2020 Ortoleva - Vasoplegia During Cardiopulmonary Bypass Current Literature and Rescue Therapy Options

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Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 000 (2019) 110

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Review Article
Vasoplegia During Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Current
Literature and Rescue Therapy Options
Jamel Ortoleva, MD*, Alexander Shapeton, MDy,
Mathew Vanneman, MDz, Adam A. Dalia, MD, MBA, FASEz

Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Vasoplegia syndrome in the cardiac surgical intensive care unit and postoperative period has been an area of interest to clinicians because of its
prevalence and effects on morbidity and mortality. However, there is a paucity of evidence regarding the treatment of vasoplegia syndrome dur-
ing cardiopulmonary bypass (on-CPB VS). This review aims to detail the incidence, outcomes, and possible treatment options for patients who
develop vasoplegia during bypass. The pharmacologic rescue agents discussed are used in cases in which vasoplegia during CPB is refractory to
standard catecholamine agents, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, and phenylephrine. Methods to improve vasoplegia during CPB can be
both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic. In particular, optimization of CPB parameters plays an important nonpharmacologic role in vasople-
gia during CPB. Pharmacologic agents that have been demonstrated as being effective in vasoplegia include vasopressin, terlipressin, methylene
blue, hydroxocobalamin, angiotensin II (Giapreza), vitamin C, flurbiprofen (Ropion), and hydrocortisone. Although these agents have not been
specifically evaluated for vasoplegia during CPB, they have shown signs of effectiveness for vasoplegia postoperatively to varying degrees.
Understanding the evidence for, dosing, and side effects of these agents is crucial for cardiac anesthesiologists when treating vasoplegia during
CPB bypass.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Key Words: vasoplegia; vasoplegia syndrome; hypotension during bypass; intraoperative vasoplegia; vasoplegia during bypass

VASOPLEGIA SYNDROME (VS) has been reported in up of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) commonly occurs because
to 20% of patients undergoing cardiac surgery,1 with even of hemodilution and cardioplegia administration, this typically
higher rates in specific patient populations.2,3 Vasoplegia is resolves without intervention or with minimal doses of vaso-
defined by a low mean arterial pressure (MAP), a normal or pressors. In contrast to transient hypotension, vasoplegia dur-
elevated cardiac index (CI), and a low systemic vascular resis- ing CPB (on-CPB VS) refers to vasoplegia that occurs during
tance (SVR) that is refractory to conventional doses of com- cardiac surgery exclusively on bypass that is refractory to
monly used vasopressors, such as norepinephrine.4,5 Vague high-dose vasopressors. Although there is no broadly accepted
terms such as “low MAP” often appear in the literature regard- definition, for the purposes of the present review, on-CPB VS
ing this definition because institutional, regional, and clinical is defined as a bypass flow sufficient for a CI 2.2 and a MAP
practices vary with differing MAP goals ranging from 55 to 65 <60 mmHg despite high doses of vasopressors (0.2-0.5 mg/
mmHg.4,5 Even though transient hypotension upon initiation kg/min norepinephrine equivalents).5 Other studies that have
examined vasoplegia both during CPB and in other settings
1 have used similar definitions.6-9 The lack of a universal defini-
Address reprint requests to Adam Dalia, MD, MBA, FASE, Department of
Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital,
tion has resulted in significant heterogeneity in the reported
55 Fruit St., Boston, MA 02114. incidence and clinical outcomes of vasoplegia during cardiac
E-mail address: aadalia@mgh.harvard.edu (A.A. Dalia). surgery across different studies.

