Class History Snhs 2020 2021

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Class History

The end of the year is not an end nor a beginning but an ongoing process, with all the
wisdom and experience installed upon us.

For almost four years of studying at Sampaloc National High School, we experienced
different emotions, struggles, challenges that shaped our personalities. This school played a big
role for us as a second home. Even our teachers are patient, caring, and not tired in teaching
knowledge to us. Classmates who have served as friends, enemies, and family of each of us
outside and the reason where we are today.

Now, let’s go back to the best time and the important moment of yesterday. Let’s take a
look at the interesting lines of amazing moments and well-known events we have four years ago.

This is our story.

June 2017, marked an unforgettable moment for us because this month we understood for the
first time, the taste of life in high school where we competed in various activities while
participating in school programs. One of these activities was the intramurals, which tested our
abilities in various sports, which also revealed our playing potential. Even in our first year here at
school, our ability was immediately tested and everyone's ability was seen when it comes to the
field of sport. And who would forget our first Acquaintance party, which became even more
memorable when you ate exotic food that made you vomit and crawled under the table with a
garter. And it became one of the most memorable events in our freshman year.

A few months of our stay at SNHS came, and many activities also took place that confirmed
the talents of the candidates who participated in the pageant, Den Emanuel M. Perpenian who
won 3rd place in Nutrition month, Alyssa Nicole D. Maningas who won 2nd place during school
intramurals. Gabriel A. De Los Santos and Alyssa Nicole D. Maningas also won 3rd place in
Buwan ng Wika, and Mon Arvin Q. Almariego won 1st place in Science month. The
unforgettable wellness came which we achieved 1st place because of our talented dancers. One
of the memorable events in December 2017 was our winning in classroom beautification, area
beautification, Christmas decorations that proved the efficiency of the freshmen when it comes to
developing a design. However, we learned to love high school with the guidance of Mrs. Jessica
Mandaing and Mrs. Roxanne Flores, our advisers in 2 sections. We gained composures on how
to handle things in this level of learning in a short period, for our teachers were so dedicated in
their orientation and lectures. The harmony of a teacher-student relation was cemented earlier
than we expected. Anyway, our freshman year was a very unforgettable one, and during that
school year, we were commended by different teachers for the job well done in our first year.

2018, we said goodbye to Grade 7 and welcome to Grade 8. In our Sophomore year, our self-
confidence was solid during our second year at SNHS. We became more mature under the
supervision of Mrs. Angeline Pasacsac and Mrs. Maria Carmela Rachel G. Esclanda, who were
the advisers of the 2 sections then. I have considered this year as an adventurous one. In the field
of academics, we improved. More orators and declaimers were discovered. In school activity, we
almost made it to the top. For the second time, our dancers proved their prowess and won 1st
place in wellness dancing in Nutrition month. And Jasmin P. Cambal participated in activities
like chess at the Unit Meet, crypto who won 2nd place, and slogan who won 3rd place. Also for
the second time, Alyssa Nicole D. Maningas won 2nd place in Nutrition month. We actively
participate in various clubs such as Filipino, Math, Science Club, and others. All this showed that
we had improved a thousand and a hundred miles.

Our Sophomore years wouldn’t be complete without the TLE class in the afternoon, I’m sure
everyone knows the story and everyone will never forget. Which makes our hearts beat fast
every time he is in front of us. Extreme confusion every time we forgot to bring a ruler. And so
much headache because of measuring plates that we can't get even though we already use a lot of
rulers, but at a glance of our great teacher sees him immediately where our mistake is. But
despite the pounding of our chest, extreme confusion, and extreme headache it is also
immediately replaced by sweet smiles and laughter every time he releases jokes out of the blue.
And despite everything, we are very grateful to our teacher in Grade 8 in TLE class, Mr. Roman
Trinidad because he shaped and honed our talents. He also taught and preached to us how to be a
good students. We also discovered a lot of new things on our way into our third year.

2018-2019 our Junior year signaled our maturity. This was probably one of the best years we
spent here at Sampaloc National High School. If we can only bring back the beautiful scenes of
our third year. Where a couple is sitting together, there is a boy and girl with sweet smiles. In
other words, the “stupid cupid” may have hit a lot of the third year in that time.

