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Chaos Theory: Is the Ergodic Theorem valid in Reality?

by Jason von Juterczenka (15)1

Student Research Center of Northern Hesse, Department of Physics, Kassel

Abstract. In this paper, I carry out my scientific research project, which I started
in 2016 with the aim of experimentally testing the validity of the ergodic theorem
in physical reality and presenting my new results from 2019 and 2020. Due to the
limited scope, I cannot mention all the results and limited myself to the most rele-
1. Introduction. The most important
turbance is practically possible to re-
scientific outcome of the last 500 years
construct [2].
is that we do not live in an arbitrary
1.a What is the Ergodic Theorem?
universe: Nothing does just happen;
There are special models for describing
everything obeys the laws of nature
the behavior of chaotic systems, one of
that govern our universe mercilessly
which is the so-called Ergodic Theo-
and without exception. In this ordered
rem, which was formulated in a slightly
and determined world there seems to be
modified version by Ludwig Boltzmann
no place for the term “chaos”. In phys-
in 1887. It says that thermodynamic
ics, chaos has long been viewed as an
systems usually behave chaotically
accumulation of measurement errors
from a molecular level, what means
rather than a real physical principle.
that the trajectory of the system in
However, since the research of Edward
phase space comes as close as desired
Lorenz in the 1960s, this idea has been
to any energetically possible point (see
refuted [1]. Chaotic systems are charac-
Fig.1) [3]. It also makes statements
terized by the fact that their behavior is
about the time after which a point is
sensitively dependent on the initial
passed, but this aspect is irrelevant for
conditions; an extremely small change
my research and the following explana-
in the initial conditions leads to such a
large deviation in finite time periods,
that neither the initial state, nor the
scale of the dis- 1
The time span in which the trajectory is inside a phase
space region is proportional to the volume of the re-

1.b My Research Issue. My research 2.a Identification of relevant factors.
issue concerns the ergodic theorem and Before I designed the experimental set-
its scope. I wondered about following up, I had started with theoretical con-
question: siderations based on extensive litera-
What is the validity range of the Er- ture work. I identified six potential in-
godic Theorem and what are the con- fluences that differentiate physical real-
sequences of a limited validity? ity from the mathematical model (see
However, this does not mean to which Tab.1).
systems the ergodic theorem is appli- 2.b Selection of the research object.
cable and which exceptions exist (this To answer the research question, I
is already quiet clear since the discov- made a distinction between factors that
ery of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking can be eliminated by modifying the
by Y.Nambu, M.Kobayashi and experimental setup and factors that are
T.Maskawa) [4-6]. Instead, I would a fundamental part of our physical real-
like to find out to what extent the theo- ity. I decided to investigate friction as
rem formulated as a mathematical the most fundamental aspect and chose
model can actually be applied to the a system that enables friction to be
underlying systems in physical reality quantified and varied. Finally, I chose a
and whether the factors not taken into chaos pendulum as my research object,
account in the model impair its ap- as it is one of the simplest chaotic sys-
plicability. tems and can be measured with little
2. My Experimental Setup. In or- effort, but can also be modeled mathe-
der to answer my research question, I matically [7]. To build a chaos pendu-
had to identify the factors that could lum, only two pendulum rods have to
potentially limit the validity of the er- be coupled together, so that the second
godic theorem and construct an exper- pendulum behaves chaotically. Howev-
imental setup through which the single er, this choice also has disadvantages:
factors can be viewed in isolation (see Although the centrifugal force turned
Fig.2). out to be negligible at the frequencies
examined, there is a problem with the

