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List 8

List of Proposed Problems

Applied Mathematics

1. Volume of a fuel tank. A tank on the wing of a jet aircraft is formed by revolving
the region bounded by the graph of
1 √
y = x2 2 − x
and the x − axis 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, about the x − axis, where x and y are measured in
meters. Use a graphing utility to graph the function and find the volume of the tank.
2. Volume of a lab glass. A glass container can be modeled by revolving the graph of
the curve
 √
 0.1x3 − 2.2x2 + 10.9x + 22.2 si 0 ≤ x ≤ 11.5
f (x) =  (1)
2.95 si 11.5 < x ≤ 15

about the x − axis, where x and y are measured in centimeters. Use a graphing
utility to graph the function and find the volume of the centimeter.
3. Volume. Find the volume of the solids generated if the upper half of the ellipse
9x2 + 25y 2 = 225 is revolved about (a) the x − axis to form a prolate spheroid
(shaped like a football), and (b) the y − axis to form an oblate spheroid (shaped
like half of a candy).

4. Volume. Find the volumes of the solids whose bases are bounded by the graph of
y = x + 1 and y = x2 − 1, with the indicated cross sections taken perpendicular to
the x − axis

L. Lara. 1 ©Copyright All rights reserved

5. Volume. Find the volumes of the solids whose bases are bounded by the circle
x2 + y 2 = 4, with the indicated cross sections taken perpendicular to the x − axis

6. Volume.
Find the volume of the solid of intersection (the solid common to both) of the two
right circular cylinder of radius r whose axes meet at right angles.

L. Lara. 2 ©Copyright All rights reserved

7. Volume. Two planes cut a right circular cylinder to form a wedge. One plane is
perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder and the second makes an angle of θ degrees
with the first (a) Find the volume of the wedge is θ = 45o . (b) Find the volume of
the wedge for an arbitrary angle θ. Assuming that the cylinder has sufficient length,
how does the volume of the wedge change as θ increases from 0o to 90o .

8. Length of a Catenary. Electrical wires suspended between two towers form a ca-
tenary modeled by the equation
y = 20 cosh , −20 ≤ x ≤ 20
where x and y are measured in meters. The towers are 40 meters apart. Find the
length of the suspended cable.

9. Roof Area. A barn is 100 feet long and 40 feet wide. A cross section of the roof is
the inverted catenary
y = 31 − 10(ex/20 + e−x/20 )
Find the number of square feet of roofing on the barn.

L. Lara. 3 ©Copyright All rights reserved

10. Length of Pursuit. A fleeing object leaves the origin and moves up the y − axis.
At the same time, a pursuer leaves the point (1, 0) and always moves toward the
fleeing object. The pursuer is speed is twice that of the fleeing object. The equation
of the path is modeled by
y = (x3/2 − 3x1/2 + 2)
How far has the fleeing object traveled when it is caught? Show that the pursuer has
traveled twice as far.

11. Bulb Design. An ornamental light bulb is designed by revolving the graph of

1 1
y = x1/2 − x3/2 , 0≤x≤
3 3
about the x − axis, where x and y are measured in feet. Find the surface area of
the bulb and use the result to approximate the amount of glass needed to make the
bulb. Assume that the glass is 0.015 inch thick.

L. Lara. 4 ©Copyright All rights reserved

12. Volume of a pancreas. A CAT scan of a human pancreas shows cross-sections
spaced 1 cm apart. The pancreas is 12 cm long and the cross-sectional areas, in
square centimeters. Use the trapezoidal and Simpson Rule to estimate the volume
of the pancreas

13. Volume of a liver. A CAT scan produces equally spaced cross-sectional views of a
human organ that provide information about the organ otherwise obtained only by
surgery. For example, such measurements of liver volume can be related to diseases
such as cirrhosis. Suppose that a CAT scan of a human liver shows cross-sections
spaced 2 cm apart. The liver is 20 cm long and the cross-sectional areas in square
centimeters. Use the trapezoidal and Simpson Rule to estimate the volume of the

14. MRI brain scan. Shows is a cross-section of a human brain obtained with an MRI.
Use the trapezoidal and Simpson Rule to estimate the area of the cross-section.

