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) innocent. (MY 4) eto him to br nnccuat 4} Tameant him (come) in. (MV 8) meant hi to come ing 4. She made him (wait) for half an hour. 2. What do you expect her (tell) you? 8. Please lotus (know) your decision 4 I tind him (be) very tviendly. | 5: Would you like us (go) now 8. He heard the door (open) and saw the eat (come) in, T know this matter (be) important, 8.1 advised her (ask) the bus conductor (tell) her where to get of 9. Me doesn’t seem (like) his students (ask) questions 16, Completasi propozitile urmatoare. Folosii infinitivul (ou ‘sau fara fo) al verbelor din parantezii, i { 1, When the passengers board the plane the air hostess ( on tho Beach? (poyple—teach) 1 can te people ying om the Beach, Wat cam you ser the benen? . children — sands; 1M rman — newespaper young: man = to the vn; a fauly — breaklast man =m parasols some bovs * football; @ girl — bikinis people — in deok chairs; fdog — a ball 5. Rispundeti ia urmétoarele intrebai folosind F saw/heard) smelt partie prozent. 4 MODEL: How did you know the lswom was ove? (ring) T hoard the Bll Pinging. 1. How dif vou know the sonp was hot? (boil) How did’ you know there was somebody at the door? (fnock) How dil-yon know ho was a violinist? (play) a Howe did you know your neighbour was at home? (quarral) How did Sou know the steak was burnt? (Zurn) 5. How did you know there was a fly-in the soon? (buzz) How did ou krowe there eas a form antside? (Bow) Howe did you know Mary was upset? (ory) 3. Transformati usmatoarele propositif din MY 5A in MV 6A si explicali schimbarea de sens, (MV 5A. indicd 0 actiune inchelats, de obicei seleti, in timp ce MY GA arata achile nea In desfisurarea ei, indiferent de durata). MODEL: Faas Berg» Into the garden [IV 5A) 1 har going aout the garden foram hour (NV 6A) Subnet 4 Vorb ine 2 £ | Parliipiu nedetnit present 7 Dart ep ie gi) Walling Too Tone 8. The principal ett | thegpapits | waiting in the orider, 2. ho news set hin thinking hard 40, Dont it me catch — | ner ing sich things agin, Mt. 1 eangnt amy son | stoking 412. You had boter start the oleic | work tan 43 Uximply car’ imagine | my cousin doiog such «thing 14. He soon got ‘everything | going tke a house on fir, 45. Wo shall soon have | the moon | sing above the si 18. Tho teacher wit havo | John | speaking Germen 1 year or Go ont in 10. Panett cavinvle din parantoze la forma conespumahom confora, MV 6B. MODEL: 1 tnd (he, note) hs Dad smeling cgartes es wan {found Kin smstng is basinling eigartis oe 4 Can you imagine (she, mate) such an unforgivable mis: take? 2 The boss should get (ie ail, work) on the new projest by the end of the summer ae 8. Troally dnt int 4 Vo Keep (yon, wait) 20 long in tromt of my house, ee y e Let him eateh (you, read) his lectures agnin; he'll be delighted. : 3 U think i's high timo you started (ihe washing machin, go) 8. Please, don'teep (the refrigerator monk) while fn aes 4 His odd bebaviour set (1, think) ‘what his next bloelsy (=pocna, sap, grcseata) would bo 4M. Tolls verbel> sublniate prin verbul have, operind Eielelate schimbiri neces. pentru_acbfane Mv a Folosit in MV 6, verbul to haoe poste aven' wnsel dc ala, ta suffer (IV OB ~ex, 2), poate aveu se ahh (MV Bier. °5) sau ponte indion treceren de ana a Jn alta (MV 6B-ex. 13) ‘MODEL "Ino mor ta Oe hour ete van se beyond the hon {i ao ore han two Nous we hae ten ‘ng eson the Honor 34 Pipe tae eet eee My Serta hace eee eeetan 12, Theos} In intoozatie gi nogaiv urmatoarele_ propuiti consttite infor MV BA: MODEL: Ho saw her eyes widening in surprise, Did he se her ejes widening in surprise? He dda ee her eyes widening in spre. 1, Ho observed a young lady booking a seat next to his. 2, He listened to Lipatti interpreting Grieg's piano concerto yesterday. 3, They were looking at the horses entering the racing track: 4. She caught her daughier using her lipstick again 5. I discovered the children climbing the peach-tree in the garden, 6. You can imagine her husband going to market every day 7, Welll soon have him playing tennis much etter. 18, Trece}i urmatoarele propoziti de la diateza pasiva le dia- teza otiva, in asa fel incit 4 objine}i propozifi care a se incadreze in MV 68. sau B: MODEL: He was fond searching tthe Yall ie) They fond hin scerching in the Yall 1. The professor mustn't be kept waiting, (you) 2. The wolves were heard howling (—a urla) all night. we) 3. He was never seen fooling around (ase face de cup) Bae epee hear de nen 4, Tho burglar alarm (—=disposittoul de alarm) had been set working jar balve tea asa ae 5. Little Tom was caught stealing cakes from the cupboard, (nother) 6. The kite (=2meu) was kept flying up in the sky, (larry) 7. The child wa left sleeping in the next room. (the abstr) 35 14, Citi urmatoaren situate gi continua folosind cavintee Si indicate din tabel i 2 Ann is in love with a young man. This is what her mother is telling a neighbour about them, MODEL: I listonod to hor speaking to him on the phone Profeume) Verh] Pro ee) ae | Partcph Pret ak Lo him on the phone. fee he pce the pavement in front of our house be hold @ Dune of red roses in his hana, i | anal she foot on er best ds notice | tho Alowrstans in & bury watch | tiny ave fora wall in town, they eaten they eave they 1b. Dati rispunsuri complete la urmitoarele intrebiri, folo- sind MV GA’ sau B si sugestiile din paranteze: MODEL: Whore did you ovehear him eritivzing me? (in our best find’ ows) overheard hin ering you ia Yous best tians house, Bhs apotheke shal have ve mtrning svar vite ip en Siig acter etter haere 3 When thy srt te , When will they tart the engines going? (when th coun ln (aniinintoare tmoeal) betsy 4, Whore did you notice tho pickpocket stealing the lady's purse? (in the Tower of London} 3 3, Nhat thi eikng nr eins son i? (hi ai 6 Who is the fellow who let you carrying this big suitcase2 fy brother) pat? (Because 16, Completa}i propositiile de mat 4. In spite of the huge crowd at the airport, I soon spotted my hushand: 2. Thhe eatehes you... master (4 3. The nurse 4 “There is not “Pl soon have you . 