1053-0770/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110

The pathophysiology and etiology of vasoplegia may occur orthotopic heart transplantation and found that 16% developed
intraoperatively during CPB, after weaning from CPB, or postoper- vasoplegia during CPB.7 Compared with other heart transplan-
atively in the intensive care unit (ICU).5 The etiology of vasoplegia tation patients, patients with on-CPB VS had significantly lon-
is complex and not fully understood but likely involves nitric oxide ger ICU LOS, increased rates of renal replacement therapy,
(NO) dysregulation, vasopressin depletion, endothelial dysfunction, and higher mortality at 30 and 60 days.7 Another study of 80
abnormal hydrogen sulfide metabolism, ascorbic acid sequestra- patients found that 10% of patients undergoing aortic valve
tion, and prostaglandin release.5 Patients who specifically develop procedures developed on-CPB VS compared with 20% of
hypotension or vasoplegia during CPB are at increased risk of patients with prior cardiac surgery.8 Levin et al. assessed
worse cardiac or neurologic outcomes compared with patients who 2,800 patients undergoing cardiac surgery and found that 58%
develop vasoplegia after completion of CPB, despite both cohorts experienced at least transient vasoplegia during bypass.13 The
experiencing similar pathophysiologic mechanisms.10,11 higher frequency of vasoplegia in that study may have been
Numerous patient-specific risk factors, such as sex, body mass attributed to a broader definition of vasoplegia, which was
index, and presence of a left ventricular assist device, also correlate defined as any patient experiencing a >20% decrease in MAP
with vasoplegia during CPB (Table 1).7,12 CPB itself may amplify within 5 minutes of CPB initiation for more than 2 minutes.
vasoplegia for the following 2 reasons. First, hemodilution from Despite this broad definition, patients in the cohort who devel-
crystalloid pump primes may reduce blood viscosity, reducing oped vasoplegia during bypass had increased rates of postoper-
overall vascular resistance. Second, blood interaction with CPB ative vasoplegia, prolonged hospital stay, and death. In another
components may result in the release of inflammatory mediators, retrospective cohort study, Tsiouris et al. found that 20% of
worsening vascular tone and resulting in hypotension. Because at cardiac surgical patients experienced vasoplegia; of these,
least part of the etiology of on-CPB VS is a result of direct patient 77% experienced vasoplegia intraoperatively.1 A majority of
contact with the bypass machine, some cases of vasoplegia during these studies are heterogenous and restricted to smaller sub-
CPB may resolve after weaning from bypass; others, however, groups of cardiac surgical patients, impairing overall estima-
may persist into the post-bypass and ICU periods. tion of the prevalence and clinical implications of vasoplegia
Understanding the causes and treatment options for vasople- during CPB. Risk factors, prevalence, and outcomes for vaso-
gia during bypass is important because patients who develop plegia during CPB are derived from the literature and are pre-
VS have significantly increased ICU length of stay (LOS), hos- sented in Tables 1 and 2.6-8,10,11,14,15
pital LOS, risk of kidney injury, and mortality.1 Although
numerous studies have investigated patients with postoperative Effects of Hypotension During CPB
vasoplegia, the prevalence and clinical outcomes of patients
who develop on-CPB VS is less understood.1,4,5,14 Large studies specifically investigating vasoplegia during
The present review differs from previous reviews regarding bypass are lacking, partially because a universally accepted
vasoplegia, which often is described postoperatively in the definition of vasoplegia is lacking. Alternatively, some larger
ICU, because herein the incidence, outcomes, and possible studies have evaluated the clinical outcomes of hypotension
treatment options for patients who develop vasoplegia during during CPB (defined as a MAP <65 mmHg). Because pro-
CPB are discussed. The pharmacologic treatment options for longed hypotension is a necessary element of vasoplegia, out-
on-CPB vasoplegia are similar to those used to treat vasoplegia comes from these larger studies of on-CPB hypotension may
in the ICU. The pharmacologic rescue agents discussed are be extrapolated to patients who develop the refractory hypo-
agents used in cases in which vasoplegia during bypass is tension central to vasoplegia during CPB.
refractory to standard doses of catecholamine agents such as Systemic hypotension may not necessarily result in end-organ
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and phenylephrine. hypoperfusion. Local vascular autoregulation may result in
microvascular vasoconstriction in the setting of systemic hypo-
Prevalence and Outcomes of On-CPB VS tension, maintaining adequate tissue perfusion. Despite possible
autoregulatory mechanisms, patients who experience on-CPB
Few studies have examined the prevalence of vasoplegia hypotension may experience worse outcomes.7 In a large retro-
during CPB. Truby et al. assessed 138 patients undergoing spective cohort of cardiac surgical patients, Sun et al. found that
patients with a MAP <65 mmHg during CPB were significantly
more likely to have end-organ injury, such as stroke, compared
Table 1
Risk Factors for Vasoplegia During Cardiopulmonary Bypass7,13 with patients with a MAP >65 mmHg.11 The risk of stroke was
both MAP- and time-dependent during bypass; additional
Left ventricular ejection fraction >40% reductions of MAP <65 mmHg and increased time with MAP
Male sex
<65 mmHg were associated with incremental increases in
Higher body mass index stroke risk. Importantly, this risk was only amplified with hypo-
Presence of left ventricular assist device tension during CPB; hypotension during either the pre- or post-
Longer duration of cardiopulmonary bypass bypass period was not associated with stroke risk.
Hypotension immediately upon initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass In another study, Gold et al. randomly assigned patients
Perioperative angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use
undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting to a goal bypass
Infected endocarditis
MAP of 50 to 60 mmHg (low-MAP group) or 80 to 100
J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110 3

Table 2
Studies Involving On-CPB Hypotension or Vasoplegia With Prevalence and Outcomes

Study Study Type and Patients Reported Study Prevalence Study Definition of Hypotension Reported Study Outcomes
Population (Number) or Vasoplegia

