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Sl Features Details

Location Located in Keonjhar district of Odisha.

Mineral Block Jajang Iron Mine

Longitude Sl
Pillar No. Longitude
1 RML 1 85° 26 ’14.55589 ”
2 RML2 85° 26 ’14.33786 ”
3 RML3 85° 26 ’14.20904 ”
4 RML4 85° 26 ’13.76041 ”
5 RML4A 85° 26 ’13.66205 ”
6 RML5 85° 26 ’13.54819 ”
7 RML6 85° 26 ’20.38106 ”
8 RML7 85° 26 ’23.61059 ”
9 RML8 85° 26 ’27.34590 ”
10 RML9 85° 26 ’32.61317 ”
11 RML10 85° 26 ’36.41601 ”
12 RML10A 85° 26 ’39.88205 ”
13 RML10B 85° 26 ’41.86450 ”

1 14 RML11 85° 26 ’46.04737 ”

15 RML12 85° 26 ’50.70226 ”
16 RML13 85° 26 ’50.28695 ”
17 RML14 85° 26 ’47.86761 ”
18 RML15 85° 26 ’45.52758 ”
19 RML15A 85° 26 ’44.82479 ”
20 RML16 85° 26 ’43.53489 ”
21 RML17 85° 26 ’36.31686 ”
22 RML18 85° 26 ’27.78484 ”
23 RML19 85° 26 ’15.37072 ”
24 RML20 85° 26 ’04.53615 ”
25 RML20A 85° 26 ’02.82965 ”
26 RML21 85° 25 ’58.39287 ”
27 RML21A 85° 25 ’54.45923 ”
28 RML22 85° 25 ’49.35034 ”
29 RML22A 85° 25 ’47.56270 ”
30 RML23 85° 25 ’45.85255 ”
31 RML24 85° 25 ’35.64999 ”
32 RML25 85° 25 ’32.04834 ”
33 RML25A 85° 25 ’28.88397 ”

34 RML26 85° 25 ’26.10710 ”
35 RML27 85° 25 ’17.14752 ”
36 RML27A 85° 25 ’15.16800 ”
37 RML27B 85° 25 ’13.29240 ”
38 RML28 85° 25 ’08.11227 ”
39 RML28A 85° 25 ’03.35870 ”
40 RML29 85° 25 ’00.21720 ”
41 RML30 85° 24 ’54.59040 ”
42 RML30A 85° 24 ’52.89120 ”
43 RML30B 85° 24 ’50.50800 ”
44 RML31 85° 24 ’49.65840 ”
45 RML31A 85° 24 ’53.50247 ”
46 RML32 85° 24 ’57.22834 ”
47 RML33 85° 25 ’08.19840 ”
48 RML34 85° 25 ’20.46360 ”
49 RML35 85° 25 ’23.15640 ”
50 RML36 85° 25 ’27.16320 ”
51 RML37 85° 25 ’26.97600 ”
52 RML38 85° 25 ’26.76360”
53 RML38A 85° 25 ’26.69880 ”
54 RML39 85° 25 ’26.26320 ”
55 RML40 85° 25 ’25.92120 ”
56 RML40A 85° 25 ’25.73760 ”
57 RML41 85° 25 ’25.58280 ”
58 RML42 85° 25 ’24.96720 ”
59 RML43 85° 25 ’24.04200 ”
60 RML44 85° 25 ’23.57779 ”
61 RML44A 85° 25 ’26.25752 ”
62 RML44B 85° 25 ’30.31381 ”
63 RML44C 85° 25 ’32.90778 ”
64 RML45 85° 25 ’36.42888 ”
65 RML46 85° 25 ’39.32690 ”
66 RML47 85° 25 ’43.35350 ”
67 RML48 85° 25 ’48.94889 ”
68 RML49 85° 25 ’54.23233”
69 RML50 85° 25 ’57.48897 ”
70 RML51 85° 25 ’59.84363 ”
71 RML52 85° 26 ’02.78595 ”
72 RML53 85° 26 ’08.17643 ”