5, ‘The detective asked Mrs. Smith if she had seen anyone ‘Thousands of people were watching the goal-koeper tar ta fotbal ee.) 7. During the convert, to his great alarm, he felt his violin strings 8, Mier turning the whole house upside down, she finally discovered her glasses ‘again, be sure he'll call in the head= about!” said the doctor. ng to. wore 12, Combinalépropoiite urmitoare conform modeluli, Tra fie propoatile tn limba nm ina MODEL: Patags son wil eve me walling Thon eh ce ao 1 yo erating, al ch A. Perhaps he wil atch me doing that again, Then I sbal ho. punished 2, Beriaps ie will return home ear. Then he wil ind bis wile coking ie ee Peshape thet manager wil xpeak. Then he will sar. every: Holy fiinking what could Be daue to remedy the sivtin, 4. Paap the sun will come ont. Then we stall have the fn ring 5, Peshops Ticatch him prowling around the house agein. © Then is mother wil hear fom me ©: Perhaps she won't be able to get things gong. Then 1 halp ers 1S, Traduce|i urmitoarle propoxti in limbe en Ceebele din tae, In cadeul MW. ae folosind A find 5. aot 2 have 6 Isten to 3 have 2 lave catch catch 37 MODEL: act o st incoap sti povsteas pifanie da 1a mare, 0 & J 12, ‘ack pe oat Totea i rida In bot. Uy he uri teling|to tell boat his ventures at the ceaside, he 42, 0 have everybody rearing with laughter, 41. Dac ai sa vii pe ta ora 5 dupicamiazd ai so gisegti fi 14 1. 10, it 5a 1 Did nisi. eile Profesbara esi {ach si vorbeasc& binigor nemfeste pind In toamna ded o si aba left detrei ori pe spt Dac lisken lertrilo a se desfigoare_ca pind ocum, vom termina niciodatd Iucraren, Dack se mat intimpla sa Va prind umblind ta maging veck- nua, om aa Va Inchid In ante Dacdnu Teck motorul s& meergi, n-0 i mai ajungem nicio- data la cinema. ine Ai sa te plictisegti daca ai si-I asoulpi in fiecare zi exersind 1 a pian, acd 0 8-41 lagi logodnicul si te astepte mult pe ninsoarea fasta, 0 si rdceasea ri. Dacit te mat prind 0 data e& pleci la geoali Find sicti faci patul, am si te pedepsese ‘raducefiin rom anele propesitile de mal jos, gindindu-va tn toate waiantele pony cn modiict niin de Senet Just look atthe Buby taking his fist stops in tho world! As the moment of his arrival opproached, the gil fle her innortthoobhing wildly. ever listen to the band playing in tho park at Horcalane spa? can't say his advice didn't set me thinking Mrs"Jones actually caught her neighbour eavesdropping while her friends were talking to her. , Tean't imagine him talking for hotre on end It the whole schedule (--prezram) is correctly_ worked Sit, wo'll soon et. things goin . My dear, please keep the guests dancing until 1 set the ‘able properly. |. He promised he would have all the students working harder | ® next term. ‘Sho said she couldn't have her daughter talking on the fl 10 phone for hours. 4 don’t think I can have the hoys wasting their time on! the TV when the exams are just a week ahead. ). Reluagi modelal verbal 6A Doesn't the situation sot yon worrying about your pros: pects? Lsimply con't i long timne, ine him waiting in the vain for such a 4. Do you think F can have him crtivizing me unjustly? nember him raising this problem at cur previous n't Ieave the man standing? T remember the worker suggesting this solution to me last It’s rather difficult to imagine him having finished all those spare parts (=piese de sohimb) in only ol 2, If his felow-workers cannot understand him negleoting his work as well as his Family, talking-to (=sipuneald)? hhy doy’ they give him a zood 6B in traducorea in engle zeqte 4 urmatoarelos_ proporitii Iini vine grou si sail nehipui pe baiat noglijindw-si temele. Poate n-ar fi rau si inceredim #8 Kisdm luerurile si meargi Inainte conform experien}oi luceitorilor mai viestniel Ai asoultat vreodats pisivile din pidure cintind la reve satul zorilor? Crezi ei ar fi bine sit incare #8 pornese motorul acum eind emai cald? Las ventilatorul si meargé, daci nu te superi! Nu era prima dat oind il prindeam seotocindu-mi in ortar, Nfvasticmen m-a rugat si-i fav pe musafiri si denseze in ccontinuate, pind pune ea masa aga cum se cuvine Daca nu mi ingel, mi-adue aminte ed afi mai ridicat pro- Dlema asta si la sedinja trecuta. Nici nm mi-am inchipuit ei e In stare £8 fac toate aceste Iucrari naga scurt timp. Dacd nu lag fi ausit cn urechile mele tiplnd Ja vecinul de sus, ag ft crezut c& stnt cei mai buni prieteni. Intr-adevir am observat un student schimbind gazeta de perete, dar nu ghiam ei erai dumneata, 59 ii 1a matematicd, } Cini voy eden ann ling iditnduse din mare, . Nu to-ai uitat-niciodata cum igi feo rindunelole eutb? 5 . Mi de spectator: kaw urmirit pe eentril naintay conde ect (Pola) apes] indus echipa Ia vietori ‘ fescue | Aupette . acti intradevir lucrurle stau astfel,comportarea lui ma face si ma inteeb care « Tost rolul educati el restulul E the door st. PE iiure tnt fred ea lagi a ettivin ia cnet a erpeeber | hee Orictt de pufin ne-ar veni si erodem, sfatutile dirigintelui FEN Sate Sree ae Rete) am nee ear ‘Her shoes made walking ‘painful. The on makes ts all vm. His baioar drove Helen ay ‘he poppy liked the pla clean ‘he pales broke the door open ‘The bucksaite hammeed — | the metat | tat Why ald you tog All the windows | open ‘Why have you Dolled allt eggs | hand? ant ou push the window | autt In ain did 1 shoot ot teens Unortatey 1 made tng boots sooty. ‘able tranatve foostet mod mal fewovent cx modeul verbal 7 sit bate a Sno, Bake hr Bt oe bur e Bara ‘Chom for (og Clow Bat ry egy She ced eral ao “Aplin pin snd a alormil to cut 19 drive dg ta et ley Uo eat ee ‘itso mien pron malt pnd 30 fe ria flo fondo gt hn Inert ho to kp to Ly [=a fae toy the eointry waste a pus "rita fom oe ath fo vender tose tot ale (ea verb leant nto sip onsiltsobet a dorm pind te reg din Bebe le) 0 far Yo wa, top, ook a Exereifii ; 1 Gitifi eu glas tare gi copiayi proporitiile din tabelnl de mai 2, Fonmnnla}i inteebari pentew primele zeee propozifii conform: ‘modstul MODEL: a) He slammed the dor shut. Who slammed the door shat? b) The cold tured all tho ks slow. What turaed all the teees yellow? ‘AM. De oe ai Weschis toate forestste? Ge Yin venit st deschiai age larg fevestrele? ‘ 12, De ce ai fiers /faeut toate nile tari? De ce ai riscopt toate otale? a fin venit ai fierbi/ feck toate ouile tan? 13, Neat pnites / Nu paji inchide fereasten? De’ cen inchizt fereastea(impingind-o)? a 14, Degenba | Zadarnic am (tot) strigat pin am rigusit. Am Fare oy Seine dan debe eam sped pape {ipind, dar tira niet un rezulat 15, Din neferiine micam murdavit /umplut ghetole de noroi, Din ieate ghee mele snt pie de novo fo pare on dor miam murdarit, ghetele de nor. 4. Completati propositile de mai jos conform MV 7A. MODEL: The foe is grvn, Tom (has) punted. ODP Tom hs) pb ke nt 4. My hands are clean. 