Christakis et al.6 Prospective cohort; 555 28% of patients required Vasoplegia defined as >800 mg No difference in stroke
CABG patients >800 mg phenylephrine of phenylephrine to maintain a No difference in mortality
during CPB MAP >50 mmHg with a CI
>2.2 L/min/m2 during CPB
Gold et al.10 Randomized controlled 248 124 patients with MAP 50-60 Hypotension defined as “low” Increased rate of composite of
trial; CABG patients mmHg (“low” group), 124 MAP (50-60 mmHg) compared cardiovascular and neurologic
patients with MAP 80-100 with “high” MAP group (80- complications in “low” MAP
mmHg (“high” group) 100 mmHg) group
Levin et al.13 Retrospective cohort; 2,823 58% at least transient VS Hypotension defined as >2 min Increased risk of post-CPB VS
broad cardiac surgical with a MAP >20% baseline Increased LOS
patients within the first 5 min of CPB Increased mortality
Wittwer et al.8 Retrospective cohort; 30 10% in aortic valve surgery Vasoplegia defined as Not investigated
isolated aortic valve 20% in prior right-sided vasopressor amount/CPB time
surgery or redo cardiac congenital heart disease ratio >1 standard deviation
surgery after right-sided from mean
congenital heart disease
Truby et al.7 Retrospective cohort; 138 16% of heart transplantation Vasoplegia defined as mean SVR Increased ICU LOS
heart transplantation patients <800 dynes s/cm5 despite CI Increased CVVH
patients >3 L/min/m2 and cumulative Increased mortality
dose of >1,500 mg
phenylephrine during CPB
Rettig et al.14 Retrospective cohort; 1,891 98% of patients with MAP Hypotension defined as duration No difference in acute kidney
CABG patients <50 mmHg, median and area under curve for MAP injury
duration 28 min <50 mmHg No other outcomes investigated
Vedel et al.15 Randomized controlled 192 98 patients goal MAP 40-50 Hypotension defined as “low” No difference in clinical stroke or
trial; CABG, aortic or mmHg (“low” group), 94 MAP (40-50 mmHg) compared MRI white matter infarct
mitral valve surgical patients goal MAP 70-80 with “high” MAP group (70-80 volume
patients mmHg (“high” group) mmHg) No difference in any secondary
outcomes (eg, hemodialysis,
myocardial infarction, death)
Sun et al.11 Retrospective cohort; 7,457 Not measured specifically Hypotension defined as duration Dose-dependent increased risk of
CABG or valve surgery and area under curve for MAP stroke with lower MAP (<65
<65 mmHg mmHg) and longer CPB times
with MAP <65 mmHg

Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CI, cardiac index; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; CVVH, continuous veno-venous hemofiltration; ICU, intensive
care unit; LOS, length of stay; MAP, mean arterial pressure, MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; VS, vasoplegia syndrome; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.

mmHg (high-MAP group).10 Compared with patients assigned address this question. Nonetheless, there is no current evidence
to the high-MAP group, patients in the low-MAP group were of harm using a vasopressor-based strategy to target a MAP of
almost 3-fold more likely to experience either cardiac or neu- 65 mmHg during CPB periods with adequate flow rates.
rologic complications (4.8% v 12.9%). An important weakness
of this that trial was the wide target of CI during CPB (1.6-2.4 Treatment Options for On-CPB VS
L/min/m2), implying that some results in the “low-MAP”
group may have been related to inadequate pump flow rates It is crucial when diagnosing vasoplegia during CPB to rule
using modern perfusion standards and therefore would not be out other causes of perceived hypotension, such as errors in
considered vasoplegia. The recent Perfusion Pressure Cerebral arterial line monitoring, anaphylaxis, aortic dissection,
Infarcts trial assigned 197 patients to a fixed CI of 2.4 L/min/ mechanical failure of the bypass machine, improper cannula
m2 during CPB and randomly assigned patients to a MAP goal size, erroneous medication administration, or unintentional
of 45 mmHg (low target) or 70 mmHg (high target) with vaso- torsion/clamping of cannula. If these causes are ruled out, it is
pressor administration.15 That trial found no difference in the imperative to evaluate the possible pharmacologic or nonphar-
risk of clinical stroke or magnetic resonance imagingdetect- macologic methods to reverse on-CPB VS.
able white matter changes, but it did not investigate any other
clinical outcomes. Given these data, it remains unclear Optimizing Bypass Parameters
whether the administration of vasoactive agents to correct on-
CPB hypotension affects clinical outcomes. Large randomized Both vascular and nonvascular components contribute to a
trials with broader outcome measures are needed to fully patient’s MAP during bypass. The vascular components
4 J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110

