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Introduction to Big Data

Dr. Rajiv Misra

Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data
Content of this Lecture:
In this lecture, we will discuss a brief introduction to
Big Data: Why Big Data, Where did it come from?,
Challenges and applications of Big Data, Characteristics
of Big Data i.e. Volume, Velocity, Variety and more V’s.

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

What’s Big Data?
Big data is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it
becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or
traditional data processing applications.

The challenges include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, transfer,

analysis, and visualization.
The trend to larger data sets is due to the additional information derivable
from analysis of a single large set of related data, as compared to separate
smaller sets with the same total amount of data, allowing correlations to be
found to "spot business trends, determine quality of research, prevent
diseases, link legal citations, combat crime, and determine real-time
roadway traffic conditions.”
Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data
Facts and Figures
Walmart handles 1 million customer transactions/hour.
Facebook handles 40 billion photos from its user base!
Facebook inserts 500 terabytes of new data every day.
Facebook stores, accesses, and analyzes 30+ Petabytes of user
generated data.
A flight generates 240 terabytes of flight data in 6-8 hours of flight.
More than 5 billion people are calling, texting, tweeting and
browsing on mobile phones worldwide.
Decoding the human genome originally took 10 years to process;
now it can be achieved in one week.8
The largest AT&T database boasts titles including the largest volume
of data in one unique database (312 terabytes) and the second
largest number of rows in a unique database (1.9 trillion), which
comprises AT&T’s extensive calling records.

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

An Insight
Byte: One grain of rice
KB(3): One cup of rice:
MB (6): 8 bags of rice: Desktop
GB (9): 3 Semi trucks of rice:
TB (12): 2 container ships of rice Internet
PB (15): Blankets ½ of Jaipur
Exabyte (18): Blankets West coast Big Data
Or 1/4th of India
Zettabyte (21): Fills Pacific Ocean Future
Yottabyte(24): An earth-sized rice bowl
Brontobyte (27): Astronomical size
Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data
What’s making so much data?
Sources: People, machine, organization: Ubiquitous
More people carrying data-generating devices
(Mobile phones with facebook, GPS, Cameras, etc.)

Data on the Internet:

Internet live stats

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Source of Data Generation
12+ TBs 4.6 billion
of tweet data 30 billion RFID tags camera
every day today phones
(1.3B in 2005) world
data every day

100s of
? TBs of

millions of

25+ TBs of 2+ billion

log data people
every day on the
Web by
76 million smart meters end 2011
in 2009…
200M by 2014

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

An Example of Big Data at Work

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Where is the problem?
Traditional RDBMS queries isn't sufficient to get useful
information out of the huge volume of data
To search it with traditional tools to find out if a
particular topic was trending would take so long that
the result would be meaningless by the time it was
Big Data come up with a solution to store this data in
novel ways in order to make it more accessible, and
also to come up with methods of performing analysis
on it.

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data


Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

IBM considers Big Data (3V’s):
The 3V’s: Volume, Velocity and Variety.

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Volume (Scale)
Volume: Enterprises are awash with ever-growing
data of all types, easily amassing terabytes even
Petabytes of information.
Turn 12 terabytes of Tweets created each day into
improved product sentiment analysis
Convert 350 billion annual meter readings to
better predict power consumption

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Volume (Scale)

Data Volume
44x increase from 2009 2020
From 0.8 zettabytes to 35zb
Data volume is increasing exponentially

Exponential increase in
collected/generated data

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Example 1: CERN’s Large Hydron Collider(LHC)

CERN’s Large Hydron Collider (LHC) generates 15 PB a year

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data
Example 2: The Earthscope
•The Earthscope is the world's largest
science project. Designed to track
North America's geological evolution,
this observatory records data over
3.8 million square miles, amassing
67 terabytes of data. It analyzes
seismic slips in the San Andreas fault,
sure, but also the plume of magma
underneath Yellowstone and much,
much more.
Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data
Velocity (Speed)
Velocity: Sometimes 2 minutes is too late. For time-
sensitive processes such as catching fraud, big data
must be used as it streams into your enterprise in
order to maximize its value.
Scrutinize 5 million trade events created each day
to identify potential fraud
Analyze 500 million daily call detail records in real-
time to predict customer churn faster

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Examples: Velocity (Speed)

Data is begin generated fast and need to be

processed fast
Online Data Analytics
Late decisions ➔ missing opportunities
E-Promotions: Based on your current location, your purchase history,
what you like ➔ send promotions right now for store next to you