1 have washed . 2, Hee hair i blonde nove. She has dyed © ‘The door was open. The policeman fang ‘The dog was fre. His master set The eggs were hard. She had boiled ~~. ‘The Windaw is shui. Why did you push ‘The plate is clean, ‘The kitten has Lekod The Cake is hard. Why did yow bake». ? The walls were pink, ‘They painted Pronnmele — (complement direet) din MV 7A poste fi si reflexiy. Completafi propoziiile de mai jos eu pronu- mele reflexive necesare, MODEL: Don't eat all thos cakes De 3B Gititi ou atenfie propositiile model yi ehivalentels romi- ‘esti ale consteucfilor ett MV 7A. Avestea aint extrem de | variate, oi deci necesita gésiea formule! obigaute la Forni Jp situatia dati sau in-contestal respective In romaneste earacterul cauzativ-actitiv” al unor con: i struct se sedi adesea prin verbe care indica transformaren, eu ajutor.preixulutin-(dealtfel va tnele verbeenge: Zea ou sufixal -en:' a Innegri = to blacken; 9 ino rodiden; a ingroga = to thicken. 41, George « trinit usa (tar tind ' 2. In cele din urmi Alice iw redat,logodnicului_libertatea, Ping ta, urma_a accoptat sai elibereze logodnieul do pros inisiune/ si desta Inga 8 Trebuie sa deschizi gura de tot/ st deschii tare gupa/s8 faci ura mare 4. Frigal 9 ingilbenit.toti eopacii, Din cauza frigului. toi Lepaciif pomit sau ingilbenit. Frigul /yerul. av ticut. et 0° ingdlBencasci toi porn | copacth. 5. Din causa pantoflor morgen eu multa greutate. O|dureau Picioarele din cauza pantofilor. stringeau pantofi aja i & mersnl era foarte duresos pentou ea fiecure pas eee dureros. Abia putea. si mearea’ din eauza pantotior | dim eauza ea 0 stringoat pantofit, arele ne Inedlzeste pe tofi. Soarele ne di tuturor vile dora ae rh : Purtarea Iai o tunebunea pe Helen / seoten pe Helen din Minfi. Felul tut de a se purta ‘a tcox-o pur gi simply dia mini pe Helen to ‘zgomot). A inchis usa tein- "ee 8. Cielusul /€ieluya «tins totml de pe ferfurio. (astnd-o * Dont eat al those eas. Youll make your sik R/U. Cijelugal /Cafehio, a Nasat Terfurin curatd lin- MM 4 tuvain did Tahoute’ hoame, eho didnt Iran nae. kind pina gi ulin Picatura de mincare. Cajehigul | Caeluga 8 cunijat fort : Hingind-o elim. 9. Poin 9 spar frat wi. Ptiia tba x dwg ua fortindso jou fora. Usa a fost spared de polio, Use Fost deschisi en forja de polijisti, ae 10. Biworal a rte aplait metal en cine, Fis aru a haat Buata’de metal i iosinito pina facut nts ‘Melatl a fost tut apatite Tier ou cio 2: The woman scolded lier daughter and sent hier to bed, ‘The litte git cried. asleep 2, You'll make. sick if yom ent so miwch, 4. Teachers always apeak slowly and loudly in order to make clear 5. Me should be taken to hospital, He has drunk .., uncon 6, She has two blankets on her bed in wint il can't keeps. warm + Dut she e 63 6 In gonoral, subs MODEL tivul precede adjectival in MV TA. Adjectivul este Ins ayezat imediat dupa verb. daci sub- Stantivnl este urmat de ‘hut exprimstprinte-on articipiu sau o propovitie atvibutiva, he fang the windows open ‘a ‘She fun open all th windows looking onthe park | hat Tooke on the pare Completatiurestoorele propocifii eu participit san pros posits at The poppy licked clean the saucer which She épened wie the window = . ‘They set free the prisoners who «=~ He had to break open the door He made clear his proposal ; She will boil hard all the eges that. 7. Verbele din MV 7A pot fi transformate din diatez Jn dinteza pasiva, MODEL: She broke the window open The window wan briken open, 4. His behaviour witl drive her erazy. 2 Tho dog pushed the door open: 4 The Lhe wil ae he meta tt 4. The cook is boiling all the eggs hard. 3. She packed her dresses fat 6 The hunter set tho dog loos. 7 Sho shook him awake. 5. Comentafi urmavoarole situafi, folosind cuvintele di paranters MODEL: A My hands ae dit. (wad—cnn) 2B Wash hn cant 1. All the dishos are dirty. (inash-clean) : 201 cant understand Wal you're saying. jake — clo 3. You haven't shut the window properly" and! the vale coming in. (shut tight) 4, Ldont lke Saft ogg (boit—hard) 6 has lost the ey to the door. (dreak—open It’s very cold in here. (push—shut) Pe 7. 1 don't like this yellow dress. (dye— brown) 8, Tmust have a look at your throat, (open—wide) 9 Dati eit mai © rispunsuri Ja urmatoarele intrebaii, folosind MV bake hard? mn black ? open? wash clean? paint white? hammer flat? make dirty? break open? What can you 10. Copiati proportile de mai jos care Tustreazt variante B a i'7 Bupa cam se vedo, tote rerbele fasts ce MV (A fi B) sint fe numai tranaitive te folosite. trngiiv, tei ne sintcunoscute. (g) ea. verbo. intranaitive. Inter pretarea variantal 7A este. de obicel sceea a indied att aura eit i efestul, pe. cind veranta 7B. tude. mai ales ‘enultetul unei constatati a nel acfiuni repetate eto, MODEL VERBAL 7B (MV 7B) [Compaen ae (Projmume “Element prefiativ Subivet + Vorb loplentar 2 Aajety ot, the tat his tea ‘They found Ho always wants sire you actully cmpty. Dake and strong. holding me responsible? 6. AU thot moinent 1 washed ryselt dead We do hope to see | you srell and strong. 