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Department of Accountancy,
Faculty of Management Sciences,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
P. M. B. 5025, Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria
Department of Accountancy,
Faculty of Management Sciences,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
P. M. B. 5025, Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria
Department of Accountancy,
Faculty of Management Sciences,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
P. M. B. 5025, Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria
A rt ic le h isto ry : Abstract
Received: 30 July 2021; This study x-ray on the nexus between non-financial information
Received in revised form: disclosure and firm performance. Particularly, this study aims to
2 August 2021; explore the subject by employing a sample of forty (40) listed
manufacturing firms in Nigeria for the period between 2010 and 2019.
Accepted: 2 August 2021; Non-financial information disclosure proxies which were considered in
Keywords: this study include; social media presence disclosure, risk management
Non-financial Information Disclosure, Social Media Presence, information disclosure and corporate social responsibility information
disclosure which are also the independent variables. The dependent
Risk Management Information Disclosure, Corporate Social
variable employed in this study is return on total asset while firm size
Responsibility and firm age are control variables. In this study, robust least square
regression analyses technique is employed to evaluate the panel data
set that were collated from annual financial reports of the sampled
manufacturing firms. The finding indicates that corporate social
responsibility and social medial presence information has no
statistically significant relationship with firm performance in the
context of return on total asset. However, risk management
information has a significant negative relationship with firm
performance of manufacturing companies during the period under
review. Therefore, the researcher recommend that further studies
should be conducted in the area of risk management information
disclosure as it relates to firm performance in Nigeria.
Egolum, Priscilla Uchenna., Ndum, Ngozi Blessing & Ezeh, Augustina 2

Introduction The information provided in annual

Information asymmetry has been reports or corporate reporting includes
blamed to be one of the key problems financial and non-financial information (NFI).
affecting the principal– agent relationship However, recent decades have witnessed
(Melis, 2004). Management is deemed to be the rise of NFI due to inadequacy of
much aware of the company due to their traditional financial information reporting to
role in running the firm affairs. Principal or fulfill the need in assessing the organization
the owners rely on disclosed information to value (PWC, 2017). Companies however
know how the firm is performing including have moved from passive to active
their primary objective of wealth information disclosure, from strict to know
maximization (Tarus & Omandi, 2013). The compliance disclosure to right to know
main aim of disclosure is to inform the complete disclosure and they are aspiring to
investor or owner and analysts about the link corporate strategy with one
quality and value of the firm (Hamrouni, comprehensive stream of nonfinancial and
Miloudi & Benkareim, 2015). Information financial data (Maxwell, Smith & Brewster,
needed must not only be accurate, but also 2010).
timely for it to benefit the decision maker The relevance and inclusion of non-
appropriately (Mugo, 2014). Disclosure financial information in corporate reporting
therefore can be termed as provision of contributes greatly to information
timely and relevant information aimed to transparency and is therefore an issue of
ensure full transparency and accurate great significance in economies throughout
picture of the corporate actions like in the world (Maroun, 2017). A growing
governance and financial performance. number of organizations are publishing
Annual reports provide vital information evidencing the impact made by
information to varied users. It has been their activities on the environment,
claimed that information disclosed in annual corporate governance, society, and human
reports is the main factor that most rights. This increased visibility of non-
investors considered when making decisions financial information has heightened
(Wang, Fu and Luo, 2013). Investors use awareness of the importance of these
them for investment decisions; regulators reports in reflecting organizational status
use them to determine whether existing and practices. Over recent years, the level of
provisions are adhered to, while government interest from stakeholders in corporate
and government agencies use them for tax environmental, social and ethical
purposes and national statistics, among performance has risen significantly.
others (Adedeji & Oboh, 2012). According to Non-financial information however
Meyer (2007) accounting plays a significant enables businesses to be transparent in
role within the concept of generating and communicating these non-financial aspects
communicating value of companies. Today, of their management and performance. It
accounting information is mainly also enables business to be accountable to
disseminated by firms through annual internal and external stakeholders for
reports. Meyer (2007) note that annual organizational performance towards the goal
reports still remain the most important of sustainable development owing to
source of externally feasible information of continuing commitment by business to
the companies. behave ethically and contribute to economic

