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Siti Widayana)* dan Ita Kurniawati)*

1) Chemical Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering, UPN East Java “Veteran”

2) Chemical Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering, UPN East Java “Veteran”
*email : ;

The Porpose The Project Is 1. See the production process of the JPT Soy Sauce, see the
process of making JPT Soy Sauce, quality control (quality control) on the product and Soy
Sauce production proced in organizing the JPT Soy Sauce in Central Surabaya in 2021. Data
collection uses interview, observation and observation methods. the results of this project in
central surabaya are not in accordance with HACCP but the factory already uses security
tools for the production but there are some shortcomings that are still not focused on the
environment which is quite dirty, the HACCP team that we formed recommends attending
training HACCP to know factory standard .

Keywords : JPT Soy Sauce, HACCP

1. Introduction
About The HACCP
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a guarantee system food safety
which is based on an awareness that the hazard may arise at various points or stages
of production, and must be controlled to prevent these hazards. The key to HACCP is
anticipation hazards and identification of control points that prioritize action
prevention and not relying on final product testing.The HACCP system is not a food
safety assurance system without risk or zero risk. However, HACCP is designed to
minimize risk food safety hazards in a food production process. HACCP system too is
a risk management tool used to protect the supply chain food and production
processes against contamination by microbiological, chemical hazards and
physical.The HACCP system can be applied in the food production chain from
producers of food raw materials (agriculture, animal husbandry), handling,
processing,distribution, marketing to the end users (consumers). Success in
implementing HACCP requires full responsibility and involvement management and
labor involved in a food production chain.Successful implementation of HACCP also
requires a team approach, this team must consist from the right experts.The HACCP
system has been widely adopted worldwide by organizations such asCodex
Alimentarius (UN commission) and European Union (European Union) and by
several countries including Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. On
In 2005, ISO issued the ISO 22000 standard which contains clauses regarding
HACCP-based security assurance system

There are at least two reasons why HACCP is important to implement, including in
the bakery industry. First, the issue of food safety is something that is not negotiable
in food products, and the second thing is the failure to guarantee food safety can result
in the following: Illness and death consumer, product recall or recall, government
action (reprimand until closing business license), product detention and destruction,
and most importantly lose consumer confidence In addition, new products appear on
the market quickly, methods and new processing equipment, world market and
changing consumption patterns, Emerging pathogens (the emergence of new
pathogens), and the need for international harmonization in world trade causes
HACCP to become a basic need for producers food.

Food Product
The description of the JPT Soy sauce, Soy Sauce which is a fermented soy
product, has long been an indispensable condiment in the kitchen or on the table of the
families and restaurants in East Asian countries. With a deep reddish-brown and
liquid-like appearance, soy sauce is used for enhancing the umami taste and adding
color to the foods in the cuisines derived from various cultures.
Soybeans together with wheat and brine are the starting materials for this
food seasoning. Four major stages, including soybean meal steaming, koji-making,
brine fermentation, and sauce extraction with the help of the microflora which
consists of Aspergillus oryzae, salt-tolerant yeast and bacteria, converted the
ingredients in the starting materials into the flavor and aroma compounds.

What The Porpose?

1. To know the production process of the JPT Soy Sauce
2. To know the process of making JPT Soy Sauce
3. To know quality control (quality control) on the product and Soy Sauce production

2. Previous Researches
In the study entitled "JPT Soy Sauce" in this study it was stated that it has 3 critical
points, namely the Processing Stage,Packaging Stage and Present the product in the
Processing Stage, which is feared not using gloves, the Soy Sauce will be
contaminated with germs and it is recommended to use personal protective equipment
and the last stage of packaging and present the product is feared when employees
move Soy sauce in botle packaging, namely where officers do not use protective
equipment and can endanger buyers.

3. Method
In the implementation of the HACCP system there are 12 steps that must be passed.
The initial five steps of preparation and continued with the next 7 steps.
The initial five steps are as follows:
1) Formation of the HACCP Team.
The number of HACCP teams should be a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 3
people. Team member must receive proper training on the application of HACCP.
2) Product Description
That is, a complete explanation must be made including information regarding the
composition,physical/chemical structure, microcidal/static treatments (heating,
freezing,salting, etc.).
3) Identify the Purpose of Using the Product
The purpose of using this product is to provide information on whether the
product can be distributed to the entire population or only the population sensitive
special (toddlers, seniors, sick people, etc.).
4) Preparation of Flowcharts
The flow chart contains the entire process of activities in production operations,
and includes the following data:
a. Details of all raw materials and packaging.
b. All process activities.
c. temperature and time profile.
d. Transfer within and between production areas.
e. design/equipment description.