5. She likes (to drink) | her cotoe et ‘Tho parents found} their daughter | fast ase, 8. The bees wants | the papers ready jost nov. wish (to have) | the room The secretary i having lean by 8 oeock everything under conta. = 1. engless prin exerci structurale — 6, 96 6 i MV 1B 6 echivatentele it Tie propoaitii completive directe, fie construcjit similare cu cele din englezs rl gol, Cind au deschis apartamental iit. gol. lena vee / core /4i place ceniul negra si tare. Hl hea numai veal tare i neg, Chiar mi socoli pe mine raspranzitor / vinovat? Cl ima tragi ps maine Ia rispundere pestra asta? . In momentul acela am simfit cami vine si mor / sh intra Jn pamint. In elipa aceen (parca) preferam si mor. Mica Yenit ante tn pamint (de rusine), Am fost ait de dis jerat ineit ag fi vrut si mor, nu alta Speram (eu tof a4 te vedem /gisim bine sinitos. Nadaj- iam 84 Le Vedom sinatos eon Ti place cafeane alee, Ea nu boa dict cates foarte dle Tntotdeau "is face hon ‘cafe de Det ‘ben cat o. vrea. dale Print. s-ou gisit feta flea: adormita (bustean) | dor- mind, Cind s-au intors donsd, Tetija Tor dormen disa Seful cere si fie actele gete imediat /chise acum. Seful a Gerut 8 fie toate hirile/actele gata imediat | fark Inth> 1 Ay viea si fie camera curati | aranjati pini la ora 8, Te-ng rruga/te rog_s4 faci eurat /curajenie in eamera ping Ia fora 8. Ag dori si s0 faca curajenie / curat in camera inainte de ora 8 / pind la ora 8. ). Secretara pregiveste toll, Seeretara are gvija sa fie totul progatit /in ordine. 12. Complotati proporitiile uemitoare, conform MV 7B, MODEL: Her bed is sot, She fee ‘Se ther her ed sf “1, My room is tidy. I always hoop) 2. The door is unlocked. He has left 3. Her tea is sweet. She liker .. “4, The conference hall was packed. I found 5. I am responsible for this job. They’ hold 6. The letters have been sent. The manager wanted 7. The room is empty. You find &, The little children are quiot. The nurse Keeps... ji a ul folosind id you find the readiag room empty? (al) No, [ a. 1 fon the reaing Pom fl 1. Does your mother dye hor hait ight? (dark 2 Da yom Keep your room untidy? (dy) 3: Have they punted the walle white?” (pink) 6 De ike oe lk Bot? od) 5. Dil his behaviour make het-unbappy? (happy) &. Do you want the letter long? (short) 14. Completati propestile urmatoan 2) cu erbele din abel la Aeven! sau Poot Tense Simple, | 1. The oven ... the food hot. 2. ‘The teacher ... the lesson easy to understand, 3. She... her ‘coffee sweet. 4. They’... the house green, 5. We... the trip enjoyable, 6. They ‘_. him responsible for everything. 7. The pi “him almost mad. & The patient by en verbe + (projmume ++ adjeotive folosite in MV 7: his mouth wide, <-aalesps Break lean; open ‘onde rive «..ermy; find Tike = sweet; wash eet tes age open wide: 1. Mother and father came back home ite, When they entered Unie chiMeen’s room, thoy 2. The bitte gil opened the cage door and °.. Those carpets are 0 dirty, that well have to use‘pkenty fsa ad ot wae : 4, Thre spoonfols of sugor in your tea? Yow... 5. very time Togo to the dente tlle me. 6. Your dank hair suited "your complexion better, Whiy have yous? : 15. Raspunde}i la urmatoarele intrebari ca ia Bestel How dit yen fad’ your roo wien you got back-home? Picea. avekee aparece Wht do they held you reenable fo 5. How do you'cut thy bread eRe What dives. you tad? ‘When do peopl goveraliy st sir dogs loot? ; What Lappecp i yu ont too many oat? Hlow do You keep yourself warm in winter? . Reformulagi urmatoarele propositii imperative, Folosifi ‘una sau mai multe variate din model, MODEL: 4) Cut th bead thin! (Gt the Broad thin, plese ‘Will you cut the bread thin? (Gut the Bread thin, wil you? ‘You most cat the bovad thin, 1) Dl eat broad tint Don’t et th bread thin, please, ‘You'd better not ent the bread thi |. Make voureelf comfortabie! Don't Hr the cl ak Keep. your room tidy! Dont Yeave the door unlocked! 5 Dont tet the dog nose! Wash your hands clean! Paint that box whitet Don't make. her angry! Don't boil the eggs too hard! 17. Panett varble dn peranert a moa in parall — for LEERAU creraeerrl deaX ne’ Trades opto ialebe oniat MODEL: et) ie cab oe, oxd et. Sedat ndaw! >) ye toa a [ent halogdlegert feed) iia eae tat eran aac Gaara ce) nab eh ea !. (leave) before you see the papers signed. Pestana fees usta anced Bea ee ad or Oa as Nea ane (fat) goer ok! fee) eater wr yea aare ara ae ‘Traducoi in englezeste urmitoarele propoziii, folosind, construchit din exervifiile 16 gi 17 i verbele 51 adjectivele fin tabel (make... clear 2. set = ome drive =. mad 8 leave --- unlocked 10, have 2 ready 1. make... comfortable fot in| fat lek have o> pled push oo. shut Vi rog si va facefi comod aici sau in fotoliul de ling soba. Mama spune cd trebuie sa taiem piinee elt: mai subgire. Jar o si-fi fie ria daca maninci atta . Trubuie $i terminajiceu zugravitul easel pina vineri, pene tmu ck duminios avem musafir Daci au te superi, impinge portita de la soba, ‘Trebnie 2i-44 faci discursul elt mai clar si eonvingitor, Nu dati drumul etinelul in-griding. Nw] scoate din sarite pe unchiul tau pentru ci altfel 0 sa regeeyi_ amarni 9, Nu lisa usa descuiat’ eind te duc la culeare. 40. Trebuie sa terminaji raportol ping Ia prinz, icp Am Incer Petter ire oars propel I Vriate ale modeluld web? She alway cuts tho Bros very tin The ook aiveys boil th oot hard. She ced her eyes ed and couldn ange go tothe party Why don't you dys your bie a lghter Sade? Arriving iy 1 found the el pesked Th surgeon aid the man's ig bare thd tok « good lok ar tig teas It yo could Kop things quit fra weil alee ’ Tip 0 Uebel ee ound lat Tan ike my cree oat, bt i taxa ik syrup I think youd etter akep Souall sober 08d ibn we Satie cree tie oie HL Why don't you make tbs atk poral cleat to hin? 42. The front coloured her shores te sweeter {AB The boner certainly beat his opponent below’ (=e. ec feta he hat fre on fictacabe CClopat id the sour prt of the Stata earl Wh don't you have George paint that fence green? Pe liserpieian's eee tae ane eocaeee Per I wast that thr co Srphatl as pon, Br tole bias descag dye tie a 48. If gou want to the dog