Furthermore, during Nutrition month we got for the third time the 1st place in wellness
dancing. Lance Dave I. Suello also showed his elegance in poster making and won 3rd place.
Zara May P. Allado didn't give up either as she showed off her skills in slogan who won 1st
place. For the third time, they proved again their skill and genius honored in the pageant field.
Kisha Gywneth O. Bajar won 2nd place. Den Emanuel M. Perpenian won 1st place. Jazryl Jane
J. Orejola won awards as Nutrition pop, Nutriwit and took home the award as Nutrifit 2019. We
also participated in the Buwan ng Wika program. The one who excelled when it came to
speaking in our batch was Jean Abigail E. Villaverde who participated in Talumpati and won 2nd
place. Also, Gabriel A. De Los Santos who participated in poster making won 3rd place. Kisha
Gywneth O. Bajar, Marjorie M. Cuestas, and Jhaniah Shanlei D. Fowler also showed intelligence
by participating in the Quiz Bee and Salitang Awit who won 3rd place. And in the same month,
the beautiful and handsome candidate Jean Abigail E. Villaverde won 1st place. Elyssa R.
Vinluan won 2nd place and took home the award as Bb. Marikit and also Gabriel A. De Los
Santos as G. Makisig. In the field of Science month Jessa Mhae M. Engracia won 1st place and
Alyssa Nicole D. Maningas who won as Ms. Eco Princess 2019, was an undisputed winner. That
year also opened the horizon to discover the potentials of every student at Sampaloc National
High School. All this would not have been possible without our respected adviser of the 2
sections behind us - Ms. Ahyssa Ashen Mendoza and Mrs. Anna May Francisco Mendoza.

The year 2020-2021, the year we enter Grade 10, and the year that also tests everyone in the
world, whether rich or poor, teacher or a student. Everyone was affected by unexpected COVID
19 diseases. In March 2019, the spread of the disease disrupted many human lifestyles, such as
the livelihood of the majority, and the education of the youth. Going outside and talking to others
is one of the first prohibitions of all. But during the pandemic, those in positions want to
continue education in an orderly and safe manner. This is called online learning, which every
child can learn through gadgets or modules in their home. With the guidance of our parents, the
teachers have continued their duty to each student to share knowledge. In continuing our studies
at SNHS as Grade 10 students, the solidarity of every student wishing to learn and graduate was
tested. Many hours, days, or months we counted in staying indoors, even if we were tested by the
pandemic but my classmates did not waver in showing their talent. June 2021, the DepEd
National event took place with the theme "Kabataang Makabansa" in which they participated
Lance Dave I. Suello in digital art and Gabriel A. De Los Santos in poster making and showed
their skill when it comes to drawing. Jean Abigail E. Villaverde also did not hesitate to
participate in spoken word poetry and show off her writing and speaking skills. Now we are all
thankful because we all ended up together. Nor would our year in Grade 10 be possible without
the help of our loving mentors, Mrs. Mildred L. Principe, and Ms. Angela M. Tan

Finally, we can never forget the cherished moments we spent together with our administrators,
Mrs. Jessica Mandaing, Mrs. Roxanne Flores, Mrs. Angeline Pasacsac, Mrs. Maria Carmela
Rachel G. Esclanda, Ms. Ahyssa Ashen Mendoza, Mrs. Anna May Francisco Mendoza, Mrs.
Mildred L. Principe, Ms. Maria Angela M. Tan, and all others who had been behind us in four
years stay here at Sampaloc National High School. The performance of our batch may have not
surpassed excellence, but one thing is evident, we have done our best for we know that this is our
everlasting contribution to Sampaloc National High School. Destiny has to keep in touch. We are
now feeling the breeze of graduation. The moment awaited from days to days, the memories live
forever, all remember when we are together. The joy the stupidity all together will be laughed at
when remember. The writing, learning, the process of life start from where have a goodbye.
Congratulations graduates! We are a shining star! May we always reach beyond the sky. Never
assign a limit to knowledge, and endlessly light the way for others. I'm so proud of our batch.
Now, we are moving up to the next chapter of our life as students.

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