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Recreation and work-life balance:

the benefits of leisure and

pleasure for busy people
Presented by Sue Read

Life Unlimited

2008 Recreation Summit

What is Work-life balance?

Many things to many people…

How do we know we are
out of balance?
Most of us are trying to juggle a range of activities:
work and career
family responsibilities
self development and learning
social and sporting activities
community involvement…

Some get more attention than others,

some we let
slip, often regretfully

What are the warning signs?

Physiological (physical)
Heart pounding, muscle tension,
shortness of breath
Dry mouth, high blood pressure
Fatigue, insomnia
Weakness, dizziness
Headaches, stomach distress

Warning signs
Psychological (emotional)
Depressed, helpless, anxious
Nervous, confused, worried
Bored, negative attitude/thoughts
Unable to concentrate, suspicious, lethargic

Warning Signs
Behavioural (action or inaction)
Cigarette smoking, use of medications,
drug/alcohol abuse
Over/under eating, impulsive behaviour
Fault finding, blaming, overly argumentative
Inflexible, cynical, quickly angered, decline in work

What can happen to us when we are
out of balance?

Saliva Mind Alert
Blood leaves Skin

Breathing Rate

Heart Rate
( BP) Sweating

Digestive System

Blood Clotting

Tense Immune Responses

Do you recognise any of these stress symptoms in yourself or

others in your life?

So what can we do about it?
Leisure and recreation are crucial components
of a balanced and healthy life…the research
says so!

Recreation and leisure …the benefits

Provides us with a sense of identity, away
from work activities
Adds meaning to individual and community life
Encourages personal growth and self-
Increases learning opportunities
Improves mental and
physical health

The benefits…
Increased physical activity can lead to fewer health
problems AND make you more productive at work!
Reduces symptoms of depression, stress and
Provides an outlet for the mind
Provides physical rest, eases tension
Helps us to enjoy nature
Escape from the daily routine

Social benefits
Creates opportunities for socialisation
Contributes to social cohesion
Helps us connect and network with others
Can contribute to family bonding

Help yourself…and others
Be a role model for work-life balance
Invite creativity into your life
Find ways to have FUN!
Help yourself and others find out what ignites your
passions and curiosities
Live your dreams, don’t just dream your life
Believe in the importance of leisure and recreation in
a busy life – there’s plenty of evidence!

Social Emotional Health &
capital strength fitness

Sense of Building
community skills


Enjoyment Self-efficacy Confidence

“The things that matter most must never be at the
mercy of the things that matter least.”


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