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

3 African Journal of Management, Business administration & Entrepreneurship

development while improving the quality of 38% of investors acknowledged making use
life of the workforce, their families, the local of such reports in reaching their investment
community and society at large (Mbabazi, decisions and over the past two decades,
Twesige, Claude & Jaya, 2015). there have been many ideas to improve
At international level, non-financial business reporting, and nearly all of them
disclosures have attracted considerable focus on the importance of companies
interest from a number of key stakeholders providing more NFI.
such as the United Nations Global Compact, The issue of non-financial
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the information has been debated in the recent
International Integrated Reporting Council years, latest analyses by Mbabazi, Twesige,
(IIRC), the Sustainability Accounting Claude and Jaya (2015) reported that most
European Commission Guidelines on investors disregard non-financial information
Reporting Nevertheless, Global Reporting (NFI) disclosures in investment decision
Initiative (GRI) guidelines on reporting making process as it could not meet their
principles and standard disclosures are still expectations. Consistent with this argument,
the most authoritative in the international Ernst and Young (2017) pointed out that only
arena (KPMG, 2017). In Nigeria, non- 38 percent of investors acknowledged
financial disclosures are regulated by code of making use of NFI in reaching investment
corporate governance 2018 which covers all decisions as emphasis were on financial
the categories of non-financial disclosures information. Odili (2018) also noted that
(environment, governance, human ratio analysis and other interpretation
resources, risk management and society); techniques on the financial statements
National Environmental Standards and cannot measure all aspects of performance.
Regulations Enforcement Agency For instance, the effect of a business on the
(Establishment) Act 2007 & 2008; environment cannot be measured using
Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2004 financial criteria, but is increasingly regarded
and so on. These laws covered the as an important aspect for investors’
environmental and societal aspect of non- decision making. Despite the continued use
financial disclosures. of financial information in the decision
These guidelines covered all the making by private sectors in Nigeria, there
categories of non-financial disclosures raging has been a continued failure of private
from environment, governance, human entities in Nigeria.
resources, risk management and society.
Statement of Problem
This study identifies social media presence,
Several stakeholders have expressed
corporate social responsibility, and risk
concerns over the need for Non-Financial
management as non-financial information.
Information to meet their expectations and
The disclosure of these non-financial not much have been done in academic
information is a strategic action that literature in addressing the usefulness and
fundamentally improves the communication
relevance of non-financial information
of organizations with their stakeholders
disclosures for investors decision making. In
(Miska, Stahl, and Mendenhall, 2013). Thus,
the developed nations, studies such as those
a recent study by Ernst and Young (2017)
of Rahim, Atan and Amrizah (2017); Hamid,
highlighted the major significance of this
Abdul Aziz, Dora and Said (2017) had
information for users, and pointed out that

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

Egolum, Priscilla Uchenna., Ndum, Ngozi Blessing & Ezeh, Augustina 4

investigated intellectual capital disclosure measured using Risk Management, Social

