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Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

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Application of artificial neural network for predicting crack growth

direction in multiple cracks geometry
Deepayan Gope a , Prakash Chandra Gope b,∗ , Aruna Thakur b , Abhishek Yadav c,1
Electrical Engineering Department, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Odisha, India
Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263145, India
Electrical Engineering Department, College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263145, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study is to design an efficient artificial neural network (ANN) architecture in order
Received 25 January 2013 to predict the crack growth direction in multiple crack geometry. Nonlinear logistic (sigmoid and tan-
Received in revised form 2 February 2015 gent hyperbolic) and linear activation functions have been used through the one- and two-hidden layer
Accepted 2 February 2015
ANN. 85 tests were conducted on aluminium alloys under different crack positions, defined by crack tip
Available online 11 February 2015
distance, crack offset distance, crack size, and crack inclination with loading axis. The experimental data
set as first degree or second degree were used to train 22 proposed ANN models to predict the output
for new data sets (not included in the training sets). The model results were then compared with the
Artificial neural network
Multiple cracks
experimental data. It was observed that ANN model with combinations of activation functions and two
Crack inclination hidden layers predict the crack initiation direction with good accuracy when higher order input variables
Crack offset distance are presented to the network.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction orientation using the strain energy density theory. Zuo et al. [12] developed a fatigue
crack growth model to predict the lifetime of fatigue crack growth for single and
Various fracture criteria for cracks subjected to mixed mode loading have been mixed mode cracks. In Ref. [13], the S-theory is applied to determine crack initia-
introduced for the determination of crack initiation direction and critical stress. Grif- tion and direction of cracked T-beams and circumferentially cracked pipes under
fith [1] introduced a criterion to determine the conditions to initiate the propagation combined loading conditions. The strain energy density factor approach was also
of a crack. The maximum energy release rate criterion (MERR) [2,3] followed the used by Balasubramanian and Guha [14] to analyze the effect of weld size of fatigue
Griffith condition and stated that crack growth follows the orientation of maximum crack growth behaviour of shielded metal arc welded cruciform joints failing from
energy release rate. Erdogan and Sih [4] developed the maximum tangential stress root region.
criterion (MTS-criterion) which was one of the first conditions that predicted criti- Recent studies have shown that the coefficients of higher order terms can also
cal stress and crack growth orientation. MTS-criterion stated that the crack growth play an important role in the fracture process in notched or cracked structures.
would occur in the direction of the maximum tangential stress and would take place In addition to the singular term, the higher order terms, in particular, the first non-
when the maximum tangential stress reaches a critical value which only contains singular stress term (known as the T stress) have significant effects on the near notch
the first mode strength toughness. Due to its simple formulation, MTS-criterion tip stress field. The T-stress is considered in some studies as an auxiliary parame-
became one of the most popular criteria in fracture mechanics. Palaniswamy and ter for increasing the accuracy of the results for KI . Kim and Cho [15], for instance,
Knauss [5] introduced the G-criterion which dealt with a criterion of maximum showed that this non-singular term has noticeable effects on the size and shape of
energy release rate to determine both the initial crack propagation direction as well plastic zone near the notch tip. Ayatollahi and colleagues demonstrated that the
as the conditions of crack instability in terms of fracture stress, crack orientation first non-singular term have considerable contributions to the stress components
angle and crack length. Sih [6] proposed the minimum elastic strain energy den- around the notch tip and also on the fracture resistance of notched components
sity factor criterion (SED-criterion) which was based directly on the total strain under mode I loading [16–18]. Furthermore, recent studies on cracks show that the
energy density, i.e. the sum of its distortional and dilation components. The strain first non-singular stress term in the Williams expansion (n = 2) could significantly
energy density approach has been found to be a powerful tool to assess the static and influence the stress field around the crack tip. These effects have been investigated
fatigue behaviour of notched and unnotched components in structural engineering experimentally by the technique of photoelasticity in both mode I and mode II load-
[7]. Different SED-based approaches were formulated by many researchers [8–10]. ing conditions. Ayatollahi and Sedighiani [19] studied the effect of T-stress on the
Labeas et al. [11] presented a methodology to predict mixed-mode crack growth and critical mode I stress intensity factor of brittle and quasi-brittle materials. The min-
imum strain energy density criterion was revisited to take the effect of T-stress
into account. In Ref. [20] the strain energy density criterion was applied to deter-
mine the direction of crack initiation for various biaxial load factors and material
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9411159916; fax: +91 5944 233338. combinations. All these criteria have found applications for predicting the fatigue
E-mail addresses: (D. Gope), crack growth direction in structures with a single crack. However, use of these cri-
(P.C. Gope), ar aruna (A. Thakur), (A. Yadav). teria with caution for multiple cracks, which, in general, have less accuracies than a
Tel.: +91 9760358154. single crack and generally inadequate for the analysis of multiple cracks.
1568-4946/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528 515

Table 1
Nomenclature Mechanical properties.