generally are nonmodifiable and include vessel length, diame- CPB VS is attributed to the volatile anesthetic, a switch to total
ter and number of vessels, and precapillary shunting.16 The intravenous anesthesia with fewer hemodynamic side effects
nonvascular components include bypass flow rate, blood tem- can be considered (remifentanil, dexmedetomidine, fentanyl,
perature, hematocrit, and blood viscosity. Optimizing these midazolam, or ketamine). In addition, it should be noted that
nonvascular components can curtail the duration and incidence patients undergoing hypothermic CPB require less anesthesia;
of vasoplegia during bypass. One of the common theorized studies have shown that a lower dose of propofol is needed to
causes of on-CPB VS is the rapid change in viscosity of blood maintain a constant bispectral index.17 Potency of both inhaled
upon initiation of bypass because of crystalloid volume prim- and intravenous anesthetics are increased in hypothermic con-
ing of the pump.16 The hemodilution that occurs during bypass ditions and can lead to hypotension if levels are maintained at
reduces the viscosity of the circulating blood thereby decreas- the levels they were before bypass during normothermia.
ing the patient’s resistance, which is reflected by a decrease in
the SVR. This is based on Poiseuille’s law/equation, where Vasopressin and Terlipressin
(h) is blood viscosity and (R) is a patient’s SVR, as follows:
Arginine vasopressin (vasopressin), also known as antidiu-
R ¼ ½8hL=pr 4
retic hormone, is a nonapeptide hormone produced endoge-
Because of this change in blood viscosity, ways to improve nously by the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior
on-pump hypotension is to either increase afterload with vaso- pituitary, which serves a critical role in blood pressure regula-
active drugs (commonly phenylephrine), increase the viscosity tion, osmotic balance, and renal function. Terlipressin is a syn-
by retroactively priming the bypass circuit (autologous blood), thetic prodrug analog of vasopressin, which is cleaved by
or transfuse packed red blood cells in anemic conditions. The endothelial peptidases to its active form, lysine-vasopressin.18
latter solution should be guided by the on-pump dilutional Although terlipressin has been used successfully to treat post-
hematocrit level or degree of unrelenting hypotension; close bypass vasoplegia, data directly comparing it to vasopressin in
monitoring of repeated decreases in the hematocrit level dur- this setting are lacking. In addition, terlipressin is not approved
ing CPB can signal an unknown source of bleeding either at by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in
the cannula site or in the thorax. A continued decrease in the the United States and Canada; however, it is commonly used
hemoglobin level should prompt an evaluation of the quality in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Binding to arginine
of venous drainage and venous reservoir levels. Priming the vasopressin receptor 1a appears to play the primary role in
bypass circuit with exogenous blood to increase circuit volume treating vasoplegia because this mechanism promotes vaso-
viscosity carries the usual risks as those for blood transfusion constriction via a decrease in production of NO; terlipressin
but should be taken into consideration for patients at high risk has more selectivity for the arginine vasopressin receptor 1a
of bypass-induced vasoplegia (see Table 1). than does vasopressin.5
Other bypass parameters that can be adjusted include pump Landry et al.19 first identified that patients experiencing vas-
flow; the target CI can be increased if vasoplegia during bypass odilatory shock have a quantitative deficiency in circulating
is encountered. Increases in pump flow can lead to hemolysis vasopressin; Argenziano et al.20 later observed the same phe-
and manifest on-pump as hematuria or after separation of nomenon in patients experiencing cardiogenic shock. A defi-
bypass. Alternatively, pre-bypass if a patient has risk factors ciency in circulating vasopressin was subsequently also
for on-CPB VS, larger venous and arterial cannulae can be recognized as a factor in the development of post-bypass vaso-
placed to enable higher flow rates (see Table 1).16 Duration of plegia, leading some investigators to evaluate prophylactic
CPB is a variable that has been linked to vasoplegia and may administration of vasopressin in cardiac surgery.21
not be adjusted easily for open heart procedures but can be An initial randomized controlled trial (RCT) exploring this
suggested in possible off-pump scenarios, such as coronary topic by Morales et al. demonstrated improved hemodynamics
artery bypass grafting, if sustained hypotension is observed. and a decrease in inotropic requirements post-CPB in cardiac
surgical patients who were prophylactically treated with vaso-
pressin (0.03 U/min, initiated before CPB).22 Papadopolous
Adjusting Anesthetic Conditions During CPB et al. later published an RCT confirming the findings of
Morales et al., in which they also reported significantly lower
Certain anesthetic agents, such as propofol and volatile rates of post-CPB vasodilatory shock and significantly lower
anesthetics, during bypass can negatively affect MAP and inotropic and catecholamine requirements in patients who
should be modified if vasoplegia during bypass is encoun- received prophylactic vasopressin.23 Neither trial specifically
tered.17 It is known that pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- addressed hemodynamics during CPB. More recently, investi-
namics are altered during bypass.17 With the administration of gators in the VANCS (Vasopressin vs Norepinephrine in
inhaled anesthetics, parameters such as oxygenator design, dis- Patients with Vasoplegic Shock after Cardiac Surgery) trial,
turbances in blood/gas partition coefficients, and tissue solubil- which randomly assigned more than 300 patients with post-
ity are altered during bypass.17 Concurrently, intravenous bypass vasoplegia to receive either norepinephrine or vaso-
anesthetics experience changes in volume of distribution, pressin, demonstrated a significantly lower primary outcome
altered plasma protein binding, drug sequestration, lung isola- (composite mortality and severe complications) in the vaso-
tion, and altered drug clearance.17 If a potential cause of on- pressin group.24
J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110 5