fw, cl 1 2p! Tan harly tench him v koe hie books tidy A, He mated fo od he had never drank hint unconsetou tht Be. Sha nit hrs very erect fora woman in he ate sve i te vena dar imi cam lipseau argumentele. % x 3, Duca ajngi prea trait, ai si gisesti sla orhipi & Sresvoban bet ropa spring, ei neh desta hin Xuipot en fufar eafeaua prea’ dbles, iar eeait 11 prefer fara taal " 6. Mohs a'at fetiyl de exeinplu pe motan care we spall denn qitu cle ont pe 2. ; 7, Sperant ed daca doariae 0 si-i troacd begin, dar s-a soulat igeimahinn (ai tanger ‘ 8, Sree de oelombrle te Inclzea pe tf & ieee frtren Jor vt scoot dsb, 'do ce nu toerati afd de grupa i eore aa leno ine tse wwe will certainly ia to, Tntreind ew eumparaturile (stopping), cind *-a intors fu ya gis neva ese ; SoHE tate soeidar ps tine vinovat, 9 eh ndoar nl Mh Mention, dav ered cA a ft putut-remedia huerurile dack Pepe car peablme, : sn. BEainenee Pert asco ou tri proptt afcl ot thet oe eb en pnw at srt net hil ein new orp ak "Mg 1e an ae oet ema ni neg JS enna od fon flit 14 eee cipcee ok nah pind pur, ae ba sat oni Da ee Rie aki, inigea vara q 15, Ba detoralajinet (apy imac’) rosente ea tial, going ma dura pre to, Haghigcl note tau balut mar {to eat amd, Allow) vera av sige tarneal (tourna) 17, Peattae did tad am sugaico 64 rape Pele Be | 1% Begeabaonlsparg pita cu Sok dsc tay att de ek aia ‘ 10, Eien eas iber mina sear, end tebe 28 pazenscd pupotirin de ho mu must take good cat ) Reluind echivalentele romanesti ale structurilor eu en au exemplifical varantole 7498 7B, trade-in engi | Incoreind 8 roveniti la esempleie date, sau lo construc fnvajate. anterior 1) Traduceli in engleeste urmitonrele-foaze si propo fncercind xf reconstteti structuile din MV 7A MW day Tara be igor Wale posibiitz 4. Dae ai fi inrosit ochii plingind, ‘nei la spectacol. i putut aa 0 ODEL VERBAL § (MY 5) [Compiament ‘irect | Blement_predicaiv (Prove fsupimentar™ Batstanty te Sublect + Verb ‘They appointed Micdaet | viorehaiman, ‘The assembly elected | tho old man] thir present 8. The Fronch had toerowo] Napoleon | empenve ‘The minister nominated | him Airctor ad-intrim, while Ws ss was aay ne Bearer” (=pirr ‘ad, crea 1 The invaders found | ve place | a prosperous Borough and let it sin. My cousins named | their son | Michaet but they all im Mickey. ‘The workers have made | the enter | what i is today price Let them call " ‘Thay nicknamed Bocianey whatever thoy Tike, iis @ Dad mistake, fan artist, Dut wo don't thiuk much of hin, He styles Distt Now 4. In piviag interpreta sintactin a elemental sau elementelor de pe coloana a Sa, exist vege inte gramatisnis Paton couidera ed | esto vorba tot deo pare insparabils « unutwcomplement det complex” = ca gin modblelo vorbale 8,4, 5 6, — dar exist fi opni aed avem de ataccewun,lomont proticati suplimentar® (in engleete prediotive adn), Cashingramatica omni. Important sate sf rejinem 1 acnasti cat | strato ae ua caracter caueativ-faci, coloana a 3-a indetod gerlatul efi 2 Aces struct ee fol. cu un name relat restrins de verbe | caeindied asl efector: to appoint |= a num to baptize, cl ochre, 1 hrinn to rn, to dengnate, to dab [a pore oes, ett find to eve, to make, o mame io nickname (—a pore t namin prope ida), stale (— ae da drep). Bia upsets ria te coer antl wea es sors ub refed Ino sing peroana saluacariaal 9 onite eo folate art oll seo) Eig: They elected him President, n ay Exereifit 1, Gitifi eu gles tare 3i copiayi exemplele dete pentru MV 8, 2. Incercati toate vatiantele posibile pentru traduccrew exeme plelor in limba romana. 3 Formula tntrebisi pentru primele cinet propoxiit con- form modelului: MODEL: 1. They appointed Mishel vic-charman, Who did they appoint visvchairmen? 4. Trecefi primele opt propozipii din tabel la diateza pasivat MODEL: 1. They appointed Michae! vice-chairman, Michael wear appointed vice-chairman, 5. Completati propozipiile de mai jos eonform modelului pentiu a objine proporitit in MVS, MODEL: Ho i the leader ofthe group. The peple ceed The people etd hin losdr ofthe Group, 4. She is dean of the English Department. They appointed 2, Hlizabeth “IT became Queen in 1952. They crowned 3. You are the head of the voluntary work team, We have mate 4, He is vice-chancelior of the University The university board have nominated.» Her real name is Patricia but she is known by the name of Pat. Mer paitnts named .... but they eald .. 6. When they came, the house was a real’ palace and now ive a pigsty | (—coeind). ‘They found ..., and they have oft 6. Defi rispunsuri complete a urmatoarele intrebsei finind cont de sugestiile din. paranteza. MODEL: Do you call Hnglsh ditteutt language? (fairly ex) call English a fairly easy language 4. From what you know, would you style her @ great artist? {just a dileitante) Why did they nickname her Carrots? (because of her red bee 6 Hee tad i deghis would yom nie hee Pala © we nporto~ j 5, Wont a hi net mea mastic ert)? [ihe sors thing he has written 39 fer, 0. eceltny ted root vo lat thnk hs wade pedogray svhut i is tonay? (a scence) . Completafi proporitile de mai jos folosind verbele din abel la forma corespunzatoare: make call nickname style appoint a | He <-. himself a doctor only Deeause he had studied medi “MODEL: a 4. They hhis suocessor until he had found a 8. Formulati. propozifii eu cuvintele sugerate pentru obine MV 8: MODEL: adhe /a. meme of our lb . De yo think we sn make him o mander of ur cab? We mate her member ofr abst ec el Jtradeunion Neder a SEN (yaa, moat strict); find f optimistic person; ms call genuine (-adeedrat, autentic) British Bnglish; nominate {President ofthe ‘Grand National Assembly lect cheieswoman ‘of the ‘eommittee. » Trecefi urmatoarele proposifii de ta diateza pasivas la Aintera activa, pented a obfine structurale MV 8: MODEL: He was appoint prbal ofthe seo) They appined him principal of the sc 4, She was elected mayor by all citizens, 2 The Fortress was left a ruin by. the enemy 3 He was nokuamed Fatty by his schoolmates, ' . An American president's wife is