(ICD) as a non-financial information Media Presence and Corporate Social
disclosure and firms’ performance in Responsibility independently which could
Germany and France respectively using not meet the expectations of the investors
disclosure index by GRI G4 and found (Rahim, Atan and Amrizah 2017; Deumes
insignificant effect. Deumes and Knechel, and Knechel, 2016; Hashim and Koon, 2016;
(2016) and Hashim and Koon (2016) found Oliveira, Rodrigues and Craig, 2015). Owing
insignificant negative effect on risk to the investors’ needs, those categories of
management disclosure (RMD) and firms’ non-financial disclosures were combined to
performance. On the contrary, Oliveira, develop a model fit on Non-Financial
Rodrigues and Craig (2015) found significant Disclosures ranging from social media
positive effect. presence, risk management, to corporate
Chikandiwa, Contogiannis, and social responsibility as there is a gap in
Jembere, 2013; Aluoch, 2017; Smits and knowledge on the joint effect of these
Mogos (2013) explored the impact of social categories of NFDs on firms’ performance in
media (SM) and analyzed to what extent SM developed nations.
have impact on organizational capabilities In the developing nations, efforts
and firm performance based on a survey were made in examining the usefulness and
sent to sixty technical employees and relevance of non-financial information
business employees of Sponsor Pay an online disclosures in meeting the expectations in
game advertising industry as well as five studies such as Nahiba (2017) found
interviews with senior managers of the firm. significant positive effect between corporate
The ANOVA results demonstrated that the social responsibility disclosures and firms’
use of SM improves both business performance. Ismail and Rahman (2013)
capabilities and business performance. found significant positive relationship
Malhotra (2017) focused on establishing the between risk management disclosures
impact of social networking sites particularly (RMD) and firms’ performance. In
Facebook on financial performance of banks agreement, Yusuf (2016); reported
in India based on a survey of Facebook pages significant positive effect on risk
of forty-seven public and private (domestic) management disclosure (RMD) and firms’
banks during the period 2012-2014. Multiple performance. As it can also be seen in the
regression results revealed that the literature reviewed in the developing
profitability and having Facebook presence nations, the studies covered only financial
does not have any significant relationship. service sector and oil and gas sector. Also,
Wan and Sulong (2015) also reported that only the study of Raheman, Salleh, Afza and
corporate social responsibility disclosure Chek (2014) attempted and covered two
(CSR) using disclosure index by GRI G4 did major categories of NFDs (risk management
not correlate with financial performance of and intellectual capital) leaving the other
firms. In contrast, Rouf (2016) found that categories unattended which calls for further
corporate social responsibility (CSR) is investigation and no study had addressed on
positively related with firms’ profitability. this in both developed and developing
The previous literatures researched nations. Based on these observations in both
in the developed nations as shown above developed and developing nations, the
discussed non-financial disclosures (NFDs) present study adopted and modified the

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

5 African Journal of Management, Business administration & Entrepreneurship

models of Okoye (2016), Wan and Sulong -financial performance, which is a concern
(2015) and Hashim and Koon (2016) into a with measures such as customer satisfaction,
model covering (social media presence, employee satisfaction, shareholder wealth
corporate social responsibility, and risk maximization, and customer loyalty
management disclosures) with reference to (Venkatrman & Ramanujam, 1986).
all manufacturing firms listed on Nigerian However, in this study, return on asset was
Stock Exchange. This is to capture the real adopted as a measure of firm financial
effect of these categories of NFDs on firms’ performance as proposed by Hamann,
performance in order to meet the Schiemann, Bellora, and Guenther (2013)
expectations of investors and also identify and also employed by several other scholars
the category of non-financial inforation such as Umoh and Sylva, (2016).
disclosure that has the highest level of
Non-Financial Information Disclosure
influence on firm’s performance.
In the recent decade, non-financial
Literature Review information disclosure has witnessed and
Conceptual Literature gained a growing attention and recognition
Firm Performance in the developing and emerging nations due
The conceptualization, meaning, and to inadequacy of traditional financial
importance of firm performance have been a information reporting to fulfill the need in
recurrent topic in management scholars and assessing the organization value (PWC,
experts gathering. Starting from the classical 2017). The study also pointed out that most
era, management was concerned on how to top managers and executives in
improve performance as can be seen in the multinational companies believe that non-
first classical management theory – scientific financial performance measures outweigh
management theory by Taylor (1911). financial performance measures in terms of
Understanding the concept of performance creating and measuring long-term
and enhancing it has always been the shareholder value. According to Yusuf
concern of management practitioners, (2016), non-financial disclosures are those
consultants, scholars, and theorists metrics which include index scores, ratios,
(Venkatrman & Ramanujam, 1986; Liao & counts and other information not presented
Wu, 2009). Financial performance is a in the basic financial statements. Corporate
subjective measure of how well a firm can organizations have moved from passive to
use assets from its primary mode of business active information disclosure, from strict to
and generate revenues. This term is used as know compliance disclosure to right to know
a general measure of a firm's overall complete disclosure and they are aspiring to
financial health over a given period of time link corporate strategy with one
and can be used to compare similar firms comprehensive stream of non-financial and
across the same industry or to compare financial data (Maxwell, Smith and Brewster,
industries or sectors in aggregation (Okeke, 2010). According to Robb, Single, and
2015). Firm performance has been classified Zarzeski, (2011), NFI disclosure is viewed as
into two kinds. Financial performance, which qualitative information in the companies’
has to do with issues such as profitability, reports which exclude financial statements
return on investment, asset growth and related footnotes. According to PWC
(Venkatrman & Ramanujam, 1986), and non (2017), non-financial disclosures are used to