5) Verify the Flowchart of the Production Unit

The flow chart that has been made must be verified again through observation
process flow, sampling activities, interviews, and operational observations
While the next 7 steps are as follows:
1) Hazard Identification (principle 1)
Hazard identification is a specific evaluation of food products and materials raw
materials, chemical and physical ingredients. Then analyze the risk that is
analyzing the probability that a hazard will occur. After that planned a preventive
measures against the risk analysis of hazards that may occur.
2) Determine the CCP (Critical Control Point) (Principle 2)
This stage is key in reducing or eliminating the hazards that have been identified.
CCPs or surveillance critical control points identified as any stage in the process
which, if not properly, the possibility of causing food insecurity, damage and
economic loss.
3) Define Critical Limits For Each CCP (Principle 3)
Critical limits indicate the difference between safe and unsafe products so that the
production process can be managed in a safe level. This critical limit is not may be
exceeded, because it is a tolerance that ensures that the hazard can be controlled.
4) Establish Monitoring System For Each CCP (Principle 4)
This Critical Limit Monitoring is intended to check whether the procedure
processing or handling at CCP is controlled, effective and planned to maintain
product safety. Monitoring activities are the stage where actions from tests or
observations recorded by the business unit to report CCP states, and to ensure that
critical limits are not exceeded.
5) Establish Corrective Actions For Possible Deviations (Principles 5)
Corrective actions are procedures that must be carried out whena serious or
critical error is found or a critical limit is exceeded.
6) Establish Verification Procedures (Principle 6)
Verification is the methods/procedures and tests for identify all HACCP program
7) Establish Records and Documentation (Principle 7)
This stage is the final stage of the steps for implementing HACCP.Proper and
efficient record keeping is essential for the implementation of a HACCP system.
4. Result and Discussion
4.1 Proses Step Units

Wash the S oybeans

Put the soybeans into the

sack and then stomp the
soybean seeds in half

Boil the soybeans. Then

drain and chill

Give the tempe yeast and

mix it evenly on the
surface of the soybeans

Separate the soybean seeds

by hand. Dry in the sun

Pour clean water, then

cook until it looks boiling.
Then remove and filter

Brown Sugar Spices to the filter results

Filter the solution using a

filter cloth, so that the
dregs are lifted

JPT Soy Sauce

Explanation of the flow diagram

1. Wash the soybeans thoroughly then soak them in 3 liters of water for about 12
hours, After that put the soybeans into the sack and then stomp the soybean seeds
in half, or you can also use a disc type grinding machine.The split soybean seeds
are washed clean.
2. Boil the soybeans in boiling water for 40 minutes or 60 minutes until soft. Then
drain and chill.
3. Give the tempe yeast and mix it evenly on the surface of the soybeans. Let stand
for about 3-5 days. After the white fungus grows evenly on the soybeans,
separate the soybean seeds by hand. Dry in the sun until it's a little dry Soak in
the saline solution for 3 to 4 weeks at room temperature. A maximum of 2
months of salting process.
4. Pour clean water, then cook until it looks boiling. Then remove and filter. Add
brown sugar and spices to the filter results, except for lime leaves and bay leaves.
Milled until smooth and evenly distributed.Cook the grind while stirring.When it
boils and the foam disappears then remove and let it cool.
5. Filter the solution using a filter cloth, so that the dregs are lifted.Put the soy sauce
in a bottle or a closed container.
4.2 Hazard Analysis
1) Hazard And Risk
Hazard is defined as “a source or situation that has the potential to cause injury or
illness”. For example the use of hazardous chemicals in the production process,
or machines that have pinch points that need to be maintained to protect the
people who use them.
Risk is defined as “the combination of possible events associated with severe
injury; or illness due to work or exposure of a person / equipment to a hazard ”.
2) Hazard Vs Risk
a. Hazard
i. Hazard : Floor/soil under the production site which is wet due to
ii. Hazard : An angry supervisor yells at the staff.
iii. There are employees who do not use gloves during production
b. Risk
i. Employees crossing the road can slip
ii. Mental health issues for staff members.
iii. There may be exposure to hot soy sauce.

3) Table Of Risk Assesment Control

Tempe Yeast
Brown Sugar

Lime Leaves
Bay Leaves

4.3 Prerequisite Programs

The prerequisite programs provide the basic facility and operational requirements
necessary for the production of safe food. Prerequisite programs are steps or
procedures, including GMPs and SSOPs, which control the operational conditions
within a food establishment and promote environmental conditions that are
favorable for the production of safe food.
4.4 Critical Control Point

5. Conclusion
a. Control during the process of preparing and storing selection / sorting materials
the raw material for good quality is washed in order materials are protected from
contaminants, ready-to-use materials are stored in a clean and closed container,
store materials according to storage temperature, do date labeling, use FIFO and
b. Perform Control During the Production Process of JPT soy sauce according to the
dosage of the recipe and the correct method of care during making.
c. Performing Sanitation and Hygiene Employees use all of the chef's attributes
uniform properly, wash your hands beforehand start working at the production
site, and keep the production site clean by doing cleaning such as sweeping,
mopping and cleaning production sites.

Koswara, Sutrisno, 2009, HACCP DAN PENERAPANYA PADA PRODUK BAKERI, , No 1 , Vol 1.
Krisdiana, supardi ,Ferry Hanny, Vika Ayu Devianti, 2021, Pembuatan Ayam Goreng,
AkademiFarmasiSurabaya, No 1, Vol 1

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