Character Adjectives - Relative Clauses

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Courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ : people have ability to control their fear in a difficult situation.

Determined /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/: people want to do something very much and don’t let anyone/
anything stop them.

Weak-willed /ˌwēkˈwild/ : people are not ready to act in a certain way.

Willing(n): ready to do sth

Generous /ˈdʒenərəs/



Reckless /ˈrekləs/: people do dangerous things and don’t care about the risks.

Timid /ˈtɪmɪd/: people are shy or scare

Confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/

Cautious /ˈkɔːʃəs/ : people act with great care and attention.

Arrogant /ˈærəɡənt/: people who think they are better than others

Mean /miːn/ not willing to give or share things, especially money

Responsible (a)

Responsibility(n): /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/

Meticulous tỉ mỉ

Spontaneous tự ý

Extravagant phung phí


Gullible cả tin

Arrogant kiêu căng

Finicky cầu kì

Obstinate bướng bỉnh

As timid as a rabbit

Impetuous dữ dội

Positive Adjectives Negative Adjectives

Courageous unconfident
Cautious incautious

- Which characteristics do you think are necessary to be successful? Why?

- Do you think everyone would like to be successful? Why?/Why not?

Eat out

‘’aholic’’, ‘’oholic’’, ‘’HOLIC’’

Eataholic >< fussy eater / ˈfʌsi/





Bookworm /ˈbʊkwɜːm/

Coffe lover


Building materials /məˈtɪəriəl/


ADMIRABLE (a) /ˈædmərəbl/


Kicked-in-the-guts: 1 cú chí mạng

Sheer exhilaration : phấn khởi

Strong as an ox

- Describe a person that you admire?


1. Relative clauses

* Defining relative clauses

- Person: who/that/whom/whose

- Things: which/that/whose

Ex: The girl sits next to me. She is friendly

-> The girl who/that sits next to me is friendly

The girl sits next to me. I like her

-> The girl whom/that I like sits next to me.

* Non-defining relative clauses

- Person: who/whom/whose

- Things: which/whose

Ex: Shakepeare was an English playwright. He was born in 1616

-> Shakepeare, who was born in 1616, was an English playwright.

- After ‘’one of, some of, many of’’+ N : person: whom

: things: which

Ex: I have 2 brothers. One of them is doctor

-> I have 2 brothers, one of whom is doctor

I have 2 pens. I never use one of them.

-> I have 2 pens, one of which I never use.

Relative clauses with prepositions

- Supporting for the main clause

Ex: I came home late. This made me feel so tired.

-> I came home late, which made me so tired.

I know she who/whom you meet this morning.

2. Reduced forms

* Present participate ( V-ing: Nghĩa chủ động)

Ex: Do you know the girl ? She is talking to Tom

-> Do you know the girl who is…

-> : Do you know the girl talking to Tom?

The man lives next to my door. He is friendly

-> the man who is friendly lives…

-> the man living next to my door is friendly.

I eat


* Past Participate (V_ed: Nghia bi dong)

Ex: The man was injured in the accident. He was taken to the hospital

-> The man injured in the accident was taken to the hospital

I was arranged in a class. It has many boys

->I arranged in a class which/ that has many boys.

* To-infinitive

- Person:

Ex: He was the second man who came to the party

-> He was the second man to come to the party





This is the only thing that make me happy

-> This is the only thing to make me happy

- Thing: chi muc dich

Ex: I have some letters that i must to write

-> I have some letters to write

We play a game. Playing this game will help us to be more relaxing.

-> We play a game which help us..

-> We play a game to be more relaxing.

3. Relative clauses with prepositions (giới từ) / adverbs(trạng từ)

* Preposition+which= where

At which

In which

To which

From which


Ex: This is the village( place). I was born there

-> This is the village which/ that i was born.

This is the village where I was born/ which I was born in

-> This is the village in which i was born.


* preposition+which = when

At which

In which

On which


Ex: Today is Sunday. He arrives on Sunday

->Today is Sunday which he arrives on

->Today is Sunday on which he arrives

* For which= why : reason

Preposition + which/whom

Ex: This is the name that he was known by

-> This is the name by which he was known

She should ask the students who she is responsible for

-> She should ask the students for whom she is responsible.


1. My son is a sweet boy. He talked to you last night

-> My son is a sweet boy who/ that/ talked to u last 9

Whom+ I She he they..

2. I don’t like that man. He doesn’t speak the truth

-> I don’t like that man who/ that ….

3. I have a chair. Its leg is broken

-> I have a chair whose leg is broken.

4. I would like to introduce someone who i owe my life to.


5. She loved charity work, which her life was dedicated to


6. The room which we are standing in is where Anne wrote most of her diary.

-> The room where/ in which we are standing is…

7. The ceremony will be attended by 40 members of Michaels’ family. It is being held in



8. The examiner said,:’’ It is a remarkable piece of scholarship’’. The examiner marked

Michael’s thesis.

9. The artist eventually finished the picture that he’d been working on.


10. I’m impressed by the speed that he rans at.


11, He embarked on a long journey which he never returned from.


embarked /ɪmˈbɑːk/: to get onto a ship or plane; to put somebody/something onto a ship
or plane

12, She had lots of ideas, but most of them were impractical (of which/of whom)

->…, but most of which were..

13, She has 2 children, but neither of them look like her

->either ..or..

Neither.. nor..

14. There were only 2 flights that day but they were both full

-> There were only 2 flights that day but both of which WERe full

15. I studied German at school, but remember none of it


16. I don't remember the man. You said you met him at the canteen last week.


17. The only thing is how to go home. It make me worried


12. Did you see the beautiful dress _______ she wore yesterday.

13. The man _______ she is going to marry is very rich.

14. This is the bank // that was robbed yesterday.

15. He wore ( wear) a mask, which made him look like Mickey Mouse.

2. The man ____whose__ mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

4. The woman __whose____ daughter was crying tried to calm her down.

5. The postman ___who/ that_ works in the village is very old.

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