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Nicole P.

BSOT 2-2

Instill/Nutshell: Q & A

1. Based on your research and discussion, what is the best leadership theory to apply to be a
better leader?
2. What are the different professional responsibilities of an OT practitioner? Explain.
3. What have I learned from the discussion? Explain using your own words.

Having a strong organizational structure is an essential part to a successful business. Through

hierarchical arrangements, business can run win qual dissemination of responsibilities and leadership
throughout the organization. Moreover, the employee’s level of authority reflects the higher they are in
the hierarchical structure. In this way, we can see how leadership works. Leadership is not a title or a
position, it is an action in which one person influences the others to work towards the fulfillment of a
specific goal. Among all the leadership theory, I am more confident that using transactional leadership
will bring the employees to strive for more success. The transactional leadership uses behavior
approach specifically operant conditioning in which there is an involvement of punishment and
rewards. When employees are successful to meet their goals, they are rewarded but when they failed
to reach their goals, they are punished. Rewards are often tangible things, privileges or bonuses while
punishments are typically negative feedback. Through this, a transaction or an exchange of work and
things happen. Personally, putting my shoe on the employee’s shoe, I am more driven to work
whenever a reward is waiting at the end. On the other hand, punishments are helpful for improvement
purposes. Through this leadership, emergencies and crisis would be effectively managed as well as
those projects that are needed to carry out in a specific time.

Aside from being an entrepreneur, OTs can also be in patient/client care, administration or
management, education and training, public relations, research and other duties. OTs in patient care
are responsible for a routine of assessment, planning, implementation and treatment of patient. During
the patient assessment, there are two (2) things we have to remember, the first one is to be familiar
with all the equipment and assessment tools we can use for different kinds of patients. The last one is
to be a keen observer and gather both subjective and objective data. After the initial assessment,
planning and implementation comes next, this involves the discussion of treatment and the activities to
be done to help the patient recover. Lastly, the evaluation, the goal of this is to find out if the treatment
is helpful or beneficial to the patient’s condition. Through this, a progress report would be submitted.
Next is the OT’s administrative or management duties, scheduling, organizing records, writing
reports about the patient’s treatment and intervention procedures. Basically, they work with other
personnel which are involved with the patient care to have a more organized report. Aside from this,
OT professionals can also continue their education an attend different workshops and training to help
them grow professionally and to improve their knowledge and area of practice. In relation to this,
several OTs prefer to do public relation in which they write informative brochures about the profession
and their practice, voluntarily giving this several agencies related to the brochure’s topic. Moreover,
research is also in demand these days, being a researcher gives us a will to become innovative and
answer different hypothesis. Just like Sir Rod, an OT can also pursue their research career, this is an
important aspect in Occupational Therapy field since it is driven by occupational science that is helpful
to improve therapeutic techniques and come up with alternatives. Other duties which are not that
specific to responsibilities mentioned above are possible in the OT field.

This discussion about leadership in the OT field reminded me of how important it is to have a
coordination and teamwork to achieve success. Theories regarding leadership gives me ideas how
can I become an effective yet better leader in the future, through the supervisory and strategic
theories, we can become a better leader. But, as I learned throughout the discussion, all of the theory
under both supervisory and strategic have their own pros and cons. This means that we cannot avoid
failure and struggles but all we need to do whenever things don’t go on our way is to have faith and do
our best, we have to try it again and again. OT can basically do a wide range of task; from the
discussion I realized that we can choose what role we want but we have to keep in mind that different
roles require different responsibilities. And as a professional we have to respect and take care of our
client’s health and do the best we can do to help them. Moreover, through this lesson I deeply learned
how these roles contribute to every client in general. All in all, based on the lesson, we have to trust
ourselves and always do our best for our client.

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