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

Egolum, Priscilla Uchenna., Ndum, Ngozi Blessing & Ezeh, Augustina 6

reference all information outside the (be it financial, non-financial, quantitative or

financial statements (metrics and non-quantitative) (Bebbington, Larrinaga &
narratives). Moneva, 2008; Bhattacharya, Korschun &
Sen, 2009; Cormier & Magnan, 2010; Gray et
Social Media Presence
al., 1995a). Disclosures on corporate social
Luxury brands are now building
responsibility are an attempt by
relationships through Facebook, user
organizations to disclose their economic
reviews and consummating the transaction
performance to a diverse range of interested
online. It notes that companies are now
users. Traditionally, annual reports were
building their own social networks. Also,
prepared on basis of financial performance.
Dutta, (2010) in his article on social media
However, this has changed overtime and
strategy in Harvard Business Review says
among area in which firms are expected to
that social media are changing the way we
report on is social justice. Social justice
do business and how leaders are perceived,
issues are concerned with a firm’s
from the shop floor to the CEO suite. But
contribution to social and environmental
whereas the best businesses are creating
benefits to the society (Tilt, 2009).
comprehensive strategies in this area,
research suggests that few corporate leaders Risk Management Information Disclosure
have a social media presence-say, a In recent years, the importance of
Facebook or LinkedIn page-and that those risk management has been evidenced in the
who do, do not use it strategically. Today’s corporate sector. Risk management is
leaders must embrace social media for three important because effective risk
reasons. First, they provide a low-cost, highly management improves the company’s
accessible platform on which a personal performance by contributing to reduce
brand can be built, and also communicates fraud, managing potential threats, and more
our identity within and outside the company. efficient use of resources. Taking and
Second, they allow to engage rapidly and managing risk is the very essence of business
simultaneously with peers, employees, survival and growth (Axelos Global Best
customers, and the broader public-in order Practise, 2014). In addition, risk
to leverage relationships, show commitment management is a useful measure that
to a cause, and demonstrate a capacity for enables good corporate governance. A good
reflection. Third, they give an opportunity to corporate governance is concerned with the
learn from instant information and balance of power between the various
unvarnished feedback. stakeholders involved in the business and
with the way in which the organization is
Corporate Social Responsibility Information
governed (Acharya & Clement, 2011). Risk
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
disclosure however helps to mitigate
disclosure or reporting otherwise called
information asymmetry and reduce
sustainability report in its simplest form
stakeholder conflicts between shareholders
contains information reported by firms
and management. Furthermore, risk
relating to their activities and reporting
reporting is seen as a useful instrument of
about firms by third parties; information in
change management as well as an important
the annual reports, and any other form of
instrument of accountability for
communication; public and private
management (Linsley & Shrives, 2014).
information; or information in any medium