called the First Lady. Me wat deine Chet of tha "Vise Sunk (=rzoda de moranuri by his boss , f Should’ he be styled "Your Excellency” or merely Sie"? The book was named “An Autobiographical Sketch” by the author hime is 10, Socainka sia sams Pir eT a tole 1 Nin ally rsa ot as ees 2A AEN, ash ln nha a iba REE st ot iin np (a When ithe minister nominate him Giretor enue ee ia ERE a Sy SSE 1 Qu of apn (i) 6 ied te tin hi Sry? fon oe first school-day ) 11, Studiayi MV & si MY 1905; parateazati apoi proposiiie dem jos, wesc diferente de seas Popes wovet: a) found him an old man (ALY 8), He as an old man, >) L found him a job (SV 190). He gos gond jb. | Ms MV OB + [Ale 1 found ber a nie lady. - [2] We mage him an honorary smote. fa He lett her a happy wiman, 4) 1 found ber a place to lve 23) We mado him propel 3) He left her a billet-doux. (= serisorioa de amr) a She called him @ nuisance | 6/b She ealed him a doctor. 5/b We found him good wie, (om tn tat fren) | ofa t made him fotare (arate) Ja Tet him @ sad ma. 5) T made him a suggestion. 2) 1 ett him my victing-ar, 12, Combinatipropozijile urmatoare eu ajutorul conjunctiei ut, Traduceti frazelo tn limba romans. A. Dickens entitled his novel The Posthumous Papers | of the Pickwick Club, Everybody calls it Pickwick pers. 2. They appointed « new man to the job, He proved inox- _* poritnced and inefficient 8, Thoy insisted on electing him chairman, He felt 10 tired to'accept the job. 4, Everybody designates Intoral his best work, Personally 7 Vike Pestibule and Water nc better |, Loft him an apprentice. When I returned to the factory ten years later I found him foreman of the best team. 6. He sayx he has made their workshop what it is today. PT thin he is strotching things bit 7. Pa never thought they would choose him chairman of | tinie lub. Thad probably misjudged him.” 1B. Traducefi in romaneste urmatoarele proporiti 41. Jimmy was nominated candidate for that important func tion ig 12, ua 2. ‘Three times he refused . Probabil ed paringii_ Ini to he crowned emperor, ‘They designated him my substitute during my absence, They named, her Arabella or something, but of eouree exarsbody walls her ety, Call'it whatever you will, I say it is damned cheek. }. Since he had been nicknamed Nicoard Potcoava, nobody fever remembered his real name. . With good justification be styles himeelf the founder of the local. mnsenm, thing he could repeat was “Ch eft it marble". wer found English If the principal hadn't made the school what it was at that time, T should certainly have sent my daughter else- where, % . They dubbed him “the small Napoleon” and the nickname hhas somehow stuck to him (=a ae fipi). He stood a very slim (—slab) chance of being appointed head of that office, and he didn’t very much care about it either ¢ They had to name. their first son Alesander, in keeping with the tradition in their family. Gisiti unul sau mai multe eohivalente englezesti pentru fiecare din urmatoarele proporitii sau fraze: ‘Vaizind ci Papa erita si incoroneze imparat, Napoleon ba smuls coroana din ming gi gi-a pus-o singur pe cap, sau simjul ridicolului elnd au dat _numele de Propertins Nu se stie cine La poreclit Pastorel, dar pind la ura a rimas cunoscut astfel, mai degraba’ decit ‘ett numele sit. adevarat. 2 . pi ice artist dramatic, dar mie mi se pave ed © mai mult tun clova ieftin, Milioane de oameni considerd ,,Gioconda” drept cea m: bund operd a lui, dar nu shat ‘pufini nici eet dezamagiti do ea Cred ci are mult. prea putine ganse si fie ales tn frantea ‘organizatiot noastre, dar jude rest Nu trecuserit nici zoce ani de elnd intrase in echipa aceea, 431 intl deja numit antronor gi conducind-o din victoris in victove. lesigur cd s-er putea ca eu sil 10. Te diplomatica. Zive lumea ed inginerul get a facut atelierul si fie ceea ce ar eu cred e& zelul muncitorilor # adus 0 fa ajnns astizi, ‘contributie sential ‘Gind gia ales-o secretard, au se gindea cd sofia lui ar putea favea ceva impotriv ‘Abia in vora, ind se Yine Congresul (=Conoention) Parti- mae a putea gli cine objine investitura dala Repub sean J cnd fost nuit rotor gt ed nu-mi mai di bund zit eG 1. Ew tic of 0 poezie slabuta, dar criti nici o clip $0 declare o eapodoper litor-in-chief) , apooape soviet + Verb ° [Proje PEPER, tt went the txt | translated on the spot 2 Leould hanily make | iyset | ard 3. Did yom hae yourname | called? 4. Thay found Thole car, | abandoned in a. ioge Exitos you ever beard | the sonata | plaged by this young man 6. 1 shold prcter the matter | stlled (a rena) hee. 7. He felt bis body | shaken. The lawyer wished the case | kept acre for wile ie fone tn M9 aint unnitartes in MY 8A — ff nae, prfers tae tant, Co wih; In varanta cate Maret goin AW GC to hae, cusensude "to suffr™ Siu a experione™ Bxereifit 1. Gitti cu elas tare gi copiati proportile core exempife® GN oe ble fn inig tomin 2, Theol primele sae propociit la persana a THL-a sigue a MODEL: 4 Lyant the ext znsated on the ep. He wats he ext tale on the spol 3. Completa urmatoarele propoziit folosind MV 9. MODEL: Tony called your name. Did you Beare Dil yu ee your mame eld? Thy finely settled the matter. He finally sa... The wert i to be translated on the spot. The manager ants 4 3. They kept the case secret for a while. ‘The lawyer ssished : Mer body vas shaken at the sight. She fa ‘AI the students respected the young teacher. He made, himself i 6. Ja abandoned on a side road. Jane found Oe Ce Te ahead nates mn 4a) Completati proportile de mai jos cu verbele din tabel J 1. 1 wish the job finshed at once. Ta forma eorespunzatoare 2 She would prefer her son settled in his own, house * 3 want this text translated into English. (the students) 4. He made his power felt. (everybody ). 