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Bathan, Bryan Russel A.

Palma, Recca Joy M.

Grade 12 - STEM

Mrs. Leticia R. Sanchez

English for Academic and Professional Purposes
The Woman and the Right to Vote
Hon. Rafael Palma

Filipino women (Filipinas) have no legal rights before. They were not given
the chance to decide for their selves. Even with the proper consent from their
husbands, women still could not obtain any legal rights. Instead, confinement in
their houses and perpetuation of their civil slavery is what they experienced in the
past generation. It is quite saddening to learn how our fellow Filipino women
carry these burdens all by themselves. Gender inequality was so relevant that time
that it is argued many times in the congress. A very righteous act that our
government had done. Yes, it is indeed important for both genders too have the
same and equal suffrage and their chance to involve their selves into politics. Yes,
women do also have to take their part and serve for our country. Yes, it is also
right for women to have their roles, big or small, in our community and country
because they are still part of it.
Women in the Philippines used to be under the hands of men, showing
femininity as a symbol of slavery and dependence. Men will work for the country
and the women only for her family. Freedom to choose and decide were denied
from them as well as their opportunity to have the same education as men. They
don’t have the rights to even choose and vote nor to involve their selves in any
socially or politically-related things. Indeed, it is an awfully huge issue that once
our country faced. Imagine our fellow Filipinas crawling pass through these
hardships alone. How terrifying and saddening. The only thing the we need that
time? Equality it is! To be fair, unbiased and be able to see each and everyone of
us the same.
As of this day, women have fortunately achieved and received the privilege to
vote. The National Assembly in the Philippines announced the Plebiscite in 1937,
which would decide whether or not women should gain the right to vote or not.
Filipino women even created multiple movements to fight or their rights.
Nowadays, women are treated equally along with men and can even do the same
thing men can do especially now that we are in the democratic state of leadership.
The light of equality between men and women are already shining. There were
even times that women once led our nation. Females already have the right to take
and act on their respective roles in our society. They already have the right to
serve our country. They already have the privilege to choose and decide. They are
now free.
The Woman and the Right to Vote
Hon. Rafael Palma

1. How did you feel when you were reading the text? Why did you feel that
The text for us, was quite saddening and at the same time, it makes us feel
kinda in range because we learned how women were treated unequally before -
thinking of them as vulnerable and dependent and can’t do no good for our
country that is why it is better for them to be confined only in their houses. Based
on Hon. Rafael Palma’s address that is pro to women and their right to vote, the
society commits injustice towards women; female suffrage (women’s right to vote
in election) were denied as well as the appropriate and adequate education for
them. We can’t also find an acceptable reason on how most of the people seem to
confine women in their homes and perpetuate her civil and political slavery than
giving her all access to her rights, just like that of the masculines.

2. There are many arguments found in this address. Which ones are the most
compelling? Break them down by citing the assertions and the evidence
given. Why are they so effective?
Among the stated arguments, the most compelling are the stand pro to
granting the female suffrage and giving equal opportunities between both genders
in education, avoiding these things to be more detrimental to the social and
political welfare of our country.
Female suffrage were mostly tackled in paragraphs number four (4) to eight
(8), sixteen and so on. The author has given off his assertions if the privilege to
vote was given not just for men but also for women, “considering that the duties
of citizenship rest as heavily upon woman as upon man” (para. 17). He also
asserted that the protest against female suffrage “raise their fatidical voices on
this present occasion…invoking the sanctity of the home and the necessity of
perpetuating customs” (para. 5). Equal treatment and rights for the both sexes is
all that we need to achieve more success.
Giving the privilege for both masculine and feminine of equal education was
mostly tackled in paragraphs number nine (9) to fifteen (15). It is stated in
paragraph 11 that giving women the right to be as educated as men has not
withered nor impaired any of their fundamental faculties; instead, it enhanced and
enriched them. It is very unfair for all women if there will only be limited choices
for them in the field of education.
All assertions and evidences were effective as the author plots it in an
understandable manner wherein citizens can grasp his main points and/or stand
efficiently and is relevant to what they are experiencing at that moment.

3. What do you think is the theme or the thesis statement of the address?
The thesis statement of this address can be all about granting full female
suffrage as a symbol of gender equality. It can be seen in the statement that giving
women the privilege to vote only shows a progress in resolving gender inequality.
Almost half of our population is women, and by simply granting their suffrage -
by giving them their rights to devote their selves into politics and in law-making.

4. Is this still a relevant text today? Why or why not?

Maybe at some point, but nowadays, this text as a whole isn’t that relevant at
all because as of today, women already have their opportunities to vote and to
involve their selves into politics. If we are to talk about gender inequality, the rate
of the cases relating this issue is so low that Philippines were able to rank first (1 st)
in Asia and seventh (7th) worldwide in gender equality (2016). This only means
that there were almost no cases nor big issues related to gender inequality here in
our country.