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

7 African Journal of Management, Business administration & Entrepreneurship

According to Nigerian Code of Corporate Barnett (2007) argues that the impact of CSR
Governance 2018, a sound framework for varies from one firm to the other. Flammer
managing risk and ensuring an effective (2013) tested whether CSR led to superior
internal control system is essential for performance. The results indicated a positive
achieving the strategic objectives of the relationship, but the influence is less strong
Company. when companies engage in higher CSR
levels. This advocated for the notion that
Social Media Presence and Firm
CSR has decreasing positive effects when the
levels of CSR increase. Besides the empirical
There has been an increase in the
analysis, there are various theoretical studies
debate concerning the importance and
trying to explain the relationship between
benefits of social media initiatives by
CSR and FP. Freeman (1984) and Teppo
scholars and practitioners (Lutz, 2012). The
(2007) recognizes the importance of other
controversy surrounding the usage of social
parties apart from shareholders within the
media has led to the investigation of its
organization. Firms can improve
impact on a number of organizational
performance by reducing the cost associated
outcomes and to find out if the investment
with maintaining the relationship with its
on social media equates the benefits
derived. Hoffman and Fodor (2010), and
Kumar and Mirchandani (2012) note that Risk Management Disclosure and Firm
despite the seeming importance of social Performance
media on customer relations, firms are Enterprise Risk Management was
skeptical about its usage and are developed by COSO in 2004 to address risk
"questioning the return on investment (ROI) management issues related to an
of social media investments and often organization. The frame encompasses all
hesitate to integrate social media initiatives component of internal control frame work,
in their marketing strategy". Others believe but adds also the components of objective
that social media which is symbolized by setting, event identification and risk
user-generated content, is more efficacious response (Rittenberg, 2005). COSO (2011)
in customer relations when compared to the emphasizes the importance of objective
traditional communication channel and it setting in the entity and relates it to risk
positively influences users' attitudes and assessment as a precondition. However, it
behaviors (Thackeray, Neiger, Hanson and should be emphasized that the company
Mckenzie, 2008). internal control framework should be
established in order to have reasonable
Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm
assurance to achieve established objective,
risk identification and analysis are the critical
` There is still much debate over the
components. In evaluating the effectiveness
years regarding how CSR influences financial
of internal control activities, it is essential to
performance of firms. The empirical studies
assess them against entity’s objectives and
from these perspectives have never been in
related risks. Internal control should provide
accord. Some found a positive correlation;
for an assessment of the risks the agency
others determined a negative one, others
faces from both internal and external
found no correlation at all, while others
sources. Once risks have been identified,
found that, it affects companies differently.

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

Egolum, Priscilla Uchenna., Ndum, Ngozi Blessing & Ezeh, Augustina 8

they should be analyzed for their possible their own self-interest (Campbell, Shrives, &
effect. Management then has to formulate Bohmbach-Saager, 2001).
an approach for risk management and
Empirical Literature Review
decide upon the internal control activities
Deb and De, (2019) examine the
required to mitigate those risks and achieve
Relationship of Corporate Social
the internal control objectives of efficient
Responsibility with the Corporate
and effective operations, reliable financial
Performance of the Indian Firms.
reporting, and compliance with laws and
Methodologically, the study adopts
regulations. correlation, Regression and ANOVA analysis
Theoretical Framework to test the hypotheses. The result of the
Signaling Theory study shows that CSR has more positive
The signaling theory was propounded impacts in the financial performance of the
by Michael Spence in 1973, Yi, Davey and Companies than advertisement. Thus, the
Eggleton (2011) posits that investment in authors held that companies should
shares decisions may be significantly contribute more on CSR than advertisement
influenced by information asymmetries. as it helps to improve the performance of
Through signals of firms’ information to the the companies in the long run and improves
stock market, there may be absence of the performance of the corporates. In
asymmetric information in the market; this conclusion, the study submits that
may help investors to evaluate the financial Companies committed in CSR lead to have
conditions, operating conditions and future positive impact towards employee
prospect of a firm when making shares satisfaction, preserve talents, improve the
investment decisions. Signaling theory reputation of the firm, improve
suggested that information asymmetry could environmental impact, and plays a confident
be reduced by sending signals to interested role in community.
parties. Akhtaruddin and Hossian (2008) Etim, Uzonna, Steve, and Chibuike
note that signaling theory’s prediction is that (2018) examine the relationship between
managers of companies releases additional social media usage and firm performance in
financial as well as nonfinancial information the Nigerian telecommunication sector. The
to signal that their performance is for the Pearson Product Moment Correlation
best interest of stakeholders. Mattessich Coefficient statistical technique was used to
(2003) observes that the extent to which a analyze data collected with the aid of the
disclosure is able to represent economic Statistical Package for Social Sciences
reality is constrained by practical factors, for computer software version 22. The study
instance the tradeoffs between cost and revealed that social media usage has a
benefit. Even when a disclosure can be significant positive correlation with
presented in a manner that fully reflects performance measures of profitability and
economic reality, such an effort is not market share.
sustainable where the costs involved are not Radziahand Mahmud (2010)
justifiable. Put otherwise, noise is inherent in examines the use of social media platform
disclosures. Therefore, companies’ managers for corporate reporting in Malaysia. Their
will have an incentive to disclose all positive study motivated by the argument that social
distinguishing qualities in order to maximize media is a new communication medium in