Sl. no. Yield Ultimate E (GPa) Hardness

a crack length strength strength (B-scale)
r correlation coefficient (MPa) (MPa)
t student t distribution Mean 99.50 106.50 70.00 51.50
H crack offset distance SD 5.00 7.55 3.00 2.88
S crack tip distance SD: standard deviation.
T first non-singular stress term, T stress
KI mode I stress intensity factor
KII mode II stress intensity factor difficulties that arise in attempting to deal with closely interacting cracks and their
˛ crack inclination angle ANN is a new class of computational intelligence system and is useful to handle
 learning parameter various complex problems with a capacity to learn by examples. ANN has proved
0 crack initiation angle to be a powerful and versatile computational tool in the application of a number
 Poisson’s ratio of engineering fields [44–49]. In recent years, ANN has also been introduced in the
field of fracture mechanics in order to predict fatigue life [50–56] of metals and
composite. Artymaik et al. [50] expressed that, with the use of ANN method, fatigue
life can be estimated on the basis of material and stress parameters. Genel [51]
used ANN method to predict strain-life fatigue properties of steels on the basis
The interaction between multiple cracks has a major influence on crack growth of tensile tests. He has shown that the fatigue strength coefficient and fatigue
behaviour. This influence is particularly significant in stress corrosion cracking (SCC) ductility coefficient can be predicted using ANN with high accuracy of approx-
[21], welding [22,23], lifetime estimation of plant components, etc. as relatively large imately 99% and 98%, respectively. Bucar et al. used ANN approach to describe
number of cracks are initiated due to environmental effects. The interaction between the scatter of S–N curves. Venkatesh and Rack [52] trained a feed-forward ANN
the multiple cracks can be studied either analytically or experimentally. One can find to predict the elevated temperature creep-fatigue behaviour of Ni-based alloy. Ple-
number of studies in the literature using various analytical and numerical methods une and Chopra [53] also trained a feed forward ANN to predict the fatigue life of
to treat multiple crack problems. Reviews of various methods are given in Burton carbon and low alloy steels for specified sets of loading and environmental condi-
and Phoenix [24] and TerMaath [25]. Development of analytical methods to calculate tions. Recently Pujol et al. [54] studied the fatigue life prediction under step-stress
the stresses around multiple interacting cracks in elastic solids has been an impor- conditions, where the cumulative distribution function for the failure of compo-
tant but difficult research problem for many decades. Such crack interaction effects nents was implemented by means of a neural network. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov
are an important aspect in the ageing of such structures as aircraft fuselages and test was applied to compare the results of the new approach to those obtained
marine hulls, as well as in tracking damage evolution in poly-crystalline and mul- with the lognormal distribution function. Bucar et al. [55] used neural network
tiphase materials in general. In an array of cracks, the strengths of the interactions approach to describe the scatter of S–N curves. Mohanty et al. [57] have predicted
are strongly dependent on their local geometry, placement, and orientation and the fatigue crack propagation life of 7020 T7 and 2024 T3 aluminium alloys under
especially on the proximity of crack tips relative to the crack lengths. Interactions the influence of load ratio by using artificial neural network. Zarrabi and Tsang [58]
that do not adversely affect stiffness may greatly reduce the strength and fatigue presented a new and relatively simple criterion for the mixed-modes I and II frac-
life of a structure, and vice versa. In analytical studies on multiple crack geometry, ture that uses an artificial neural network database to obtain the pertinent fracture
the stress intensity factors are either evaluated from the governing equations avail- toughness.
able for mixed mode cracks [21] or by finite element analysis [26–29]. The presence The crack growth under multiple cracks is no longer in mode I condition. The
of neighbouring cracks in multiple crack system affects the growth direction. This crack growth rate is highly influenced by the presence of neighbouring cracks
growth direction depends upon the relative crack positions. As there is no standard and the crack also grows in a non-self similar manner as seen in mixed mode
relation to compute the crack growth direction based on the relative crack positions, cracks. Although there are a number of criteria for the mixed-mode fracture, none
the growth direction is computed either by using strain energy density (SED) cri- of them are universally accepted and applied to the practical problems. These
terion [8–10] or maximum tangential stress (MTS) criterion [4,26]. In many studies criteria are not suitable for multiple crack configurations. No empirical or math-
the crack growth direction is assumed to possess a self similar manner throughout ematical relations is available to predict the crack initiation and growth direction
the growth simulation [27]. As the experimental assessments of crack growth direc- for multiple crack configuration from the crack offset distance, crack tip distance,
tion and propagation in multiple crack have limited literature, the prediction made crack sizes, ratio of plate thickness to crack size, etc. Hence, other alternate meth-
by any of the available criterion differs significantly from the actual crack growth ods such as artificial neural network and finite element method seem to be the
direction and hence on the component’s life. In case of multiple crack, the major best alternatives for such studies. However, to the best of authors’ knowledge, no
challenge is finding a local parameter which controls the growth of an individual literature related to prediction of growth direction using ANN technique under
crack due to mechanically applied loads. Multiple crack problems are composed multiple crack geometry is available till date. It is very important to find the
of cracks that have disparate characteristics and therefore are not intuitively pre- growth direction under the influence of multiple cracks to predict the life of a
dictable. The level of uncertainty can be high; in some cases, high enough to defy component.
common sense. The second challenge is finding the global parameter which con- In this study, ANN has been used to predict crack growth direction in multiple
trols the interrelationship between the growth of the various cracks. Every physical crack geometry under static loading. The novelty of the current method is its direct
problem in fracture mechanics is a multiple cracks problem, or a problem involv- applicability to multiple cracks since the ANN is tested and validated for the problem.
ing both major and minor cracks. A common approach in the literature is to treat a An original and crucial feature of the work is the evaluation of 22 ANN models with
multiple crack effect as a single crack problem which is not true and away from the different ANN architectures to evaluate the crack growth direction, the area where
reality. no single analytical methods proposed so far is suitable for the prediction of the
Multiple cracks can interact and coalesce in different ways, depending on their crack growth direction under the influence of second or more cracks. The current
spatial resolution, applied stresses, and the component geometry. Kamaya [27] and paper shows the suitability of ANN method to incorporate the challenges on the
Liu et al. [30] have suggested that this phenomenon may influence the fatigue predictive capabilities involving interactions between two cracks at different offset
life of a component due to the potential of cracks to interact and accelerate the distances, crack tip distance and crack size ratio. For the most challenging cases, the
growth rate compared to cracks that grew individually and independently. The presented problem is solved in a short time in MATLAB with a notebook PC. In this
trend of operating aircraft up to or even exceeding their design lives has raised study the effect of degree of input variables, number of hidden layers, homogeneous
concerns on the airframe structural integrity due to fatigue failures, which often and hybrid combination of activation functions on the performance of the network
involve multiple cracks [31–34]. Experiments and numerical studies conducted to predict the crack initiation angle has been studied. The predicted results have
by Iida [35], Iida and Kawahara [36], Wang et al. [37], Frise and Bell [38], Leek been compared with the experimental data. It is observed that the results are in
and Howard [39], and Kamaya [40], which were mainly on long crack coalescence good agreement with the experimental findings.
showed that the effects of interaction amongst closely spaced cracks can signifi-
cantly influence the rate of coalescence, and hence, accelerating the crack growth
rates. This will in turn potentially affect the overall fatigue life of engineering struc- 2. Material and specimen geometry
tures. Multiple interacting crack problems have also been treated in Helsing [41]
and Helsing and Jonsson [42] for rectangular plates, the former using fast multi In the present investigation the commercially available alu-
pole techniques and the later using special 1/2-power weight functions reflect- minium alloy is used. The sheet thickness of aluminium alloy is
ing the singular stress fields at crack tips. Neither paper deals specifically with
crack kinks or branches and the former does not compute stress intensity fac-
1.0 mm. The mechanical properties are given in Table 1. Rectangu-
tors for crack tips, but focuses rather on overall stiffness reduction in the plate. lar pieces of required size were cut from 1.0 mm thin aluminium
Kachanov [43] presented a useful review of various approaches and the formidable sheet. Length of each specimen was kept 200 mm. The width of
516 D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

edge crack specimen was taken as 60 mm while the width of the 3. Selection of crack geometry parameters
central crack geometry specimens was selected so as to obtain the
distance from the outer crack tip to the edge of the specimen equal It has already been discussed in Section 1 that the intensity
to or slightly more than the crack tip distance. Mechanical slits were of the crack interaction and the effect on the crack growth and
made at the required position (Fig. 1) by means of a jewellery saw crack initiation direction depends on several specimen geometry
of 0.1 mm thick blade. For central cracks, at the marked positions parameters such as crack tip distance S, crack offset distance H, and
on the plate, two holes of diameter 2.0 mm were made by drilling relative crack size a2 /a1 . The simulation work of Kamaya et al. [59]
and then a crack was formed by cutting with the jewellery saw. All by using S-version of finite element method revealed that when
inclined cracks were made at an angle of 60◦ to the loading axis (ver- the ratio of crack offset distance to crack length H/a is small and
tical axis, which is also the rolling direction of the plate used in this a2 /a1 is large, the interaction between the two cracks is significant,
investigation). The mechanical cracks so obtained are pre-cracked whereas, it had no effect in the opposite case. The combination
under fatigue loading with very low constant amplitude loading. of H, S and crack length a1 and a2 considered by Kamaya et al.
The lengths of the fatigue pre-cracks were kept below 0.5 mm. The [59] were 2.5 ≤ S ≤ 20 mm, 2.5 ≤ H ≤ 20 mm and 1 ≤ a2 /a1 ≤ 0.2. It
study of crack growth direction under static loading was conducted was also reported in their study that there was no interaction
with two edge cracks on one side (A1), single edge crack on both between the two cracks for a2 < 0.6a1 . Thus, when the difference
sides (A2), two central cracks (C1), and two central inclined cracks in the crack size is large enough, it is not necessary to account
(C2). The specimen details for above type of crack configurations the interaction in the growth prediction, and the single crack can
are shown in Fig. 1. be used for analysis. The growth, interaction and coalescence of

Fig. 1. Specimen geometry. Dimensions are in mm and not to the scale.