At present, there are no RCTs or large retrospective studies requirements.31 A current ongoing randomized trial by Low
evaluating vasopressin or terlipressin to specifically treat vaso- et al., the Hemodynamic effects of Methylene Blue versus
plegia during CPB. Given the existing literature, it is reason- Hydroxocobalamin in Patients at Risk of Vasoplegia During
able to consider a prophylactic infusion of vasopressin before Cardiac Surgery (protocol NCT03446599), is being performed
initiation of CPB in patients with multiple risk factors for vas- to measure the hemodynamic effects of 2 mg/kg methylene
oplegia. Vasopressin should be considered as a first line agent blue, 5 g hydroxocobalamin, or placebo (normal saline) during
(along with phenylephrine and norepinephrine) for treating and after CPB in patients at risk for vasoplegia. That trial is
vasoplegia on bypass and is FDA-approved for treatment of scheduled to be completed by June 2020.
vasoplegia. Before methylene blue use, flows should be maximized,
Side effects of vasopressin include, but are not limited to, which typically, per the manufacturer, cannot be more than
myocardial ischemia, reductions in cardiac output and sys- approximately 6 L/min (ideally large cannulae are used in
temic oxygen delivery, decreased platelet count and renal patients at risk for vasoplegia); the administration of catechol-
blood flow, hyponatremia, splanchnic vasoconstriction, and amine and noncatecholamine vasoconstrictors should be
ischemic skin necrosis if administered through an infiltrated attempted; and other, more easily reversible causes of vasodila-
peripheral intravenous line.24 The only absolute contraindica- tory shock should be explored (eg, adrenal insufficiency, severe
tion to vasopressin is hypersensitivity to the medication itself. anemia, and anaphylaxis).32 It is important to know the risks of
Terlipressin is contraindicated when there is hypersensitivity high flows, including hemolysis (although this ceases with the
to the medication; severe asthma; history of cerebral vascular termination of CPB), increased inflammation, and platelet acti-
disease; and during pregnancy, for which terlipressin has been vation and destruction. In addition, the off-label use of methy-
shown to cause uterine contraction, increased intrauterine pres- lene blue during CPB must be discussed with the surgeon and
sure, and decreased uterine blood flow.25 the perfusion team so as not to respond to artefactual alterations
in oxygen sensors and to be prepared for possible rare side
Methylene Blue effects, such as methemoglobinemia.32,33 Although limited,
there is some evidence that starting methylene blue early in the
Methylene blue acts as an inhibitor of NO synthase and solu- diagnosis of vasoplegia may be beneficial.34
ble guanylate cyclase, 2 enzymes involved in endothelial mus- Methylene blue exhibits important side effects, which
cle relaxation that are important in the cascade of refractory include serotonin syndrome, hemolysis in patients experienc-
vasodilatory shock.26 In cardiac surgical patients with vasodila- ing glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (approxi-
tory shock refractory to catecholamines, approximately 40% of mately 5% of the population), interference with pulse
patients have a positive blood pressure response to methylene oximetry, elevations in pulmonary vascular resistance through
blue as defined by a decrease in vasopressor doses by at least inhibition of NO synthase, methemoglobinemia, and even
20%.27 In the literature, methylene blue has been used off-label anaphylaxis.26,32,33,35 Given that the largest amount of
for cases of vasoplegia for nearly 2 decades.28 Intravenous research on the subject has involved a dose of 3 mg/kg of
methylene blue comes as a 5 mL ampule with a total of 50 mg methylene blue for vasoplegia, the authors of the present
in each vial, making a concentration of 10 mg/mL. review recommend a 2 to 3 mg/kg dose for vasoplegia during
For patients experiencing on-CPB VS, there are very limited bypass. The use of a methylene blue infusion after this bolus
data on the use of methylene blue. In a randomized trial of 30 dose also is reasonable to maintain the hemodynamic response,
patients receiving preoperative angiotensin-converting enzyme with typical dosing being 0.5 mg/kg/h for 6 hours.26
(ACE) inhibitors divided in 1:1 fashion that could not be
blinded because of methylene blue coloring the urine, Maslow Hydroxocobalamin
et al. found that a dose of 3 mg/kg of methylene blue adminis-
tered after the initial dose of cardioplegia significantly Hydroxocobalamin is a highly bioavailable form of vitamin
increased MAP during bypass.29 In that study, lactate levels in B12 that currently carries FDA approval for the treatment of
the methylene blue group also were found to be lower, and only cyanide toxicity. An emerging off-label use for hydroxo-
vasopressor requirements were reduced both during and after cobalamin is rescue therapy in cases of vasoplegia post-bypass
separation from bypass. The increased dose of 3 mg/kg of or during liver transplantation when other therapies have been
methylene blue was used because of the larger volume of dis- unsuccessful or are contraindicated. Hydroxocobalamin and
tribution that is present in patients on bypass. A case report on other cobalamins are potent direct inhibitors of NO and NO
the use of methylene blue at 2 mg/kg added to the CPB prime synthase. In addition, hydroxocobalamin directly binds sulfide
in a patient with infectious endocarditis described the resolu- and increases elimination of hydrogen sulfide, an endothe-
tion of severe vasodilation during and after bypass; of note, lium-derived hyperpolarizing factor that has been shown to act
before the induction of general anesthesia, the patient had a as an endogenous vasodilator36,37 This important mechanism
blood pressure of 170/53 and was receiving no vasoactive of action addresses a potential key cause of vasoplegia during
agents.30 Another case report described a patient undergoing bypass—NO-mediated vasodilation.
double lung transplantation who experienced vasoplegia on Hydroxocobalamin in the post-CPB setting was first
bypass, and 2 mg/kg of methylene blue was administered, described by Roderique et al. in 2014, and since then, several
which resulted in a significant reduction in vasopressor other case reports and case series have been published.38 In the
6 J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110