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

9 African Journal of Management, Business administration & Entrepreneurship

business world. Based on the data from top a strong CSR–CFP link. The study concluded
100 companies in Malaysia, it is found that that firms with greater CSR tend to achieve
77% of the companies use various social higher financial performance.
media platforms for different purposes.
Whilst the most popular social media
This study used ex post facto
platform used is Facebook, followed by
research design. The population of this study
YouTube, the least platforms used are blogs
is made up of manufacturing companies that
and Google+. It is found that whilst 70% of
belong to the healthcare, consumer goods
the companies use social media for and industrial sub-sectors and are listed on
corporate promotion, more than 50% of the floor of the Nigerian stock exchange
Malaysian companies use it for
market for the period between 2010 and
miscellaneous, human resource
2019. As of 31st December 2019, the total
management and corporate social
number of listed manufacturing companies
responsibility purposes.
that were included in these subsectors of
Odhiambo (2012) using scientific
interest is fifty-six (56). Hence, all the
research methodology of case study
companies which fall in any of these
research, explore whether social media is
categories but was listed after year 2010
more effective than the traditional media on
were eliminated. This is to enable us to
a brand management perspective and find
obtain a homogeneous population sample.
the implementation challenges that make it
Based on this, the target population for this
a two-face phenomenon. From the findings,
study are 7 companies from healthcare
it was deduced that only one senior and
sector, 15 companies from industrial goods
relevant person was interviewed and for sector, and 18 companies from consumer
sample of the questions used. goods sector which brings a total of 40
Akmese, Aras, & Akmese, (2016)
companies. The model for this study is
analyze and evaluate the relationship
adopted from the studies of Etim, Uzonna,
between financial performance (market
Steve, and Chibuike (2018) but modified to
value, net sales, net profits, price/earnings
suit the hypotheses of this study. Hence, we
ratio etc.) and efficient use of social media.
specify the econometric form as;
In consequence of tests, it was detected that
the data distribution was not normal Model Specification
(p<0,05) and thus Mann Whitney U test ROAit = π0 + π1SMPit + π2CSRDit + π3RMDit +
which is used for nonparametric data was π4FSIZit + π5FAGEit + ∑it
conducted. Where:
Hou, (2018) basically examine the
relationship between corporate social ROA is Return on Asset proxied as the
responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial ratio of profit after tax to total asset; SMP is
performance (CFP) in Taiwan from 2010 to Social Media Account Presence proxied as
2014. Methodologically, the study adopted dummy indicator of “1” if the firm has a
the multiple regression, and the results social media account and “0” for otherwise.
shows that the coefficient of the interaction CSRD is corporate social responsibility
between CSR and Tobin q is significant (β = proxied as a dummy indicator of “1” if the
0.0012, p < 0.5), which implies that a firm firm discloses their social activities in the
attracts more investor attention when it has annual report and “0” for otherwise; RMD is

