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1. Read the article found on the link below about important method and
techniques of sociology.

2. Based from what you have read draw a graphic organizer leading to your
personal conclusion in relation to reading visual aids among students both in
elementary and high schools.
3. Make a 10-Item multiple type of questions and write the answer key explaining
the correct answer.
The correct answer should be based from the reading material attached or
researched on the internet.
1. Who among the following used the method of concomitant variation?
2. M. Weber
3. R. Dahrendorf
4. E. Durkheim
5. T. Parsons
Answer: (3), Concomitant Variation - an empirical relationship in which the magnitude of a first variable varies with the
magnitude of a second variable (see COMPARATIVE METHOD). The concomitant variation or CORRELATION between
variables may be used as the test of a CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP between variables. The main causal hypotheses in
Durkheim's Suicide (1897) were tested using this method.

2. Societas means:

1. Companionship
2. Good-Fellowship
3. Pleasurable Consorting Together
4. All of the above

Answer: (4), The word " society " has three legitimate significations. The first is that of the Latin word societas, meaning
"companion-ship," " good-fellowship," " pleasurable consorting together," or meaning the individuals collectively
regarded that consort.

3. This concept assumes that the group of individuals dwelling and working together is the
true, or typical, society, and that it is as much a unity, although made up of indi- viduals,
as is the animal or the vegetable body, composed of cells and differentiated into
mutually dependent tissues and organs.

1. Physical Conception
2. Organic Conception
3. Psychological Conception
4. Maternal Conception

Answer: (2), The organic conception assumes that the group of individuals dwelling and working together is the true, or typical,
society, and that it is as much a unity, although made up of individuals, as is the animal or the vegetable body, composed of cells
and differentiated into mutually dependent tissues and organ.
4. This concept assumes that, whether or not the organic conception be true and of
scientific importance, it fails to get to the bottom of thing.

1. Physical Conception
2. Organic Conception
3. Psychological Conception
4. Maternal Conception

Answer: (3), Psychological Conception assumes that, whether or not the organic conception be true and of scientific
importance, it fails to get to the bottom of thing.
5. He assumes that impression, contagion, influence, as forms of the interaction of mind
with mind, may themselves be accounted for.

1. Tarde
2. Durkheim
3. Le Bon
4. Weber

Answer: (1), Tarde assumes that impression, contagion, influence, as forms of the interaction of mind with mind, may
themselves be accounted for.

6. He Theorize the Machiavellian theory.

1. Machiavelli Edwards
2. Michael Machiavelli
3. Niccolo Machiavelli
4. Michiavelli, Lock

Answer: (3), Niccolo Machiavelli is a writer that is considered as a political vision, this is because of his political theory
that has been described by analysts as beyond analytical understanding. His advice to politicians through his writings
has been questioned by many people; according to Machiavelli, one will only survive in politics if he plays his cards well.
He believes that for one to succeed in politics he or she must have virtues that will propel him forward; this is good
advice to those who wish to be a success in politics; however, his definition of virtue in the Prince and the Discourse has
been considered as abusive to morality. This paper will analyze the meaning of virtue in relation to Machiavelli’s the
Prince and Discourses
7. The common mental activity, taking habitual forms, creates permanent social
relationships, that is to say, a more or less complex ___________________.

1. Social Organization
2. Political Organization
3. Sexual Organization
4. None of the above.

Answer: (1), The common mental activity, taking habitual forms, creates permanent social relationships, that is to say, a
more or less complex Social Organization

8. Associations collectively represent the social division of labor, and therefore may be
called the ___________________.

1. Political Constitution
2. Sexual Constitution
3. Social Constitution
4. None of the above

Answer: (3), associations collectively represent the social division of labor, and therefore may be called the social

9. The mutual aid and protection practiced by animal bands plays an enormously
important part in the differentiation of species and in the survival of those best
endowed with intelligence and sympathy.

1. Zoogenic Association
2. Anthropogenic Association
3. Demogenic Association
4. Pathogenic Association

Answer: (1), Zoogenic Association is the mutual aid and protection practiced by animal bands plays an enormously
important part in the differentiation of species and in the survival of those best endowed with intelligence and
10. Through unnumbered ages, the creature that was destined to become man was
acquiring the distinctly human attributes of language and reason.

1. Zoogenic Association
2. Anthropogenic Association
3. Demogenic Association
4. Pathogenic Association

Answer: (2), Anthropogenic Association, in which, through unnumbered ages, the creature that was destined to
become man was acquiring the distinctly human attributes of language and reason.

4. Make a reflection on the reading materials at least 250 words and above.

This is a reflective writing assessment based on what I have learned upon reading the
material given to me. In this text I am going to discuss a few of the concepts and
lessons that I have learned. I will discuss what particular parts of this course I found
interesting, why I feel they are important, and how they are an interesting part of
everyday life.

The first concept I found particularly fascinating was how one’s culture influences the
behavior of the individual. It is interesting to learn these types of concepts because you
have to imagine what kind of person you would grow up to be if you were born in a
different part of the world. For example, if you are born in the in other countries e.g.
Japan or South Korea, and your career path is a software designer for computer
programs, you would maybe think to yourself, what would my career path and life goals
be if I were born in a part of the world that didn’t have technological innovations such
as computer stores and smartphone products at every turn? What would life be like for
me if I grew up somewhere like Africa or Iran. It is neat to see what the norms and
values of these different places are and think to yourself what else in my life would be
different based on the cultural differences that affect me as a person. Would I be
married, would I follow a different religion, would my favorite food be different, what
would be my favorite band? These are all questions that influenced by our society and
culture which surrounds us, it is interesting to sit and wonder what might have
happened if you were merely born in a different region of the world. It also helps you to
understand why people act the way they do. This is important because by learning and
knowing these different customs and norms it causes yourself to be more accepting and
tolerant of customs and norms you once found odd and incomprehensible.

Another thing I enjoyed learning was seeing the statistics of what kind of people are in
this country. Filipinos for the most part understand that this country is filled with people
of different race, origin, sexual orientation, and religion, yet it is fascinating to see the
numbers. These numbers answer a lot of questions that I have wondered such as: How
many people in this country have Hispanic origins and how has this affected the culture
of this country? How many people in this country are below the poverty line and what is
the cause of this? How many people in this country are religious and does the
environment they grew up in have a large effect on their choices? What is the history of
these different groups of people? These are all questions that have been answered and
better understood through the course material. Some statistics can amaze you when
you consider what is going on in this country that you may have not even been aware
of. Some of the things learned can be a real eye-opener.

The third and final type of information I would like to address, is the information that
identifies solutions to economic and social problems in society. There are a number of
problems throughout the country involving but not limited to poverty, racism, cultural
indifferences, hate crimes, economic turmoil, lack of education, high crime statistics, and
many more. By understanding how these problems arise and what the main factors that
influence this type of behavior, one can be better prepared to find positive solutions for
these problems. It can be rewarding to try and think up of ways that solutions could be
placed so these problems reduce. By learning what triggers these types of behaviors
in people (especially in the majority), one can have a much clearer vision when thinking
up positive solutions to keep these types of things from happening in the future. That I
believe is an important concept to learn, because it can help reduce serious problems
from happening and make way for a better tomorrow.

In conclusion there are many concepts covered that can beneficial to pretty much
anybody. This topic is one of the more interesting topics I have been involved in and
the material is presented in a way where you are free to form your own opinions, yet still
be on topic with what is going on in the world around us. It is important to know your
surroundings, culture, norm, and values of yourself as an individual and as a
community. By reading the material, I was able to better understand these concepts at

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