largest of these case series, Shah et al. reported that 24 of 33 to date is the ATHOS III (Angiotensin II for the Treatment of
(72.7%) patients diagnosed with vasoplegia after cardiac sur- High-Output Shock) trial that focused primarily on vasoplegia
gery and treated with hydroxocobalamin had an improvement in the ICU with 80.7% of patients enrolled experiencing sepsis
in MAP and a decrease in vasopressor requirements.39 A as the cause of vasodilatory shock.9 The trial involved 321
review by Shapeton et al. from early 2019 identified 7 individ- patients in vasodilatory shock who were assigned in a 1:1 ratio
ual case reports and 4 case series that described near universal to receive angiotensin II or a placebo. The primary end point
improvements in MAP and decreases in vasopressor require- was a response to the medication at 3 hours measured by an
ments after treatment with hydroxocobalamin.40 Subsequently, increase in MAP from baseline by 10 mmHg or to 75 mmHg
there has been rapid growth in this body of literature, with without increasing the baseline vasopressor doses. ATHOS III
Cios et al.,41 Armour et al.,42 and Feih et al.43 all publishing comprised almost entirely (80%) patients diagnosed with sep-
separate case series with promising results. tic shock, whereas only 19 patients were diagnosed with post-
As of publication of the present review, no RCTs or large ret- operative vasoplegia.9 The results showed that patients in the
rospective studies exist to assess efficacy, guide therapy, or angiotensin II group reached the primary end point with statis-
determine the most appropriate dosage for hydroxocobalamin in tical significance (69.9% v 23.4%; p < 0.0001; odds ratio
the treatment of vasoplegia during bypass. Because high-quality 7.95; 95% confidence interval 4.76-13.3).9 Although the
evidence is lacking, hydroxocobalamin should only be consid- effects of the drug were measured over the span of hours to
ered as a rescue agent in vasoplegia during bypass. Common days, it was noted that the MAP increased and the vasopressor
side effects such as chromaturia (red or orange), erythema, ele- dosing decreased within the first 2 hours of medication admin-
vated blood pressure, headache, rash, photosensitivity, and istration. The trial also included 7 patients who were undergo-
injection site reactions have been reported. In addition, more ing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy.46
serious side effects such as anaphylaxis, angioedema, acute All 7 patients who were treated with angiotensin II had a rapid
renal failure, and severe hypertension also have been reported. decline in vasopressor dose with a concomitant increase in
In patients with megaloblastic anemia, administration of blood pressure; causes of vasoplegia during ECMO conditions,
hydroxocobalamin must be approached with caution because it such as activation of inflammatory mediators upon contact
can precipitate hypokalemia. However, the only known absolute with the circuit, more closely resemble CPB conditions.46
contraindication is hypersensitivity to hydroxocobalamin. In a recent case report that described angiotensin II use for
Hydroxocobalamin also is known to interfere with certain labo- post-CPB vasoplegia, the dose of norepinephrine was reduced
ratory values and equipment. Furthermore, hemoglobin, baso- by 33.3% in the first hour and then by 88.9% in the second
phils, creatinine, glucose, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase hour.45 In a separate case series of 4 patients experiencing
may be falsely elevated for varying amounts of time after post-CPB vasoplegia, angiotensin II was initiated at 20 ng/kg/
administration, whereas hematocrit, leukocytes, and platelets do min and within 1 hour the MAP increased and the norepineph-
not appear to be affected. Pertinent to the cardiac surgical popu- rine dose was reduced by 27.8%.44
lation, hydroxocobalamin also has been known to trigger the The FDA-approved doses described in the literature for
false blood leak alarm in Fresenius (Fresenius Medical Care, distributive shock range from 10 to 40 ng/kg/min, with the
Bad Homburg, Germany) dialysis machines.40 catecholamine-sparing effects noticed within an hour.44,45,47
Based on a review of published cases, the predominant dos- The most serious side effect of angiotensin II is thromboem-
ing regimen in use is 5 g administered intravenously over 15 bolic events, and this risk/benefit should be seriously consid-
minutes, with the option to give a second 5 g dose if the first ered, especially during bypass.47 As a result of the
does not achieve the desired hemodynamic effect.40 Time to thrombosis risk noted in the ATHOS III trial, the use of
peak effect has not been well-studied and appears to vary angiotensin II during CPB should not be considered a stan-
greatly from patient to patient, as does onset of action (minutes dard until additional studies are undertaken. In addition,
to hours).39 because of its expense ($1,500 per vial), it may not be on for-
mulary in every institution.
Angiotensin II
Vitamin C and Combination Therapy of Hydrocortisone,
Patients undergoing CPB encounter a variety of physiologi- Ascorbic Acid, and Thiamine (HAT)
cal insults that can lead to hypotension. One of these insults
includes hydrogen sulfide release, which can lead to the inhibi- Recent studies that have examined treatments for vasoplegia
tion of endothelial ACE activity.44 In conjunction with pulmo- also have focused on the off-label use of intravenous vitamin C
nary endothelial injury and pulmonary isolation during CPB, (ascorbic acid) because there is some evidence to suggest that
the level of ACE activity is greatly reduced.44,45 Because of critically ill patients are deficient in this cofactor, resulting in
these derangements, vasoplegia during bypass may be cur- hypotension.48 Vitamin C plays a crucial role in dopamine, epi-
tailed with angiotensin II (Giapreza; La Jolla Pharmaceutical, nephrine, vasopressin, and norepinephrine synthesis, and a defi-
San Diego, CA) administration. Angiotensin II acts directly on ciency in this cofactor can lead to reduced levels of endogenous
the vessel wall to cause vasoconstriction and an increase in catecholamines.49,50 Vitamin C also plays a role in increasing
MAP.40,44 Angiotensin II has been studied in vasoplegia dur- receptor sensitivity to catecholamines, increasing microcircula-
ing septic shock and post-cardiac surgery, and the largest trial tion, scavenging reactive oxygen, reducing nitric oxide
J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110 7