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

Egolum, Priscilla Uchenna., Ndum, Ngozi Blessing & Ezeh, Augustina 10

Risk Management Disclosure is proxied as an companies in Nigeria drawing samples from

indicator variable “1” if the firm has a risk industrial, consumer goods and health care
management framework and “0” for firms that are listed on the Nigerian stock
otherwise. We employed the variable of firm exchange market. Our data set span through
size (FSIZE) measured as the natural log of the periods between 2010 and 2019.
total asset and firm age (FAGE) measured as However, in identifying the possible effect of
the difference between current year and non-financial information disclosure on firm
year of listing on the stock exchange. performance of manufacturing firms in
Overall, we test the hypotheses of the study Nigeria, first, we conducted descriptive
using robust panel least square regression statistics. The descriptive statistics provided
estimator. (White, 1980) in the table below provides some insight into
the nature of the selected Nigerian quoted
Results and Discussion
manufacturing companies that have been
The study evaluates the impact of
employed in this study.
non-financial information disclosure on
financial performance of manufacturing
Table 1 Descriptive Statistics
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
ROA | 351 4.122934 11.84673 -70.34 27.12
SMP_dis | 355 .7915493 .406774 0 1
CSR_dis | 357 .6279182 .2208744 0 1
Risk_dis | 358 .527933 .4999178 0 1
f_size | 351 7.098319 .9258209 5.09 9.35
f_age | 351 27.36752 13.8012 1 55
Source: Author’s computation 2021
The table above shows the summary their corporate social responsibility while
of the descriptive statics of this study. From 37% of them did not. Risk management
the table it is observed that on the average, disclosure on the average for the firms under
the return on asset (ROA) for the sample study and under the years in consideration
firms within the period under consideration stood at 53% as observed from the table
is 4.12 with a standard deviation of 11.85. above. For the control variable of firm age
For the sample firms, ROA ranges from - and firm size, we find the on average the
70.34 to 27.12 on the average. The table firms under consideration were 27 years old
above also shows that on the average, social with the older firm being 55 years and the
media presence disclosure for the sample youngest, 1 year. On average, firm size was
firms was 0.79 with a standard deviation of 7.10.
0.41. This explains that more than half of
Regression Analysis
the companies in our sample engage in
McManus (2011) noted that General
online platforms. For the variable of
Linear Model is the foundation of linear
corporate social responsibility, the table
panel model estimation. The Least Square
shows that on the average 63% of the firms
(OLS) estimator is consistent when the
in our sample disclose information about
regressors are exogenous and optimal in the

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

11 African Journal of Management, Business administration & Entrepreneurship

class of linear unbiased estimators when the method of Least Squares provides minimum-
errors are homoscedastic and serially variance mean-unbiased estimation when
uncorrelated. Under these conditions, the the errors have finite variances.
Table 2: Robust Least Square Estimation Result
Variables Social Media Corporate Social Risk Firm Size Firm Age
Models Presence Responsibility management
Disclosure Disclosure
Return on Asset Model
Coefficient 0.055 -0.231 -2.968 4.335 -0.075
t_ Statistics (0.05) (-0.08) (-3.20) (7.48) (-2.968)
Probability_t {0.960) {0.934) {0.002) ** {0.000) * {0.038) **
No. of Obs 351
Prob. F statistics 0.0000
R 0.2209
VIF 1.04
Hettest. 0.0000
Source: Author’s computation 2021
The table above show results violated due to very low P-values which is
obtained from the robust least square statistically significant at 1% level. Hence the
regression model employed to test the effect justification for the use of the robust least
of non-financial information disclosure and square regression estimator. The result
financial performance of listed above reveals an R2 value of 0.2209 which
manufacturing firms in Nigeria. In this study indicates that about 22% of the variation in
like in most other related studies, the the dependent variable is being explained by
researcher employs the variance inflation the independent and control variables in the
factor (VIF) technique to diagnose the model. This also means that about 78% of
presence or absence of multicollinearity in the variation in the dependent variable is left
the return on asset model. Variance inflation unexplained but have been captured in the
factors (VIF) measures how much the error term. The model goodness of fit as
variance of the estimated regression captured by the Fisher statistics with the
coefficients is inflated as compared to when corresponding probability value 0.0000
the predictor variables are not linearly which shows a 1% statistically significant
related. A cut-off value of 0.44 is given for level indicates that the entire model is fit
regarding a VIF as high. Specifically, we and can be employed for discussion and
follow Gujarati (2004) which allows VIF to be policy recommendation.
less than 5. However, the result as depicted In this study, we find that the social
from the table above showed that VIF is less media account is not a significant
than five (5) for all independent variables of contributor to the financial performance of
interest. The result obtained from the the listed manufacturing firms on our
regression results reveals a probability value sample. We contradict the concerns of
of (P-value: 0.6701) obtained from the Iyanda and Ojo, (2008); Rogers, (2003);
Breusch-Pagan test as seen in the table Vishwanath, (2009) who noted that the
above. This result indicate that the primary reason why businesses are expected
assumption of homoscedasticity has been to adopt new technologies is their

