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Answer the following questions concisely.

1. Does the mission statement make a compelling declaration about the purpose and
values of the school? Explain your answer.
Definitely. A mission statement is about the objectives that a specific organization or school
must achieve—it can be a commitment. It most likely answers the questions “What is the
purpose of building this kind of organization?” “What will they do achieve their purpose of
building an organization?” and “For whom that they wanted to pursue these kinds of
purpose?”. And WMSU Mission statement answered all these questions. WMSU wanted to
maintain as one of the most productive universities a home for responsive, innovative, and
empowered persons through knowledge. Despite of values’ diversity that was compellingly
declared on the mission statement.

2. Is the vision statement realistic and achievable? How do you think can this be achieved?
Assuredly. Vision is about what will be the destination of goals and it was supported by mission.
WMSU’s vision is about producing professionals who are responsive and responsible for the
welfare of many. I believe that WMSU is effective that they can achieve their mission, therefor
vision is also achievable. Through what was stated in mission statement- as mission served as a
pathway, vision is possibly attainable.

3. Based on the Vision, Mission, & Goals of WMSU, what do you think are the strengths of
our institution?
Based upon the Vision, Mission, & Goals of WMSU, I think the strengths of our institution are
(1) set the high standard for the students to become well-disciplined through having
knowledge, skills and understanding, (2) WMSU is one of the most distinguish schools because
most of the ideal professionals came or product of WMSU, (3) WMSU produces a quality
student, (4) WMSU mold young ones not just as students but a leader of their own. Lastly, (5)
WMSU’s strength is to bring out the very best of every student to be able to mold and be the
best for their chosen profession soon.

4. As a student, does the VISION statement of WMSU say where/what you want to be in
the future? Explain your answer.
Absolutely. As a student of WMSU and aiming to be one of the said quality products of WMSU,
when I graduate and pass the LPT Examination I will do everything to fulfill my mission. As I
chose to become an educator, second mother and adviser for the students the vision of WMSU
already envisioned it. To become responsive socially, responsible enough for ecological, peace
and unity—for the welfare of many.

Criteria: (each item)

Content & Relevance= 5 pts.

Grammar and Sentence Structure= 5 pts.
Total= 10 pts.

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