21st Century Student Learning

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EDUC 109 (2649) – Teaching Profession


Submitted by:
Kristine Nicolle E. Dana

Submitted to:
Prof. Maria Edna Porras

August 25, 2021

My Insights about 21st Century Learning

From the norm that teacher should be the “fountain of knowledge” to student
should be the “center of learning”. This is the exact description I guess of the
transition from traditional to modern way of teaching and learning.

As we shifted from traditional way of learning to 21 st century learning, we

encountered a lot of changes and modifications, indeed.

Before, we thought that learning can only be situated in the four corners of the
classroom but now that we are stepping towards re-imagination of education, we
have come with the understanding that learning is everywhere. It is not confined only
in classrooms or other learning centers that we have in our mind. We also thought
that pen and paper are the ones that we should hold on to till we graduate but now
we are privileged to have with us technologies that will help us to attain a meaningful
and effective learning.

On the other hand, despite of these benefits we are experiencing from this
shift in education but still, there are some educators that are not prepared yet and
unable to cope with these certain changes. They are not competent enough to
manage the devices and technologies that aims to assist the learning of the
students. But this is now the considered “new default” and as frontlines in promoting
education, we should adapt, cope and be flexible.

Therefore, we should first know the principles on how we can facilitate a

student-centered learning as this is the key to open up the door to 21 st century
education. According to the video, the first principle is: “Learning is Personalized”,
this means that learning should not be the defaulted one but instead in accordance
to what the students need and preferences. Second, “Learning is Competency-
Based”, meaning it is our goal, as teachers to allow students to attain a particular
competency or skills at the end of the lesson proper, a quarter or a semester. We are
the one responsible of this because it is another way also of evaluating the
effectiveness of our teaching strategy. Third principle is: “Learning happens
anytime, anywhere” and the last one is “Students take the ownership”, students
should be the owner of their own learning not the teachers.

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