D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528 517

Table 2
Relative positions of multiple crack geometry and crack initiation direction used in this study.

Test no. Specimen ID Initial crack size (mm) Initial crack inclination Relative position (mm) Crack initiation
from loading axis (◦ ) direction (◦ )

a1 a2 ˛1 ˛2 H S 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 A11 10.0 10.0 90 90 3.0 0.0 6.0

2 A12 12.0 12.0 90 90 10.0 0.0 5.0
3 A13 5.0 5.0 90 30 13.0 0.0 15.0
4 A14 7.5 5.0 90 45 13.0 0.0 10.0
5 A15 7.0 7.0 90 80 14.0 0.0 11.0
6 A21 4.0 4.5 90 90 2.0 0.0 2.5
7 A22 4.5 4.5 90 90 4.0 0.0 7.5
8 A23 4.0 4.5 90 90 6.0 0.0 7.0
9 A24 4.5 4.5 90 90 10.0 0.0 4.5
10 A25 28.0 27.0 90 90 2.0 2.0 16.5
11 A26 26.0 26.0 90 90 2.0 4.0 21.0
12 A27 25.0 24.0 90 90 2.0 7.0 18.5
13 A28 24.0 24.0 90 90 2.0 8.0 10.5
14 A29 23.0 22.0 90 90 2.0 11.0 7.0
15 A210 21.0 21.0 90 90 2.0 14.0 11.0
16 A211 27.0 26.0 90 90 4.0 2.0 52.0
17 A212 25.0 26.0 90 90 4.0 4.0 36.0
18 A213 25.0 25.0 90 90 4.0 6.0 34.5
19 A214 24.0 25.0 90 90 4.0 7.0 25.25
20 A215 22.0 23.0 90 90 4.0 11.0 15.5
21 A216 12.5 12.5 90 90 2.0 35.0 7.5
22 A217 12.5 12.5 90 90 4.0 35.0 9.5
23 A218 12.5 12.5 90 90 6.0 35.0 11.0
24 A219 12.5 12.5 90 90 10.0 35.0 20.5
25 A220 12.5 12.5 90 90 20.0 35.0 31.0
26 A221 17.5 17.5 90 90 2.0 25.0 8.5
27 A222 17.5 17.5 90 90 4.0 25.0 10.5
28 A223 17.5 17.5 90 90 6.0 25.0 15.5
29 A224 17.5 17.5 90 90 10.0 25.0 20.5
30 A225 17.5 17.5 90 90 20.0 25.0 36.0
31 C11 4.20 0.0 45 45 0.0 0.0 41.0
32 C12 4.0 0.0 60 60 0.0 0.0 45.0
33 C13 4.0 0.0 75 75 0.0 0.0 16.5
34 C14 4.0 0.0 30 30 0.0 0.0 50.5
35 C15 4.0 0.0 60 60 0.0 0.0 36.0
36 C21 4.0 4.0 90 90 4.0 16.0 12.5
37 C22 4.0 4.0 90 90 4.0 16.0 16.5
38 C23 4.0 4.0 90 90 4.0 16.0 8.5
39 C24 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 16.0 15.5
40 C25 4.0 4.0 90 90 8.0 16.0 14.5
41 C26 4.0 4.0 90 90 8.0 16.0 15.75
42 C27 4.0 4.0 90 90 6.0 16.0 11.5
43 C28 4.0 4.0 90 90 12.0 8.0 40.5
44 C29 4.0 4.0 90 90 12.0 14.0 18.0
45 C210 4.0 4.0 90 90 12.0 16.0 15.5
46 C211 4.0 4.0 90 90 12.0 20.0 14.5
47 C212 4.0 4.0 90 90 5.0 20.0 17.5
48 C213 4.0 4.0 90 90 14.0 20.0 14.0
49 C214 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 12.0 23.0
50 C215 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 20.0 17.0
51 C216 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 8.0 24.0
52 C217 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 14.0 15.0
53 C31 4.0 4.0 60 60 4.0 24.0 24.0
54 C32 4.0 4.0 60 60 6.0 24.0 12.75
55 C33 4.0 4.0 60 60 8.0 24.0 8.0
56 C34 4.0 4.0 60 60 10.0 24.0 13.0
57 C35 4.0 4.0 60 60 14.0 24.0 11.0
58 C37 4.0 4.0 60 60 4.0 12.0 39.5
59 C38 4.0 4.0 60 60 6.0 12.0 36.0
60 C39 4.0 4.0 60 60 8.0 12.0 29.0
61 C310 4.0 4.0 60 60 10.0 12.0 17.0
62 C311 4.0 4.0 60 60 24.0 12.0 19.0
63 C312 4.0 4.0 60 60 24.0 6.0 37.75
64 C313 4.0 4.0 60 60 24.0 8.0 33.5
65 C314 4.0 4.0 60 60 24.0 10.0 46.0
66 C315 4.0 4.0 60 60 24.0 16.0 19.5
67 C316 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 6.0 25.0
68 C317 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 11.0 30.5
69 C318 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 12.0 33.5
70 C319 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 14.0 44.25
71 C320 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 16.0 14.5
518 D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

Table 3
Relative positions of multiple crack geometry and crack initiation direction used in this study for validation of ANN.