representation. For the dimension D of checked this before starting any fric-
the phase space of a system with 𝑛 de- tion-specific measurements. I varied
grees of freedom the following applies the excitation frequency and studied
[8]: common literature on phase spaces
𝐷 = 2𝑛 [10]. Then I attached a colored point to
A chaos pendulum has two degrees of the second pendulum and measured its
freedom; hence its phase space is four- position using a video camera and an
dimensional [9]. After all, it takes four evaluation program [11]. Using simple
values to describe the state of a chaos trigonometry, I was able to calculate
pendulum: the angle between the rods, the angle from the positions:
the angle between the upper rod and tan(𝛼) = .
the suspension, and one angular veloci- I just had to subtract the previous angle
ty for each angle. However, creating from the current angle and then divide
four-dimensional phase spaces is a sig- the result by the time step to get an
nificant mathematic challenge that I angular velocity, which I then plotted
was unable to overcome. against the angle and got a phase space
2.c Modification of the structure. To [8] (see Fig.3). In the phase space, the
solve this problem, I modified the cha- so-called Feigenbaum scenario could
os pendulum. I installed a stepper mo- be clearly observed, small disturbances
tor that drives the top pendulum at a create a second rotation period that
constant speed. In this way, the feed- shifts a little further with each rotation.
back between the pendulums is sup- After all, the periods influence each
pressed, whereby the upper angle and other, which starts the chaos [12]. I al-
the associated angular velocity become so found out that this only happens at
irrelevant. Therefore, the pendulum has relatively high frequencies, at low fre-
only one degree of freedom and conse- quencies the trajectory approaches the
quently a two-dimensional phase space typical path of a simple driven pendu-
anymore. However, it was questionable lum. This enabled me to confirm the
whether the modified pendulum is still suitability of my setup and also to de-
able to produce chaotic behavior, so I

termine the frequency range that gener- essary is inserting the high amplitude at
ates chaotic behavior. the beginning for 𝐴0 , the time for 𝑡 and
3. Measuring Results. Finally, I the lower amplitude after 𝑡 for 𝐴𝑡 in
started with an one-year series of 𝐴𝑡 = 𝐴0 ∙ 𝑒 −𝑘∗𝑡 .
measurements to find out what influ- Term rewriting was first used to divide
ence a change in friction has on chaotic by 𝐴0 , whereby I obtained
behavior and, ultimately, the validity of = 𝑒 −𝑘∙𝑡 ,
the ergodic theorem. However, before I
then I calculated the natural logarithm
started experimental verification, I de-
by what 𝑒 was omitted and I got the
veloped a method to vary and quantify
damping factor2:
the influence of friction. 𝐴
ln ( 𝑡 ) = −𝑘 ∙ 𝑡.
3.a Variation of friction. Instead of 𝐴 0

using oils of different viscosity to I repeated this procedure for faces of

change the friction, I opted for the sim- different sizes and applied the various

pler method of varying the air re- damping factors to the surfaces. It was

sistance by mounting faces of different clear: friction is equivalent to damping,

sizes in the direction of movement of there is clearly a proportionality (see

the pendulum [13]. However, it was not Tab.2 and Fig.4). I was now able to
certain whether there was a proportion- vary friction in a reproducible manner.

ality between the size of the face and 3.b Investigation of friction. I started
the resulting damping. Therefore, I with a very simple measurement.
used a mathematical-experimental Without artificially increasing the fric-
method to define a universal friction tion, I took advantage of the friction

factor. First, I deflected the pendulum between the pendulum rods and ob-

and, depending on the area, received a served its effect over long periods of
more or less strongly damped sinusoi- time, on the order of a few days (see
dal oscillation. The damping factor can Fig.5 and 6). From these diagrams it

be derived from the steepness of the can be concluded that friction slows

line that results when the respective

amplitudes are connected [14]. All nec- Since it is a damping with the unit 1/s, -k results as a
function of t.