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

Egolum, Priscilla Uchenna., Ndum, Ngozi Blessing & Ezeh, Augustina 12

anticipated benefits. However, these investors to explain the enterprise value as

anticipated benefits are largely perceived they view it as a costly program.
rather than actual therefore depend on
Conclusion and Recommendation
knowledge and understanding within the
The relevance and inclusion of non-
firm. As a result of anticipated benefits
financial information in corporate reporting
which have not been properly identified,
contributes greatly to information
managers are carried away and may not
transparency therefore making it an issue of
border about the possible dangers regarding
great significance in economies throughout
the risk to their reputations that may arise the world. A growing number of
because of the wide range of users of this organizations are publishing information
tool and the possibility of sharing
evidencing the impact made by their
information quickly. Also, the analysis
activities on the environment, corporate
reveals that the effect of corporate social
governance, society, and human rights. In
responsibility disclosure on the financial
this study, we explore the relationship that
position of listed manufacturing companies
exist between non-financial information
in Nigeria is statistically negative and
disclosure and firm performance among
insignificant. This result is inconsistent with
manufacturing companies in Nigeria for the
those of Asuquo (2012) who stated that
period 2010 to 2019 and conclude by noting
although corporate social responsibility
that non-financial information disclosure
disclosure appears to be in its early stages in
plays vital role on financial performance of
Nigeria, some firms have been recognized as
listed manufacturing companies. Our
being pro-active in this field while others are
findings suggest that not much has been
not. We find that the result also negates done in the area of risk management
those of Odetayo Adeyemi and Sajujigbe disclosure among manufacturing companies
(2014) who reported that corporate social
in Nigeria during the period under review.
activities increases long-term profits or
Hence, we recommend that in the coming
survival of a firm through positive public
fiscal business years, management should
relations and high ethical standards reduces
engage policies that will enhance and
business and legal risk which also build
facilitate tranparency and more disclosure of
shareholder trust. For the variable of risk
risk management operations. We contribute
management disclosure, our result negates
to literature by first noting that this
those of Gates, Nicholas, and Walker (2012);
comprehensive quantitative investigation
Ping & Muthuveloo (2015) who provide
into the relationship between non-financial
support that enterprise risk management
information disclosure and firm performance
improves firm performance and firm value
particularly for manufacturing companies is
by reducing earnings volatility. But we find
one of the few related studies carried out in
that our result is consistent with those of Lin, Nigeria. The findings are novel as it becomes
Wen and Yu (2012) who found that one among the first to employ secondary
enterprise risk management implementation
data information in providing empirical
is negatively correlated with firm value. This
evidence on the subject matter.
finding is consistent with Kommunuri,
However, like most other related
Narayan, Wheaton & Jandug (2016) who
research studies, limitations are inhenrent
explained the negative impact on firm
hence we suggest that futures authors
performance as due to the difficulty for

Special Edition Vol. 4 No. 1 August 2021 ISSN: 2805-4237

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