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Topic : Preference/like
dislikes about holiday and
leisure activities
Saturday night at 7.10 PM

► Library or museums?

► French or Spanish?

► Summer or winter?

► Theatre or cinema?

► Love or money?

To have a holiday:
Meaning: time off from working or
studying. This might be a day, a week or
even longer.
e.g. What do you like to do when you have a
– I like to hang out with my friends/family…
► e.g. What’s your favourite holiday? – I like to have a party and invite my family
– My favourite holiday is definitely and friends…
Christmas… – I like to go to the beach…
– I really like Lunar New Year… – I like to travel somewhere new…
– I love Valentine’s Day, even though it – I like to catch up on my sleep and just
isn’t a national holiday in my country. relax at home…
e.g. What are some important holidays in your e.g. Do you like to have a holiday?
country? – Yes, definitely. I like to spend it hanging
– In my country Christmas and New Year out with my friends/family…
are the most important, but Easter and – Not really. I prefer just to work/study. I
Mother’s Day are also important. think holidays are boring…
Topic : Preference/like
dislikes about holiday and
leisure activities
Saturday night at 7.10 PM

I have absolutely no desire to own a pet.  
at all  
I don’t like artichokes at all.
 PREFER:   
Form    :     I  prefer  skiing to swimming.  = to
Don’t worry about it, it’s completely okay.
talk about general preferences
                    I prefer to eat fish rather than (eat)
This garage is extremely messy.
meat  to talk about general preferences
This book is really boring.
 WOULD PREFER +  TO Infinitive  :
Would you like to have a cup of coffee? I’d
This coffee is super hot.
prefer to have some
water. = To talk about specific preference
That’s a very pretty necklace.
     : He’d prefer to stay at home rather than
drive  to the restaurant
He was totally embarrassed because he forgot his
 ♪  Prefer takes an object when we want to
introduce a new subject:
It was too windy to go outside.
I would prefer her to stay at home
He is so kind to me.
Some other intensifiers used in everyday American
English are:
: I'd rather play football than golf   but   I prefer
football to golf
Margaret’s pizza is incredibly delicious!
Jim Carrey is an outrageously funny actor.
That is a phenomenally tall building.

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