rightly named Li and Sun [66] and Li and Zhang [67] presented a simple critical
as the quadratic critical plane formula by Papuga [22]. The critical plane type method to assess the fatigue life of metallic materials sub-
plane is identified as the plane experiencing the maximum value of jected to proportional and non-proportional loading, and their model is
damage function. Their study concluded that the proposed fatigue da- expressed in Eq. (30). The model has maximum shear strain range
mage function is dependent on the normal stress sensitivity factor for (Δγmax), normal strain range (Δεn) and the maximum normal stress
accurate predictions, and also identified that the endurance strength (σn,max) on the maximum shear strain range plane.
ratio is critical for multiaxial fatigue analysis.
Δεeq Δγmax σn, max ⎞ Δεn
2 2 1/2
= + ⎛⎜1 + ⎟
⎡ τ (l, m , n) ⎞ σeq (l, m , n) ⎞ ⎤ 2 2 ⎝ σy ⎠ 2
D (l, m , n) = ⎢ ⎛ a
⎜ + k′ ⎛
⎟ ⎜ ⎟

⎣ ⎝ Te ⎠ ⎝ Se ⎠⎦ (23) σ f, σ f,
= ⎡ (2Nf )b + ε f, (2Nf )c ⎤ ⎛⎜1 + (2Nf )b⎟⎞
⎣E ⎦ ⎝ σy ⎠ (30)
where D = damage on critical plane, τa = shear stress amplitude, Te =
fatigue limit in fully reversed torsion, σeq = equivalent stress ampli- Ince and Glinka [68] proposed two different forms of fatigue da-
tude, Se = fatigue limit in fully reversed axial and torsion, (l,m,n) = mage parameter related to the maximum fatigue damage plane. The
direction cosines of vector normal to plane, k = normal stress sensi- two forms are the generalized strain energy damage parameter ex-
tivity factor. pressed in Eq. (31) moreover, the generalized strain amplitude damage
Papuga and Ruzicka [63] proposed two criteria with a similar da- parameter expressed in Eq. (32).
mage parameter with the emphasis on the effects of shear stress in
Δγ e Δτ Δγ p Δεne Δσn Δεnp ⎞
comparison to normal stress. The criteria for the search for the critical * = ⎜⎛τmax
W gen + +σ + ⎟ = f (Nf )
plane are expressed in Eqs. (24)–(26). The two methods derived here ⎝ 2 2 2 n, max 2 2 2 ⎠max (31)
are to study whether it is more efficient to integrate the load effect or to
Δεgen τ Δγ e Δγ p σn, max Δεne Δε p
maximize it. Both approaches provide very similar results as regards the = ⎛ max
⎜ + + + n⎞ = f (Nf ) ⎟

presented data set of 119 experimental results. 2 ⎝ Δτ /2 2 2 Δσ n /2 2 2 ⎠max (32)

where = maximum generalized strain energy, τmax = maximum
ac ⋅Ca2 + bc⋅⎜⎛Na + −1 ⋅Nm ⎟⎞ ≤ f−1 shear stress, Δγe and Δγp = elastic and plastic strain range, Δτ = shear
f0 (24)
⎝ ⎠ stress range, σn,max = maximum normal stress, Δεne and Δεnp = elastic