4 5. The manager Would like {his fetter typed at once. (the seeratary) 6. Weeard this sonata pesformed by « young pianist ‘my wateh broken on the floor? (iit ow atenkie propose date ex exemple peutn this letiee sent by registered post? NIV OB. Observati folosrea verbelor 10: have git» t. Uti ‘was s0 loud, that he could hardly ... himself slizarea verbelor to have gi to gain MVOB seat oa aethunea . te ofestuata de altoineva pentru persoana care are nev 4, The litle hoy had never ... a man wounded and he started de un antimit servis, Verbul to-hnve este innit at erving with fear. fales In conversa formate gin sexs, po cind to get, free: ‘The patient entered the surgery when he ... his name ‘Vent In vorbirea usuala, sigereazi 0 'ctiune mai decks called. fi esto adeseori folosit la imperativ saul Infiniti. De ase 4 Tenea verbul to like acceptd elipsa hui to have: Pt like (10 ¥) Continuafi urmatoarea situatie, folosind verbele din tal pelacke Dea een eae ce rea tere tobaind reba ala baa have) it typed out by 3 0 clock a veh | want ike MODEL VERBAL 98 (MV 9B) Stwotion: Miss Smith ig soeretary in a big offic. She js always busy Subic + verb (Peon asher manager santseerything done quickly and propery aa A. the letters translated on the spot 2 the auswers. typed: 3: the letters sent by the early post 2 When did you get : 4, the difficult issues reviewed by an expert; have your hair} ut 5. problems settled quickly: 3 Can you have get ay ring | printe i ¢.e er ee ripe | she man wants to have | you sent to court, 5. Verbole din MV 9A. pot fi folosite si in MV 3 sau MV 5. 5. Did you actually have | those teeth | pulled out? Tn MV A ‘se subliniazé ncjinnea, (Was your name. 8.1 mist have my hair | done, called ?). In MV 3/MV 5 no intereseazi i porsoana care efec= 2. Did you sour lien | washoa? ‘uueazi acfiunea (Did you hear the teacher call your name?) 8 You had beter havejget | the root | mended ‘Transformsti urmitoarele proposijii din MV 0A in MV 3 | 2 Leming 1 shall nave [the matter | Seen to by a speciale ea MV 5, 10, Do you hopo to have got | this article | published?” 14, Wouldnt it be better to nave a ited fist? 12, Ponder why they don't have tne pavemont | repaired, 4. We haa our house | repaired and painted MODEL: Did youhearjwant your ame cll? (the teacher) hi Did you heer the tosh ell your name? (MV 5) Did you wat the chert ell your name? (MVS) 6 — L englezt prin exerijil structurale — ¢. 96, ' a Talal to ae sat get, up eum ‘The curator of the museum by experts. Tnust Loinarro. ‘that tree cut down. t's blocking the vay. The manager wanted ia >. the report finched at once. ‘Anthony Quinn bes recenily ... his memoirs published Are yout... your carpet cleaned? . ce the ae chsked Her tomorow, pense. ‘amous people often do aot... their telephone numbers puted : 1 Mose trousers don't fit you. altered? In vorbirea familiard, construohia. get + partcipiul teeut poate exprima o comand ce va fi efeetuata de persoana Cireia 5 te da comanda gi mw de alteineva. De aror ream bore sour fate comes home Bs Sous Tom doe tone our father ees ete). Polish your shoes! ost this letter! Wash those dishes! Iron the hiner Glean your suit! Make the beds! Mend the jeckelt | Wash my hist! | Do this job! | Repair the TV set! + the manuscript examined my hair done today. I'm going to a wedding Why don’t you... them | 8 Formula Sotvbie yi rispunsur,flosind MY 9B, MODBL: ee = tat [As How often do you have your eyes tested? Bs J have my eyes tested ent a month baby — weighed; fear — checked; shoes — repaired ; suit — cleaned; 5. teeth — checked ; MODEL: + carpet led house — painted ing Heence — renewed; eats ~ washed’ feflexes ~ teste. La ce unitifi de servire a populate! putt obtine uri {oars rig Raspunde}ia Insite ajatoral cavi ‘chor din tabel etal the dyes spirie) the dry cleaners (-eariavri eimieo) the laundeette latrie) the garage the cobbla’s (sioner) (be photographie’ the dressmaker the barber the dresses Ware do you have your shag sled? (= ping yi Pesan eee Mane a i] 1, Where do you have your phojos developed, printed (=a pia) and enlarged? 2, Where can you get laundey (—rafe murdare) washed? 3, Where do people have their cars washed, checked or re- ied 4, Where can women have dresses made, mended, altered, Shortened or lengthened? 5, Whore do people get clothes dyed? 1 ee doe hae sus made akerd, taken fo (a srimga) ot Wet out. (=a lrgt)? " 7) os omen! Rave: theie hair shampooed, cut. oF ermed? a Where can people have their clothes or carpets cleaned 9 Where do. men get their hair cutand their beard. shaved or trimmed? 10, Comentati urmatoarele propozijii folosind MY 9B: MODEL: ‘This dress is very short shall ave ig ‘must a ‘Your dress is very creased, 2 1 like this photograph, but it is too small, TV sot isn't working again, 4. Your hair's fae-too long. 5. T peed a lighter suit for the summer. 6. IW five years since we painted this fence, % That tre in front of the house makes your room dark: 8 Leave the suiteases in the hall for the moment. 9. He can't type his letters 11a) Co sorvici puteyi objine Ja urmatoarele unitagi de servire & populatie at the hairdressers at the harber's at the tailor at the dressmaker’s at & garage; at a ‘lsunderettes at the dyer’s at the dry cleaner's; at the cobbler's: ‘at the photographer's? b) Dupa cum afi observat, MV 9B grupeazi corespondentole vominesti pentru descrierea sau relatarea majoritagi actias nilor din categoria situatiilor legate de sservicite cag Populatic” croitorie, cizmaie, frierie, ecafuri, ceacorn sie, manichiuré, vopsit, zugrivit, reparafii ponte imobile, automobile, spilat, 31 curijat chimic ete) procum #1 alte ‘peratii similare, Aleituiti un text eare sii nareze In 1520 Propozitit activititile din cursul nei siptamini, pentru Bospodirie, ingrijiren personnel, toaleta ete. — fdlocind structuri din modelal verbal 9B. Verbul to have din MV 8B poate fi folost gi in MY SB. In acest caz se indict pertoann care va estos aeqiune Forman din MY” OB este Ins pai wouals ty euungare a acfunii este exprimata prin MY) Rene Jai urmatoarele propo confor mnedelut MODEL: Last work we had our house rpaind. (MV 9B) Last week we had cam of workers repair our hua. (MV 5B) Least week « tum of workers mpaied eur howe (MV 1) 4. Did you actually have that tooth pulled out? (the des fit) : 