down the chaotic behavior by causing 3.c Interpretation of the results. What
the transition to a periodic state. An does this mean for the validity of the
artificial increase in friction speeds up Ergodic Theorem? Because friction
this process, an increase in frequency slows down chaotic behavior, the Er-
slows it down. This result confirmed godic Theorem is usually not fulfilled,
my suspicion. However, there was also after all, the half-life of chaos is so lim-
a surprise, because with higher friction, ited that never every energetically pos-
sometimes there was suddenly no more sible point is passed. However, since
chaos at all. Only when I increased the the influence of friction does not grow
frequency further did a Feigenbaum forever, but at some point, reaches a
scenario occur again and ultimately maximum value, whereas the excitation
chaos. Apparently, friction affects cha- frequency can be increased further, the
os in two different ways: Ergodic Theorem is at least approxi-
i) It leads to a faster transition mately fulfilled at high frequencies.
to a periodic state. Certainly, there is no unrestricted valid-
ii) It shifts the chaos entry fre- ity, the Ergodic Theorem is a mathe-
quency backwards. matical model with limited applicabil-
This realization was most unexpected, ity in reality.
but it got even stranger: Although the 4. Consequences of the Results.
damping is completely proportional to Now I turn to the second part of the
the friction (see Tab.2 and Fig.4), the question posed at the beginning. Which
damping is in no way proportional to consequences have the present results?
the chaos entry frequency (see Tab.3 4.a Stability of Limit Cycles. For this
and Fig.7). It turns out that the friction purpose, I introduce the notion of limit
initially acts quite proportionally, but cycle. A limit cycle is an isolated peri-
there is an area in which the friction odic solution of a chaotic system [15],
has a very sensitive effect on the chaos it is characterized by the fact that
entry frequency. Then chaos entry fre- neighboring trajectories diverge or
quency remains on a plateau. converge. A limit cycle can also be
described as an attractor in phase space

that does not pull a system toward a same state. This is senseful for stable
point energy valley, but rather forces it limit cycles and point attractors, but not
into a particular cycle that it always in this case. In fact, the result is that the
strives to break, even when work is ex- catchment area does not have the char-
pended to break it - the counterpart, so acter of a sphere, but of a point or a
to speak, of chaotic behavior [2]. But if surface. However, if there are points
it depends on the distance of the start- near the limit cycle where the cycle is
ing point of the trajectory from the lim- broken and the system returns to a cha-
it cycle whether the system diverges or otic state, what does this say about lim-
converges, and the distance lies on both it cycles? If the ergodic theorem is al-
the x-axis and the y-axis and thus rep- most completely satisfied at high fre-
resents a volume of energy in phase quencies (see 3.b), the trajectory will
space, the further behavior of the sys- hit one of the unstable points at t→∞
tem would then be sensitively depend- and decay. If it runs exactly back into
ent on the initial energy. Thus, I have itself, it is generally unstable, because
provided a new limit-cycle oriented any perturbation would grow exponen-
approach to classical chaos theory. tially. [2]. Limit cycles would thus also
However, if the course of the system be inevitably unstable in reality, which
depends on the distance to the limit cy- could have far-reaching consequences
cle, i. e. on the energy difference, then for numerous chaotic systems such as
there must be an individual limit above our solar system, climate or stock ex-
which trajectories diverge. One could change.
think of this as a "catchment" as known 4.b Falsification Reasons. Of course,
from other attractors [16], but this con- scientific work also includes the critical
clusion leads to a dead end in the case questioning of own hypotheses and the
of semistable limit cycles. If one draws questioning of alternative explanations.
the catchment area as a sphere sur- These also exist for the facts of the lim-
rounding the limit cycle, then this it cycles. For example, it would be
sphere contains completely different conceivable that no unstable points or
energy values that converge against the regions exist in the phase space, but the

selection between diverging and con- fects, since angle and angular velocity
verging is subject to chance instead of cannot be completely mapped in a less
the energy difference. Superficially, than four-dimensional phase space.
this would be hardly distinguishable However, this is currently a hypothesis
from a sensitive dependence, but then a - just like the instability of limit cycles.
trajectory that converges once could 4.c Verification of Stability. Whether
also follow the limit cycle forever. This the selection of the diverging and con-
sounds arbitrary, but it is a serious pos- verging trajectories is subject to the
sibility, which could be described energy difference, which would be ac-
mathematically. In this case the phase companied by a general instability of
space would be underlaid by a fractal limit cycles, or to chance, which would
pattern of starting points which pro- suggest a fractal phase space, is very
duce diverging trajectories and starting difficult to verify experimentally. I cal-
points which produce converging tra- culated that the always occurring dis-
jectories. The distance between two turbances in chaotic systems make the
such possible points is theoretically verification by means of my experi-
infinitesimal in a self-similar fractal, so mental setup practically impossible. A
what happens is left to random [17]. computer simulation, on the other
Possibly even the phase space itself hand, could achieve sufficient preci-
would be fractal, 𝐷 would then not sion. I therefore started to design a
necessarily have to be a natural, but scheme for a program based on the
also a decimal number, which could be programming language C++ [19]. It
calculated as similarity dimension: works according to the following prin-
log 𝑁 ciple: For the variables location (𝑥; 𝑦)
𝐷=− ,
log 𝜀 and velocity (𝑣𝑥; 𝑣𝑦) initial values are
where 𝑁 is the number of versions of entered as input. From these and the
the set itself, reduced by the factor ε, of underlying physical laws, a value for
which it consists [18]. This would have the resulting force 𝐹 and acceleration 𝑎
interesting consequences, e. g. it would is obtained, which is then divided into
allow to interpret indeterminacy ef- the components of the velocity change

