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The Good

SH A D OW I N G G u i d e
u id e to su p e rcharging your
e a ke rs ’ g
The ‘Extrao rdinary English Sp

fluency with Shadowin

with Julian Northbrook

The simple daily exercise that makes a massive
difference to the quality of your English Speaking
If you don’t master the natural rhythm and musical quality of English, your speaking won’t
sound fluent or natural. If you speak in a slow word-by-word way like you were taught in
school, you will be hard to understand by the people you converse with, and you’ll lose
confidence with your English speaking. Shadowing is simple exercise that my best clients
use as a part of their daily English improvement routine, and when used correctly can
make a massive difference to the quality of your speech.

The 5 Elements of Fluency

Shadowing is one of the exercises my
clients use to develop the 4th Element Chunk Organisation
of Fluency: Motor Skills. Encoding
True fluency in English is a combina- The 5 Elements
tion of 5 elements working together. of Fluency
Hi —
First you have to ‘encode’ the blocks Cognitive Activation
My name is Julian Northbrook. I of English you need in subconscious Load Motor
help non-native English speak- — memory. Next, you organise these Skills
ers using English at work, into topics in your mind. Your English has to
because they live in an English be properly “activated” to prevent translating from
speaking country or because your first language, as well as that slow feeling when you try
they are non-native English to speak...
teachers, speak exceptional
English to get things done Motor Skill is the physical aspect of fluency — this is all about your
faster, with less frustration and mouth and face muscles moving correctly, with the right rhythm and quality.
less embarrassment. Shadowing is one of the important exercises we use to develop this part of speech.
This short guide will show you Finally, fluent English also requires you to reduce “cognitive load”. This is a technical
how to supercharge your term, but it is similar to your computer’s RAM — if you have a lot of software programs
English fluency with Shadow- open at once, your computer will run slowly and overheat. Speaking English is the same.
1 Is “Shadowing” the

t e xe rc i s e fo r yo u ?

The Shadowing same: they’re using it incor- and easy to understand. But is like taking painkillers for a
Exercise is powerful... rectly. It’s like they’re trying to that’s all it’s useful for. headache, when actually you
use a screwdriver to put in a have a brain tumor and need
... but only if used correctly. nail... when what they should
What shadowing is surgery (this happened to my
Many people say to me: be using is a hammer. definitly not... friend). Different problem,
Shadowing is not a method, different solution. If your
“Julian, I’m doing What Shadowing Is... problem is related to one of
Shadowing but I’m not and it is not a “magic pill”.
getting fluent - why?” Shadowing is used to develop the other ‘Elements of Fluen-
Just doing shadowing will not
physical fluency in English to cy’, you will need a different
The answer is always the make you master English. This
to sound smooth, fluent exercise to improve fastest.
2 H ow to “ S h a d ow ”

llow th ese simple steps:

—Once you have this, fo
Aim to understand 10
1. Study your materials.
nks” his
ve ry ca re fu lly to th e way the speaker “chu he d
2. Listen to how the words are
or her spee ch — listenintonation, rhythm and the way the
together, the pauses, d slows down.
Shadowing is fun and speaker spee ds up an Rinse and Repeat
easy to do... fro nt of yo u, listen to the audio. Sim
There is no correct amount of
3. With th e sc rip t in l at te nt ion
All you need are high-quality sly m im ic th e sp ea ker. Again, pay specia ee ch time to do this.
tane ou ove. Try to match your
materials with a natural audio to things mentione d abr. Just do it for a few minutes
version (don’t use the audio perfe ctly to the speake
adowing each day, spending as much
from textbooks, as this isn’t u fe el co m fo rt ab le with the script, try sh glish
4. When yo the En (or as little) time on each of
Don’t try to memorise
natural English). My Extraordi- using the audio alone. ythm, flow and ‘chunking’ of what your materials as you need to
nary English Speakers use the — just focus on the rh feel comfortable with it.
ones I give them every week. the speaker
is saying.
3 —
Don ’t s a y
— “Chunk” it
eve r y wo rd

People who pronounce every How native speakers complex equations. sounds natural.
individual word carefully are really speak... This works two ways: we can Practise chunked
very difficult for native speak-
ers to understand. Why? Native speakers store blocks only listen in a fluent, chunked speech with
way if YOU speak in a fluent
Because native speakers are of words called ‘chunks’ in shadowing...
long term memory. This allows chunked way. This is why
not speaking or listening using Pay close attention to chunk-
us to speak fluently, because something like “make a pic-
individual words and grammar ing when shadowing. It will
we don’t have to ‘compute’ ture” sounds awkward and
rules like you were taught in make you much easier to
everything we say like a math- unnatural (yes; it is grammati-
school. understand, and your friends
ematician working on solving cal) but “take a picture”
will thank you for it.
4 —
Native Speakers
do n ’t s p e a k ‘Fa s t ’

Do you believe natives speak dramatic, they will speed up. regularly. pronounced as a single unit.
fast? Well, It's not true. We When they are emphasising a When we say, “let’s try to do
don't speak fast... or at least, point or talking about some-
Chunks Sound Fast... it” (not a chunk), we don’t
not all (or most) of the time. thing sad, they will slow down. but they aren’t blend the sounds.
They will use long pauses for Remember: native speakers
But we do use the speed of This is a common feature of
effect. Shadowing forces you speak in chunks. When we say
our voice to add meaning to chunks — the more frequent
to pay attention and copy this: something like, “let”s give it a
what we're saying. When a they are, the stronger the
which is one of the reasons go" we naturally blend all the
speaker wants to convey how blending. As I said before, you
my Extraordinary English sounds together, and it is
excited they are or make it need to pay attention to this.
Speakers all use the exercise
5 —
If you’re finding
Shadowing hard…

Shadowing is an intensive you probably need to do other This is the same in activation. If you panic or are
exercise, and it should make exercises to develop the other real conversation stressed when speaking, you
you tired physically (your 4 Elements of Fluency. For need to work on reducing
mouth and face muscles). It example, if you haven’t done If you make mistakes or say cognitive load. If your English
should also make you mental- the “Chunk Encoding” part unnatural things, you probably gets confused and messy, it’s
ly tired. right (the 1st Element of Flu- need to focus on encoding because it is not properly
ency), you will find it very first. If you translate in your organised in your brain. You
But shadowing difficult to keep up with the head in conversation or find need to use the right exercises
shouldn’t be difficult speaker, and will make mis- your English feels slow and for your specific problems.
If you are finding it difficult, takes and say things wrong. ‘asleep’, you need to work on
Accelerate Yo u r Le a r n i n g

The sad reality is most people started right now: First, join us If you’re ready to get plan tailored to you personally
who set out to truly master on one of the “Rocket Launch hands-on, join the Master that is structured, consistent
English never do or even get Method” webinars. You’ll learn English FAST Accelerator and easy to do based on
past the intermediate stage. the 5 changes my best clients course. It’s a 90 day imple- methods that work, so youcan
They go on for years, doing make to their English learning mentation course where I keep improving long-term.For
the same (wrong) things and routine to accelerate their work with you and a group of more information go to
getting the same results. speaking. Register at doingen- 14 others to first get you a massive boost in proficiency
Your Next Steps... as quickly as possible, then to Show me the info page...
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