2. Kat going to have this radio fixed. (the repairman) ‘They're having the root mended. (a ourker) When will you have the sngine of thi ear” repaired >= (a foal mechanic) You must have this trensltion revised, (an expert) Why don't you have the lining of this voat, changed? (your tailor} must have this swelling checked by « specialist ‘She ought to have her hair done By a Dettr hairstylist 18. Citifi si traduceli in roméneste exemplele date pentru MV Sc: ‘MODEL VERBAL 9¢ (MY 9¢) ees a aaa Complement tect (Projaume iracuay | Parte mu tect | Subivet + Verb ‘The French monarch nad his head” eat oft 2. actualy had say tlt | broken into by burglars 3. Tho driver ad his arm | ampmtates. lj ‘The commander had | his seed | alot undo him, rms) 5 My trot has ad | his Bicycle | atten ew 6 While playing football Iw had his shoulder | badly sratbed 1 | Treoefi urmatoarele propozifii din MV 9B 3i MV 90 in vorbirea indirect MODEL: Did Tom have his bicyle stolen? wonder I wonder whether Ta hd hs bicycle soln 4. Did the rider in the film actually have two horses shot under him? 1 want to know 2 Has he got anything saved for old age? PU ask him 3 Will Thaye my leg amputated? L'il'ask the doctor 85, gto have your fenoe and gate painted again? 15. "Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba eng! sind MV 9(A, B,C) tn vorbire indieetas, ee PO A rea stiu dae sate de neord Ag va a kin dad slate de acord s4 dim probleme pe . Ma intreb dac aw pus si se traduek rezum Ma ot p tradi vatul in limba Vreau sivi intreb daca pot simi publice acest : : mi publice acest anunf. Nu stim dacé-si spala singura rufele sau le da la spalat, - Am s-0 intreb daca a vizut pisicuja abandonata le intrave. . Ma intreb dacd se gindestecineva ta astupe grog ccolpul steazii. ke Satomi ets . Vreau aa stiu dacd ti-ai vopsit pulovarul. + MA Inte ded not) director gia faewt imei simgita Combinitiurmontle propor in faze, flr Junefiile din paranteze, i ‘ aoe MODEL: ‘There was much laughter inthe theatre, ‘The actors could hardly make themselves heard. (0 .-. dt ‘ho rao mach aor these a tar ce hhandly make themselves, heard ‘The boy was idle about his homework. He seemed not to want it finished at all, (s0 ... that) ‘We had our roof mended only last winter. Now it leaks (a curse) again. (nt) ‘ ‘ou want the ease hushed up (=trecut sub tdcere) for Dees You should by no means tll them about ay Get'the job done. We can talk it over in better term, (and) me . The neighbour wished the boy put in prison, The found him not guilty. (lihoggh) PO” The judge . The acoustics of this hall aro bad. You have to shou order to make youre heard, (ao han)” “howe i . You could have your shoes re-solad. 1 wonder wl ‘itis worth it, (bu) rod : ie: * conjunctile din abel: A, Lucrezi atit de incet de pare nici w-ai vrea si termini ‘vreodata traduceren 2, Soful ei ia veut fafa rivasita de pline, dar n-a intrebat-o 3, Degeaba-}i mai faci atitea rochii dacd nu le pori 4. Daca vei munei en sirguint’, te vei face respectat de toata James, 5, Rozolva, te rog, aceasts problema ingrata $i dupi aceea putem discuta planul pentru Juna viitoare. 6, Imediat ce a ajuns academician gi-a facut un porteet tn marime natural. 18, Traduce}i in limba romén urmatoarele propoitii ce reprezinté exemple la cele 3 variante ale modelulut verbal 4, Would you prefer the debt settled on the spot? 2, The manager wanted the letter seit at once. 3. Do you sant this story translated into English? 4, Please, did you happen to ear my name called too? 5, It was only three days later that the police found my car abandoned on a deserted road. 6, Do you actually hope to have all your mistakes overlooked: 7. When did they Inst have their roof mended? "4 4 Wouldn't it be better to have the text thoroughly revised | by an expert? ’ |. He said that he had bad bis car broken into at least. wie | The cold made its influence felt in various ways. The young teacher managed to. make herself wespected within « few weeks, thanks to her diligence, devotion (de Potament) and fine manners. . You may very well want the work finished quickly, but — it will take quite a long time. 4 1. Think you ought to have your hair done by a better hairs stylist. y ‘agasiner Would you actually want the man sent to court for suc , Apna offence (Sconiranetie; wbay wyssah Why don't you have your overeat djed eeu? Have you had your front woth Ble (3 ploma? | Mars penta have some money saved or the od oe, deateauntchman on duty had gone to « wedding etn, they had their fence broken Dg tone cai fant sos fine scone in the fn, the she ating with the robbers after he had had two horses ating So. are all agreed that we toy th 1 you actually want to consult «soliton, {i tide will have to have his fros-btten (-degenet) toe amputated : +o you want thié telegram translated into German? - Hraduet in englereic urmatoarele propor, tlosind fr una in Vasa modell eral 3 a ond Drinse"din'modelele anterionre : ai2h OHert i pune bani deoparte pentru batiete, Unde iyi Comanal tu eamagles + Peck nag fi aurit uvertura executatd de orchesten dia Buowregt, a9 fi crezat ef « 0 lucrare fara eaten femeie a, pict prancul repels baer fi ba numit Quisimeds, Xu cumva ai aust dct m-au strigut i pe mine? i Chad. vali zugrdvit. apartamentls + De dgad ri au forat ganar wpe bine Hudson gt de amindous a ost pringi intimplat si vad un om adus inte-o asemenea, situatie disperata i iarisi sa spart. * Hagitl Putin de o lund de Ie tntourceren din coneadia atte SH repare gi sii zugravensod apartament . Nu resi ed ar fi cazul sa te tunel? Turi inte-o bund zi. + Dec ar fi si mi jaw dupé ideile tale moderne, ar trebui Bi mugeavim dormitorul in galben, sufrageria' in, verde, salonul in rogu $i holul in basten Hine lara aga c& (rebuie 34 reparam incdl}aminten copiilor 4i se facem cite un costum de haine, Nreau ca problema si fie examinatd de un expert As profera sit rezolvim chestiunea pe Joc, dar dned nu se poate, s-o aminam pentru sedinja viitoare. a

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