in x- and y-direction (∆𝑣𝑥; ∆𝑣𝑦). These On the same principle I calculated also
can then be used to calculate the new 𝑣𝑦𝑡 , then 𝑥𝑡 could be calculated by
velocities (𝑣𝑥𝑛+1 ; 𝑣𝑦𝑛+1 ) by simple 𝑥𝑡 = 𝑥0 + 𝑣𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑡
addition, which is used to determine Analogously also 𝑦𝑡 . The orbital radius
the new positions (𝑥𝑛+1 ; 𝑦𝑛+1 ) at the 𝑟 of the moon is valid according to the
end. These then serve as initial values Pythagorean theorem
for the next iteration. After each itera- 𝑟 = √𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 .
tion in the time span ∆𝑡, which was The entered start values correspond to
also specified at the beginning, the po- the position of the moon in its perigee.3
sitions should also be plotted, so that I An optimal value for ∆𝑡 can be ob-
can track the position of the point in tained by variation, I chose ∆𝑡 =
real time. This is of elementary im- 100 𝑠. This resulted in Fig.9. I then
portance for the methodology of data applied the simulation to another two-
collection (see Fig.8). body problem, the orbit of the Earth
5. Creation of a Simulation. In around the Sun. For this I had just to
simulating my problem, I proceeded in insert new values:
several steps. 𝑥
𝑣𝑥𝑡 = 𝑣𝑥0 − 𝐺 ∙ 𝑚⊙ ∙ ,
𝑟 3 ∆𝑡
5.a Two-Body-Problem. The scheme
analogously for 𝑣𝑦𝑡 . Then I converted
of my simulation (see Fig.8) can be
parameters to AU4 and Fig.10. resulted.
used to model numerous physical sys-
5.b Three-Body-Problem. Far more
tems. I was faced with the problem that
difficult is the application to a three-
I had to verify my simulation, but this
body problem, but here nonlinearity
is not possible with my simulated sys-
occurs, which my program needs to be
tem, because I need the already verified
applicable to my pendulum [20]. I sim-
simulation to be able to solve it at all.
ulated the movement of the Sun, Earth
Therefore, I started to apply it to an
and Mars under mutual attraction. The
already known problem, the orbit of the
masses and orbital radii of every other
moon around earth. For this I need only
a handful of functions, I calculated 3
The data was converted to meters by multiplying by
𝑥 103, since 𝐺 is written in meters.
𝑣𝑥𝑡 = 𝑣𝑥0 − 𝐺 ∙ 𝑚⨁ ∙ . 4
𝑟 3 ∗∆𝑡 1 AU (Astronomical Unit) = 149.597.870.700 m

body must be taken into account when dulum I generated a rotation matrix,
calculating 𝑣𝑥𝑡 and 𝑣𝑦𝑡 from the su- which I multiplied with the location
perposition of all forces [21], e. g. for vector [23], whereby it changes and
𝑣𝑥⨁ : generates the new position:
𝑥 𝑥 𝑥𝑡 cos(𝛼) −sin(𝛼) 𝑥0
𝑣𝑥𝑡 = 𝑣𝑥 − 𝐺 ∙ 𝑚⊙ ∙ 3 − 𝐺 ∙ 𝑚♂ ∙ (𝑦 ) = ( ) ∙ (𝑦 )
𝑟⊙ ∆𝑡 𝑟♂3 ∆𝑡 𝑡 sin(𝛼) −cos(𝛼) 0