M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

and plastic normal strain range, Δσn = normal stress range, Δεgen* = prismatic hulls on the principal axes directions, as expressed in Eq. (34).
maximum generalized strain amplitude. This technique is effective in the sense that it is easy to capture the
Carpinteri-Spagnoli [69] proposed a multiaxial high-cycle fatigue equivalent stress parameter with different loads causing the same value
criterion based on the critical plane approach. According to this, the of stress parameter.
orientation of the critical plane is linked to both the averaged directions
of the principal stress axes and the fatigue properties of the material, J2, a = R12 + R22 + R32 + R42 + R52 (34)
i.e., incorporated through a rotational angle. Then the multiaxial fa-
tigue strength estimation is performed by computing an equivalent where, R1–R5 = amplitudes of stresses in principal directions in 5D
stress amplitude on the critical plane. A modification has also been Euclidean space, J2, a = amplitude of the second invariant of stress
proposed where expressions depend on the ratio between the fatigue deviator.
limit under fully reversed shear stress and also under fully reversed Araujo and Dantas [82] proposed the maximum rectangular hull
normal stress, which can then be employed for metals ranging from method to define the equivalent shear stress amplitude, as expressed in
mild to tough fatigue behavior. Eqs. (35) and (36), where a rectangle is fitted on a complex loading
The tension-torsion histories combine the shear and normal stress path by maximizing its size. The method is capable of distinguishing
amplitudes applied on the specimen cross section, using a stress scale between proportional and non-proportional loading. The method pre-
factor (SSF) polynomial function that depends on the Stress Amplitude dicted better results than the minimum rectangular hull method when
Ratio (SAR) between shear and normal components, as proposed by compared with experimental data.
Anes et al. [70]. The constant amplitude loading [71] and under vari- τamax = max{τa (ϕ, θ)} (35)
able amplitude loading [72] successfully applied to multiaxial fatigue
life predictions. This approach is an alternative to multiaxial fatigue life where
prediction by critical plane-based criteria, employed for both constant
[73,74] and variable amplitude loadings [75]. The critical plane ap- τa = max a12 (φ) + a22 (φ) (36)
proach calculates the damage on the plane, where the damage is
maximized while adopting SSF value that is assumed constant for a whereτamax = maximum equivalent shear stress amplitude, τa (ϕ, θ) =
given material. Sometimes varying with the fatigue life however not equivalent shear stress on plane located by ϕ and θ, φ = angle locating
with the SAR, or the stress amplitude level, or the loading path shape rectangular hull on plane.
[76]. Mamiya and Castro [83] proposed a fatigue life estimation model
The maximum principle stress in conjunction with Goodman model regarding a piecewise ruled S-N surface. The first surface is defined as
is more suitable for brittle materials. The non-zero mean stress is the sum of deviatoric stress amplitude (τa) and maximum hydrostatic
commonly used to predict the fatigue life of structure under combined stress (σHmax) as the exponential function of fatigue life as expressed in
thermal-acoustic loadings [77], as per uniaxial fatigue model. However, Eq. (37). The second surface only the deviatoric stress amplitude is used
the metal structure under this condition is subjected to multiaxial fa- (Eq. (38) for cases where hydrostatic stresses have a small magnitude.
tigue problem. Thus, the cumulative damage becomes difficult to as- The maximum prismatic hull method is used to calculate the deviatoric
sess, and the uniaxial fatigue model leads to significant errors [78]. The stress amplitude. The proposed model performed in the same way as the
critical plane model gives a physical interpretation of the multiaxial other earlier proposed model included in the study, but better in the
fatigue damage process. Thus, the critical plane model with the influ- case of mean normal stress.
ence of mean stress should be used to predict the fatigue life. In this β/δ
regard, a novel critical plane model is proposed by Ge et al. [79]. The τa + σH max = αN fβ if σH max ≥ α ⎜⎛ a ⎟⎞ − τa
fatigue life of metallic structures under combined thermal-acoustic ⎝γ⎠ (37)
loadings is predicted based on the critical plane model, a new critical
plane model which relies on shear strain and is proposed to consider the τa = γN fδ (38)
effect of mean stresses induced by temperature loading. The proposed
model is validated with experimental data from literature in this area where Nf = fatigue life, α, β, γ, δ = material parameters.
and by testing with four metal materials under various strain paths with Meggiolaro and de Castro [29,84] proposed an enclosing surface
zero/non-zero mean stress. The results agreed well with the values model with a modified Wang–Brown rainflow counting method. They
derived from experiments. Furthermore, the proposed model is applied identified discrepancies in the previously defined enclosing surface
to predict the fatigue life of metal structures under combined thermal- methods. The minimum ball method has a physical foundation. The
acoustic loadings and compared with the uniaxial Goodman model. The considered portion of the path should have more than one cycle or else
comparison indicates that the proposed model is conservative, and the when it is considered as a single cycle. The actual damage might be
thermal loading can significantly reduce the fatigue life. underestimated, with a loss of information, as the enclosing surface
algorithms do not take into consideration the actual loading path, but
3.2.2. Enclosed surface models only the convex hulls associated with them. For loading histories with
Mamiya and Goncalves [80] proposed a multiaxial high cycle fa- more than one cycle counted by the rainflow method before applying
tigue endurance criterion for sinusoidal iso-frequency in-phase and out- the moment of inertia method, in the second part they have shown the
of-phase loading conditions based on the idea of the minimum cir- shortcomings of the original Wang–Brown model, which can lead to
cumscribe ellipse in Ilyushin's deviatoric space, as expressed in Eq. (33). non-conservative predictions by incorrectly filtering out significant
The mean stress effect is conservative on fatigue life results compared to events within a multiaxial loading cycle. The two improvements they
other models used in the study. One limitation is that the model ap- proposed are, first, related to choosing the starting point of the cycle so
plication is restricted to iso-frequency loading cases. that counting is modified, and secondly, that algorithm implementation
is simplified by formulating 5D Euclidean stress space in the form of the
deviatoric stress tensor. Marsh et al. [85] reviewed the residual data
∑ ai2 + kσp max ≤ λ
point post-processing technique that processes the cycle count of the
i=1 (33)
data point left after the rainflow count of a random signal. It was
where ai(1–5) = amplitude of deviatoric stress, k = fatigue limit ratio, concluded that the most significance was found when the load process
σp,max = maximum principal stress, λ = material parameter. resulted in a slowly varying mean stress was not fully accounted for by
Leila and Emmanuel [81] proposed the enclosing path method with the traditional rainflow counting methods.