Test no. Specimen ID Initial crack size (mm) Initial crack inclination Relative position (mm) Crack initiation
from loading axis (◦ ) direction (◦ )

a1 a2 ˛1 ˛2 H S 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 A16 3.0 3.0 90 90 2.0 0.0 11.0

2 A17 3.0 3.0 90 90 3.0 0.0 8.0
3 A18 3.0 3.0 90 90 3.5 0.0 7.0
4 A19 3.0 3.0 90 90 6.0 0.0 12.0
5 A120 3.0 3.0 90 90 2.5 0.0 10.0
6 C111 4.0 4.0 90 90 4.0 16.0 17.0
7 C112 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 10.0 17.0
8 C113 4.0 4.0 90 90 10.0 8.0 25.0
9 C114 4.0 4.0 90 90 12.0 8.0 22.0
10 C16 4.0 4.0 90 90 0.0 0.0 42.0
11 C321 4.0 4.0 60 60 6.0 24.0 15.0
12 C322 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 24.0 30.0
13 C323 4.0 4.0 60 60 14.0 6.0 20.0
14 C324 4.0 4.0 60 60 12.0 10.0 32.0

two coplanar short cracks of varying lengths in AA7050-T7451

aluminium alloy were studied under low amplitude cyclic load-
ing by Tan and Chen [60]. It was reported that as the ratio of the
minor crack to major crack length a2 /a1 approached unity, the
influence of interaction on the overall crack shape development
increased to a maximum value and interaction was insignificant
when the crack length ratio a2 /a1 ≤ 0.25. The interaction of multi-
ple cracks in a finite plate studied by Yan and Miao [61] by using
the hybrid displacement discontinuity method indicates that the
crack interaction is insignificant beyond H/a = 4 for all investigated
cases of H/a between 0.1 and 7. In the previous work of Gope and
Thakur [62] on the multiple crack interaction, it was shown that
the crack initiation angle remains less than 10◦ for 0 < S ≤ 12 mm
and H < 2 mm and it exceeds 30◦ for H > 12 mm. The crack initiation
angle remains between 10◦ and 30◦ for 2 mm ≤ H ≤ 12 mm. As men-
tioned in [59–62] the significant crack interaction effect is seen for
H/a <1 and 0 ≤ S/a <1 or H/a ≥1 and S/a ≥1 for equal crack size. Thus, Fig. 2. Illustration of crack initiation angle computation from the fractured speci-
in the present investigation the magnitude of S and H are selected men using CAD software.
appropriately such that 14 < H/a ≤ 0 and 14 < S/a ≤ 0. Thus 85 sets
of test data are designed to include all the combination of H/a and
there is a neighbouring crack. It was shown that the growth direc-
S/a to investigate the significant and insignificant crack interaction
tion is highly influenced by the crack position parameters defined
zone. The number of test samples considered in different zones of
as crack offset distance, crack tip distance and relative crack size.
H/a and S/a for different specimen geometry A1 , A2 , C1 , and C2 along
From the wide range of crack statistics considered in this study few
with the crack initiation angles are presented in Tables 2 and 3.
photographs of the fractured specimens are shown in Figs. 3–7.
The initial condition of S and H are mentioned on the photographs.
4. Test procedure The fractured specimen with two edge cracks on one side of the
plate for crack sizes a1 = a2 = 3.0 mm and H/a <1 are shown in Fig. 3.
The specimen was fixed in the 100 kN servo hydraulic univer- Fig. 4 shows the photographs for H/a ≥ 1 and S/a=0. The effect of the
sal testing machine (ADMET, USA) in static mode and load was presence of neighbourhood crack on growth behaviour and frac-
applied monotonically at 0.01 mm/s crosshead speed. The crack tured pattern is different for H/a <1 and H/a ≥1. It is seen that when
initiation and the stable crack growth during static loading was the cracks are separated with a very small distance (H < a) both
monitored by a travelling microscope (model RTM-500) and CCD the cracks propagate at an angle so as to meet each other at a dis-
camera (Model Sony Cyber Shot 8 M.P. DH-7) attached to another tance equal to or less than the crack length. Thereafter, it propagates
computer. The loading was continued till the specimen fractured. almost perpendicular to the loading axis as a single crack. When the
The crack initiation angle  0 was then measured from the frac- crack offset distance H is further increased and H/a ≥ 1, it is seen that
tured specimen and used in training validation and testing of ANN only one crack propagates in self similar manner and other crack
architecture. The procedure of measurement of the  0 using the becomes dormant. The crack growth direction for two edge cracks
CAD software is illustrated in Fig. 2. The results are presented in on one side with initial conditions a1 /a2 = 1, H/a ≥ 1 and S/a = 0 is
Tables 2 and 3. found to be less than 10◦ . According to MTS [4,19], SED [15–18],
DET [36] criterion, the crack extension angle  0 remains less than
5. Crack initiation direction 10◦ for KI /KII >10. This indicates that crack grows mostly under the
influence of mode I and the effect of mode II stress intensity factor
It is well established that a crack under mode I loading propa- is about 1/10th of mode I and hence the effect of mode II is negligi-
gates in self similar manner where as under mixed mode loading ble as compared to mode I. Hence, it can be said that for H/a ≥ 1 and
it propagates in non-self similar manner. Recently, it was studied S/a = 0, there is a little effect of the presence of neighbourhood crack
by the authors [62] that a crack changes its growth direction when on the growth direction as the crack grows almost perpendicular
D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528 519

Fig. 3. Crack path for two edge crack specimens (on one side) for H/a <1.

Fig. 5. Crack path for different central crack specimen configurations for S/H ≤ 1.

also seen that the progress of the crack from the outer tips is more
as compared to the two inner crack tips. The above behaviour is
seen in all cases when the crack offset distance H/a ≥ 1 and S/H ≤ 1.
No such deviation of adjacent crack tip is seen for other cases as
shown in Fig. 6 for H/a > 1 and S/H = 1. Under such crack statistics
H/a > 1 and S/H > 1, the crack tips of the two facing cracks change
Fig. 4. Crack path for different one sided edge crack specimen configurations for their progress direction so that they approach each other and finally
H/a ≥ 1. crack coalescence occurs. It is seen that the fracture of the speci-
men occurred from the outer edge. This indicates that the growth
to the loading axis, similar to mode I crack growth. However, when rate of outer and inner crack tips is also different and depends upon
two edge cracks are very close to each other and H/a < 1, the crack the H and S values. Fractured photographs show that the crack coa-
growth direction is highly influenced by the neighbourhood cracks. lescence phenomena occurred when 1.25 ≤ H/a ≤ 2.5 and S/a > 1 are
It is seen that both the cracks bend towards each other and hence, satisfied whereas failure occurs because of the progress of the crack
the growth direction is increased with respect to the previous case from outer tips for H/a > 2.5. This illustrates that S and H as well as
of H/a ≥ 1. Under such condition it is found that the crack initiation the edge distance from the outer crack tip plays a major role in
direction remained more than 10◦ . This indicates that when two the fracture process in multiple crack geometry. Only the ratio of
cracks are very close to each other the state of stress produced by S/H is not sufficient to characterize the fracture process or crack
one crack is affected by the state of stress of neighbourhood crack. interaction in multiple central cracks. The results shown in Fig. 5
Hence, the resultant state of stress is under mixed mode condition for two central mode I crack indicates that the crack growth from
and crack grows under the influence of mixed mode condition. the inner crack tips is restricted by the stress shielding effect. The
Fig. 5 shows photographs of the fractured specimen having figure indicates that the growth from the outer crack tip is more as
two central cracks with different crack configurations H/a ≥ 1 and compared to inner tip. This is because of crack shielding. From the
S/a > 1. The crack deviation of adjacent crack tips before coalescence appearance of the crack configuration, it can be said that the accel-
is seen in these figures. In addition to this effect, the propagation eration effect seems to exceed the shielding effect. This highlights
of the crack from outer tips is almost perpendicular to the loading that while making any simulation studies for such crack statistics
direction or the crack propagation direction is less than 10◦ . It is entire crack growth process should be considered.
520 D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

