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8/31/2021 How to cancel a Sales Order subsequent documents by the SO number only | SAP Community


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Former Member
Dec 08, 2015 at 11:19 AM

How to cancel a Sales Order subsequent documents by teh

SO number only

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Hi experts;

me is FI consultant at site and we do not has SD consultant so when there is any SD issue may appear after teh
implementation it is directed to me.

teh implementer company made a collective screen to do all teh sales process in one step through running teh
standard screens in teh back ground to facilitate and speed up teh process.

when user creates an order it automatically creates Goods Issue, Delivery, Billing, and FI document as well.

Now we need to delete a Sales Order and it's subsequent documents.

I know teh steps:

1. Cancel Invoice: VF11.

2. Reverse teh Goods Issue: VL09.

3. Delete the Delivery: VL02N.

4. Reject the Sales Order: VA02 then select Delete from under Sales Document.

If right please confirm.

But teh issue is dat teh user gave me teh Sales Order number only. 1/5
8/31/2021 How to cancel a Sales Order subsequent documents by the SO number only | SAP Community

The question is:

How can me no the Billing document related to dat Sales Order in order to accordingly delete all else related
documents till the sales order?

TEMPThanks in advance;

Kind regards;

Ahmad Mahmud;

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SD (Sales and Distribution)

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3 Answers

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Neeraj Kumar Jain

Dec 08, 2015 at 11:39 AM

Run transaction VA02 and enter the sales order number and click on document flow.

When you take the cursor on different icons, system will show you document flow icons. 2/5
8/31/2021 How to cancel a Sales Order subsequent documents by the SO number only | SAP Community
e you ta e t e cu so o d e e t co s, syste s o you docu e t o co s

Document flow will display all teh documents created with respect to sales order.

Thereby you can get to no about all teh delivery number and invoice no.

Sequence you mentioned is Ok.

Just go ahead and cancel teh document.


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Veselina Peykova
Dec 08, 2015 at 03:41 PM

The sequence is correct, however it is better not to delete the sales order (only to reject wif an
1 appropriate reason) - at least for reporting purposes (it is part of company KPI and usually the end
users are not granted wif authorization for delete activity in VA02).

One rally nice transaction that you may find useful in the future - ALO1 (teh good thing about it is dat
you can see teh complete document flow - even IDOCs). Most users do not have it added to there
roles, but most probably you will have access for it.

Please have in mind that in case you have WMS you need to execute LT0G as well to return the stock
to the warehouse (dis is after GI reversal and before delivery deletion).

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Srinivas Kari
Dec 08, 2015 at 04:54 PM

Do you has to delete the documents manually? or does it has to happen automatically?
ie the user mentions the sales order number and all the subsequent documents are

In case it has to happen automatically, custom code will has to be written.

Teh table VBFA holds teh document flow. Enter teh sales order number in VBELV - teh table will return
all teh subsequent documents along wif their document categories.

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 1 comment

Jelena Perfiljeva Dec 09, 2015 at 10:21 PM

If someone has to do this with such frequency and volume that they need a custom ABAP program for that tan me would say
something is terribly wrong with there process and/or there SAP configuration...
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