M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

3.2.3. Integral type models Papuga and Ruzicka [63] proposed two criteria with a similar da-
Papadopoulos [86] proposed an integral type fatigue life criterion mage parameter with the emphasis on the effects of shear stress in
where all components are integrated over all planes at the point of comparison to normal stress. The criteria integrate the fatigue para-
consideration, with an additional integration of resolved shear stress meter over all planes, as expressed in Eqs. (44) and (45). The two
over the shear plane as expressed in Eqs. (39) and (40). It is placed a methods derived here are to study whether integrating the load effect or
high demand on computation time, thus preventing its use in com- maximizing it is the more efficient approach. Both methods provide
mercial fatigue solvers [22]. This model is best suited for hard metals very similar results as regards the presented data set of 119 experi-
[87]. mental results.

Ta2 + ασh, max ≤ β (39) 1 f

∫φ ∫ψ ⎡⎢a1⋅Ca2 + bI ⋅⎛Na + t−−11 Nm ⎞ ⎤⎥ sin ψ dψ dφ−1 ≤ f
⎜ ⎟

⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦ (44)
1 2π π 2π
Ta2 = 5
8π 2
∫φ=0 ∫θ=0 ∫χ =0 (Ta (φ, θ, χ ))2dχ sin θdθdφ (40) where

where Ta = resolved shear stress amplitude, φ and θ = angle locating 5 2

aI = k , bI = f−1 (3 − k 2)
2 (45)
the plane, χ = angle between the major axis and resolved shear stress,
α and β = material constant. where k, a1, b1 = material parameter, Ca = shear stress on considered
Lasserre and Palin-Luc [88] proposed an energy density model ex- plane, Na = maximum normal stress, Nm = mean normal stress, t−1 =
pressed in Eq. (41), based on the idea of the volumetric distribution of fatigue limit in fully reversed torsion, f0 = fatigue limit in repeated
strain energy density around the critical point considered for fatigue axial loading, f−1 = fatigue limit in fully reversed axial loading, ψ and
failure. The model predicted results with good agreement with uniaxial φ = Euler angles of planes examined in local coordinate system.
and multiaxial experimental data of smooth cylindrical specimens.
1 3.2.4. Material structure-based models
ωaD (Ci, load ) =
V * (Ci )
∫ ∫ ∫V * (C ) [Wa (x, y, z, load)
i Luo and Chattopadhyay [92] proposed a multi-scale damage cri-
terion for initial stage crack prediction, as expressed in Eqs. (46) and
− Wa* (Ci, load )] dυ (41)
(47). The local damage state is derived using optimization theory and
where ωa = volumetric mean value of strain energy volumetric den-
D then passed on to grain level. The damage for a meso representative
sity, V*(Ci) = volume at a critical point, Wa = strain volumetric energy volume element (RVE), which contains several grains, is determined.
density, Wa* = strain energy volumetric density at critical point Ci. The estimation results of RVE failure at a structural hotspot match the
Later, Palin-Luc and Banvillet [89] have improved the volumetric experimental results. The damage criterion has the capability to provide
density model by modifying the damaged part of the model to over- the potential directions for crack growth. This model can be suitable for
come the limitation of fully reversed sinusoidal loading in the [88] application in case studies, but due to its complex application method
model. Saintier and Palin-luc [90] reformulated the model, as expressed and dependence on grain structure, it may not be applicable in a design
in Eq. (42), and suggested improvements in the criterion for multiaxial process where the average performance and behavior is required to
variable amplitude loading, where previously only constant amplitude represent the life of a component.
loadings are considered. The model also improved the incremental fa- m′
(α )
tigue life assessment method for proportional and non-proportional dD (α ) =
−1 ⎛1 + σn ⎞ dY (α′)
⎜ ⎟
multiaxial variable amplitude loadings. The proposed model estimated σo ⎝ σf ⎠ (46)
fatigue life results with good accuracy within the considered experi-
mental cases, and it was also suggested that a more thorough study with 1 − δ′ (α′)
dY (α′) = δ′σn(α′) (dε p)(α′) + σs (dγ p)(α′)
a variety of materials is required. 2 (47)

