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Name ...................................................................

Task 1: Read the text, then answer the questions below:

Ida was a kind-hearted girl, and one day when crossing a bridge, she saw two boys on the stream, trying to
drown a little dog. So, she ran to the shore, and crying loudly, Oh! How can you be so cruel to that poor little dog?
The boys looked at her in wonder, and one of them said, Father told us to drown it. The dog had reached the bank
and crept toward Ida. Poor little fellow, she said, patting his head, Will you give him to me?
Yes, said the boys, You may have him and welcome. Ida thanked the boys and ran home. Oh! Mamma, she
cried, look at this dear little dog, two boys were trying to drown him and I asked them to give him to me. May I keep
him, Mamma? My dear child, said Mrs. Mason, I am very glad to hear that you saved the little dog from pain.

1. What does Ida see when she is crossing the bridge?


2. Why do the boys want to drown the little dog in the stream?


3. Do the boys give the dog to Ida?


4. What does Ida’s mother say when she hears the story?


5. Do you have a dog? If the answer is yes, what’s his/her name? If the answer is no, would you like to have a
dog? Why/Why not?


Task 2: What time is it?

2:30 ...............................................................................................................................................

5:15 ...............................................................................................................................................

4:20 ...............................................................................................................................................

1:25 ...............................................................................................................................................

4:40 ...............................................................................................................................................

6:55 ...............................................................................................................................................

7:35 ...............................................................................................................................................

9:10 ...............................................................................................................................................

10:15 ...............................................................................................................................................

5:19 ...............................................................................................................................................
Task 3: The Days of the Week ----------- Which day comes next?

FRIDAY ---------- SATURDAY ----------- SUNDAY ---------- ..................................................

SUNDAY --------- MONDAY --------------- TUESDAY -------- ..................................................

MONDAY -------- TUESDAY --------------- WEDNESDAY -------.............................................

SATURDAY ------- SUNDAY ---------------- MONDAY ----------- ..............................................

TUESDAY ---------- WEDNESDAY ------------ THURSDAY ------------ ..............................................

Task 4: School Subjects: Find the mysterious word!

MYSTERIOUS WORD: ..................................................................................................................

Good luck!

34 answers

0-5/34 =I
6-15/34 = S
16-25/34 =B
26-34/34 =FB

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