the progress of the inner crack tips becomes dormant due to the
stress shielding effect caused by the presence of a second crack.
This kind of crack behaviour is seen for S < 12 mm or S/H < 1.0. The
progress of crack tip for (a) H = 12 mm, S = 12 mm, ˛ = 60◦ and (b)
H = 12 mm, S = 14 mm, ˛ = 60◦ are shown in Fig. 7(g and h), respec-
tively. It is observed from Fig. 7(g and h) that inner crack tips of two
facing cracks progress in a direction so as to approach each other.
The outer crack tip progresses perpendicular to the loading direc-
tion. This type of crack behaviour is seen for all inclined cracks with
S/H ≥ 1.
The variations of the crack initiation direction with the crack
statistics and stress intensity factors or mode mixity are shown
in Figs. 8 and 9. The crack initiation angle is determined from the
fractured specimens. Fig. 8 demonstrates the intensity of the crack
interaction in terms of crack deviation and crack geometry param-
eters. Fig. 8 reveals that it is difficult to establish any correlation
between the crack initiation angle and crack geometry parame-
ters. The predictive uncertainty that exists with one of the mostly
used fracture criterion (MTS criterion) is shown in Fig. 8. Particle
filled or fibre reinforced composite material is one of the example
where multiple crack sites exist and crack grows from multiple sites
during mechanical loading. The crack initiation angle as a function
of mode mixity Me for composite material containing 20 wt% wal-
nut shell particle and 10 wt% coconut fibre filled in epoxy matrix is
shown in Fig. 9. The mode mixity is defined as:
Me =
arctan (1)
The predicted results included in Figs. 8 and 9 are briefly
described here. According to maximum tangential stress (MTS) cri-
terion [4], the crack extension angle in terms of stress intensity
factors is given as
Fig. 6. Crack path for central crack specimen configurations for S/H >1. 1 KI
 K 2
−1 I
0 = 2 tan + +8 (2)
It is seen that the crack initiation direction remained between
10◦ and 20◦ for H/a ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ S/H ≤ 4. The crack initiation direction According to strain energy density (SED) criterion [8–10], the
became more than 20◦ when S/H < 1. growth direction is obtained from the solution of Eq. (3).
Fig. 7(a and b) shows the photographs of two inclined crack, KI KII
˛ = 30◦ and 60◦ . It shows that growth is under the influence of mode (−41,2 sin 0 + sin 20 ) + (41,2 sin 0 − 3 sin 20 )
I and mode II stress condition and hence, it deviates from the ini-
tial crack direction. Fig. 7(c) shows two inclined central cracks for + (−41,2 cos 0 + 4 cos 20 ) = 0 (3)
˛ = 60◦ and S/H ≥ 4. Under the crack statistics S/H ≥ 4 it is seen that where 1 = 3 −4 for plane strain case and 2 = (3 − )/(1 + ) for
failure is due to meeting of the two inner crack tips and crack grows plane stress case.
almost in the direction of crack i.e. about 30◦ to the loading axis. According to generalized maximum tangential stress (GMTS)
However, when the crack offset distance H is increased and S/H < 4 criterion [63] the crack initiation direction can be obtained by solv-
in Fig. 7(d), the outer crack tip is deflected and the growth direction ing Eq. (4).
of the farther tip turned towards the loading direction. The crack
growth behaviour for S ≤ H is shown in Fig. 7(e and f). It is seen that 16T  0
[KI sin 0 + KII (3 cos 0 − 1)] − 2rc cos 0 sin =0 (4)
outer crack tip progresses in a non-self similar manner and there is 3 2
no growth from the inner crack tips. where rc is considered equal to the crack tip damage zone. It is given
The results shown for two inclined cracks indicates that with by Taylor [64] as
smaller value of H < 10 mm and S/H ≥ 4, the growth is along the
 K 2
crack direction both from inner and outer crack tip. This may be rc = (5)
because of the line joining between inner crack tips makes an angle 2 u
almost greater than 70◦ with the loading direction. It is experimen-  u is the ultimate tensile strength. KIC is the critical mode I stress
tally shown [MTS, etc. criterion] that an inclined crack with about intensity factor or material fracture toughness.
70◦ crack angle propagates at an angle less than 15◦ . It means the Eqs. (2)–(4) show that  0 depends upon stress intensity factors
effect of mode II stress intensity factor is negligible. The same mech- KI and KII . Figs. 8 and 9 show that none of the existing criteria is
anism may exist under such crack statistics and growth direction suitable to predict the crack initiation direction within a reason-
is less affected. When value of H is increased and S/H is kept less able accuracy. The accurate prediction of crack initiation direction
than 4, the deflected crack growth seen from the outer crack tips is important to study the growth rate under multiple crack geom-
may be due to the existence of mixed mode condition. etry and to estimate the components’ life. The difference between
Fig. 7(e and f) shows the stress shielding effect for the case experimental and predicted results shown in Figs. 8 and 9 is due
H = 12 mm, S = 6 mm, ˛ = 60◦ and S = 11 mm, H = 12 mm, ˛ = 60◦ . to the dependence of stress intensity factors on the crack geome-
Fig. 7(e and f) shows that the outer tip of the cracks progress and try parameters. In multiple crack geometry, it was demonstrated
D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528 521

Fig. 7. Crack paths for different central inclined crack specimen configurations. Initial crack conditions are (a) ˛ = 30◦ and (b–h) ˛ = 60◦ .

in the earlier studies [62,64] that both KI and KII and hence, the interaction of multiple crack geometry can be well related through
crack initiation direction depend on the crack position parameters the crack initiation angle, crack tip distance and crack offset dis-
S and H (known as crack spacing parameters) and orientation. Fig. 8 tance. This has its own importance also because crack tip factors
shows that crack initiation angle  0 decreases as S/H increases and during the crack growth test are easy to compute as compared to
beyond S/H > 3,  0 became less than 10◦ . In terms of stress inten- stress intensity factors. Similar results are revealed in the work of
sity factors KI and KII ,  0 becomes less than 10◦ when KI /KII > 10. Pook [65]. Pook [65] demonstrated that the stress intensity factors
This indicates that for a given crack offset distance H as the crack of closely spaced regular arrays of edge cracks depend primarily on
tip distance S increases (i.e. cracks are away from each other) the the crack spacing and are approximately proportional to the square
interaction effect diminishes and crack grows under the influence root of crack spacing for crack length to spacing ratios down to 0.16.
of mode I with negligible effect of mode II. In case of central crack For smaller spacing ratios the stress intensity factor depends on
when H and S are relatively small, both the crack behaves like a crack length rather than crack spacing. The general features associ-
coalesced crack and the progress direction is less affected due to ated with crack interaction and coalescence and the conditions for
the presence of other cracks or neighbourhood crack. It is also seen coalescence in various forms are reviewed by Wang et al. [66]. To
that for larger value of offset distance H (i.e. distance between two the best of authors’ knowledge, the study focusing to the prediction
cracks is higher) the interaction also minimizes. It means when of crack initiation direction under multiple crack configurations is
cracks are separated through a larger distance the state of stress very limited and hence, it is difficult to predict the crack growth
produced ahead of the crack tip remains unaffected and thus dimin- direction using the above mentioned criterion with respect to crack
ishing nature of crack initiation angle is seen. This shows that the geometry parameters S and H. Hence, in many studies with multiple
522 D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