6 where dD = damage parameter increment on slip system (α), dY(α)


Wgeqdam (M ) = Wgeq (M ) − ∑ Pl (M ) αM , l W g* = plastic strains energy increment on slip system (α), σmr = memory
l=1 (42) stress, σo = endurance limit, σn(α) = normal stress on slip system (α), σf
= true fracture stress, m, δ = material constants, dεp = plastic strain
where Wgeqdam = damaging part of strain work density, Wgeq =
increment corresponding to σn(α), σs(α) = shear stress on slip system (α),
equivalent strain work density, Pl = proportionality factor, αM= re-
dγp = plastic strain increment corresponding to σs(α).
presents the evolution of stress/strain tensors and sequence duration,
W*g = minimum strain work volumetric density to create irreversible
damage. 3.2.5. Stress invariants-based models
Zenner and Simburger [91] proposed a fatigue life estimation cri- Horstemeyer and Gokhale [93] proposed a void crack nucleation
terion based on an integral type approach and shear stress intensity model for ductile metals with second phases, as expressed in Eq. (48).
expressed in Eq. (43), which can result in good estimation in the case of The model is a function of the fracture toughness of the aggregate
complex periodical loadings. However, due to stress quantities, this is material, length scale parameter, the volume fraction of the second
not valid for a low-cycle fatigue regime, as strain-based parameters are phase, strain level and stresses state. Later Lugo and Jordon [94], using
required to deal with plastic deformations [91]. an acoustic emission method, showed the effectiveness of the proposed
σequ, a
⎛ ε (t ) d1/2 ⎧ ,⎡ 4 J2 J3 I1 ⎫ ⎞
15 1/2
− 33 ⎤ + b, 3/2 + c,
= { 8π
π 2π
∫γ=0 ∫φ=0 [aτγφa
2 2
(1 + mτγφm 2
) + bσγφa (1 + nσγφm)]sin γdγdφ }
η (t ) = Ccoeff exp ⎜

KIC f 1/3


⎨ ⎣ 27 J2 ⎥
⎦ J2 J2 ⎬ ⎟
⎭⎠ (48)
(43) where η(t) = void nucleation at time t, Ccoeff = material constant, ε(t)
where σequ,a = equivalent stress amplitude, τγφm, σγφm = static shear = strain at time t, d = length scale parameter, KIC = critical stress
and normal stress on plane γφ, τγφa, σγφa = alternating shear and intensity factor, f = equivalent stress amplitude, a′, b′ and c′ = ma-
normal stress on plane γφ, a, m, b, n = obtained from the tensile- terial constants determined from different stress states, I1 = stress in-
compressive fatigue strength, torsional fatigue strength, pulsating ten- variant, J2, J3 = deviatoric stress invariants.
sile strength, and pulsating torsional strength, respectively. Vu and Halm [95] proposed a fatigue life criterion based on stress