5. What is the significance of this text to your academic life? What do you
think will be its significance to your future professional life?
This text helps us to discover more about the history and the past events of our
rights. It also widens our knowledge on how our government reacts and responds
to gender-based issues. This is also a great help for us to enhance our
comprehension, reading, writing and persuading skills and on dealing with
different issues, arguments and stands that involves a mass number of people.
Does access to condoms prevent teenage pregnancy?

Teenage pregnancy is a relevant problem nowadays not just in the Philippines

but also in almost every part of the world. In fact, Philippines has the highest rate
of teenage pregnancies in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).
It is possible to say that the rates of teenage pregnancy slightly depend on
economic situation of the country; ours being a developing country. Every hour,
about 24 babies were delivered by teenage Filipino mothers. Thus, every year
millions of babies are born due to thoughtless behavior, lack of [sexual] control,
curiosity and poor knowledge about the consequences of unprotected and/or
premarital sex. Experts think that the best way to prevent teenage pregnancy, aside
from giving comprehensive sexual education, is to give young people the
privilege to gain information about contraception. Nevertheless, people wonder
whether access to condoms can prevent teenage pregnancy and whether this
method is effective.
Seeing the millennials engaging to sexual activities in such young age is such
a tragic and disappointing sight for us. We can’t blame this to only one thing,
either it is because of the internet or modern technology, for there are millions of
reasons why teenagers are forced to do such thing. Even parents try their best to
teach them the right and wrong, and the difference between appropriate and
inappropriate behavior. However, teenage sexual relations have little to do with
parents, but much more to do with teenage culture and pressures from peers. As
we all know, since the desire to explore sex is a given, the best thing we can do is
to provide teens with access to birth control, including condoms and allow them to
make informed choices about sex, let them know the consequences of frivolous
behavior and unsafe sex. With this, a considerable amount of teenage pregnancy
can be prevented, although unfortunately not all.
The safest way to not get pregnant is to refuse from doing sexual intercourse.
But knowing how most [not all] of the teens think, it’ll take at least decades or
another generation to change how they think. Yes, it is also advisable to just teach
them comprehensive sex education but still, only they can control their selves and
body. We can’t control and stop them from doing such things instantly, but we can
help prevent them from being pregnant by giving them this thing. That is why
sociologist and experts suggest this method. Unlimited access to condoms can
prevent teenage pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
Knowing all of the pros and cons of this method is a great advantage. But we
must always still teach and remind our children about the consequences of their
actions. Refraining from doing such problem-causing actions, such as engaging in
sexual activities, is still the most effective and best way to avoid unexpected
conflicts. Also, remind them of what it may cause to their future for them to be
more fully aware and cautious of their actions. Teach and guide them to focus
more on their future ans studies rather than engaging in different peer-pressuring
or negative-influencing activities.

Does access to condoms prevent teenage pregnancy?

1. Do you agree with the essay? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree with the essay. Unlimited access to condoms, aside from other
suggested methods, can also be a great help to prevent the further large increase in
number of teenage pregnancy cases here in the Philippines because as what they
say, we can’t stop and control them to whatever they’re going to do instantly, but
we can prevent them from experiencing the negative consequences of what
they’re gonna do.

2. What are the instances when you felt you were doing or believing
something wrong but was not able to fully explain or say why it is important
to analyze them?
When you think of something that you want to have or want to do but you
suddenly feel that there is something within you that’s stopping you to do such
thing and you are just clueless about why you should stop. That mere thought is
just so confusing and bothering.

3. What issues do you think are being discussed here? Why is it important to
analyze them?
Of course the main topic here is how to reduce the number of teenage
pregnancy cases here in the Philippines. It is important to analyze such kind of
issues because it greatly affects us sociologically and economically. Aside from
this are the reasons on why teenagers choose to engage in sexual activities.

4. What is persuasion? Who uses it?

Persuasion is the act that can attempt to influence a person's beliefs, attitudes,
intentions, motivations, or behaviors [Google]. Everyone can use persuasion every
time and everywhere. Politicians, businessmen, commercials, and the likes are the
ones who commonly use persuasion, mostly to mass number of people.
5. Is the art of persuasion an important skill? Why or why not?
Persuasion is an important skill especially in several persons such as
politicians, businessmen, in commercials and the likes. It can be a key for
entrepreneurs to boost up their business. It can also help you to make and get
others see things the way you see them (or the way you want them to see things).

6. Would you like to be able to persuade people? Why or why not?

Yes, I totally want to be able to persuade people of certain things that I want
them to use or believe. It is because I like the idea of influencing people in a
positive manner.

7. Do you think you should analyze the position or arguments that came from
Of course we should analyze the position or arguments from others in order to
classify your similarities as well as your difference. It can also be a way to plot
more effective evidences and assertions. We can apply these things in our
everyday life.

8. Why do you need to stand on your work against others?

We need to stand on our own work for us to be able to widen our knowledge
and enhance our skills in persuading. Also this also develops our opinion, decision
and communication skills as we greatly stand our own work against others. We
can easily counteract their opinions and we can be able to deliver our arguments
and evidences more accurately.

9. What is the significance of the text in your life?

This will definitely give us a lesson and learn more about variety of things,
learn diverse way of presenting arguments and how to persuade..

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