synthase, and decreasing histamine release.48 It has been In both groups an alpha agonist analog was used to maintain
reported that patients experience a reduction in vitamin C after MAP >45 mmHg during CPB. The study group receiving flur-
CPB and that CPB plays a role in sequestering vitamin C, result- biprofen had a higher MAP and lower rates of alpha agonist
ing in an ascorbic acid deficiency.51 This depletion has been infusion compared with the control group (57 § 4 mmHg v 48
linked to vasoplegia postoperatively and could be a contributing § 3 mmHg; p < 0.01).54 As a marker of perfusion, urine out-
factor to vasoplegia during bypass.48 In the first report of vita- put was examined and noted to be significantly greater in the
min C administration for bypass-related vasoplegia, Wieruszew- flurbiprofen group compared with the placebo group (503 §
ski et al. described 3 cases of patients undergoing CPB ranging 179 mL/h v 354 § 112 mL/h; p < 0.01). No statistically signif-
from 55 minutes to 196 minutes who developed profound vaso- icant difference was noted between the 2 groups with respect
plegia postoperatively.48 After initiation of vitamin C 1.5 g to CPB time, aortic cross-clamp time, hematocrit, ejection
intravenously every 6 hours, the vasopressor requirements to fraction, or demographic variables. Despite its possible utility
maintain a MAP of 65 mmHg were reduced profoundly and as in the treatment of vasoplegia, the biggest limitation with this
early as 4 hours after administration.48 In 2 of the cases, this drug class is both the half-life of 5.5 hours and its negative
reduction in vasopressor requirements was noted within 1 hour. effect on platelet function and bleeding, which is especially
More recently, studies have examined the effect of HAT important in cardiac surgery.54
therapy, which combines hydrocortisone, vitamin C (ascorbic
acid), and thiamine, for the treatment of severe sepsis and vas- Steroids
oplegia.52 The largest study regarding HAT therapy was pub-
lished in 2017 and was a retrospective before-after study of 94 Inflammatory mediators released during the initiation of CPB
patients with sepsis and vasoplegia.52 Even though the primary include tumor necrosis factor; interleukins (1, 6, and 10); leuko-
end point was survival to hospital discharge, a secondary end triene; cytokines; and endotoxin.5 Corticosteroids play a signifi-
point was duration of vasopressor infusions. The 47 patients in cant role in reducing these inflammatory mediators, which
the treatment group had a mean duration of vasopressors of cause systemic hypotension. In addition, suppression of the
18.3 § 9.8 hours compared with the 47 patients in the control hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is observed as a result of
group who had a mean duration of vasopressors of 54.9 § the stress conditions of CPB.56 The role of steroids in cardiac
28.4 hours (p < 0.001).52 That study demonstrated a rapid surgery and septic shock vasoplegia has been examined exten-
reduction in vasopressor dosing within 2 hours of administra- sively.57-59 However, the use of steroids in the treatment of on-
tion of HAT therapy. Additional research regarding HAT ther- CPB VS has not been clearly studied. Dexamethasone and
apy for sepsis is ongoing and reportedly will be complete by methylprednisolone were studied in the DECS (Dexamethasone
October 2021 as part of the Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Steroids for Cardiac Surgery) and SIRS (Steroids in Cardiac Surgery) tri-
in Sepsis (VICTAS) trial (protocol NCT03509350); these als, respectively, but neither trial found a significant benefit in
results may be pertinent to the treatment of vasopressor refrac- mortality for patients undergoing cardiac surgery.58,59 The pri-
tory hypotension during bypass.53 mary focus of these studies was serious adverse outcomes such
In both the case series and studies the described dosing of as death and stroke but not vasoplegia.58,59
vitamin C was 1.5 g intravenously every 6 hours for 96 hours Hydrocortisone use for vasodilatory shock gained traction
or until vasopressor discontinuation. A relevant side effect of after the results of the CORTICUS (Corticosteroid Therapy of
vitamin C, especially during CPB, is an observed decrease in Septic Shock) trial.60 That study was an RCT involving 499
platelet activation and oxalate nephropathy. In addition, in patients, with 251 receiving 50 mg of intravenous hydrocorti-
patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, vitamin C sone every 6 hours for 11 days. Although the primary end
administration can lead to hemolysis.50 point was mortality, the study did reveal that vasodilatory
shock was reversed faster with hydrocortisone administration
Prostaglandin Inhibitors compared with placebo. The duration of vasodilatory shock
was statistically shorter in the hydrocortisone group than in the
As part of the protuberances experienced during CPB, an placebo group (p < 0.001).5
increase in prostaglandins has been described as a potential It also should be noted that the 50 mg dosing regimen is
cause for vasoplegia during bypass.54,55 It is theorized that the given over several days to hours, and this may not be as benefi-
production of prostaglandins is increased because of the cial in an acute setting during CPB unless the patient is
inflammatory response of CPB. In addition, prostaglandin is experiencing adrenal insufficiency.56 The threshold to admin-
inactivated in the lungs, but because CPB bypasses the lungs, ister corticosteroids in patients with vasoplegia during bypass
this inactivation is reduced.54,55 For the treatment of CPB- should be low because there is minimal risk to giving even
associated vasoplegia, a study in Japan examined the off-label high doses of steroids with respect to infectious outcomes and
use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory flurbiprofen sternal complications.58,59
(Ropion; Tokyo, Japan) for its prostaglandin synthesis inhibi-
tion via inactivation of cyclooxygenase properties.54 In that Conclusion and Future Investigations
study 18 patients undergoing CPB were administered 50 mg of
flurbiprofen before the start of CPB and 50 to 100 mg of flurbi- The evidence to support various treatment strategies for
profen during CPB and were compared with a control group. severe vasoplegia is minimal, but given the frequency and
8 J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110