10 18 Back-propagation networks are in fact the powerful networks

S/H [62]
which refer to a multi-layered, feed-forward perceptions trained
[62] with an error back-propagation algorithm (error minimization
8 Expt (Central crack) technique). The architecture of a simple back propagation ANN
Expt (Edge crack) is a collection of nodes distributed over a layer of input nodes,
K I/KII 12 one or more layers of hidden neurons, and a layer of output neu-
MTS Criterion
6 rons. Neurons in each layer are interconnected to subsequent layer

neurons with links, each of which carries a weight that describes

the strength of that connection. In this investigation, both the
homogeneous and the hybrid combinations of sigmoid, tangent
hyperbolic, and linear activation functions were used with one
or two hidden layer network architecture to model the neuron
3 activity. Twenty-two such combinations have been used; Table 4.
Inputs are propagated forward through each layer of the network to
emerge as outputs. The errors between those outputs and the target
0 0
(desired output) are then propagated backward through the net-
0 10 20 30 40 50
work and then connection weights are adjusted so as to minimize
Crack initiation angle, deg the sum square error. It is calculated as:

Fig. 8. Effect of crack tip and crack offset distances S and H on the variation of crack
initiation angle with the predicted ones. E= (Dpk − Opk )2 (6)
i=1 k=1

crack geometry configurations, the growth direction in the simu- where Dpk is the desired output and Opk is the predicted output for
lation has been assumed as  0 = 0 [27]. To overcome this difficulty, the pth pattern and kth output. During training, an ANN is presented
the aim of the present investigation is focused on the development with data for several times, which is referred to as training cycles.
of ANN model to predict the crack growth direction under multiple After each cycle, the error between the ANN output (predicted) and
crack geometry. the desired values are propagated backward so as to adjust the
weight in a manner mathematically guaranteed to converge [30].
6. Artificial neural network approach The learning algorithm used here for the weights is

wij (t + 1) = wij (t) + wij (t) (7)

Artificial neural network (ANN) is an intelligent tool with paral-
lel computational capability. It can perform nonlinear mapping in with its correction
short duration. Once neural network is trained, it provides accept- ∂E
able recommendations in a short time. The concept of an artificial wij (t + 1) = −˛ + ˇ wij (t) (8)
neural network is inspired from the working of the human brain.
Human brain is made of hundreds of billions of processing ele- where ˛ is the learning rate, ˇ is the momentum coefficient, and
ments, known as neurons. The brain acts as a highly complex t is the current step. In the present investigation, it is found that
nonlinear parallel computer. Similarly an artificial neural net- for ˇ = 1, the oscillation and convergence is appreciable. Detailed
work is a massive parallel distributed processor with neurons as derivation of the back propagation algorithm has been covered in
processing units. An artificial neural network acquires the knowl- literature extensively [30,31].
edge during the training process by correcting the corresponding Fig. 10 illustrated one of the ANN structure out of 22 ANN archi-
weights so as to minimize an error function. One of the main advan- tectures presented in Table 4 with one input layer of six nodes,
tages of this technique is that there is no need to make a prior one hidden layer of nine nodes and one output layer of one node.
assumption about the concerned material behaviour, making it Each layer has different number of neurons. The functional rela-
superior to other conventional prediction techniques. tionship between input and output variables can be established

SCAB (Biocomposite)
80 SCAB (Epoxy)
Crack initiation angle (-θ0), deg

MTS, T*= 0
MTS, T*= 2.5
60 MTS, T*= 4






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Fig. 9. Effect of mode mixity Me and T stress on the crack initiation angle and predicted capability by MTS criterion.
D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528 523

Table 4
Combination of different activation functions.

Number Code Degree of input data 1 hidden layer 2 hidden layers Output layer Type

1 t-t-1 First Tangent hyperbolic – Tangent hyperbolic Homogeneous

2 t-s-1 First Tangent hyperbolic – Sigmoid Hybrid
3 s-t-1 First Sigmoid – Tangent hyperbolic Hybrid
4 t –l-1 First Tangent hyperbolic – Linear Hybrid
5 s-l-1 First Sigmoid – Linear Hybrid
6 l-l-1 First Linear – Linear Homogeneous
7 t-t-2 Second Tangent hyperbolic – Tangent hyperbolic Homogeneous
8 t-s-2 Second Tangent hyperbolic – Sigmoid Hybrid
9 s-t-2 Second Sigmoid – Tangent hyperbolic Hybrid
10 t-t-t-1 First Tangent hyperbolic Tangent hyperbolic Tangent hyperbolic Homogeneous
11 t-t-s-1 First Tangent hyperbolic Tangent hyperbolic Sigmoid Hybrid
12 t-s-s-1 First Tangent hyperbolic Sigmoid Sigmoid Hybrid
13 s-s-s-1 First Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid Homogeneous
14 t-t-t-2 Second Tangent hyperbolic Tangent hyperbolic Tangent hyperbolic Homogeneous
15 t-t-s-2 Second Tangent hyperbolic Tangent hyperbolic Sigmoid Hybrid
16 t-s-s-2 Second Tangent hyperbolic Sigmoid Sigmoid Hybrid
17 s-s-s-2 Second Sigmoid Sigmoid Sigmoid Homogeneous
18 l-l-l-2 Second Linear Linear Linear Homogeneous
19 s-s-1 First Sigmoid – Sigmoid Homogeneous
20 s-s-2 Second Sigmoid – Sigmoid Homogeneous
21 s-s-t-1 First Sigmoid Sigmoid Tangent hyperbolic Hybrid
22 s-s-t-2 Second Sigmoid Sigmoid Tangent hyperbolic Hybrid