Latitude Sl
Pillar No. Latitude
1 RML 1 21° 54 ’44.23927 ”
2 RML2 21° 54 ’ 51.43803 "
3 RML3 21° 54 ’ 57.84636 ”
4 RML4 21° 55 ’ 10.64705 ”
5 RML4A 21° 55 ’ 16.46537 ”
6 RML5 21° 55 ’ 21.78104 ”
7 RML6 21° 55 ’ 30.30644 ”
8 RML7 21° 55 ’ 34.32593 ”
9 RML8 21° 55 ’ 38.98748 ”
10 RML9 21° 55 ’ 45.55579 ”
11 RML10 21° 55 ’ 50.28862 ”
12 RML10A 21° 55 ’ 54.60424 ”
13 RML10B 21° 55 ’ 57.08606 ”
14 RML11 21° 56 ’ 02.30087 ”
15 RML12 21° 56 ’ 08.11525 ”
16 RML13 21° 56 ’ 12.56117 ”
17 RML14 21° 56 ’ 19.43473 ”
18 RML15 21° 56 ’ 23.66300 ”
19 RML15A 21° 56 ’ 29.81931 ”
20 RML16 21° 56 ’ 33.29682 ”
21 RML17 21° 56 ’ 33.33325 ”
22 RML18 21° 56 ’ 33.39410 ”
23 RML19 21° 56 ’ 33.29914 ”
24 RML20 21° 56 ’ 33.50768 ”
25 RML20A 21° 56 ’ 33.55119 ”
26 RML21 21° 56 ’ 33.56367 ”
27 RML21A 21° 56 ’ 33.54198 ”
28 RML22 21° 56 ’ 33.43125 ”
29 RML22A 21° 56 ’ 33.46441 ”
30 RML23 21° 56 ’ 33.49375 ”
31 RML24 21° 56 ’ 25.57086 ”
32 RML25 21° 56 ’ 22.15238 ”
33 RML25A 21° 56 ’ 19.68903 ”
34 RML26 21° 56 ’ 18.19266 ”
35 RML27 21° 56 ’ 11.23967 ”
36 RML27A 21° 56 ’ 09.90240 ”
37 RML27B 21° 56 ’ 08.57760 ”
38 RML28 21° 56 ’ 04.71523 ”
39 RML28A 21° 56 ’ 01.42599 ”
40 RML29 21° 55 ’ 59.28600 ”
41 RML30 21° 55 ’ 55.63560 ”
42 RML30A 21° 55 ’ 54.52320 ”
43 RML30B 21° 55 ’ 52.93560 ”

44 RML31 21° 55 ’ 52.37040 ”
45 RML31A 21° 55 ’ 50.34849 ”
46 RML32 21° 55 ’ 48.68088 ”
47 RML33 21° 55 ’ 43.43160 ”
48 RML34 21° 55 ’ 37.52040 ”
49 RML35 21° 55 ’ 36.18480 ”
50 RML36 21° 55 ’ 34.31280 ”
51 RML37 21° 55 ’ 31.55880 ”
52 RML38 21° 55 ’ 28.29720 ”
53 RML38A 21° 55 ’ 27.16680 ”
54 RML39 21° 55 ’ 20.81640 ”
55 RML40 21° 55 ’ 15.48840 ”
56 RML40A 21° 55 ’ 13.59840 ”
57 RML41 21° 55 ’11.34840 ”
58 RML42 21° 55 ’ 02.90280 ”
59 RML43 21° 54 ’ 50.01120 ”
60 RML44 21° 54 ’ 43.71490 ”
61 RML44A 21° 54 ’ 43.72798 ”
62 RML44B 21° 54 ’ 43.77493 ”
63 RML44C 21° 54 ’ 43.79156 ”
64 RML45 21° 54 ’ 43.82522 ”
65 RML46 21° 54 ’ 43.86603 ”
66 RML47 21° 54 ’ 43.91088”
67 RML48 21° 54 ’ 43.96752 ”
68 RML49 21° 54 ’ 44.04241 ”
69 RML50 21° 54 ’ 44.06580 ”
70 RML51 21° 54 ’ 44.09220 ”
71 RML52 21° 54 ’ 44.10097 ”
72 RML53 21° 54 ’ 44.17395 ”

Villages Village:Jajang, Joribahal, Palsa (Ka), Bandhubera

Tahasil Champua

District Keonjhar

State Odisha

Area (Hects)

Total block area 666.150 (Out of which 595.171 is explored and rest 70.979
2 Ha area of unexplored area consists of 60.979 Ha of Railway
acquired Land and 10.00 Ha of diverted forest area for safety
zone in a compact patch, where exploration by borehole
drilling is not possible. (Area as per DGPS

computation=669.078 Ha)

Mineralised area 185.680

Non-Mineralised area 409.491


Status (G2/G3/G4) Out of the total lease area of 666.150 Ha, 595.171 Ha is
explored and is under G2 level of exploration. Rest 70.979 Ha
area of unexplored area consists of 60.979 Ha of Railway
acquired Land and 10.00 Ha of diverted forest area for safety
zone in a compact patch, where exploration by borehole
drilling is not possible.