M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

invariants, and they introduced a quantity J2,mean, shown in Eqs. P

⎧T1 (α , εn, Δε ) = 0 if α P < εn
(49)–(51), which captures the shear stress effect and phase shift effect. ⎪ (α P − εn)
2(α P − εn)
The model performed well within the considered set of experimental T1 (α P , εn, Δε ) = ⎡3 − ⎤ if εn < α p < εn + Δε
⎨ Δε 2 ⎣ Δε ⎦
data. It suggested that a more detailed study is required to validate the ⎪ and T (α P , ε , Δε ) = 1 if α P ≥ εn + Δε
⎩ 1 n (54)
model's reliability.
P if α p < εc
f= γ1 J2′ (t )2 + γ2 J2,2 mean + γ3 If (I1, a, I1, m) ≤ β ⎧T2 (α , εc , Δε ) = 0
(49) ⎪ (α p − εc )2 2(α p − εc )
T2 (α p, εc , Δε ) = ⎡3 − ⎤ if εc < α p < εc + Δε
⎨ Δε 2 ⎣ Δε ⎦
⎪ and T2 (α , εc , Δε ) = 1
p if α p ≥ εc + Δε (55)
for low strength metals ⎩
If (I1, a, I1, m) = I1, a + I1, m (50) Where α and α =damage and plastic internal variables, T1 and T2
d p

= threshold function, T = stress tri-axiality, a0, a1, a2, a3 = material

for high strength metals parameters, εn = nucleation strain, Δε = smoothing factor, εc = coa-
f−1 lescence strain
If (I1, a, I1, m) = I1, a + I1, m
t−1 (51)
3.3. Application of optimization algorithm
where γ1, γ2, γ3, β = material parameters, J2 = second invariant of

deviator of the amplitude of stress tensor, J2,mean = mean value of J2'(t) Bukkapatnam and Sadananda [100] proposed a framework to
over a period, If = function of I1,a and I1,m, I1 = first stress invariant (a model crack growth dynamics in materials under alternative service
– amplitude and m – mean), f−1 = fatigue limit in fully reversed axial environments without resorting to extensive experimentation. The
and bending, t−1 = fatigue limit in fully reversed torsion. model structures are derived based on the unified approach (including
all the observed effects of load ratio, tiny cracks, shielding of disloca-
3.2.6. Statistical assessment models tions, overload, and under-load, and surface crack), and a genetic al-
Pinto and De Jesus [96] proposed a Weibull regression model based gorithm is used to parameterize the models. The GAs allow re-
on the Weibull model for statistical assessment of stress–life data for conciliation of the known, complicated physical relationships with
probabilistic definition of the strain–life field. It provides an analytical empirical observations. The presence of physically motivated mathe-
probabilistic definition of the whole strain–life field as quantile curves, matical structures renders these phenomena predictive and easier to
in both the low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue regions. The proposed analyze than the use of purely empirical approaches such as neural
model deals directly with the total strain, without the need to separate networks. A fatigue crack growth model derived from the application of
its elastic and plastic strain components, which represents a significant the proposed framework was found to predict crack growth rates to
advantage over the classical approaches, permitting it to deal with run- within 12% error. Thus they offer a potential to reduce the extent of
outs, and it can be applied for probabilistic lifetime prediction using experimentation needed for fatigue crack growth analysis.
damage accumulation. Liu [23] proposed a simulation-based calculation procedure for
multiaxial fatigue life prediction, which combines a Monte Carlo si-
3.2.7. Plasticity framework models mulation technique with stochastic process theory and a response sur-
Emuakpor and George [97] developed a fatigue life assessment face method. The proposed method can include randomness in material
expression for multiaxial loading, shown in Eq. (52), incorporating non- properties, applied loading and geometry. Time-dependent failure
linear plastic stress–strain relations in distortion theory for a case of probability is evaluated, where the failure is defined as occurring when
cyclic loading. The idea behind the criterion is that the physical damage the accumulated damage exceeds an acceptable value or the crack ex-
quantity for failure is equal to the accumulated strain energy in a ceeds a critical value. A Monte Carlo simulation method is used to
monotonic fracture, which is also equal to the strain energy during calculate the probabilistic life distribution. A response surface method
fatigue failure. combined with the design of experiments is used to obtain a clear
empirical formula for the damage accumulation process, considering
σC ⎛ several sources of variation. Field failure data was in excellent agree-
σE = ln ⎜ ∑ e 2σP / σC ⎞