Healthcare monitoring: sensors monitoring your activities and body ➔

any abnormal measurements require immediate reaction

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Real-time/Fast Data

Mobile devices
(tracking all objects all the time)

Social media and networks Scientific instruments

(all of us are generating data) (collecting all sorts of data)

Sensor technology and networks

(measuring all kinds of data)

The progress and innovation is no longer hindered by the ability to collect data
But, by the ability to manage, analyze, summarize, visualize, and discover
knowledge from the collected data in a timely manner and in a scalable fashion

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Real-Time Analytics/Decision Requirement

Recommendations Learning why Customers
that are Relevant Behavior Switch to competitors
& Compelling and their offers; in
time to Counter

Friend Invitations
Improving the Customer to join a
Marketing Game or Activity
Effectiveness of a that expands
Promotion while it business
is still in Play
Preventing Fraud
as it is Occurring
& preventing more

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Variety (Complexity)
Variety: Big data is any type of data –

Structured Data (example: tabular data)

Unstructured –text, sensor data, audio, video
Semi Structured : web data, log files

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Examples: Variety (Complexity)
Relational Data (Tables/Transaction/Legacy
Text Data (Web)
Semi-structured Data (XML)
Graph Data
Social Network, Semantic Web (RDF), …

Streaming Data
You can only scan the data once

A single application can be

generating/collecting many types of data

Big Public Data (online, weather, finance, etc)

To extract knowledge➔ all these types of data need to

linked together

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

The 3 Big V’s (+1)
Big 3V’s
Plus 1

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

The 3 Big V’s (+1) (+ N more)
Plus many more
Viscosity & Volatility
Vocabulary, Vagueness,

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data
Integrating Data
Reducing data complexity
Increase data availability
Unify your data systems
All 3 above will lead to increased data collaboration
-> add value to your big data

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Veracity refers to the biases ,noise and
abnormality in data, trustworthiness of data.
1 in 3 business leaders don’t trust the information
they use to make decisions.
How can you act upon information if you don’t
trust it?
Establishing trust in big data presents a huge
challenge as the variety and number of sources

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Valence refers to the connectedness of big data.
Such as in the form of graph networks

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Accuracy and correctness of the data relative to a
particular use
Example: Gauging storm intensity
satellite imagery vs social media posts

prediction quality vs human impact

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

How the meaning of the data changes over time

Language evolution
Data availability
Sampling processes
Changes in characteristics of the data source

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Viscosity & Volatility
Both related to velocity
Viscosity: data velocity relative to timescale of
event being studied
Volatility: rate of data loss and stable lifetime
of data
Scientific data often has practically unlimited
lifespan, but social / business data may evaporate
in finite time

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

More V’s
Which data has meaningful relations to questions of
Where does the data live and how do you get it?
Metadata describing structure, content, & provenance
Schemas, semantics, ontologies, taxonomies, vocabularies
Confusion about what “Big Data” means

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Dealing with Volume
Distill big data down to small information
Parallel and automated analysis
Automation requires standardization
Standardize by reducing Variety:

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Harnessing Big Data

OLTP: Online Transaction Processing (DBMSs)

OLAP: Online Analytical Processing (Data Warehousing)
RTAP: Real-Time Analytics Processing (Big Data Architecture & technology)

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

The Model Has Changed…

The Model of Generating/Consuming Data has Changed

Old Model: Few companies are generating data, all others are consuming data

New Model: all of us are generating data, and all of us are consuming data

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

What’s driving Big Data

- Optimizations and predictive analytics

- Complex statistical analysis
- All types of data, and many sources
- Very large datasets
- More of a real-time

- Ad-hoc querying and reporting

- Data mining techniques
- Structured data, typical sources
- Small to mid-size datasets

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Big Data Analytics
Big data is more real-time in
nature than traditional
Dataware house (DW)
Traditional DW architectures
(e.g. Exadata, Teradata) are
not well-suited for big data
Shared nothing, massively
parallel processing, scale out
architectures are well-suited
for big data apps

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

Big Data Technology

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

In this lecture, we have defined Big Data and discussed
the challenges and applications of Big Data.

We have also described characteristics of Big Data i.e.

Volume, Velocity, Variety and more V’s, Big Data Analytics,
Big Data Landscape and Big Data Technology.

Big Data Computing Vu Pham Introduction to Big Data

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