selection of a proper structure is difficult and the inherent order of

nonlinearity in the dataset is high and therefore requires a large
structure. Moreover, if the dimensionality and number of sam-
ples required for efficient training are also high, the trial-and-error
method requires significant wastage of computational efforts. In
our application, trial-and-error method is suitable as the training
time and flops required for each structure are not very high. There-
fore, the network structure and their operational parameters in
the present investigation have been selected mostly by using trial-
and-error method. The experimentation has been performed in a
sufficiently wide range. The comparison among various structures
has been made and presented in the paper in the form of tables
and graphs. Fig. 11 compares the predicted crack initiation angle
with the experimental values (normalized) for training data set,
validation data set and testing data set. In Fig. 11 out of 22 ANN
architecture used in this investigation, the detailed results of [10-
9-1] ANN architecture with learning rate 0.8 and sigmoid activation
function have been used. The training was stopped after 200 train-
ing cycles. However, in Fig. 11(a) the variation of error is shown up
Fig. 10. Artificial neural network architecture. to 500 training cycles to show its effect on the MSE. The correlation
coefficient obtained for validation and testing data set are 0.9687
by considering enough neurons in the hidden layers. However, and 0.9721 respectively. Similar runs are made for other ANN archi-
too many neurons in the hidden layer may cause over fitting. tectures shown in Table 4 and results are presented and analyzed
Because of over fitting, network yields larger error for the new in subsequent sections.
data even if the error is very small for training data. Also, larger
the network, more complex it is. There are several methods for
improving the network to provide an adequate fit. Maghami and 6.1. Selection of inputs
Sparks [67] have proposed ANN method for rapid and efficient
controls, dynamic design and analysis for flexible space systems. For crack growth analysis with multiple cracks, there is a wide
The proposed method of Maghami and Sparks [67] is suitable for range of crack position parameters that could be used as inputs.
applications wherein an arbitrary large source of training data can These parameters include crack size, crack tip distances, crack offset
be generated. However, in the present investigation, the data has distance, crack inclination with the loading axis, material proper-
been generated by performing a set of experiments on a real sys- ties such as yield strength and modulus of elasticity and specimen
tem. As the limited data set in the present investigation is available, geometry such as crack length to plate width ratio or crack length
the method proposed by Maghami and Sparks can be tested in to plate thickness ratio etc. Properly selected inputs can be of
this application in a future work, once a huge set of data is gener- great help to reach a satisfactory predictive quantity with a rel-
ated. The authors of [68] have also presented an effective method atively small training data set. Table 5 shows the root mean square
for modular neural network. The relationship in our data is eas- error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient obtained for each set of
ily trainable in the form of the proposed networks as shown in input both for training, validation and testing for the combina-
the results with various structures of the networks. However, the tion number 19 (s-s-2). It is very clear from the table that all six
proposed method can also be tested while using modular neural input parameters (left and right crack size, a1 and a2 , vertical off-
network for this application as a future work. Wilson and Tuffs [69] set distance (H), crack tip distance (S), and crack inclination angles
have suggested an efficient algorithm for the applications where ˛1 and ˛2 are implicitly or explicitly needed to obtain acceptable
524 D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

Fig. 11. (a) Variation of MSE with number of Epochs, (b) comparison of normalized training data set, (c) comparison of validation data set, (d) comparison of testing data set.
[10-9-1] network used with second order input variables and sigmoid activation function.

Table 5
Effect of number of input parameters on network architecture.

Inputs Number of input variables Output Training RMSE Testing RMSE Training correlation coefficient Testing correlation

a1 , a2 , H, S, ˛1 and ˛2 6 0 0.015 0.048 0.9207 0.9511

a1 /a2 , S/H, ˛1 /˛2 3 0 0.073 0.247 0.7611 −0.913
a1 /a2 , S/H 2 0 0.094 0.203 0.6841 0.0599
S/H 1 0 0.118 0.241 0.5741 −0.2015

crack initiation direction. When these parameters are used in non- 6.2. Number of training cycle
dimensional form (a1 /a2 , S/H, ˛1 /˛2 ), the RMS error is quite high
and is about 4 times than that with six inputs taken as a1 , a2 , H, S, Number of training cycle plays an important role for over
˛1 and ˛2 . The networks used had one hidden layer with 9 neurons fitting. Early stopping or over training may cause higher error.
(combination no 19, s-s-2). Learning rate parameter was taken as The stopping criterion for the training process is based upon
0.9). All data were normalized between 0 and 1. A probable justi- the root-mean-square-error (RMSE) for the validation data set
fication could be that, that for zero value of the parameter which which was entirely different from training data set (used for
is in numerator, the ratio is taken as zero irrespective of the mag- computing the gradients, Jacobian Matrix, and Hessian Matrix
nitude of denominator. The other reason may be that only three during optimization process for weight refinement) as well as
values were supplied when ratio in non-dimensional form was used testing dataset (used to test the trained network after com-
instead of six values for each output. Hence, in this investigation dif- pletion of the training process). However, the results for the
ferent order of input variables (xin , i = 1, 2, . . ., 6 and n = 1 or 2 or validation data set were not depicted graphically in order to
3) have been used and the predictive quality is compared with first avoid ambiguity as this data set has the only role of stopping
order, second order and third order input parameters. The results the training process at appropriate time and thus reducing the
show that inclusion of second order input variables improve the chances of memorization. However, the various forms of results
predictive quality by 20–30% as compared to first order, but third for the validation data set are shown, wherever feasible and felt
or higher order input data sets yield poor results. necessary.
D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528 525

0.35 0.5 100

19 (training) 19 (testing)
0.3 20 (training) 20 (testing)
0.4 PRED (%) 80
13 (training) 13 (testing)
10 (training) 10 (testing)
0.3 60

PRED (%)

0.15 0.2 40

0.1 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
Epochs Combination number

Fig. 12. Dependence of root mean square error (RMSE) on numbers of iterations for Fig. 14. Variation of root mean square error (RMSE) and PRED (%) with number
different combinations of activation function. of neurons in first and second hidden layers for 0.8 learning rate and 200 epochs.
Optimum number of neurons used are either [10-8-1], [8-10-1] or [8-1].

0.2 1

6.4. Optimization of hidden layer and number of neurons

As per universal function approximate theorem, if less number
Correlation coefficient (r)

RMSE (Training) RMSE ( Testing)

of neurons are required in the hidden layer for better approx-
imation then only one hidden layer can be used. Multi-layer