2 ment with numerically predicted results.

p=1 ⎠ (52)
Vassilopoulos and Georgopoulos [101] proposed a procedure using
where σE = non-linear equivalent stress, σC = material parameter for an artificial neural network to model the fatigue life of multidirectional
cyclic stress, σp = principal stress (p = 1, 2, 3). composite laminates made of GFRP composite materials and tested
Chaussumier and Mabru [98] proposed a fatigue life prediction these under constant amplitude loading patterns. The prediction accu-
model based on experimental results including the multi-site crack racy of the artificial neural network (ANN) was validated using ex-
consideration, coalescence between neighboring cracks, a short crack perimental data available from the literature. Only 50% of the experi-
growth stage and a long crack propagation stage. This model is devel- mental data is required by the ANN to model the fatigue life of the
oped from experimental topography measurements of pickled surfaces material in comparison to the data needed by the conventional method.
which make it possible to detect the pits, and to characterize their sizes. Vassilopoulos and Georgopoulos [102] presented a comparative study
The model was developed specifically for 7050 aluminum alloy, and its of fatigue life estimation of composite materials using the GA tool, with
application and effectiveness should be tested for a greater variety of conventional methods. They concluded that the fatigue life results are
materials before considering it for widespread use. Khandelwal and El- more accurate than the results produced by traditional methods. The
Tawil [99] proposed a damage mechanics-based model to simulate advantages of GA highlighted in this paper are that the modeling is not
ductile fracture in structural steels. The model expressed in Eq. based on any assumption, such as that the data follow a specific sta-
(53)–(55), is based on the concept of the principle of effective stress and tistical distribution, or that the SN curve follows a power curve equa-
strain equivalence in a plasticity framework. The proposed model is tion. It is a material-independent data-driven method which correlates
implemented in finite element code, the model parameters are mesh- input with output to establish a model describing the relationship be-
dependent, and the model has to be recalibrated if a different material tween them. Thus the model can be applied to any material, provided
or mesh size is employed. that an adequate amount of data be available. For future research re-
lated to GA-based fatigue modeling, they proposed to use more complex
α̇ d = a0 T1 (α p) α̇ P + a1 Τ T1 (α P ) α̇ P + a2 exp(a3 α P ) T2 (α P ) α̇ P (53) genetic programming configurations by introducing models with