Exploration agency Name of prospecting /exploration agency:

M/s. Rungta Mines Ltd.
Address:Village: Jajang, Joribahal, Palsa (Ka),
Dist.: Keonjhar
State: Odisha
Total Nos. of boreholes 688 Boreholes, 29367.81 m
with meterage

Borehole Spacing In general 50 m to 100 m and in some cases less than that
depending upon the disposition of the ore zone.

Qty. of minerals grade wise

Mineral Iron ore & Manganese ore (Manganese Ore exhausted in

the block)

Total Geological Resources of Iron Ore

Resources in tonnes as on Average
Level of
01.02.2019 Grade Grade of
ore (Fe%)
4 Lumps Fines
Upto G2- 45% -
2,27,0337 6,502,895 50.11
General 55% Fe
exploration 55% Fe &
level 12,870,824 36,865,726 59.96
Total 15,141,161 43,368,621 - -
Total Indicated Resources of iron ore
45% Fe &
in block = 58509782 tonnes or 58.51 58.48
million tonnes

Projected Resources Average
As on Date 31.03.2020 Level of Grade of
considering depletion Exploration Lumps Fines ore
(Production up to (Fe%)
45% -
31.03.2019 is 2.59 mt
Upto G2- 1529520.76 4380985.25 55% 50.11
& likely production as General Fe
per EC limit-16.50mt= exploration 55%
Total 19.09 mt) 8671044.22 24836353.94
level Fe & 59.96
10200564.98 29217339.20
Total - -
Total Indicated Resources of iron ore in 45%
block = 39417904.18 tonnes Fe & 58.48
or 39.42 million tonnes above
Mineralised Zone

Nos. of Mineralised 2
Trend (Dip & Strike) In general, the ore body strikes along NNE-SSW and dips at
an angle of 300-400 W.

Total thickness 20 – 25 metres


Minerals Iron

Grade 45% - 55% Fe, Average Fe% 50.11

55% Fe& above, Average Fe% 59.96

The mine produces 74.122% Fines and 25.878% Lumpy ore.

Mineral Iron


Nearest Railhead The railway line connecting Daitari-Keonjhar-Banspani is

passing through the Eastern side of the lease hold. The
nearest railway station is Jaroli&Banspani which are situated
7 at a distance of 2 km & 7 km respectively.

Road The nearest important public road from Jajang Mines is Joda-
Bambebari-Keonjhar road, which is passing in the extreme
western part of the lease area. The above road connected
with NH-215 at Kalapahar which is at distance of 11 Km from

the lease area.

Airport Bhubaneswar


Local surface The Baitarani river flows outside the lease area on eastern
drainage pattern side. The eastern side is drained by small seasonal nallahs
8 (channels) which after travelling long distance meet ultimately to
Baitarani River.

River/ Streams No river inside the lease area. The Baitarani river flows outside
the lease area on eastern side.


Mean Annual Rainfall The average annual rainfall is 1000mm with maximum
annual rainfall 1439mm during last 5 years and the highest
precipitation in August when about 80% of the rainfall was
9 received in the area during the SW Monsoon (June to
September) every year.

Temperature 7.90C

Temperature (June) 42.50C


Toposheet Nos. 73 G/5

Morphology of the The lease area is an undulating terrain with occasional hills
area within the area, studded with flat topped low ridges,
reassembling a relict type of topography controlled by
differential hardness of rocks. The maximum RL of the area is
660 m and the minimum RL of the area is 498m.



Particulars Details/Status

To be obtained by the
Successful bidder/not
1 Forest Clearance
applicable/if available, State to
provide details

2 Wild life Clearance(Sanctuary, Reserve or Special Zone Clearances -do-

3 Environmental Clearance -do-

4 Consent to Establish -do-

5 Explosive License -do-

6 Permission for Mines opening -do-

7 Permission of Installation, tiral operation of equipment -do-

8 Ground water clearance (Centre/State) -do-

9 Railway Siding approval -do-

10 Approval of Diesel storage -do-

11 Power line from State Discom -do-

Clearanc relating to work under an existing transmission line or shifting of

12 -do-
the transmission line

13 Gramasabha consent -do-


Area Details

1 Total concession area 669.078 Hects

2 Forestland with status Forest- 488.513 Hects

Non-Forest Govt & Private land

3 180.565 hects.
with status

4 Revenue survey details of the area Refer to Land Schedule


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