By factoring out, I obtain: I checked the result of my simulation

𝑥 𝑚♂ 𝑚⊙ by calculating the velocities from the
𝑣𝑥𝑡 = 𝑣𝑥 − [𝐺 ( + 3 )]
∆𝑡 𝑟3♂ 𝑟⊙ position vectors and plotting their x-
Fig.1 resulted which showed some and y-components separately. Thereby
nonlinearities for the first time. The I got the typical harmonic oscillations,
same procedure is to be followed with for 𝑣𝑥 a sine curve, for 𝑣𝑦 a cosine
the y-component . Afterwards I put the curve [24]. Thus, I could verify the
origin on the position of the earth by function of my program also here sev-
means of coordinate transformation, eral times.
whereby the opposition loops received, 5.d Coupled Circular Motion. Subse-
which the Mars relative to the earth quently, I simulated also the coupled
carries out (see. Fig.12) [22]. second pendulum by setting the origin
5.c Circular Motion. A circular mo- of the second pendulum to 𝑥𝑡 and 𝑦𝑡 of
tion is simpler than an astronomical
the first pendulum. This allowed me to
three-body problem, a "one-body prob- generate coupled circular motions - but
lem" so to speak, but it is also much
since there are no forces acting yet, the
more similar to my chaos pendulum
feedbacks and thus the chaos remain
and therefore relevant. One difference
absent (see Fig.12, 13, 14) [25]. How-
to the previous simulations is that I ever, regularities could be established,
now worked with vectors and matrices the number of loops within the path of
instead of positions and velocities.
the first pendulum equals the quotient
From the angle of rotation of the pen-
of the excitation frequencies of the two
pendulums minus 1.
In this case, 𝑟 is the distance to earth, not to the
origin. Its calculated with |𝑑⨁ − 𝑑♂ |, if 𝑑 is the dis-
tance to the origin.

5.d Damped Coupled Circular Mo- the axes: Thus, for a friction of 0, it
tion. Another important step to simu- would take an infinite number of itera-
late my system was introduce friction tions; for a friction of 1, it is a single
to be able to determine the influence of pendulum (see Tab.4 and Fig. 19).
friction on chaos later. For this, I had to
6. Conclusion. At this point, I high-
insert a linear friction factor 𝜇 when
light my research results and distin-
calculating the angular velocity of the
guish between proven and conjectural
second pendulum6:
results. The following results can be
𝜔2𝑡 = 𝜔20 − 𝜇 ∙ 𝜔20
I first began to investigate the influence
of friction on force-less coupled circu- i) At my pendulum, chaos is
lar frequency-dependent. (see
motions. Thereby it could be observed
ii) Friction shifts the Chaos en-
that the friction slows down the move-
try frequency backward. (see
ment in a similar way as the chaos, and
the two pendulums behave increasingly
like one at higher friction. The higher
iii) Friction leads to a transition
the friction is, the faster the coupled
to periodicity and breaks er-
circular motions become a simple cir-
godicity. (see 3.b)
cle. I wondered whether the time until
iv) At high frequencies, friction
the single circular motion occurs is
loses its influence and allows
proportional to the friction and tried to
partial ergodicity. (see 3.a)
answer this question with my simula-
The following, however, is still an open
tion. I simulated trajectories with var-
question for which there are at least
ied 𝜇 and noted after how many itera-
two different possible explanations,
tions a simple circular motion applied
which I am currently pursuing (see
(see Fig.16, 17, 18). The result was a
curve with two asymptotes approaching
v) Limit cycles could be unsta-
The friction of the first pendulum is negligible becau-
se it is driven by a stepper motor.
ble or the phase space has a
fractal dimension. (see 4.a to
The research question posed at the be-
ginning can be answered comprehen-
sively with these results: The Ergodic
Theorem is not valid at most excitation
frequencies, only at a few, particularly
high frequencies it approaches validity
due to decreasing influence of friction.
However, the current state of research
also leaves much room for further re-
search. Therefore, I will further devel-
op my computer simulation to answer
also the question of the consequences
and to prove the instability of limit cy-
cles or the broken dimension of phase
space. And above all, I will not be de-
terred by
this complex topic, but will continue to
research and bring order into chaos.


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