M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 940–949

multiple inputs, e.g. stress amplitude, maximum stress, stress ratio, and trained neural network is found to be a powerful optimization and cost
off-axis angle, and to try to assign a corresponding number of cycles to reduction tool as it makes it possible to select optimum material com-
failure to every set of input. positions and processing conditions for a specific fatigue strength.
Franulovic and Basan [103] proposed a material model describing Niesłony and Böhm [108] presented a stress-based approach to take
the elasto-plastic behavior of materials under cyclic loading. The ma- into account the influence of the mean stress value on the fatigue
terial constitutive model for the description of low-cycle fatigue beha- strength of constructional materials. The proposed fatigue life estima-
vior is highly non-linear, and therefore its parameter identification re- tion model implemented a locally developed optimization algorithm to
quires a complex numerical procedure, such as a genetic algorithm. A ensure maximum precision in the fatigue life calculations. The key as-
GA is a stochastic search method for obtaining good approximate so- sumption in the proposed solution is the use of fatigue strength am-
lutions to complex problems. The calculation resulted in the identifi- plitudes for calibration, gained for two boundary states: tension and
cation of material parameters that are validated by comparing the compression with the stress ratio R = 1. Another one with a significant
material response of the numerical solution with experimental data. mean stress value, e.g. the popular unilateral tension R = 0, which is
The GA for the parameter identification in a particular problem, using a also as the main limitation. Klemenc and Fajdiga [109,110] proposed a
finite element method to simulate the materials’ response, proved to be technique for estimating ε-N curves and their scatter. They introduced
an excellent choice. The use of suitable genetic operators in the GA five parameters: four parameters of the Coffin–Manson equation for the
calculation procedure made it possible to achieve very fast and reliable scale parameter of the Weibull distribution and the shape parameter of
convergence to accurate results. the Weibull distribution. Then they used GA and the differential ant-
Krishnapillai and Jones [104] proposed a structural optimization stigmergy algorithm [111] to estimate the five parameters by the
procedure that integrates geometrical modeling, structural analysis, known fatigue–life data (mainly median EN curves) to obtain not only
and optimization into one complete and automated computer-aided the trend of the ε-N curve but also its scatter. Both algorithms were
design process. They illustrated a procedure for the development of found to be capable of estimating the five parameters correctly with as
lightweight structures using fatigue-based optimization in conjunction small a set as 25 data points of experimental data as input. GA was
with a genetic algorithm. It provides a robust methodology and also has found to be faster than DASA.
the potential to be applied to structures with complex structural con-
figurations with multiple optimum peaks. Brighenti and Carpinteri [11] 4. Conclusions
proposed a continuum mechanics based endurance function which
quantifies the damage accumulation in the material up to final failure, In this review, an attempt is made to collect information about the
under an arbitrary multiaxial loading history. Several parameters development of fatigue life estimation models, where the author has
characterize the proposed model, so a genetic algorithm is employed to tried to include as much data as possible concerning this objective. The
numerically evaluate their values once the effects of some experimental main purpose of this review is to collect the different ideas put forward
complex stress history on the fatigue life are known. The GAs have some to model fatigue behavior, i.e., using various combinations of stress and
advantages concerning classical techniques since they allow us to solve strain quantities, mean stress effects, critical planes, microstresses,
problems characterized by both multiple minima and non-convexity virtual strain energy (VSE), enclosing surface methods, 5D Euclidean
properties, avoiding numerical instabilities and the risk of missing the space, optimization algorithms, and so forth. New concepts developed
global optimum. Furthermore, the GAs can handle any objective func- to model the fatigue behavior of materials are reviewed, and it is ob-
tion and simply operate by using basic concepts such as generation of served that the proposed models are still limited to certain conditions,
random numbers, choice, switching and combinations of such gener- i.e., high-cycle or low-cycle fatigue, uniaxial and multiaxial loading,
ated numbers. No critical plane or loading cycle counting algorithm is constant and variable amplitude loading and material type, such as
needed, as the proposed model simply analyzes damage accumulation brittle, hard and ductile materials. However, no model can yet be de-
during the loading process. The fatigue life was assumed to be domi- clared as a universal or generalized model for various loading and
nated by crack-nucleation, i.e., the fatigue life for crack propagation is material conditions, so additional research and development work is
negligible concerning the total life. They concluded that the fatigue life still needed for accurate and reliable multiaxial fatigue life estimation.
results using the advanced endurance function show satisfactory The main objective of this review is to explore the new concepts and
agreement with the experimental data. Kamal et al. [105] studied the methods to estimate fatigue life, unlike the classical ones which do not
endurance function model and suggested simplification by reducing the lead to any universal or generalized fatigue models. The most promising
number of parameters needed to calibrate the model and also devel- methods for fatigue life estimation from the recently proposed models
oped a methodology to use FE analysis stress results to estimate fatigue involve the application of evolutionary optimization algorithms like
life using the model. GA, ANN, DASA, and so forth. The most attractive feature of these types
Roux and Lorang [106] have proposed a method to define Equiva- of models is the inherent flexibility in model training/calibration due to
lent Fatigue Loads (EFL) from in-service load measurement in the case the application of evolutionary algorithms. It can lead to the more
of a structure subjected to multiple variable fatigue loadings. EFL can flexible formulation of model expressions with a higher number of
be used to define tests on full-scale structures for an experimental va- parameters. In future research, the concept of using optimization al-
lidation approach. A mathematical method is proposed to find the EFL, gorithms should be explored in detail to utilize the full potential of this
which uses a genetic algorithm to compute an accurate EFL for the simple, versatile and easy-to-implement technique for fatigue life esti-
whole structure. This approach to finding the best EFL for a structure mation modeling.
can be used to perform a validation test on a bench and can also be used
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