0.1 RMSE(Validation) r (Training)

r ( Testing) r(Validation)
feed-forward neural networks are believed to be capable of rep-
0.7 resenting any functional relationship between input and output, if
there are enough neurons in the hidden layers. However, too many
neurons in the hidden layers may cause over-fitting. The error on
the training set is driven to a very small value due to the powerful
ANN learning process, but when new data is presented to the net-
0 0.5
work, the error is large. The network has memorized the training
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
examples, but it has not learned to generalize to new situations.
Learning rate
Clearly, when over-fitting occurs, the network will not general-
Fig. 13. Variation of root means square error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient ize well. The ideal method for improving network generalization
with learning rate for eight numbers of neurons in a hidden layer for training data is to use a network that is just large enough to provide an ade-
set, validation data set and testing dataset (s-s-1 model). quate fit. The larger a network is, more complex are the functions
the network can represent. In the present investigation one and
two hidden layered ANN structure were evaluated. For the one
Fig. 12 shows the variation of root-mean-square-error (RMSE)
hidden layered network structure, combination of eleven differ-
with number of iterations for the ANN architecture with one and
ent activation functions were tested, and the performance of each
two hidden layers. It can be seen from the results that most of the
network for validation and test data were evaluated on the basis
ANN architecture with 100–200 training cycles yield reasonable
of root-mean square-error, correlation coefficient, and prediction
accuracies and about 70–80% of the predicted results are within 5%
capability. It is seen that though the correlation coefficient and
error. However, with higher training cycles, in some cases the RMSE
RMSE are reasonably good for first and second order input data but
is found to be lower, but the predictive quality measured with PRED
less than only 50% of the test data were predicted within 5% error
(ε) is found to be less than 70%. The prediction capability (PRED) is
for first order and second order input variables with single hidden
calculated from the relative error. It is defined as the ratio of data
layer. For the two hidden layer network structures, eleven combi-
points with error less than or equal to ε to the total number of data
nations of different activation functions were trained and tested. On
points. ε used in this investigation is 5%.
the basis of their test performance indices, more than 70% data were
predicted within an error of 5% by all eleven-combination models
6.3. Learning rate with two hidden layers except from linear activation function. This
concludes that, in case of single hidden layered structure, second
The quality of prediction also depends on the learning rate order input variables yield better network performance, whereas,
parameter, as it influences the output. Higher learning rate parame- for double hidden layers ANN architecture, use of first or second
ter indicates an ANN with better output approximation capabilities. order input variables are equally good.
Learning rate parameter has been selected for each structure by The performance of all 22 networks were checked by changing
starting with a low value and increasing it in small steps till the the neurons in the hidden layer for single hidden layered structure
speed of convergence is increased without entering the process and number of neurons in first and second hidden layer for two
into an oscillatory mode. Effect of momentum parameter was not hidden layered architecture. In order to decide the optimum hid-
observed in a significant manner as there might be no local min- den neurons, different ANN architecture were trained and tested for
ima in most of the situations. The variation of RMSE and correlation number of neurons ranging from 6 to 14. On the basis of high gener-
coefficient with learning rate coefficient corresponding to 200 iter- alization capability and best prediction accuracy, in testing, Fig. 14
ations, one hidden layer (s-s-1), and nine neurons in hidden layer is is drawn. It is found that most of the two hidden layered combina-
shown in Fig. 13. Figure shows that with learning rate for 0.6–0.8, tions yield better results for [8-10-1] or [10-8-1]. The number in the
high predictive quality can be achieved with RMSE less than 0.015. square bracket shows the number of hidden neurons in the hidden
526 D. Gope et al. / Applied Soft Computing 30 (2015) 514–528

1 1

Predicted, ANN ( Normalized)

0.9 t-t-t-2
Correlation coefficient

0.7 s-s-1
0.4 s-s-2

0.5 Training 0.2

0.4 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Combination number
Experimental ( Normalized)

Fig. 15. Performance of different networks.

Fig. 16. Comparison between predicted and experimental crack initiation angle  0
(testing data set) for different combination of activation functions.
layers and output layer. Best performance was seen from single
hidden layered network with [8-1] hidden neurons. The stability Table 6
of all 22 networks was analyzed by repeating the same network Statistical parameters of predicted results.
ten times with randomly initialized weight and biased parameters.
ANN code Predicted life ratio MLR SD
From the best results among the ten runs of each network, Fig. 15
shows the performance results of all 22 networks for [10-8-1] and Max. Min.
[8-1] neurons in hidden layers with 200 epochs. t-t-t-1 0.8762 1.3979 1.018 0.0969
t-t-t-2 0.7645 1.5074 1.065 0.2042
t-t-1 0.7645 1.5074 1.065 0.2042
7. Results and discussion
t-t-2 0.8421 1.4161 1.022 0.1166
s-s-s-1 1.0 1.40 1.027 0.0933
The purpose of the present study is to investigate applicabil- s-s-s-2 0.9204 1.40 1.025 0.0983
ity of ANN in predicting the crack initiation and growth direction s-s-1 0.6298 2.6814 1.065 0.4110
under multiple crack geometry using crack position parameters. s-s-2 0.9511 1.6290 1.079 0.1704

85 tests under different crack statistics were conducted and used

in the optimization of ANN architecture. Out of 85 data sets 50 data
sets were used for training, 14 data sets were used for validation is within the tabulated range, it can be concluded on the basis of
and remaining 21 data sets were used for testing of the optimized two-tailed test at a 0.01 level of significance that there is essentially
ANN architecture. no difference between the two MLR obtained from t-t-t-1 and t-t-
As can be observed from Figs. 14 and 15, the tangent hyper- t-2. Similar conclusions were obtained from other networks with
bolic activation function and sigmoid function are superior than homogeneous and hybrid activity functions except linear combi-
linear one for the fracture mechanics based crack growth direction nation. The student’s t test result from correlation coefficient (r)
application. Irrespective of number of hidden layers, both activa- of the test data sets are found to be 16.039 against the tabulated
tion functions, i.e. tangent hyperbolic and sigmoid, predict the crack value of 2.86 for 99.5% confidence level and 19 degree of freedom
initiation direction with correlation coefficient greater than 0.97. for s-s-s-2 network architecture. Since t > t0.995,19 , it indicates that
However, in the homogeneous group, sigmoid activation function the correlation coefficient is significantly greater than zero at a 0.01
is found to be superior than tan hyperbolic function for both type level. Similar tests were conducted for other combinations also. Out
of input data, i.e. first order as [xi ; i = 1, 2, . . ., 6] or second order [xi2 ; of all combinations, network with pure linear activation function
i = 1, 2, . . ., 6]. In hybrid group, the predicted quality drops drasti- fails to qualify the statistical significance test. Hence, to establish
cally when linear activation function is included in the analysis. In the best combination of activation function, hidden layer and type
hybrid group, it is also seen that when sigmoid activation function of input data, another performance parameter, PRED is included
in the output layer along with tangent hyperbolic in first or second in the analysis along with RMSE and correlation coefficient. PRED
hidden layer is used (t-t-s) or (t-s), or vice versa, it gives almost data presented in Fig. 14 shows that less than 50% data are pre-
similar performance parameters and prediction results. dicted within an error of 5% with single layer network and first
Fig. 16 shows the predicted crack initiation direction (normal- order input data sets. However, the percentage is improved to about
ized) from the different neural network versus experimental crack 72% with second order input data. With two-layered network, the
initiation angle for testing data sets. predictive quality ranges between 80 and 90% except linear acti-
The quality indicator of ANN architecture is its property of gen- vation function. On the basis of analysis of predictive quality of all
eralization. Fig. 16 reveals that the highest predictive quality is 22 networks, s-s-s-2 is found to be superior amongst all other net-
obtained from the two-layered network with sigmoid activation works investigated in the work and the ANN follows very close to
function and second order input data. The mean life ratio, MLR the target data with very high overall quality of prediction. All the
(ratio of experimental to predicted) and associated standard devi- networks used in this work are universal-function-approximators.
ation along with minimum and maximum life ratio for testing data In our experimentation also, these structures are able to map the
set are shown in Table 6 for selected networks. The statistical signif- relationship between input and output effectively and efficiently.
icance tests were conducted between MLR obtained from different Instantaneous or online training has also been performed along
ANN architectures. The statistical significance test for difference with the batch learning. It has been found that these network struc-
of means between t-t-t-1 and t-t-t-2 shows that student t value tures are capable to learn with instantaneous or online process of
is 0.9299. On the basis of a two-tailed test at a 0.01 level of sig- weight refinement also with the same effectiveness. It is, therefore,
nificance, the tabulated t value corresponding to 99.7% confidence evident from this numerical experimentation that the proposed
level and 40 degree of freedom is ±2.70. As the computed t value methodology is appropriate for online applications also.
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