Reading and Writing Skills-II

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Term : Spring Course Code : ENG 109

Course Title: Reading and Writing Skills-II Max. Marks: 30

Name of the planner : Rupinder Toor ID of the planner :

Important: Industry oriented academic activity should be encouraged. If the academic activity is
organization based, please specify the organization with respect to the assignment / HW. Absolute
theoretical academic assignments, which involve only copying from the books, should not be given.
Evaluation criteria should also be specified in the space provided below:

S.No Roll No Objective of Topic Organization (if Evaluation

Academic Activity applicable) Criteria

1. To all To enable better Assignment NA Sentence

understanding of the based on construction

texts questions and Vocabulary

vocabulary of Originality of

Vision and The thought

Village by Sea

The following particulars are to be filled by course instructors (section wise) after modifying the
model HW appropriately for their section. They are not to be filled by the HW planner :

School Deptt. : LSA Program : Section: R1908

Date of Allotment: 19.03.11 Date of Submission: 02..03.11

Name and Unique ID of Course Instructor : Rupinder

Q1. Discuss the themes in The Village by the Sea. (150 words) [10marks]
Q2.Write the meaning of the following words and then use those words in framing sentences:

a) crumpled

b) fermented

c) turmoil

d) Braggart

e) fascinated [05marks]

Q3.Read the passage below and answer the given questions in 1-2 lines:

"" The time might come when it would be good for your husband to break his oath and marry
again." But the woman, who was within me, said: "That may be; but all the same an oath is
an oath, and there is no way out." The Goddess, who was within me, answered: " That is no
reason why you should exult over it." But the woman, who was within me, replied: " What you
say is quite true, no doubt; all the same he has taken his oath." And the same story went on
again and again. At last the Goddess frowned in silence, and the darkness of a horrible fear
came down upon me.

a) The time might come when it would be good for your husband to break his oath and
marry again." .Who said this to whom and why ? [2]

b) who is the goddess and what mental turmoil is she undergoing?[1]

c) What has happened in the end of the story ? [1]

d) Is the title of the story justified? [1]

Q4.Discuss the character of Abinash in the story Vision. 70-80 words [05 marks]

Q5. Analyze the character of Hari in The Village by the Sea. 70-80 words [05 marks]

Q6. “You are awful as my God. I cannot live my everyday life with you. I want a woman—just
an ordinary woman—whom I can be free to chide and coax and pet and scold." Discuss the
relevance of given lines in today’s world. [15 marks]

will tell you the truth. I am afraid of you. Your blindness has enclosed you in its fortress, and I
have now no entrance. To me you are no longer a woman. You are awful as my God. I
cannot live my everyday life with you. I want a woman—just an ordinary woman—whom I
can be free to chide and coax and pet and scold."

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