L. Lara. 5 ©Copyright All rights reserved

15. Volume. Find the volume of the solid formed by revolving the region bounded by
the graphs of √
y = 25 − x2 andy = 3
about the x − axis.

16. Estimating and egg is volume. A goose egg can be modeled as a solid of revolution
formed by revolving the graph of
y= 7569 − 400x2 , −4.35 ≤ x ≤ 4.35
about the x − axis, as shown in Figure. Use this model to estimate the volume of
the egg. (In the model, x and y are measured in centimeters).

L. Lara. 6 ©Copyright All rights reserved

17. Procedimiento. En un procedimiento de biopsia se ha detectado un tumor de forma
esférica de 3cm de radio. El médico patólogo a fin de analizar el tumor decide hacer
una biopsia aspirando el tumor a través de su diámetro con una aguja fina de 0·5cm
de radio.

a) Hacer un figura ilustrativa que muestre información del problema. Utilizar un

sistema de coordenadas.
b) Definir un modelo (integral) que permita encontrar el volumen del anillo cir-
cular (volumen que queda luego de la perforación). Justificar su modelo.
c) Evaluar la integral resultante justificando sus resultados. Interpretar su res-

L. Lara. 7 ©Copyright All rights reserved

18. Volumes by the Disk Method. Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving
the shaded region about the given axis.

a) About the x-axis c) About the y-axis

b) About the y-axis d) About the x-axis

19. Volumes by the Disk Method. Find the volumes of the solids generated by revol-
ving the regions bounded by the line and curves about the x-axis.

a) y = x2 , y = 0, x = 2 c) y = x − x2 , y = 0
√ √
b) y = 9 − x2 , y = 0 d) y = x, x = 9, y = 0

20. Volumes by the Washed Method(arandelas). Find the volumes of the solid gene-
rated by revolving the shaded regions about indicated the x-axis

a) y = x, y = 1, x = 0 c) y = x2 + 1, y = x + 3

b) y = 2 x, y = 2, x = 0 d) y = 4 − x2 , y = 2 − x

21. Volumes using Cylindrical Shells(Casquillos, capas cilı́ndricas). Find the vo-
lumes of the solid generated by revolving the shaded regions about indicated the

L. Lara. 8 a) ©Copyright All rights reserved

e) The y-axis


f ) The y-axis


22. Arc Length. The suspension cable in a bridge that is 400 feet long in the shape of
a parabola whose equation is y = x2 /800. Use a program similar to the Simpson’s
Rule program n = 12 to approximate the length of the cable.

23. Volume. Find the volume

√ of the solid of revolution generated by rotating the region
under the graph of y = x from x = 0 to x = 1 about the x-axis.

L. Lara. 9 ©Copyright All rights reserved

24. Volume. Find the volume of the solid of revolution generated by rotating the region
under the graph of y = ex from x = −1 to x = 2 about the x-axis.

25. Business: Waiter Storage. A city’s water storage tank is in the shape of the solid
of revolution generated by rotating the region under the graph of
f (x) = 50 1 − 2
from x = −40 f t to x = 40 f t about the x- axis. What is the volume of this tank ?

26. Cooling tower volume. Cooling towers at nuclear power plants have a pinched
chimney shape (which promotes cooling within the tower) formed by rotating a

L. Lara. 10 ©Copyright All rights reserved

hyperbola around an axis. The function
y = 50 1 +
, −250 ≤ x ≤ 250
where x and y are in feet, describes the shape of such a tower (laying on its side).
Determine the volume of the tower by rotating the region bounded by the graph of
y about the x-axis.

27. Volume. Find a formula for the volume of an ellipsoid.

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