Fig 1. Algorithm for vasoplegia during cardiopulmonary bypass. CI, cardiac index; MAP, mean arterial pressure;

need for systemic evaluation and treatment, a proposed algo- during bypass has not been well-published and leaves room
rithm is presented in Fig 1. Additional studies are needed to for further clinical investigation (Table 3). Ongoing clinical
assess whether this proposed algorithm would affect clinical studies evaluating treatment for vasoplegia during bypass
outcomes. The very definition of what constitutes on-CPB hopefully will shed light on this understudied topic. It is
VS is not well-understood as evidenced by the wide range of important for cardiac anesthesiologists to be familiar with
current definitions, which are highlighted in Table 2. these rescue agents because they may become valuable thera-
Although these rescue agents have been described in the liter- pies in the armamentarium against vasoplegia during bypass
ature for vasoplegia in the ICU, their validation in vasoplegia (see Table 4).

Table 3
Current Gaps in Evidence and Major Questions for Future Clinical Trials
Table 4
Regarding Vasoplegia During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Rescue Agents and Relevant Dosing Derived From the Current Literature
Establishing a universal hemodynamic threshold defining vasoplegia during
Drug Dose
Examining the equipment differences among CPB circuits associated with Vasopressin 0.02-0.1 U/min
vasoplegia Terlipressin* 1-2 mg/kg/h
Studying the relationship between various MAP targets (eg, 50, 60, 65 mmHg) Methylene blue* 2-3 mg/kg over 10 minutes, followed by
and end-organ effects 0.5 mg/kg/h for 6 h
Validating an evidence-based algorithm for pharmacologic treatment of Hydroxocobalamin* 5 g infused over 15 min; may repeat once
vasoplegia during CPB Angiotensin II (Giapreza) 10-40 ng/kg/min
Identifying new pharmacologic treatment options for vasoplegia during CPB Vitamin C* 1.5 g intravenously every 6 h
Evaluating the association of pharmacologic therapy for vasoplegia during Flurbiprofen (Ropion)* 50-100 mg
CPB and postoperative outcomes Hydrocortisone 50-100 mg once, then 50 mg every 6 h
Abbreviations: CPB; cardiopulmonary bypass, MAP; mean arterial pressure. * Off-label use.
J. Ortoleva et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2019) 110 9

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